What is better: expensive professional exercise equipment or cheap consumer goods?

One day, one of my friends, during a break between approaches, came up with this idea... He says that I’m tired of going to the club, spending a lot of time on the road back and forth, and also paying a tidy sum for the membership “take it out of the park”, but then a bunch of people say, wait until the machine you need is free... In general, it’s long, expensive and ineffective... And I told him: “What alternative do we have?”

To which he answers me - they say, I’ll take one free room in my house and convert it into a gym. I’ll buy some inexpensive exercise equipment, set everything up there, and I’ll be happy! At the same time, I will save a lot of time on the road. And now you can train at any time. And you can lie down on any bench without fear, without thinking that someone was lying there, sweaty and infected with some skin diseases...

Well, I answer him - they say, come on, let's see what you can do...

After that, my friend actually disappeared from our gym for about a year to a year and a half... But then suddenly he suddenly appears again. Well, we say hello to him! How many years? How many winters? Why don’t you train at home?

To which he told us his sad confession: It turns out that he did everything as planned - he bought exercise equipment, equipped the room. But when it came to training, I immediately felt some discomfort. Still, professional simulators and branded equipment cannot be compared with amateur equipment! And the maximum operating weights are higher, and the ergonomics are well thought out. Even such special notches and grooves on the fingerboards so that the palms do not slip - this is such a convenient and necessary thing that my friend did not even think about. I only thought about it when I felt the lack of this important accessory...

In general, it turned out to be inconvenient, not ergonomic and, as a result, not effective. And all these disadvantages blocked all its planned advantages. Therefore, my friend, having tried the resulting system and spat, hastily sold all his expensive acquisitions at half price, and hurried to return to our hall for normal professional equipment. And he also says: I was so sad without communicating with all of you..

Here's the story... So to the question: “What is better: expensive professional exercise equipment or cheap consumer goods?” - my answer is clear and obvious! I choose pro! I advise you to do the same with all my heart! For this, I hasten to take my leave, see you in the rocking chair! Hugged everyone, goodbye everyone!

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