
Bronchophony is a phenomenon that occurs when sound waves pass through a person's respiratory tract. This effect can be caused by various reasons, such as respiratory diseases, smoking, alcohol consumption, and age-related changes.

Bronchophonia can manifest as loud breathing sounds that can be heard from a distance. This occurs because sound waves passing through the respiratory tract cause vibrations in the walls of the bronchi and lungs. These vibrations can intensify and spread into the environment.

One of the most common symptoms of bronchophonia is a cough. A cough may be caused by irritation of the airways due to dust, smoke or other irritants. In addition, bronchophony can cause chest discomfort and difficulty breathing.

Diagnosing bronchophony can be difficult because it can be associated with other respiratory diseases. However, if you have symptoms of bronchophonia, it is recommended that you see your doctor for further testing and treatment.

Treatment for bronchophonia depends on the cause of its occurrence. If this is associated with respiratory diseases, then treatment of the underlying disease may be required. If bronchophonia is caused by other factors, then medications may be prescribed to reduce symptoms.

In general, bronchophony is a fairly common phenomenon that can be associated with various diseases. Therefore, if you notice symptoms of this phenomenon, it is recommended to consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Bronchophony is a disorder or distortion of the voice that occurs when an air stream passes through a partially narrowed glottis. Narrowing occurs for a number of reasons: due to prolonged tension of muscle groups of the vocal apparatus, due to fatigue, obesity of the vocal cords, functional insufficiency of the thyroid gland, smoking. All these reasons cause convulsive contraction of the vocal folds and the occurrence of parallax of the larynx, which has both therapeutic and diagnostic significance: the appearance of parallax indicates a sharp overstrain of the muscles with paralysis of the vocal cords as a result of the disease.