Calcium D-Pantothenate

Calcium D-Pantothenate: Pharmacological properties and applications

Calcium D-pantothenate is a pharmaceutical drug belonging to the pantothenate group. It contains an active substance - calcium pantothenate, which has a number of beneficial properties and is used in medicine to treat various conditions.

Manufacturers of Calcium D-pantothenate are Roche Vitamins Ltd, based in the UK. This drug is also known under the international name "Calcium pantothenate" and has synonyms "Calcium D-Pantothenate" and "Calcium pantothenate".

Calcium D-pantothenate is available in several dosage forms, including 100 g, 500 mg and 1 kg. It has a wide range of applications and can be used to treat the following conditions: polyneuritis, neuralgia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, intestinal atony, eczema, trophic ulcers, burns, allergic reactions, toxicosis of pregnant women, circulatory failure and withdrawal syndrome (as part of combination therapy) .

However, like other medicines, Calcium D-pantothenate may have contraindications. Hypersensitivity to the drug is a contraindication to its use. Some side effects may occur when using Calcium D-pantothenate, such as nausea, heartburn and vomiting. In rare cases, with intramuscular injections, pain and infiltration may occur at the injection site.

It is also important to consider the interactions of Calcium D-pantothenate with other drugs. It is capable of reducing current