Bepanten cream for stretch marks during pregnancy

Efficiency of application

During pregnancy, the body prepares for the birth of a baby, a woman’s weight grows rapidly, hormonal changes affect all parts of the body, and the skin does not have time to prepare. Overstretching leads to rupture of collagen and elastin in the epidermis, replacement with scar tissue occurs, and many scars, so-called stretch marks, appear.

It is almost impossible to get rid of stretch marks that have already appeared, but subsequent occurrence can be prevented. Bepanthen for stretch marks during pregnancy maintains elasticity and restores strength. Reviews associated with it indicate a positive effect during use.

The product is specially designed to care for the skin of nursing mothers and pregnant women. The main ingredients of the drug are herbal substances, the use of which does not cause side effects, and metabolic processes in the internal structure are significantly improved. The cream is quickly absorbed, leaves no residue and helps achieve maximum moisturizing effect.

Beneficial features

The main principle of the remedy against stretch marks is nutrition and hydration at the cellular level. To prevent the growth of scar tissue, rapid cell regeneration is required. Bepanthen stretch mark cream contains substances that enhance the recovery process and protective functions:

  1. provitamin B5 (dexpanthenol) is responsible for the process of cell regeneration, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects;
  2. Asian centella extract has a stimulating effect on collagen formation;
  3. glycerin softens as much as possible;
  4. olive oil contains a large amount of antioxidants with vitamins A and D, which has a positive effect on skin hydration;
  5. lanolin prevents the penetration of harmful bacteria;
  6. Vaseline and wax prevent peeling and restore damaged fibers.

The combination of all the ingredients of Bepanthen cream has a complex effect, cools and heals minor wounds and scratches. Due to the increase in skin strength, the stress associated with pregnancy becomes less noticeable.

Recommendations for use

Preventive measures using Bepanthen cream to prevent the appearance of stretch marks are carried out twice a day, in the morning and before bedtime. Application is carried out with massaging circular movements on the area of ​​problem areas (hips, abdomen, chest) until completely dry.

Also, you should not use several remedies for stretch marks at the same time, in order to avoid allergies, due to incompatibility of the compositions.

It is worth considering the hereditary factor of occurrence when it is not possible to prevent the formation of stretch marks.

Reviews about the application

Most reviews indicate a positive result after using Bepanten. When applied to the skin, tension is felt, the skin acquires elasticity and firmness, which indicates the immediate effect of the drug.

Women who are in the last stage of pregnancy note that the consumption of the product is very economical, despite the growing belly. With constant and regular use, the condition of the skin noticeably improves.

The composition does not contain dyes, preservatives or fragrances, so it can be used to care for the delicate skin of a newborn, as well as to soften the skin of the breast during the feeding period. The cream has a healing effect on cracks, wounds or cuts, as well as when diaper rash occurs in babies.

Only if there is an individual intolerance to any of the components, Bepanthen may be contraindicated, which happens extremely rarely.

Hi all! Today we will talk about a safe remedy that is excellent for helping against stretch marks during pregnancy and lactation - Bepanten.

The appearance of stretch marks becomes a huge shock for every woman, especially during pregnancy. These formations do not cause harm, but getting rid of them is very difficult, so it is better to prevent their occurrence. An excellent preventive measure for stretch marks (stretch marks) is Bepanten.

In pharmacies and stores, such a product can be found in the form of an ointment, cream or emulsion.

Bepanten for stretch marks

At first, stretch marks have a purple, red or blue tint, but over time they fade and you can even forget about them. But, if you like to lie in the sun in the summer, you will immediately notice that stretch marks do not darken and they will become much more visible on a tanned body. Read more about the causes and treatment of stretch marks on my blog.

Composition and effectiveness of Bepanten

Bepanten is specially designed for use by pregnant women, nursing mothers and children. Bepanthen helps normalize metabolism in the skin and also has healing, cooling and antibacterial properties. It perfectly moisturizes, tones and nourishes the skin.

It is also important that it is used very sparingly and will last for a long time.

Bepanten contains herbal ingredients (olive oil, Asian centella extract, almond oil), which help increase the strength of collagen fibers and restore softness and elasticity to the skin.

The contained dexpanthenol relieves inflammatory processes that exist on the skin and promotes faster healing and regeneration of the upper layer of the epidermis. Almond oil is responsible for moisturizing the skin in the ointment and cream; lanolin is also present, which helps the skin form a protective barrier.

The emulsion contains:

  1. olive oil – fills the skin with fatty acids;
  2. centella asiatica extract – improves skin structure, reduces the risk of stretch marks.
  3. provitami B5 - Helps restore collagen fibers.
  4. glycerol – designed to soften the skin.

With regular use, the elasticity of the skin increases, and the appearance of stretch marks is minimized (read about other remedies that will help cope with stretch marks during pregnancy on my blog). If stretch marks already exist, then Bepanten eliminates itching and other unpleasant sensations. Nursing mothers can use it if cracks appear on the nipples.

You should also understand that there is no product that will 100% protect your skin from the appearance of stretch marks. If a woman is over 30 years old or has suddenly gained weight, then the effectiveness of the cream decreases.

Contraindications for use

The main contraindication to the use of Bepanten is individual intolerance to the components of the product. Main side effect: allergies, such as itching or hives.

Bepanten does not contain dyes or preservatives; it can be used in baby skin care.

How to use Bepanten

When using Bepanten ointment, cream or emulsion, you should follow some rules:

  1. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, Bepanten should be applied to problem areas every day in the morning, evening and before bed.
  2. This should be done with circular movements on previously cleansed dry skin until completely absorbed.
  3. The emulsion is applied immediately after water procedures to damp skin.

It is very important to remember that you should not apply 2 products with different compositions at once, because their components may be incompatible and cause negative consequences. You can combine stretch mark cream and stretch mark massage to get the desired result faster.

Remedy for pregnant women and nursing mothers

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, most drugs are prohibited, since many substances included in the products can harm the baby. Bepanten in this sense is absolutely safe, there are no contraindications.

The main indications for the use of the Bepanten series of products for pregnant and lactating women include:

  1. Treatment of burns, cracks, wounds and ulcers on the skin;
  2. Elimination of dryness and flaking, redness;
  3. Prevention of stretch marks;
  4. Preventive agent for various types of infections (treatment of abrasions, cracks, diaper rash.)

Questions about the drug Bepanten

The use of Bepanten series drugs raises many questions. Here are the answers to some of them:

  1. When applied to the skin, dexpanthenol turns into pantothenic acid, moisturizes and restores the skin.
  2. Provitamin B5 helps stimulate collagen production.
  1. Bepanten cream has a thick, soft consistency, and the emulsion is liquid, reminiscent of milk, making it much easier to apply and rub in.
  2. The emulsion is applied to a wet body, the cream is applied to a dry body.
  3. Emulsion is much more economical than cream.

Reviews about the use of Bepanten

During pregnancy, I was very afraid of the appearance of stretch marks, since I have a predisposition to this. When my friend Bepanten recommended it to me, I didn’t doubt it for a minute, I immediately bought it and started using it. Not one stretch mark during pregnancy!

I started using Bepanten emulsion when stretch marks appeared. Of course, they didn’t disappear, but no new ones appeared either. And the skin became very smooth and soft.

I applied the cream to my stomach throughout my pregnancy. Although this drug is expensive, it is worth it. I didn’t have a single stretch mark during my entire pregnancy, but I had twins and my belly was huge!

When using the Bepanten series drug, it should be borne in mind that it is not able to protect the skin from stretch marks 100%. If stretch marks are a hereditary factor, then Bepanten may not help here. In any case, before you start using the drug, you should consult a specialist.

Always yours, Anna 😉

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One of the main problems during pregnancy is the appearance of stretch marks on the body. At all times, women fight against them, resorting to a variety of means, but, unfortunately, not all of them are effective. On the positive side, a remedy for stretch marks has proven itself - emulsion Bepantol. Unlike various creams, oils, etc., this product is safe to use during pregnancy.

The principle of operation of Bepantol emulsion

Like any other product designed to combat stretch marks, the principle of action of Bepantol emulsion is to nourish and moisturize the skin, as well as its regeneration. Thanks to the well-chosen composition of the product, Bepanten has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and also helps stimulate regeneration processes.

Penetrating deep into the skin cells, the emulsion is converted into pantothenic acid. The presence of this component is necessary for the healing of damage to the skin.

Another important advantage of Bepantol is the ability to normalize intracellular metabolism.

Composition of Bepantol emulsion

The manufacturer of the product uses the following ingredients to prepare a truly effective and effective drug:

  1. glycerol
  2. vitamins A, D.E
  3. dexpanthenol
  4. olive oil
  5. Centella asiatica extract.

The last component from the list is little known to many, but its properties work wonders. Centella is a plant that promotes collagen production. When the skin does not have enough of this substance, it becomes flabby and stretch marks form on it. Therefore, regular use of Bepantol will improve the structure of the skin, and stretch marks will become less noticeable.

Application of Bepantol emulsion

Experts recommend that women use Bepanten during pregnancy for the purpose of prevention, as well as the elimination of stretch marks already existing on the skin. Every day, apply the emulsion with massaging movements to the skin that needs care. For best results, the procedure is carried out twice a day.

Thanks to its natural and safe composition, the product can be used by all women without exception, even during pregnancy. During this period, the skin needs proper care more than ever. How carefully a woman takes care of herself during pregnancy determines how her skin will look after childbirth.

The difference between Bepanten cream and emulsion

Today, both Bepanten cream and emulsion are available for sale. The main active ingredient of these products is identical, but nevertheless, reviews from specialists and those who were able to evaluate the qualitative properties of Bepantol from their own experience boil down to the fact that it is preferable to use an emulsion rather than a cream.

If you read the annotation of the cream, you will notice that there is not a single word about its use for stretch marks. It is advisable to use it for dry skin, diaper dermatitis and diaper rash, for healing wounds and burns. Despite the fact that the cream is used for various skin problems, it is still not effective in combating stretch marks during pregnancy.

Using the product

The anti-stretch mark emulsion is designed specifically for those women who need careful and effective skin care during pregnancy. There are no dyes or other harmful ingredients that could harm the health of the mother or her baby. The product does not cause allergic reactions.

The drug has been dermatologically tested and no side effects have been identified during pregnancy.

Cost of the drug

In almost every pharmacy in our country you can buy this remedy for stretch marks. Prices for the drug vary from 300 to 1200 rubles. At the same time, experts urge not to save money, but to give preference to drugs at a higher cost. The fact is that when purchasing a product at a low price, the buyer risks running into a fake. There will simply be no result from its use, and the stretch marks will remain as they were.

The average price of a high-quality emulsion with a volume of 150 ml is 650-850 rubles.

Many may wonder why the cost of goods varies so much. The fact is that when forming it, several factors are taken into account. It all depends on the rate at which the anti-stretch mark product was purchased, the size of the markup, etc.

One package of anti-stretch mark product, the volume of which is 150 ml, will last for about a month, and this is provided that a woman uses it twice a day during pregnancy. There is no need to apply too thick a layer; it is recommended to use the product within reasonable limits.

Reviews about the drug

Emulsion Bepantol has proven itself exclusively on the positive side. A clear proof of these words can be the reviews left by specialists and customers.