Dyspepsia Nervous

Nervous dyspepsia is known as a manifestation of disorders of the nervous system that occur in the body itself, in which its functioning is disrupted due to a psychological state. In turn, this condition can occur against a background of overwork, stress, and anxiety. Disruption of the nervous and circulatory systems provokes disruption of the digestive system.

Dyspepsia occurs as a result of stress, overwork or poor diet. People with phobias and panic disorders, increased anxiety and depression can suffer from it. Also, the development of the disease can be caused by long-term psychological trauma, for example, an accident, military action, inheritance or loss. As a result of the stressful effect, the functioning of the nervous system decreases, which results in a breakdown of the secretory, motor and innervation functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

The unpleasant condition is accompanied by: * nausea and vomiting; * rumbling in the stomach;

Nervous dyspepsia is a condition in which the patient experiences a disturbance in the digestive process due to anxiety and anxiety. This condition can occur in people of any age and gender, but is most common in young women. Dyspepia of a nervous nature can have various symptoms, such as abdominal discomfort, bloating, nausea, vomiting,