Barre Symptom Upper

Upper Barre symptom: extension of the limb flexors and upper limbs occurs simultaneously. Most often found on the forearm. It occurs reflexively during passive stretching of the limb due to increased excitability of cortical and spinothalamic receptors. The causes are severe damage to the spinal cord, poliomyelitis, traumatic injuries, damage resulting from surgery or compression of herniated intervertebral discs. Also characteristic of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis are the consequences of tetanus and traumatic brain injuries. Barre's symptom simultaneously develops in all four limbs, so its diagnosis is quite simple. The other three types of Barre symptoms develop in alternately contralateral limbs. Not welcome? For what, strictly speaking, are they greeting? In order to show the joy of meeting, communicating or to say gratitude. Greeting can also be used to greet a person after a long separation (sometimes even mutual) and to show your distress at having to talk at the moment. So, while it may not be applauded in the modern world, the point is that it is a sincere, emotional display of feeling. Without a greeting, a person remains incomprehensible and mysterious. Without friendship with people, life would be incomplete; it would seem dull and unlife-affirming. Life with all its obstacles will be smooth and effortless if you welcome people into your life who are very meaningful to you. All of them at one time gave you a lot of positive emotions and joy, but now it’s time to give back to the people around you. So, say hello regularly!