Bioenzyme peeling - what is it?

Peeling helps make the skin more youthful, radiant, and elastic.

Each salon offers several types of such procedures to choose from. You need to decide: which one to choose?

One type of procedure is an enzyme procedure, which is especially popular. What it is, what indications and contraindications there are for enzymatic (enzymatic) facial peeling, we will explain further.

The essence of the method

This procedure is gentle, performed using enzymes and is suitable for any skin. During the procedure, secretions of sebaceous and sweat glands, protein contaminants, and dead epidermal cells are removed from the surface of the face.

Enzymes stimulate the course of chemical reactions, as a result of which complex substances are broken down into elements that are easily absorbed by the body. They dissolve dead skin particles and are an alternative to abrasive exfoliants and highly concentrated acids used in chemical peeling.

This anti-aging procedure is recommended for women with oily or combination skin twice a week. For sensitive skin, it can be used no more than once every 10 days. With more frequent use, the skin looks dull and drier due to the removal of the protective layer. You can perform peeling in a salon or at home.

The effect from the salon will be higher, since more active agents are used for it. If you decide to carry out such a procedure at home, you can buy the necessary medications at a cosmetic store or salon.

Mechanism of action

The stratum corneum of the epidermis contains proteolytic enzymes that affect the rate of chemical reactions. They take an active part in the renewal of the epidermis by breaking down proteins. The ongoing aging processes are accompanied by loss of moisture and a slowdown in the renewal process of epidermal cells. The top layer thickens, impurities accumulate on the surface, and the skin becomes dull and uneven.

Enzymes in enzyme peeling destroy chemical bonds, which makes it easier to exfoliate dead epithelium. This manipulation affects only the stratum corneum, without penetrating deeper. Removing the top layer helps to enhance skin cell renewal.

The most popular ingredients are:

Types of enzymes

Enzymes for the procedure can be of bacterial, animal or plant origin.

The most popular are:

  1. papain (isolated from papaya: leaves, fruits, peel, has antimicrobial properties, gets rid of dead cells, eliminates inflammatory processes, regulates the functions of the sebaceous glands, prevents the formation of comedones and acne);
  2. pepsin (obtained from the gastric mucosa of farm animals: sheep, calves, pigs);
  3. travaza (produced by bacteria, has a whitening, exfoliating, loosening effect);
  4. subtilisin (produced by bacteria, the effect is stronger than papain);
  5. lysozyme (obtained from egg white, has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect, activates the immune system);
  6. sorbaine (obtained from papaya and lemon, gets rid of dead cells, enhances metabolic processes in skin cells);
  7. bromelain (obtained from papaya, wild lemon, pineapple, eliminates inflammation, relieves pimples, acne);
  8. trypsin (obtained from the pancreas of livestock, eliminates inflammatory processes, relieves edema).

Advantages and disadvantages

The manipulation is gentle and gentle, there are almost no contraindications to its implementation.

  1. removal of dead cells;
  2. stimulation of new cell growth;
  3. increased tone;
  4. improvement of skin texture,
  5. prevention of wrinkle formation;
  6. elimination of facial wrinkles;
  7. smoothing age wrinkles;
  8. softening dry skin;
  9. onset of rapid effect;
  10. reduction of redness;
  11. removing toxins from the skin surface;
  12. cleansing and narrowing pores;
  13. prevention of acne;
  14. removal of unwanted pigmentation;
  15. Can be used throughout the year;
  16. use for hands and body;
  17. use during pregnancy;
  18. does not injure the skin.

Disadvantages include:

  1. it is impossible to eliminate scars or deep wrinkles;
  2. complications may occur;
  3. Frequent use is unacceptable.

Indications and contraindications

The grounds for this are:

  1. any skin type;
  2. pigmentation;
  3. acne and consequences;
  4. shallow superficial wrinkles;
  5. unevenness;
  6. comedones;
  7. dull skin;
  8. decreased turgor;
  9. pollution;
  10. the appearance of phytoaging;
  11. preparation for other procedures.
  1. acute skin diseases;
  2. intolerance to components;
  3. diseases associated with decreased immunity (including diabetes);
  4. heart and vascular diseases;
  5. after sunbathing;
  6. active form of herpes;
  7. existing damage.

Fractional laser facial resurfacing: what it is, pros and cons, effectiveness and average prices - go here.

Preparing for the session

Before visiting a beauty salon, the skin needs preparation:

  1. do not use products containing acids and retinol;
  2. a day before the procedure, refrain from depilation;
  3. 4 days before the laser resurfacing or dermabrasion procedure, peeling should be avoided.

Stages of the procedure in the salon

If manipulation is performed for the first time, a test is required to determine sensitivity. The prepared composition is applied to the inside of the forearm and left for 10 minutes. If there are no changes, you can proceed with the manipulation.

Enzyme peeling can be in a tube (ready-made) or in powder (prepared before use, diluted cannot be stored).

Using cleansers, remove makeup, using lotion to tone the skin. The enzyme composition is applied sequentially to the face, including the neck, décolleté and left for 10 to 30 minutes (depending on the result desired).

Cover the face with film or a towel soaked in warm water. Sometimes a massage is done on top of the composition. After the set time has passed, the composition is washed off. To do this, use warm water or alkaline neutralizers for peelings containing acids. A toner is applied to the skin.

A mask is then applied based on the problem that needs to be solved. It is possible to use active serums. At the next stage, a cream is applied according to your skin type (preferably with UV protection).

Post-procedure care

No special care is required; it is better to use boiled water for washing. It is recommended to protect yourself from direct sunlight. It is necessary to use moisturizers and sunscreens (SPF 15 or more) throughout the course of skin care.

During this period, you should not touch your face with your hands, it is better to refuse to use foundation, and refrain from using large amounts of cosmetics.


The skin becomes hydrated and radiant. The color is evened out and pigment spots are lightened. Rejuvenation is noticeable on aging skin: its tone increases, it becomes elastic and toned.

Consequences and complications

Complications are possible after the procedure:

  1. exacerbation of herpes;
  2. exacerbation of acne;
  3. development of seborrheic dermatitis.

What goes with it?

Enzyme peeling is used in preparation for a complex of anti-aging cosmetic procedures, such as laser biorevitalization of the face, injection and non-injection mesotherapy of the face (find out what it is here), RF lifting procedure for the face, neck and décolleté, and ultraphonophoresis of the face and body (about it here ).

This procedure can be carried out as a preparation for more serious sessions of laser skin resurfacing, microcrystalline dermabrasion (find out how to do it here). Goes well with darsonvalization of the face (how to do it, go here).

Quantity and average prices

The course requires 5 – 8 sessions (depending on the condition of the skin).

To obtain the desired effect, professional enzymatic peelings (with acids in their composition) are carried out once every 7–10 days in a course of 8–10 procedures. A repeat course can be taken after 6 months.

The cost of peeling in the salon ranges from 500 to 3500 rubles.

  1. area of ​​the problem area, its location;
  2. brand of composition used;
  3. beauty salon category.

One session is not enough; at least four are needed. On average, the cost of the course costs 7 – 9 thousand rubles.

You can find out what reviews clients leave after the QOOL hair removal procedure and what this technique consists of here.

Customer Reviews

“I haven’t used peelings before, I made do with scrubs. Then I decided that I needed to try something different, more effective. I bought the drug at a cosmetic store and did everything at home according to the instructions. The result is great.

At first I applied it for 8 minutes, the last time I left it on for 15 minutes. After application, I feel a tingling sensation on the skin (the sensation was especially intense the first time). But this is normal, in the future the sensations become dull.”

Christina, 27 years old:

“I completed a course of 7 procedures. My problem was that in my youth I suffered from acne and had scars on my face that I couldn’t get rid of. And then I noticed the effect after the first procedure.

The result satisfied me completely: the scars disappeared, as did the wrinkles that appeared. The skin looks smooth and attractive. Having gotten rid of the main problem, I also received rejuvenation.”
Anastasia, 46 years old:

“My skin always looked good, I tried to take care of it correctly. However, age-related changes caused more grief every year. I decided to undergo enzymatic peeling with papain to get rid of wrinkles and age spots. Of course, I couldn’t get rid of deep wrinkles (I have facial wrinkles on my forehead), but the small ones have almost disappeared. The skin texture has become more even, and pigment spots have also been eliminated.”
Victoria, 39 years old:

“Before the procedure, I searched for a suitable salon for a long time. I set a price range for myself up to 2500 rubles. As a result, I found a clinic (in St. Petersburg), where the session cost 1,200 rubles. I liked the result: the skin is smooth, refreshed, moisturized.”

And in conclusion, we suggest watching a video of the enzyme facial peeling procedure:

Cleansing is one of the most important stages of facial skin care. The health of the skin in general, as well as the youth and radiance of the face in particular, depends on how carefully and at the same time thoroughly it is carried out.

Benefits of Enzyme Peeling

Among the many options for procedures and technologies for eliminating dead skin cells of the epidermis and cleansing pores of sebum, peelings are especially popular.

Enzyme peeling is a mild alternative to chemical peels. He

  1. Suitable for absolutely any skin, both by type and age.
  2. acts more delicately than fruit acids and is suitable even for sensitive skin.
  3. regulates and restores the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  4. effective in the fight against rosacea, acne, acne and post-acne.
  5. It can be done either independently at home or as a salon procedure.
  6. low-traumatic - after it the skin does not peel, peel or redden, because no burn.
  7. it can be used all year round regardless of the season.

Principle of action

Enzymes are protein molecules that regulate the flow of chemical processes and stimulate the breakdown of complex substances into small, easily digestible elements. In other words, enzymes or enzymes “dissolve” dead cells of the stratum corneum of the skin, destroying the chemical bonds between them, and gently exfoliate them, stimulating the renewal of skin cells and smoothing out the skin texture.

Action of enzymes

The epidermis itself already contains such organic enzymes. But with age, their action in the body slows down, cells are renewed less frequently, comedones appear, and due to lack of oxygen, complexion deteriorates.

Enzyme peeling not only cleanses the skin of the old layer of cells, but also has a temporary effect on existing enzymes - for a short period they begin to work independently in normal mode.

Unlike acid peeling, enzyme peeling provides only superficial cleansing. Because the action of enzymes takes place only in the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

@kosmetolog.estet_yulia | The result of using enzyme peeling

Indications and contraindications

Enzyme peels are recommended by experts for use in a variety of cases:

  1. for young skin (from 18 years old) as a cleanser;
  2. for mature skin with the first signs of aging as a means to stimulate cellular regeneration, oxygen saturation and restore tone;
  3. for oily skin with the initial stage of rosacea, the first fuzzy pigment spots and fresh traces of post-acne;
  4. for dry skin, this is a way to carefully remove dead skin cells without the use of aggressive abrasives and acids.
  5. for hypersensitive skin that cannot tolerate deep chemical peeling and is prone to allergic reactions to certain components of cosmetic preparations.
  6. For mulatto women and everyone who wants to maintain a tan, this peeling will allow you to combine business with pleasure.

In order not to place unnecessary hopes on this lightweight type of peeling, let us immediately note a number of “NOTs” associated with the effect of enzymes on the skin:

  1. NOT for deep cleansing.
  2. NOT for removing deep wrinkles or scars.

Contraindications for enzyme peeling

Despite the fact that this is a gentle peeling option, there are a number of strict contraindications for the cosmetic procedure:

  1. Purulent inflammation on the skin.
  2. Herpes, warts on treated areas.
  3. Open wounds (scratches, open pimples, cuts, etc.).
  4. Allergy to enzymes included in the product.
  5. Diabetes, endocrine disorders, blood diseases.

Types of enzymes for peeling

There are several main enzymes - proteases, which are used in cosmetology.

  1. Plant origin:
  2. Papain - from papaya, has an antibacterial effect, regulates sebum production, and prevents the formation of inflammation.
  3. Bromelain – from pineapple stems and leaves, has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Ficin – from the juice of fig leaves, stimulates collagen production.
  5. Actinidin – from kiwi, removes dead skin cells.
  6. Sorbaine - from a combination of lemon and papaya, stimulates metabolic processes in skin cells.
  7. Animal origin (protein):
  8. Lysozyme - from chicken protein, stimulates the immune system.
  9. Trypsin - from the pancreas of cattle, is a catalyst for protein and peptide breakdown.
  10. Bacterial origin:
  11. Subtilisin is a hydrolase enzyme, a more effective analogue of papain.
  12. Travaza is a protease enzyme that promotes exfoliation and whitening of the skin.

Peels containing bacterial enzymes have a more pronounced effect on the surface layers of the skin due to their deep penetrating properties. They are included in the line of professional salon cosmetics and are not recommended for home care.

Salon peeling with enzymes

A universal opportunity to try the effect of enzyme peeling is to visit a salon. A professional cosmetologist will select a product that suits your specific skin type and the problems you have with it.

Salon peeling is more effective compared to independent procedures, since specialists often use the most active bacterial enzymes to carry out the procedure.

Preparation for the procedure

A few days before use, it is necessary to exclude from use all products containing retinol or acids.

In addition, it is important to take into account all the contraindications from the list above and, if possible, eliminate them. For example, to cure wounds or inflammations.

It is imperative to test the peeling composition for possible allergic skin reactions. Usually, to do this, a small amount of the product is applied to the inside of the wrist or the bend of the elbow - the skin is softer there - and left for a few minutes. If there is no redness, burning or rash, then you can proceed directly to cosmetic procedures.

Stages of the procedure

Intermediate stage or preparation for the procedure (takes from 15 to 30 minutes).

Salon enzyme peeling

Initially, all makeup is removed from the face, then the skin is toned. The cosmetologist selects cleansers and toners that match the client’s skin type.

Next, the skin is treated with a special pre-peeling solution. It has a softening effect, moisturizes and prepares epidermal cells for maximum penetration of enzymes into them.

Special fabric masks soaked in a similar solution are often used.

In extremely rare situations, the skin requires minimal mechanical action in the form of a scrub before applying the pre-peeling solution to remove the upper keratinized layer of cells.

Peeling (lasts from 10 to 30 minutes).

Using a special brush, the composition is applied in an even thin layer to the face, as well as the neck and décolleté area, if required. In some cases, peeling is applied even to thin eyelid skin. Then the treated areas are covered with film or a warm, damp towel.

The duration of the procedure depends on the initial condition of the skin. On average it takes 20-25 minutes. With rare exceptions, enzyme peeling does not cause pain, the maximum is a slight tingling, tingling or burning sensation.

Salon enzyme peeling procedure

Upon completion of the treatment process, the entire product is thoroughly washed off with warm water. If acids have been added to the enzyme peeling, then additional cleansing with acid neutralizers is required.

Finally, the skin is treated with tonic and a mask is applied.

Post-procedure care

IMPORTANT. Immediately after peeling, you should not touch your face with your hands, clothes, or even hair. And just avoid direct sunlight for just one day.

There is actually no special care as such. There are only recommendations:

  1. wash with boiled or bottled water;
  2. do not use foundation;
  3. tone the skin with soothing lotions;
  4. use soft moisturizers recommended by the specialist (manufacturers often immediately release skin care products after peeling in the line).

Usually, for thorough and consistent cleansing of the skin from existing imperfections, a course of enzymatic peelings of 10-12 sessions is required.

Homemade peeling recipes

Enzyme peeling is easy to do yourself, even at home. The main thing is to remember the contraindications.

The simplest option is to use as ingredients those plants whose enzymes are most often used as active components in cosmetics.

Enzyme peeling with papaya and lemon, recipe

For example, make a peeling mask from papaya pulp, lemon juice and honey. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and apply to a previously cleansed and steamed face with sterile gloved hands or a brush. After 5 minutes, rinse with warm water.

If you live in an area where figs grow, be sure to try the following option.

Rinse a few leaves under running water, pour over boiling water and grind in a blender. Squeeze the juice out of the resulting pulp. Makes about 1 tbsp. Stir the juice, 1 tsp. olive or grape oil and 1 tsp. lemon juice. If desired, you can add the pulp of the fig itself - it is an excellent antioxidant.

How often can you peel with enzymes?

The frequency of procedures depends on the type of facial skin: for oily and combination skin no more than twice a week, for dry and sensitive skin - once every ten days.

The prescribed course is recommended to be carried out every six months.

Possible consequences and complications

If the sequence of peeling is violated, the product is overexposed during the procedure, used too often, or neglectful aftercare, you can dry out the skin and thin the epidermis so much that it becomes susceptible to any external influence.

As a result, instead of healthy and glowing skin, you can get the completely opposite effect: pigmentation, peeling, new wrinkles, worsening acne and even viral rashes.

Review of ready-made enzyme peels

Among the most popular enzymatic peeling options on the modern market are the following:

  1. Stopproblem salicylic enzyme peeling.


An affordable option for home peeling from the Stopproblem line of products for problem skin.

In addition to the enzyme complex, it contains salicylic acid, which enhances the removal of the stratum corneum of the epidermis and has a powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Extracts of white tea, mint and sage soothe the skin and stimulate blood microcirculation.

  1. Janssen enzyme cleansing peeling mask.

Janssen Enzyme Cleansing Peeling Mask

A professional product from a famous German brand, used both in beauty salons and in home care.

Available in powder form, which must be diluted with water. Thanks to plant enzymes bromelain and papain, it effectively fights even the most difficult comedones. White clay (kaolin) additionally cleanses, moisturizes and nourishes the skin with beneficial microelements.

Very economical to use.

  1. Faberlic microdermabrasion and enzyme micropeeling

Faberlic microdermabrasion and enzyme micropeeling

The proven Expert ABC cleansing and rejuvenating complex from Faberlic offers Microdermabrasion and Enzyme step B as the second stage of cleansing.

Papaya enzymes and seaweed extract cleanse the skin of impurities, exfoliate dead cells, and the innovative Novaftem-O2™ oxygen complex saturates cells with oxygen and enhances the effect of active ingredients.

  1. Enzyme peeling mask Librederm MEZOLUX.

Enzyme peeling mask Librederm MEZOLUX

The chicly designed jar from Librederm contains a fragrant and delicate peeling. Cleansing and a pleasant smell are provided by plant enzymes of papaya, the mask has antibacterial properties due to zinc extract, and additionally moisturizing and toning are provided by natural oils, panthenol and hyaluronic acid.

  1. Alpika BIO-enzyme peeling.

Alpika BIO-enzyme peeling

Professional cosmetics from the Russian brand Alpika are known to many. Essentially an exfoliant, and this is the correct trade name from Alpika, it is a means for delicate peeling.

It has the most natural composition: fruit enzymes, plant hydrolysates, jojoba wax and natural oils. Available in powder form, mixed with hot water. Perfect for those with sensitive skin.

  1. Organique Enzymatic Peeling&Herbal

Organique Enzymatic Peeling&Herbal

A distinctive feature of this peeling from the Polish brand Organique is that in addition to papaya and pineapple enzymes, clay, it contains low-concentrated acids (lactic, citric and glycolic). And, of course, as a complex of medicinal herbal extracts. Ideal for oily and combination skin.

  1. Mizon


Gel peeling roll for instant effect from the Korean company contains enzymes of papaya, lemon, tannic acids of apples and hyaluronic acid. Has a gentle cleansing effect, eliminating even minor peeling.

  1. Eveline 3 in 1 BioHyaluron 4D

Eveline 3 in 1 BioHyaluron 4D

A small compact package with a volume of only 7 ml contains a product for cleansing the skin, smoothing its texture and deeply moisturizing. The main components are papin and hyaluronic acid.

The manufacturer recommends it for sensitive and dry facial skin with symptoms of rosacea.

  1. Belita Vitex Laser LikeSystem

Belita-Vitex Laser LikeSystem

Belarusian cosmetics are always of good quality at reasonable prices. The Laser Like System line of products was developed for mature skin.

A unique complex of plant enzymes X-pressin™ cleanses, evens out the skin and its tone. Hyaluronic acid moisturizes and fills fine lines. For maximum effect, use with other skincare products from this line.

  1. Gigi Enzymatic Peeling Gel

Gigi Enzymatic Peeling Gel

Israeli gel peeling with a completely natural composition is suitable not only for gentle and at the same time thorough cleansing of the skin, but also for massage. The gel structure promotes massage movements, increasing microcirculation of blood and lymph. Warm skin absorbs peeling components more actively, which significantly enhances their effect.

  1. Mirra


Anti-aging peeling with papain is released in the form of a transparent gel, it perfectly cleanses pores without the effect of tightness. Recommended for skin 30+, but due to its non-aggressive composition it can also be used on skin 25+.

  1. Lirene


Polish delicate peeling is available in single-use 8 ml packages and in two varieties: Enzyme peeling with fruit acids and Enzyme peeling with fruit acids and papaya.

Both have a creamy texture with a distinctly pleasant perfume aroma. Gently cleanses and moisturizes the skin. Suitable for regular use.

Today the question of how to stay young and healthy over the years is very relevant. Women and men are ready to take advantage of various procedures offered by beauty salons in order to maintain a youthful appearance. Everyone wants to be young both in soul and body.

Enzyme peeling

As for the soul - this is a question from the category of philosophy, pedagogy and psychology - this is something that cannot be “touched with your hands”, but can be felt. And the youth of the body is just something that you can not only touch with your hands, but also see and even influence. Let's consider the question of how to prolong the youth of the face.

It is no secret that over the years, every emotion leaves its mark on our face in the form of wrinkles, and an incorrect daily routine or diet, our heredity, as well as solar radiation, working conditions, and lifestyle can also leave their mark on our face in the form of age spots, peeling and deep wrinkles.

What is enzyme peeling?

If there are minor skin defects on the face, if there is a need to refresh or lighten the skin of the face, then enzyme peeling comes to the rescue, which is based on the processes that occur in our body.

Enzyme peeling, or as it is also called enzymatic peeling, is a superficial peeling based on the effect of active substances – enzymes – on the upper layers of the skin. This procedure falls into the category of gentle procedures that are suitable for all skin types.

The procedure is designed to cleanse the facial skin of protein contaminants, secretions of sebaceous and sweat glands, as well as remove dead cells of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Young skin needs enzyme peeling to cleanse, moisturize and protect. Mature skin - to stimulate renewal processes, restore skin tone and color.

The mixture used for the enzyme peeling procedure is based on fruits such as papaya, blueberries, pineapple and pomegranate. Cosmetologists often use this type of gentle peeling when performing salon procedures.

Cosmetic clinics often combine enzymes with certain acids. This mixture is applied to sensitive skin and sensitive areas of the face such as eyelids, neck and décolleté. For mature skin, cosmetologists recommend combining enzymes with components such as lactic acid - to give the skin a healthy glow and elasticity, as well as grape extract, which acts as an antioxidant. For oily skin, it is recommended to combine enzymes with salicylic acid.

To apply this procedure yourself, without turning to specialists, you can use products that cosmetic companies produce for home use.

Cosmetics for enzyme peeling at home

Sanase Chocolaterapia Oxygenant Peeling light brown with gray cream mousse. The product should be applied to previously cleansed facial skin in a thin layer. After application you will not experience any discomfort. After 5-10 minutes, the mask should be washed off with warm water. You will feel that your facial skin has become smoother and your complexion more even. The mask is suitable for oily skin.

Effect: Dead cells are removed, pores are narrowed.

Organique Enzymatic Peeling & Herbal– the product is produced in small quantities, so it will not be easy to purchase. The mask consists exclusively of natural ingredients. Recommended for all skin types, provided there are no active rashes.

After applying a thin layer to clean skin, you may feel a slight tingling sensation. The mask does not cause skin irritation, it only helps to break down the stratum corneum of the skin, removing peeling, dirt, and acne marks.

After the first use, you will notice positive results. It is recommended to wash off the peeling after 5 minutes. Remember that cosmetologists recommend using this peeling no more than 2 times a week. Because the consistency is similar to that of thick clay masks, so it washes off with little difficulty, so after the main layer of the mask has been removed with warm water, the remaining part can be removed with a cellulose sponge or muslin napkin.

Effect: pores are narrowed, the skin is cleansed, there is no peeling, spots on the skin become invisible or barely noticeable. Use 1-2 times a week.

Ziaja Pro Peeling Enzymatyczny

Ziaja Pro Peeling Enzymatyczny - This is a product with papaya enzyme. Recommended as a firming treatment for skin with rosacea, and as an exfoliant for all other skin types. Apply a thin layer to previously cleansed facial skin and leave for 15-20 minutes. In a beauty salon, this mask is applied for 30 minutes and a massage is performed - a professional approach is needed to carry out the massage procedure. You should not massage yourself. This mask is especially recommended for dry and sensitive skin types.

Salicylic Enzyme Peeling StopProblem – the mask includes salicylic acid and enzymes, which helps to gently exfoliate the upper layers of the skin, cleanse pores, and regulate sebum production, which prevents the appearance of acne on the skin.

Peeling “I am the most” — contains papain, aloe extract, vitamins C, F and E, sea minerals. An excellent option for dry skin. As an additional result from the procedure: relieves irritation and calms.


BIOTECHNOLOGY "Mirra" — contains enzymes and natural preservatives. The mask has a gel-like texture. Evens out skin tone and texture. Gently cleanses the skin. Recommended for oily skin types.

Peeling gel GiGi – contains lipase, amylase, protease and papain, as well as citric acid, urea and vitamin C. Thanks to this composition, cleansing, whitening and exfoliation are carried out more effectively, because the components of the composition penetrate deeper. More suitable for salon procedures rather than home use.

Klapp – despite the fact that the product is a professional product, it can also be used at home. Contains thyme cell extract.

Gel Janssen – recommended for sensitive skin. Attention! After the time has passed, it should not be washed off with water; you should wipe it off your face with gentle movements until a slight shine appears with the help of cosmetic wipes.

Products containing salicylic acid Eveline Cosmetics, Dr. Irena Eris – prevents the appearance of acne, recommended for oily skin. The products are applied to clean skin and washed off after 3-10 minutes. It should be remembered that after the procedure, you should avoid direct sunlight on your face for a week.

When choosing enzyme peeling, you should remember that such cosmetic products have a very gentle, mild effect and, with their help, it is impossible to solve problems such as deep scars, intensely colored pigment spots.

Enzyme peeling for young skin is especially useful as a cosmetic treatment for oily and problematic skin; it helps remove dead skin cells, as well as cleanse the pores of excess sebum, which prevents the appearance of pimples and blackheads.

For mature skin, such a procedure, carried out regularly, helps to even out the skin texture and refreshes the complexion by stimulating skin renewal processes. Ideal for people with dark skin, because... deep peeling is contraindicated for them.

Tips for using peels at home

1. If you carry out the peeling procedure in the evening, then you should definitely cleanse your facial skin of impurities and cosmetics. If you carry out the procedure in the morning, you just need to wash your face with water.

2. The product is applied to the face along massage lines, avoiding the area around the eyes and mouth.

3. The product should be left on the face no more than the time indicated in the instructions for peeling, and then rinse thoroughly with water.

4. Enzyme peeling is best applied with warm hands to warmed (water) facial skin. After applying the product, you can cover your face with a warm, damp towel or film.

5. After you have washed off the peeling, it is advisable to apply a mask appropriate to your skin type, or apply a serum or nourishing cream.

6. After the mixture has been washed off, it is not recommended to touch your face throughout the day.

7. For oily and problematic skin, this procedure can be used 2-3 times a week. For normal, combination and mature skin, it is recommended to use the procedure no more than once a week.

For dry and sensitive skin, the peeling procedure should be carried out no more often than once every 7-10 days.

For those with oily or problem skin, peeling can be used as a preventative against acne and comedones from adolescence.

For those with dry or normal skin, peeling is recommended from the age of 25.
Enzyme peeling cannot be performed immediately after invasive procedures (laser resurfacing, dermabrasion). The skin should recover completely after the procedures.

Despite the fact that enzymatic peeling is a gentle method of cleansing, it still affects the skin of the face. Love yourself, treat your facial skin with care, and it will delight you with both its color and its healthy glow.

Carrying out the procedure