
Dromomania is a mental illness characterized by an unbridled desire to travel and move from place to place. People suffering from dromomania experience a pathologically intense wanderlust that can cause damage to their social, professional and personal lives.

Dromomania is a rare but serious type of mania that occurs in some people who feel dissatisfied with being in one place and have an overwhelming desire to travel around the world. Although most people have a desire to travel and explore new places, for people with dromomania this desire turns into a pathological passion.

People suffering from dromomania may spend much of their time traveling, escaping the regular routine of being in one place all the time. They may leave their homes, jobs, families and friends to go on long trips, even though it may lead to financial or personal problems.

Although dromomania is not an officially recognized mental illness, it can have serious consequences for a person's health. People suffering from dromomania may face financial problems, job loss, social isolation and even life-threatening situations when traveling.

The causes of dromomania are unknown, but there are suggestions that the disease may be associated with increased levels of anxiety, depression or lack of stimulation. Treatment for dromomania may include therapy, psychotherapy, medications, and other methods to help patients manage their desire to travel.

Overall, dromomania is a serious mental illness that can lead to serious problems in a person's health and life. If you or someone you love is suffering from dromomania, it is important to seek help from a qualified professional to get the treatment and support you need.

Dramamania can be called one of the strangest phenomena that characterize modern people. This “disease” is a pathological passion for driving and can even lead to psychological problems. There are many reasons for this phenomenon; it can be associated with both personal factors and society. This feature can be useful and interesting, but it often results in negative consequences.

The essence of the problem is the desire to be in constant motion

Dromomania or dromomania is a little-known term to describe an intense wanderlust. Although this passion can be something enjoyable, it can lead to certain problems such as emotional and financial exhaustion. In this article we will look at the definition of dromomania and its consequences for people suffering from this pathology.

What is dromomania? Dromomania is a condition in which an irresistible thirst for wandering and changing places appears. The reasons why people become “dromaniacs” can be anything: troubles in their personal lives, frequent changes of workplace, hopelessness in life. People also tend to periodically want to do something else. This does not threaten their family and friends, but it may cause confusion. Often dromomaniacs go on trips for long periods of time and spend most of their money on it. Travel can last from several days to several months. Sometimes lonely dromans, after yet another “trip,” want to change the world or at least their own perception of life. When traveling, “experienced” people advise behaving at home as inconspicuously as possible, unlike lonely wanderers. It’s harder for them to live their whole lives on two fronts: “travel” and “live” at home. A lonely droman doesn’t even need to go anywhere; sometimes it’s enough just to go to the grocery store. So, the most common reason for moving is loneliness. For those who are single by vocation, the reason is always the same: to find the woman of their life. And if passionate impulses prevail over the financial side of the issue, such couples usually live in a civil marriage. Most often, this is resorted to by men who have already achieved success in life and who, in their words, are still “like cancer to Cyprus” before retirement. Depression pushes many people to move. Among those who are not afraid of change, a significant part are fans of extreme sports. The unusual sensations during a skydive or windsurfing intoxicate them no worse than wine or cognac. There are also those among us whose periods of activity alternate with periods