
Bunion is an unpleasant disease that manifests itself in the form of swelling of the first metatarsophalangeal joint. Often a bag appears in this place, and the big toe moves towards the other toes. In this article we will look at the causes of bunion, its symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

Causes of bunion are usually associated with wearing unsuitable shoes. Excessively narrow or high heels can cause pressure on the foot, as well as misalignment of the toes and deformation of the foot. Some people may be predisposed to developing bunions due to genetic factors or problems with the structure of the foot.

Symptoms of bunion include swelling and pain in the first metatarsophalangeal joint and displacement of the big toe toward the other toes. In some cases, there may be limited movement in this joint.

To diagnose bunion, the doctor examines the patient's foot and leg and may also order an x-ray. This will help determine the degree of deformity and the presence of other foot diseases.

When treating bunion, it is initially recommended to use comfortable shoes with low heels and sufficient room for the toes. You can also use special orthotics and pads to relieve pressure on the big toe. In cases where conservative treatment does not help, surgery may be required.

Surgical treatment for bunion may include removing the bursa, realigning the toes, and/or moving the joint into a more correct position. However, like any other operation, this procedure can be accompanied by risks and complications, so the doctor must carefully discuss all possible consequences with the patient.

In conclusion, bunion is a condition that can lead to significant discomfort and limitation of movement. But with proper treatment and preventive measures, such as wearing comfortable shoes, you can reduce the risk of developing it and achieve improved foot health. If you are predisposed to developing bunion or have already experienced this problem, see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Bunion or “bumpy big toe” is a common problem that affects many people, especially as they get older. This is a condition that causes pain and swelling in the first metatarsophangeal joint. Bunions can have different forms and causes, including wearing heavy or ill-fitting shoes. However, the most common cause is problems with the bone structure of the foot. In this article, we will look at the causes, symptoms and treatment of bunions.

Causes of bunion:

1. Wearing the wrong shoes – The shoes a person wears plays a major role in causing bunions and other foot problems. The wrong shoes can cause improper weight distribution, which can lead to crooked bones in the big toe and injury. Also, such shoes do not provide proper support for the foot, which contributes to the development of other problems, such as flat feet.

2. Problems with the bones of the foot - bunions are associated with changes in the structure of the bones of the foot, especially the big toe and its phalanges. A disruption in its formation can occur due to various diseases or genetic predisposition. Sometimes foot problems can be associated with birth defects or injuries that occurred during pregnancy or early childhood.

3. Flat feet – With flat feet, the foot does not have proper support, which can cause the bones to become deformed and take on an irregular shape, including the base of the big toe.

4. Other diseases - Some diseases, such as Charcot's disease or osteoarthritis deformans, can cause problems in the bones of the foot, including the bunion. Symptoms and Signs of Bunion The first sign of bunion is pain at the base of the big toe, which is displaced towards the other toes. Over time, the skin over the big toe becomes swollen and painful. Bunion is usually accompanied by pain, which is especially severe after prolonged standing or walking. Because of the soreness and swelling, it is often tempting to place something soft under the foot to relieve the pain. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, you may be contacted by a podiatrist, surgeon, physiotherapist or podiatrist. Some modern specialists use biological treatment methods. If the problem is caused by heredity, then correction of the shape of the feet is carried out cosmetically. The surgical approach is used in cases where changes in the structure of the feet are so serious that they cannot be corrected by other means. In addition to radical ways to solve the problem, the foot requires correction by wearing the right shoes or selecting an individual orthopedic product. In this way, bursitis, fractures, osteochondrosis and other complications can be prevented.

Bunion is a fairly common condition that affects many people. This is swelling and inflammation of the phalangeal joint of the big toe. A sore toe can be painful and also cause discomfort when walking and even throughout the day. Swelling occurs due to inflammation of the surrounding tissues and an increase in the amount of fluid. If left untreated, the disease can progress and lead to complications such as infection or joint deformity. Below we will look at what bunion is, how to diagnose and treat it.

Swelling of the toe is a common occurrence among women, because the cause is