Diving and Medical Commission in the Navy

Diving medical commission in the Navy.

In the Navy there is such a non-staff medical military-temporary commission for divers that determines their suitability for scuba diving, readiness for it and ability to descend to a certain depth. Its name implies that it is periodically created specifically temporarily to assist divers in determining their suitability. A temporary non-staff diving medical commission is created by order of the commander of the Navy. It necessarily includes doctors of the highest category specializing in toxicology and diving, a military surgeon, as well as a representative from the combat services of the fleet. The tasks of this commission include medical examination of the diver and testing him for suitability for military service under water. To achieve this, a set of measures is carried out: measuring pressure and body temperature, as well as various analyzes and comparing them with standard indicators. Special exercises are also carried out on the brain’s response to oxygen and others. The diving medical state qualification commission is determined by the commission for the selection of military personnel whose professional skills and health determine their qualifications. Most often, such commissions work in military schools in specialties related to the need for training and practice under water, for example, in the merchant marine fleet. This commission meets with candidates for admission to an educational institution and assesses their readiness, general level of development and physical fitness.

The diving medical commission is a temporary non-staff military medical commission, which is created for the medical examination of diving crews in order to determine their suitability for diving. Its main purpose is to determine the health status of the candidate before starting the task.

The commission begins work after receiving an order from the unit commander to

The diving medical commission in the Navy is an important part of the training of divers. It is carried out to determine the physical and mental readiness of each diver to descend to a certain depth. The purpose of this commission is to ensure the safety of these operations and prevent possible accidents