Autan Lotion

Autan lotion is an insecticidal and repellent product produced by Bayer AG (Germany).

Country of origin: Germany
Pharmaceutical group: Insecticides and repellents
Manufacturer: Bayer AG (Germany)
International name: Autan lotion
Dosage form: 100 ml bottle

Autan lotion is a liquid for external use that has an insecticidal and repellent effect. The drug is intended to protect against insect bites, including blood-sucking ones, such as mosquitoes, midges, mosquitoes, horse flies, flies and ticks. Autan lotion is applied to exposed skin, providing long-lasting protection against insects.

Autan lotion is available in 100 ml bottles. Recommended for use by adults, children and pregnant women. It is an effective and safe means to protect against insect bites at home, on vacation and while traveling.