
Astereognosis is a violation of tactile gnosis, in which a person cannot identify objects by touch and determine their shape, size and consistency. In this case, the ability to recognize familiar objects, such as coins, keys, etc., is impaired. Astereognosis is often observed with lesions of the parieto-occipital regions of the cerebral cortex. Other names for this disorder are touch agnosia, tactile agnosia. Astereognosis can be an isolated disorder or combined with other disorders, for example, apraxia. Diagnosis of astereognosis is carried out using a neuropsychological examination. Treatment is aimed at restoring brain function.

Astereognosis is the loss of the ability to sense the spatial orientation of the hands and feet. For example, a patient, when performing the commands “put your fingers together in a pinch” or “put your thumb on the tip of your nose,” may not be aware of what is happening. Impaired perception manifests itself as follows: the patient’s fingers do not recognize the contours of objects well; the patient has difficulty feeling the surface of an object; vibration is felt when touching many objects, but this symptom does not make it possible to correctly localize the object. Perceptual impairment is difficult to differentiate from a condition where