Causes of large acne on the back in men

Acne is a common problem, which both men and women of any age have to struggle with.

It's harder to deal with if the rash appears on the back: The area of ​​the rash is usually larger than on the face, and it is more difficult to detect the problem in time if the pimples do not itch. Most often, adolescents and men suffer from the nature of such rashes.

To get rid of acne on your back, a man needs to find out the reasons for their appearance.

Teenagers often suffer from this problem due to hormonal imbalances. But for adult men, acne on the back can indicate the presence of serious pathologies in the body.

Reasons for appearance

Men are less prone to acne than women. In women, hormonal imbalance is more pronounced. But men tend to suffer from more severe forms of acne.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine why acne appears on the back. Acne occurs due to the following factors:

  1. increased production of sebum in the body;
  2. blockage of sebaceous pores due to its excess;
  3. development of bacteria in the resulting plug;
  4. itching of clogged sebaceous ducts and inflammation.

Thus, acne depends on the disruption of the sebaceous glands. Acne can also appear due to a malfunction in lipid circulation or follicular hyperkeratosis.

Follicular hyperkeratosis is a dermatitis with excessive growth of the stratum corneum of the skin. The desquamation of the epidermis is disrupted, and the mouths of the follicles become clogged with epidermal scales.

Outwardly it looks like goose bumps, which are covered with small red nodules. The skin becomes dry and rough.

In addition, more sebum production usually occurs in the shoulders, back and chest.

First you need to find out what is the cause of malfunction of the sebaceous glands. Factors that provoke blockage of the sebaceous glands are divided into external and internal.

External factors

Causes of acne on the back and shoulders due to external factors:

  1. Of great importance is the what clothes does a man wear. If clothing is too tight, its friction usually irritates the follicles and rubs dirt into the pores. Small pimples with ulcers may form. The appearance of such acne is not caused by clogged pores, but by small, infected cuts on the skin. Inflammations can also appear if clothing is made of synthetic material. It will not allow air to pass through well, and the skin will not breathe well. If your back sweats, a greenhouse effect will appear, which will cause acne to appear on your back.
  2. In summer, the body not only sweats more, but is also exposed to the sun's rays. Ultraviolet light can increase sebum production, causing clogged pores and breakouts.

In addition, if an acne-prone man finds himself in an area with a humid and hot climate, there is a high likelihood of blemishes appearing on the skin.

Internal factors

What do inflammations, the appearance of which is caused by internal causes, indicate? The following factors have a negative impact on the functioning of the sebaceous glands from the inside:

  1. Hormonal disbalance is one of the most common causes of acne, including on the back. Thick sebum clogs the pores, and inflammation appears. Hormonal imbalance is caused by diseases of the endocrine system, as well as taking hormonal drugs.
  2. The basis of diseases associated with the formation of acne on the back is psychosomatics. The process of hormone production and the functioning of the sebaceous glands largely depend on a man’s mood and his emotional state.

If the cause of acne on the body is stress or nervous breakdowns, you should consult a neurologist for treatment.

An imbalance in the endocrine and digestive system leads to the formation of large, painful pimples. If the liver cannot cope with its functions, inflamed pimples with ulcers usually appear. And small rashes and pimples that itch may be the result of an allergy to food or wearing clothes made of synthetic material.

Treatment and recommendations

A man needs to realize and accept the fact that Treatment for acne on the back is a rather long process, and there is no quick result.

Most men are very careless about their health, and treatment can be complicated by the need for a comprehensive examination of the body. But without this examination, it is very difficult to determine the exact cause of acne and prescribe effective treatment.

Also an examination can answer the question why my entire back is covered in acneif the rash is severe.

This may indicate some serious pathology in the body. Then the problem must be dealt with more thoroughly, and only a doctor will prescribe treatment methods.

Often used to get rid of acne prescribe the following remedies:

  1. containing an antibacterial component: Baziron AS gel, Levomekol, syntomycin ointment;
  2. Zenerit, Klerosil and other tonics, creams and lotions against acne that will eliminate irritation and redness;
  3. hormonal drugs that are taken externally, in short courses, according to the recommendations of an endocrinologist.

Sometimes it is necessary to remove purulent rashes. This procedure is performed by a doctor, since due to improper independent actions, pus can penetrate into adjacent tissues.

A medical needle is used to mechanically remove ulcers.Treated with an antiseptic solution. The purulent area is pierced with a needle, and when using a medical instrument, the pus is provoked to come out. Then the affected area is treated with a cotton swab or swab.

Sometimes in severe cases experts recommend autohemotherapy. Blood taken from a vein is reinjected intramuscularly. The body's defense reactions are activated, helping to cleanse the skin.

Proper nutrition

In combination with the main treatment, a man should watch his diet and adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to limit the consumption of sweet, fatty, fried, flour foods, and it is also better to give up strong coffee.
  2. Include fiber, more vegetables and fruits in your diet. Fermented milk products with bifidobacteria can significantly improve skin condition.
  3. Drinking clean drinking water, fruit drinks, and herbal tea will help remove toxins from the body and cleanse the skin.
  4. You can ask your doctor to prescribe vitamins for your skin. Vitamins A, E, zinc and folic acid are useful. These can be complex drugs or cheaper vitamins. Sometimes brewer's yeast is prescribed.
  5. To eliminate dysbiosis, you can take Linex or other drugs that normalize intestinal function.

Hygiene and additional care

Particular attention should be paid to body hygiene and additional care. You should wash your back twice a day and wash it properly.

  1. First you need to wash your hair, only then your body. Many hair care products can clog your oil glands if they are not rinsed off thoroughly.
  2. If you have rashes on your back, you should not use a hard washcloth, scrubs or peeling. A softer washcloth will do. A light back massage with its help will open the pores.

Maybe, It’s worth giving up regular soap products for a while and using others. For example, recommended for problematic facial skin. After washing, apply a special anti-acne cream or toner to your back.

Also you can use tar soap. Tar cleanses the skin well.

If the rash is not severe, You can rub your back with a scrub of iodized salt and soda, after mixing them with shower gel.

For problematic body skin there will be baths with chamomile infusion, strings are useful, with the addition of a few drops of essential oils of tea tree, laurel, and citrus.

After a shower, you can use disinfectants. Chlorhexidine, salicylic acid, boric alcohol, furatsilin are effective. You can also use baby powder and three percent hydrogen peroxide.

After applying these products to your back, you should wait for them to dry and treat acne with zinc or sulfur ointments.

Some people advise wiping your back with a solution of potassium permanganate. But with caution. The slightest crystal of potassium permanganate can cause a burn.

Other recommendations

If the cause of acne is an emotional state, need to:

  1. try to adjust the rhythm of life in accordance with the needs and biorhythms of your body;
  2. try to establish harmony with the world around you and with yourself;
  3. strengthen the nervous and immune systems, learn to withstand stress, try to avoid stressful situations;
  4. give up alcohol, smoking and other bad habits.

Frequently changing bedding will help avoid excessive accumulation of pathogenic bacteria and dead skin particles. The wardrobe should contain clothes made from natural materials that allow the skin to breathe.

It is necessary to lead an active lifestyle: move more, walk in the fresh air, play sports.

Under no circumstances should you do the following:

  1. use fatty creams for inflammation;
  2. squeeze out pimples, especially large ones with ulcers: such mechanical impact can lead to serious complications, even blood poisoning (a patch for problem skin containing salicylic acid will help get rid of large acne);
  3. use scrubs and rough washcloths for severe inflammation;
  4. cauterize pimples;
  5. use medications without consulting a specialist.

If all the measures taken have not yielded results or the form of the rash is too severe, you should not waste time and effort on solving the problem yourself. It is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination.

Back acne in men can appear in a variety of forms, including blackheads, whiteheads, subcutaneous pimples, pustules, boils and cysts. Back acne is a skin problem that can affect both adult men, boys and teenagers.


Back acne is the result of overactive sebaceous glands in the body, excess dead skin cells, and bacterial infection in the hair follicles.

Sebum and dead skin cells get trapped in the follicles or pores, causing them to become clogged. The impurities become blackheads, which when infected by bacteria become inflamed and become pimples.

  1. Hormones

The main cause of acne on the back is usually changes in hormone levels during puberty in boys and young adults or endocrine disorders in adult men.

Hormonal fluctuations and a surge in androgen levels in a man's body can stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum. Thus, as a result of increased production of sebum and dead skin cells, the follicle becomes clogged and promotes bacterial infection. The presence of bacteria in the follicles causes the surrounding tissue to become inflamed. As a result, a new pimple appears on the back.

In addition to hormonal imbalance and fluctuations, genetics can also be a cause. If one of a man’s close relatives had chronic acne on his back, then his chance of developing it also increases.

  1. Sweating can cause back acne in men

Sweat from exercise or overexertion mixes with body fat and bacteria on the skin. This can clog pores and lead to acne formation. Factors such as tight-fitting clothing can only make the condition worse. To get rid of sweat and toxins on the skin's surface, always shower after sweating profusely. This will unclog your pores, making them less susceptible to breakouts. Additionally, you can use exfoliating products.

  1. Acne from friction

This type of acne on the back is caused by irritation and is the result of prolonged or frequent rubbing of something against the back, such as a backpack, the back of a seat, etc. Due to constant pressure, acne on a man’s back may not go away for a long time, especially if this factor combined with wearing tight-fitting clothing.

  1. The right diet will improve your skin condition

Consuming too much dairy products and refined carbohydrates can lead to a sharp increase in acne in men, as these foods increase the amount of insulin in the body, causing skin inflammation. This may affect the formation of acne. Processed foods can be another trigger for back inflammation. At the same time, foods rich in omega-3 (sardines, anchovies, fatty fish) can sometimes help reduce inflammation, reduce stress and limit sebum production.

  1. Acne caused by stress

Doctors say stress hormones (cortisol) can worsen back acne in men. Stress causes the adrenal glands to release androgens and glucocorticoid hormones, which can worsen acne. At the same time, stress does not lead to the direct formation of acne, but it can worsen the condition in those people who already have this skin problem. Some studies have shown that acne is more common among students during exams.

  1. Skin care products

The skin care products a man uses can block his pores. Conditioner, sunscreens, body creams and massage oils can potentially clog the skin's pores, which will later lead to acne on the back, shoulders, chest and neck. Make sure to choose skin care products labeled "non-comedogenic, non-acnegenic" so they won't block your pores.

Exposure to the sun for a long period can increase the rate of sebum production, leading to blocked pores. A quality spray-on sunscreen in alcohol form can be more effective than vegetable oils because the alcohol evaporates quickly, leaving the skin protected.

Below are 15 diseases that can cause pimples, blackheads and back acne in men:

  1. measles,
  2. hidradenitis suppurativa (HS),
  3. molluscum contagiosum,
  4. folliculitis,
  5. shingles,
  6. viral exanthema,
  7. tuberous sclerosis,
  8. leprosy,
  9. contact dermatitis,
  10. insect bites,
  11. cherry angioma,
  12. syphilis,
  13. ringworm,
  14. hives,
  15. angioedema.


There are different types of acne that can form on a man's back depending on the depth of the blockage of the hair follicles and the nature of the bacterial infection in the follicles.

  1. Closed internal comedones

Whitehead pimples, or closed comedones, form when clogged follicles remain closed below the surface of the skin. They are considered a mild form of acne.

  1. Open comedones with black heads

They are formed when sebum undergoes oxidation. Such acne is common, usually it does not become inflamed and does not cause any problems other than aesthetic ones.

They appear as small, round, pink growths that can sometimes be tender.

This is a severe type of pimple that is filled with pus and has a red base.

These large pustules form deep in the skin. They can be very painful and sometimes purulent.

This is a serious type of acne that indicates the severity of the condition. They are very painful, filled with pus, and usually leave behind scars that may not go away for a very long time.

These are large sores filled with pus. They form due to a serious break in the skin and usually leave scars.

While there is no one-size-fits-all measure for preventing back acne, there are simple treatments that can reduce back acne and prevent inflammation:

  1. Wear loose, breathable clothing made from natural fabrics such as cotton. This will reduce sweating and irritation of the hair follicles;
  2. After excessive sweating, try to take a shower or bath immediately. This will help get rid of excess sebum and flakes of skin before they clog your pores. Use medicinal soaps (tar or sulfur);
  3. Avoid taking prescription medications unless absolutely necessary and prescribed by a doctor. Some such drugs, for example, corticosteroids, provoke acne. Use them only as directed by your doctor;
  4. Oil-based body and skin care products clog pores. Use body washes and lotions suitable for acne-prone skin. Make sure the products you use on your skin are labeled non-comedogenic;
  5. Use benzoyl peroxide products while showering. It will help deeply cleanse the skin and prevent the growth of bacteria;
  6. pay attention to your diet. Avoid too much dairy products.


Mild acne can be successfully treated with daily skin care products. Most drugs and medications help get rid of dead skin cells, speed up cell turnover, exfoliate the skin and limit the number of blocked pores. Typically used products include:

  1. salicylic acid,
  2. benzoyl peroxide (benzoyl peroxide),
  3. AHA (alpha hydroxy acid or alpha hydroxyl acid).

These ingredients are suitable for treating acne and can be found in acne creams or ointments, soaps, lotions, gels or face washes.

Since the above drugs are applied directly to the skin (topically), they may cause some side effects such as irritation, dryness and flaking of the skin. In such cases, their use should be reduced until side effects disappear or stopped altogether.

Oral remedies for back acne, prescribed for oral administration

Back acne that has moderate to severe symptoms may require medical intervention. In such cases, topical and oral medications are always prescribed. The doctor may prescribe:

  1. Retin A (Retin A),
  2. antibiotics (tablets),
  3. Roaccutane (Accutane, isotretinoin).

Antibiotics for the treatment of acne should only be prescribed by a doctor. Isotretinoin should be used for severe acne. In fact, it is prescribed when other treatments have failed.

Laser acne treatment is the safest and most effective method for getting rid of acne, acne scars and back acne in men. The pulses emitted by the laser penetrate deep into the skin and “compress” the sebaceous glands. This results in a reduction in the amount of sebum produced and therefore limiting the risk of clogged pores.

This treatment involves applying intense fluorescent blue light to the affected skin to kill Propionibacterium. This type of bacteria causes inflammation and can potentially spread acne into surrounding tissue.

  1. Home remedies for back acne

Back acne in men can be treated using simple home remedies. Many natural products have antibacterial and antifungal properties that make them effective in combating skin problems. Some of them, such as aloe vera and egg white, make good back scrubs. Such folk remedies for acne help to deeply cleanse the skin. Most often used for acne on the back:

  1. sea ​​salt,
  2. oatmeal,
  3. baking soda,
  4. natural apple cider vinegar,
  5. lemon juice,
  6. honey,
  7. tea tree oil,
  8. mint,
  9. cinnamon,
  10. aloe vera.

Back acne in men can be mild, moderate or severe and be associated with various symptoms. Correct diagnosis is very important. Contact your doctor if you suddenly experience acne on your body or if natural home treatments don't work.

A painful rash that itches and occupies a large area brings serious psychological discomfort. Acne on the back of men often appears due to hormonal imbalance or poor personal hygiene. Getting rid of the problem is not as easy as many people think. First you need to identify provoking factors, then eliminate them and select effective remedies. In some cases, it is impossible to do without the help of a specialist; you have to consult a dermatologist or endocrinologist for advice. The doctor will examine you and then tell you what it is and how to treat it.

Acne on the back in men: causes of appearance

According to experts, women suffer from this problem much more often than men. However, in the stronger sex, forms of acne are more severe and take longer to treat. If women are periodically bothered by 2-3 pimples, then men often literally have pimples all over their backs. You cannot start treatment without identifying the provoking factors. So, acne on the back and chest in men causes:

  1. Stress. Constant overexertion, nervous work or worries lead to an increase in adrenaline levels. Further, it causes an excess of testosterone, as well as increased activity of the sebaceous glands. As a result, the gland ducts quickly become contaminated and inflamed, which is why acne appears on the back and lower back in men, accompanied by itching.
  2. Allergic reaction. After eating food or medications, wearing clothes or jewelry, a small pink rash often appears on the body. It can be triggered by washing powder, soap or shower gel.
  3. Infectious diseases. Measles, chicken pox, pyoderma are all infections that cause small red nodules on the skin. Vivid symptoms are fever, blisters with pus on the surface of the dermis, and deterioration in health.
  4. Dermatitis. Often the body reacts to contact with a poisonous plant or insect with irritation on the skin. Red spots on the chest in men are caused by wearing jewelry.
  5. Psoriasis and eczema. These diseases belong to autoimmune and chronic pathologies, most often they are diagnosed before the age of 18 or after 50. Small plaques with white scales form on the integument, which soon merge into several large spots.
  6. Unbalanced diet or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Poor nutrition is another reason why acne appears on the back of men. Many people note an exacerbation of acne after overeating. Fatty, spicy, salty and sweet foods negatively affect the condition of the intestines. All toxins pass into the blood, then into the internal organs, and finally onto the face, back and chest in the form of red spots with pus. Pathologies such as ulcers, gastritis, malignant tumors or cirrhosis of the liver are always reflected in appearance.
  7. Hormonal imbalance. Low or high levels of androgens cause acne. Subcutaneous fat begins to secrete more, which becomes the cause of comedones or subcutaneous acne.

Black spots on the back of men also appear due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules (irregular water procedures or, conversely, frequent showering). This causes blockage of the sebaceous glands and the accumulation of pathogenic bacteria. If you bathe too often, using various products, the natural barrier is washed away from the skin. Subcutaneous fat begins to secrete more secretions, which leads to rashes.

Types and location of rash

Most people call any rash acne, but doctors distinguish between several types of skin damage. Depending on the type, therapy is selected. Therefore, it is imperative to establish the type and cause of the formations before getting rid of acne on the back at home.

Small pimples without pain are called comedones (seen in the photo). They are formed due to blockage of the sebaceous glands; they look like a small compaction with dead skin particles. They can be closed or open: the former are located deep and do not come out, while the latter break through easily and heal quickly. Dense small red pimples are called papules. The reasons are infection in the acne or an allergic reaction. They go away quickly, but often become inflamed again. After healing, a dark red spot is left behind.

Pustules are a small abscess that rises several millimeters above the surface and has a white dot in the middle (pus). They are easy to squeeze out, but this leaves scars or bright spots. During the acute form, severe pain or itching occurs. Subcutaneous nodes are located in the deep layers of the skin, so they hurt and cause inflammation. The size reaches 3 cm and can leave a noticeable scar or pigmentation. The cyst causes more serious damage: nodes with pus are connected to each other into a large pimple on the body that hurts. Squeezing a large pimple on a man’s back will not lead to anything good, so you shouldn’t do it yourself.

The rash may be childhood (infant), adolescent, or adult. In newborns, the rash is small in size and forms after feeding with breast milk. They almost always go away on their own and leave no traces. Most teenagers are familiar with the rash at the age of 12–18 years. Hormonal imbalance provokes skin defects. In adult men, rashes form as a result of improper care of the dermis or diseases of the internal organs. In this case, an ointment for acne on the back with an antibiotic, for example, Erythromycin ointment, will help. Apply it only to inflamed areas, avoiding contact with healthy dermis.

Pimples can occur on men's chest, shoulders, and sides. If rashes appear in the armpit area, then you should pay attention to deodorant and personal hygiene. Abscesses under the chest or on the sides will tell about increased sweating, as well as clothes that don’t fit. A tight T-shirt made of unnatural materials prevents normal breathing of the body. A moist, warm environment is favorable for the growth of bacteria. A rash near the nipples means hormonal imbalance, acne on the back and shoulders in males means vitamin deficiency, lack of vitamins, exposure to addictions.

Treatment of the disease

You should definitely visit a dermatologist or endocrinologist, even if the spots do not bother you at all. The doctor will conduct a survey and examination, then write directions for blood and urine tests. Only in this case can the disease be cured, forgetting about the unpleasant problem forever. Therapy directly depends on why your entire back is covered in acne. If the defect is caused by diseases of the internal organs, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics, hormonal or antiviral drugs. In many cases, it is necessary to take anti-allergy medications, vitamin complexes or immunomodulators.

External preparations will help relieve itching, burning and pain at home. The dermis on the chest in men (as well as on the back) is not as delicate as the face, so you can safely use a soda scrub. It will remove dead cells and allow products to penetrate better. You need to mix an equal amount of baking soda and warm water, and then rub it into the sore spots for 3-5 minutes. The area around the nipples should be avoided. Wash off the mixture and apply the medicine; use this method no more than twice every 7 days.

It is allowed to lubricate acne with salicylic acid or hydrogen peroxide several times a day. Often these components are found in popular anti-acne products, which are expensive. They need to be applied pointwise, applying only to inflammation, otherwise healthy skin will be overdried. How to get rid of back acne at home using lotions and ointments? From pharmaceutical drugs you can use Baziron AS, Zinerit, Klerosil. It is better to use such substances after consulting a doctor to avoid complications. As a rule, they are applied 1-2 times a day to the affected areas.

Opening or squeezing pimples is highly undesirable. An open wound can easily become infected, which will cause severe inflammation. If a breakthrough of the abscess cannot be avoided, then it is necessary to do this while following the rules. Hands must be clean (it is advisable to wear sterile gloves or use a special gel); you can only use a clean needle. You need to carefully make a shallow puncture, squeeze out the contents and treat the area with an antiseptic or apply an ointment for acne on the back, for example, Levomekol.

Laser and light therapy have a good effect. With the help of a laser, it is possible to remove many skin defects (scars, cicatrices, rashes) without pain in several sessions. The beam penetrates into the deep layers and normalizes the sebaceous glands, reducing inflammation. Light therapy has a similar effect, but it is still capable of destroying many types of fungus and bacteria.