An effective remedy for bags under the eyes reviews

Characteristics in the rating

1 3LAB WW Eye Cream Better efficiency
2 THE SAEM Snail Essential EX 24K Gold Set Massager included
3 Tony Moly Hanyacho Golden Lifting Secret Eye Cream Stops skin aging
4 Skin Doctors EyeTuck Favorable price-quality ratio
5 Klapp A Classic "Vitamin A" Best cast
6 Avene Ystheal+ Eye Contour Care Review leader
7 Green Pharma Contour Creme Lifting Des Yeux Herbal Ingredients
8 FarmStay Visible Difference Snail Intense hydration
10 Nevskaya Cosmetics. "Ginseng" Best price

The skin in the eye area is thin, delicate and capricious. Often the epidermis in this place lacks moisture, but, oddly enough, with an excess of accumulated fluid, swelling appears and formations appear, which are popularly called bags. The cause of bags can be:

  1. Decreased collagen production (skin stretches under tension and sags);
  2. Vascular blockage (the circulation of blood and oxygen in the vessels and capillaries slows down, causing fluid to stagnate);
  3. Poor kidney function (illness or abuse of alcohol, salty foods before bedtime, which stops the removal of fluid from the body);
  4. Incorrectly selected care or its complete absence.

One of the main roles is occupied by care, since over the years the regenerative qualities of the epidermis decrease. The main properties that skincare products that reduce bags under the eyes should have:

  1. Cooling;
  2. Activation of blood circulation;
  3. Supply of tissues with collagen (drainage);
  4. Moisturizing and nutrition.

Our review contains the best creams that fight skin changes in the eye area, the quality and effectiveness of which are confirmed by laboratory tests, certificates and, of course, positive reviews from those who have tried them.

TOP 10 best creams for bags under the eyes

10 Nevskaya Cosmetics. "Ginseng"


The cream contains herbal ingredients: olive oil, vitamins A and E, ginseng and echinacea extract. Triglycerides obtained from coconut oil fractions are similar in composition to natural triglycerides in the skin. What’s important is that the product does not contain parabens or paraffins. Thanks to this symbiosis of ingredients, Ginseng cream from the Russian brand Nevskaya Cosmetics will become the best nourishment for sensitive skin under the eyes, and with constant use, it will help smooth out fine wrinkles, relieve puffiness and reduce bags.

Reviews about the cream are usually positive; many are pleased with the fact that the product is inexpensive and quite common in cosmetics stores. This cream is recommended for use after 30 years. The consistency is moderately thick, the cream is quickly absorbed into the skin without leaving any stickiness. It is recommended to apply it daily in the morning in a thin layer on the skin around the eyes and eyelids.



3W CLINIC COLLAGEN LIFTING quickly became a bestseller from the moment it entered the market and is still included in most ratings of the best creams for bags under the eyes. Contains hydrolyzed collagen, extract from Mite plum fruits, extracts of ginko biloba and gamelis bark, as well as fats derived from caprylic and capric acids.

Hydrolyzed collagen has a lifting effect, that is, it visibly tightens the skin and improves the contours of the eyelids. Fats from organic acids soften the skin and relieve the feeling of dryness and tightness. Gamelis bark improves the tone of the epidermis. Ginko biloba is one of the most effective natural substances aimed at combating wrinkles. And Mite fruit extract will promote cellular metabolism. 3W CLINIC COLLAGEN LIFTING is widely distributed in cosmetics stores and online stores due to its reasonable cost and effective work on eliminating bags under the eyes.

8 FarmStay Visible Difference Snail

FarmStay Visible Difference Snail cream contains active ingredients such as snail secretion, adenosine, carrot and bamboo, ginseng, chrysanthemum, and camellia extracts. From the reviews of cosmetology experts, you can understand that it is the snail secretion in this product that is one of the best active ingredients that help smooth out wrinkles and eliminate crow's feet. Adenosine is the most famous substance aimed at combating age-related changes and is suitable for use both day and night.

In reviews of the cream, special attention is paid to the effect of intense moisturizing, achieved through plant extracts that have moisture-holding qualities that do not allow moisture to evaporate from the skin. Camellia, ginseng and chrysanthemum nourish and relieve dryness, cell regeneration is activated, small capillaries are strengthened, elasticity increases, the skin is nourished with microelements.

7 Green Pharma Contour Creme Lifting Des Yeux


The cream is designed to tighten the skin around the eyes, reduce facial wrinkles and eliminate bags. Green Pharma Contour Creme Lifting Des Yeux is produced by a Russian brand, famous for its affordable pricing policy and approach to the production of skincare cosmetics: pesticides, petrochemical products and parabens are excluded; It is permissible to use only certified plant raw materials.

The composition includes apple extract, which activates natural cell renewal, and cyclotella extract, which helps reduce swelling. The product can be used at any age if there are skin changes and as a preventive measure. The cream is quickly absorbed, does not roll off and does not form a greasy film, you can apply other cosmetics on top, the coating will be even. It is recommended to use twice a day. According to consumer reviews, the first results become noticeable after 2 weeks of use.

6 Avene Ystheal+ Eye Contour Care

The unique Avene Ystheal+ Eye Contour Care cream is designed to prevent the signs of aging, eliminate bags under the eyes and correct expression wrinkles at the corners of the eyes. The visible effect is achieved due to the presence of mutually reinforcing components in the composition: retinaldehyde and pretocopherol. These substances are the active forms of vitamins A and E.

Vitamins with antioxidant properties strengthen the fibers of the epidermis, promote natural cell renewal and smooth out wrinkles. Many consumers, after long-term use, noticed a slowdown in physiological aging. The cream has a large number of reviews confirming its effectiveness. Avene Ystheal+ Eye Contour Care, from the moment it went on sale, has become a leader in reviews and voting in the ratings of the most effective remedies against bags under the eyes.

5 Klapp A Classic "Vitamin A"


The composition of Klapp A Classic cream “Vitamin A” is recognized by cosmetology experts as one of the best among anti-aging cosmetic products. The product is aimed at combating the first age-related changes and increasing skin elasticity. The composition includes: retinol, tocopherol, bisabolol, aloe extract, beeswax, lanolin and wheat germ oil. Lanolin, germ oil and aloe vera soften tissues and relieve dryness and flaking. Bisabolol helps smooth the skin, and it does not cause allergies.

Vitamins retinol and tocopherol stimulate cell regeneration processes, protect against oxidation (antioxidant effect) and the harmful effects of the environment. Strengthen elasticity and protect against damage from harmful chemical compounds. Beeswax has not only softening properties, but also healing and anti-inflammatory properties. The cream must be applied twice a day every day.

4 Skin Doctors EyeTuck


Skin Doctors EyeTuck has many reviews, and most agree that it is one of the best eye creams for puffiness and bags under the eyes. This cream contains a patented tetrapeptide that helps remove excess fluids from tissues. Also contains apricot oil and shea butter. The first forms a thin and imperceptible film on the skin and retains moisture in it. Shea butter has an anti-aging effect and helps reduce wrinkles.

The texture of the cream is light and liquid. Absorbs quickly without leaving stickiness or shine. The manufacturer recommends applying the product using massage movements from the inner corner of the eye to the temples. The reviews write that the price of the cream is fully justified by its quality of work on the skin in the eye area; a noticeable reduction in bags can be seen after just a week of daily use. In cases where the bags are already large, it is recommended to apply the cream twice a day.

3 Tony Moly Hanyacho Golden Lifting Secret Eye Cream

Hanyacho Golden Lifting Secret Eye Cream from the Tony Moly brand meets all the standards of Korean skin care products, and, as many people know, in Korea the requirements for cosmetics are very high. The active components of the product are adenosine, collagen hydrolysate, niacinamide and plant extracts. Adenosine is considered one of the most progressive and modern substances in anti-aging cosmetology. Collagen hydrolyzate improves the external condition of the skin, evening out its texture.

Red ginseng extract nourishes and restores damaged areas of the epidermis. Cocoa extract is especially important for aging skin, because it helps improve cellular metabolism and tones tissue. Gold extract improves blood circulation in the smallest capillaries of the skin, thereby enhancing cell regeneration. In reviews and reviews by cosmetologists, the cream is called the most effective product that stops skin aging.

2 THE SAEM Snail Essential EX 24K Gold Set

THE SAEM Snail Essential EX 24K Gold Set is sold in a set with a massager that will enhance the absorption of the cream by the tissues around the eyes, transporting it to the deepest layers. The product contains snail secretion, a large amount of oils and gold ions. Snail secretion is rightfully considered one of the most effective components in rejuvenation. It provokes an increase in collagen production in the skin, which naturally smoothes out wrinkles. In addition, mucin helps lighten age spots.

Gold ions enhance skin absorption of the cream. Ions also improve the circulation of oxygen in tissue cells. The composition also includes oils (macadamia, shea, sunflower and safflower). Oils soften the skin, help eliminate dryness and flaking, and add elasticity. Together, all components of the cream improve the appearance of tissue in the eyelid area, smoothing out wrinkles (“crow’s feet”) and reducing even large bags.

1 3LAB WW Eye Cream

3LAB WW Eye Cream is often included in reviews of luxury anti-aging cosmetics. The cosmetic product gained popularity precisely because of its effectiveness, and this is the case when the high price of the product is completely justified. The composition includes a special complex, the work of which is aimed at preventing age-related changes. The composition also contains vitamin B3, adenosine, purslane extract and hesperdin.

Vitamin B3 relieves swelling and swelling, and also counteracts the production of melanin, thereby preventing the appearance of age spots. One of the best qualities of the cream is its protection against ultraviolet radiation and, as a result, photoaging. Purslane perfectly soothes the skin, and hesperidin increases blood circulation and improves tone. Reviews often note that within a short time of using the product, swelling decreases and edema disappears, the epidermis of the eyelids becomes more even and smooth.

Girls, tell me some effective remedy for puffiness under the eyes. I’m 27 years old, and one of the negative factors, so to speak, is that I don’t get enough sleep regularly and I sit at the computer a lot (even in public transport, with a tablet). I don’t think that this is due to some kind of disease, rather, it’s hereditary, I was always a little “Chinese” when I smiled broadly))))) But at the 28th year of my life this began to bother me - apparently, my skin is no longer so elastic - it doesn’t look very good, the fatigue on the face is constant ((
Oh, yes - a tendency to rosacea, so don’t offer ice cream. Thanks in advance everyone! experts

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Elena Basanova

Psychologist, Family psychologist Skype. Specialist from the site

Ekaterina Artemyeva

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist. Specialist from the site

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Aleynikova Natalya Valerievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site

Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

I use ROC eye cream. Removes swelling of the eyelids. I don’t have dark circles, but they say that it also removes dark circles. try it

And I bought myself Mirra-Lux anti-edema gel, applied it every morning and there seemed to be no results. But when I ran out of it, I realized for myself that with it the swelling went away in 1-2 hours, but without it it doesn’t go away in a day. I also know a remedy for swelling for myself: don’t eat after 6 pm. You can only drink a cup of kefir or water, and buy tsevil eye cream for swelling (I have Shiseido)

If myrrh interests you, buy not a gel-cream for the eyes, but a gel-corrector to eliminate puffiness under the eyes (for some reason it also makes my eyebrows grow).

Contrasting sage lotions, warm for 10 minutes, cold for 10 minutes, always finish cold every other day for at least a month. Microcurrents could also be done, but it seems to me too early to start

if my face is swollen, drink kidney tea, after 2 days everything goes back to normal, I get up with a human face in the morning

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if my face is swollen, drink kidney tea, after 2 days everything goes back to normal, I get up with a human face in the morning

Cream for hemorrhoids under the eyes really helps. It seems like it sucks to use it every day, but occasionally it’s quite normal.

Contrasting sage lotions, warm for 10 minutes, cold for 10 minutes, always finish cold every other day for at least a month. Microcurrents could also be done, but it seems to me too early to start

And I bought myself Mirra-Lux anti-edema gel, applied it every morning and there seemed to be no results. But when I ran out of it, I realized for myself that with it the swelling went away in 1-2 hours, but without it it doesn’t go away in a day. I also know a remedy for swelling for myself: don’t eat after 6 pm. You can only drink a cup of kefir or water, and buy tsevil eye cream for swelling (I have Shiseido)

Eye cream - Orogold. Super relieves puffiness and removes bags!

About microcurrents - I bought Darsonval, I’ve been using it for a week - I really liked this thing, the skin became more elastic, less oily, the pimples went away. I'm afraid to use it on my eyelids - it's barely noticeable, but the wreaths are visible - the tendency to rosacea affects me, I'm afraid of making it worse. But, in general, due to the increase in overall tone, the swelling has become a little smaller.

Eye cream - Orogold. Super relieves puffiness and removes bags!

Oh wow - it costs 8 - 9 thousand))))))))) but damn it, I thought my “clinic” for 1.5 - 2 thousand was expensive))))))))
I definitely believe that it removes))))))
But I'll hold off on buying!))

Vikola eye mask works well against puffiness and dark circles. I use it a couple of times a week, and you can also use it as an express option before going out - that’s also great.

I buy a special eye cream. Reduces swelling a little.

Girls, tell me some effective remedy for puffiness under the eyes. I’m 27 years old, and one of the negative factors, so to speak, is that I don’t get enough sleep regularly and I sit at the computer a lot (even in public transport, with a tablet). I don’t think that this is due to some kind of disease, rather, it’s hereditary, I was always a little “Chinese” when I smiled broadly))))) But at the 28th year of my life this began to bother me - apparently, my skin is no longer so elastic - it doesn’t look very good, the fatigue on the face is constant ((Oh, yes - a tendency to rosacea, so don’t offer ice cream. Thanks in advance to everyone!

Vikola eye mask works well against puffiness and dark circles. I use it a couple of times a week, and you can also use it as an express option before going out - that’s also great.

I'm also 27 years old. first find out what kind of bags they are, if they are swelling, but by the second half of the day they usually go away, you can try all sorts of masks and creams.
If there are fatty hernias, nothing will help except blepharoplasty. My facial structure was such that every year the bags became more and more pronounced... I didn’t have these before, I tried everything, but fatty hernias can only be cut out, there is no other way. I did this six months ago. now I'm happy))

I'm also 27 years old. first find out what kind of bags they are, if they are swelling, but by the second half of the day they usually go away, you can try all sorts of masks and creams.
If there are fatty hernias, nothing will help except blepharoplasty. My facial structure was such that every year the bags became more and more pronounced... I didn’t have these before, I tried everything, but fatty hernias can only be cut out, there is no other way. I did this six months ago. now I'm happy))

The best remedy I've tried for swelling is a gel for the skin around the eyes from the Swiss company la vallee. Cleans before your eyes. Maybe at night, you’ll wake up with holes in your eye sockets. If you can find it, it used to be sold only in letual. Now I do not know. I haven't seen him for a long time. I have a couple of drops left there, I’ll save them.

Tea bags on the eyes work best for me. And the cosmetologist said a cream for varicose veins like Troxevasin and a higher pillow.

MIRRA gel corrector helps me well against edema. I've been using it for a year now and I'm delighted with the effect!

I am 39 years old, my daughters are 21, and until November they looked like sisters. One day I woke up and there were potato bags under my eyes. For half a year I couldn’t look in the mirror without fear, I tried everything. The pharmacy recommended Lierac dioptigel. I saw the effect in a month, the consumption is scanty (for 1.5 months 1 third) the price is about 1500 rubles. I am delighted.

Dear friends, Very good news! Wonderful products have appeared on the market that remove problems not in a month, but in 2 minutes! Who wants to earn big money, since the company is just entering the CIS markets, write to [email protected] Svetlana

For several years I unsuccessfully struggled with swelling under my eyes - it was in the morning that they were pronounced. I thought that the reason was in the kidneys, I examined them up and down, but the doctors said that they were healthy. Then I thought it was osteochondrosis, but I started sleeping on a wooden cushion (I put it under my neck) and the neck pain went away, but the swelling did not. Finally, through an experiment, I discovered that the problems were with the heart - I began taking vitamins with magnesium, B and potassium, and the swelling almost went away. So there really can be a lot of reasons and the real causes of edema may not be immediately detectable

cotton pads moistened with LISTERINE® EXPERT with baby cream, toothpaste with mint normal effect

I'm also 27 years old. first find out what kind of bags they are, if they are swelling, but by the second half of the day they usually go away, you can try all sorts of masks and creams.
If there are fatty hernias, nothing will help except blepharoplasty. My facial structure was such that every year the bags became more and more pronounced... I didn’t have these before, I tried everything, but fatty hernias can only be cut out, there is no other way. I did this six months ago. now I'm happy))

And I bought myself Mirra-Lux anti-edema gel, applied it every morning and there seemed to be no results. But when I ran out of it, I realized for myself that with it the swelling went away in 1-2 hours, but without it it doesn’t go away in a day. I also know a remedy for swelling for myself: don’t eat after 6 pm. You can only drink a cup of kefir or water, and buy tsevil eye cream for swelling (I have Shiseido)

MIRRA gel corrector helps me well against edema. I've been using it for a year now and I'm delighted with the effect!

Vikola eye mask works well against puffiness and dark circles. I use it a couple of times a week, and you can also use it as an express option before going out - that’s also great.

cotton pads moistened with LISTERINE® EXPERT with baby cream, toothpaste with mint normal effect

Eye cream - Orogold. Super relieves puffiness and removes bags!

If myrrh interests you, buy not a gel-cream for the eyes, but a gel-corrector to eliminate puffiness under the eyes (for some reason it also makes my eyebrows grow).

Girls, thank you very much for your answers. There was no time to come in. Here I am reading, writing down)))))))))

Find out why you have swelling... Maybe it's a hernia under the eyes. I used to suffer too; no cream helped. Then I had surgery - blepharoplasty... It wasn’t painful and not scary... There were no bruises at all. It’s not very expensive - 55 was spent on everything, including tests and a boarding house for a day.. The main thing is to find a normal surgeon)))

Maybe then share the surgeon’s contact information?

I had the same problem and managed to get rid of it forever!

Find out why you have swelling... Maybe it's a hernia under the eyes. I used to suffer too; no cream helped. Then I had surgery - blepharoplasty... It wasn’t painful and not scary... There were no bruises at all. It’s not very expensive - 55 was spent on everything, including tests and a boarding house for a day.. The main thing is to find a normal surgeon)))

All my life I suffered from bags around my eyes. What I didn’t do: I tried not to drink 4 hours before bedtime and not eat salty foods, and I applied cucumbers, then I switched to Korean patches, wiped the area around my eyes with ice every morning - zero results! And gradually wrinkles were added to this problem of mine. I am 45 years old and have never had any surgeries or beauty injections. I woke up one day and realized that it was time to see a cosmetologist. But then a friend recommended Teana eyelid lifting cream to me; she herself is a regular client of the cosmetologist and her doctor works on this cosmetics. Indeed, the cream is very good! Pleasant texture, unobtrusive, barely perceptible aroma. And the effect is noticeable! Wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin has become more elastic and moisturized. Even my eternal problem of bags, which I had even become familiar with, began to go away a little. And while I’ve been using the cream for a little over a month, I’ll see how my skin continues to change.

I also thought that I had swelling, but it turned out to be a hernia, so don’t apply creams, but skincare cosmetics don’t have the desired effect. Of course, you still need to moisturize the skin, but this volume does not go away. The bags are getting very old, so I want to have plastic surgery done. I was at one consultation, the surgeon suggested doing the upper eyelids, but I honestly don’t understand why, and I’m embarrassed by the stitches that will be there. I read about Blokhin’s blepharolifting, has anyone had surgery using this technique, are there really any traces of the operation?

Vitalina, do you mean stitches on the eyelid? Where do they come from? In general, work is not difficult to find; by the way, other surgeons from Frau Clinics also do blepharolifting, not only Sergei Nikolaevich. Haven’t you found out about the cost of the operation yet?

It’s better to do it with Blokhin anyway, I would just trust him.
I don’t want to take risks, and the operation is already complicated.
It's better to pay a little more, but be sure that your eyes and look will remain natural.

Find out why you have swelling... Maybe it's a hernia under the eyes. I used to suffer too; no cream helped. Then I had surgery - blepharoplasty... It wasn’t painful and not scary... There were no bruises at all. It’s not very expensive - 55 was spent on everything, including tests and a boarding house for a day.. The main thing is to find a normal surgeon)))

I buy a special eye cream. Reduces swelling a little.

The best remedy for puffiness under the eyes is Troxevasin gel. In the morning, apply to the site of swelling for 15-20 minutes, wash off and order. The skin is tightened and there are no bags. Try it and you will like it too

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from the Internet:
I read on one women's forum that ladies get rid of wrinkles with the help of pharmaceutical ointments. I bought it at the pharmacy for three kopecks. I'm shocked. The wrinkles on my forehead smoothed out. Girls, you don’t need expensive creams - pharmacy anti-wrinkle ointments successfully fight wrinkles. Here is my selection of the best products from the pharmacy:

Retinoic ointment for wrinkles.
Retinol (vitamin A) is considered the main “enemy” of old age, because it is thanks to it that cell regeneration occurs. Retinoic ointment for wrinkles increases collagen production, improves skin condition, smoothes wrinkles. It is recommended to use the drug as follows:
Cleanse the skin.
Apply a small amount of ointment to the problem area of ​​the skin and massage a little.
The procedure must be performed before bedtime.

Zinc ointment for wrinkles.
The product has many useful properties, thanks to which it is used to solve many cosmetic problems, including eliminating wrinkles. Zinc is a natural sunscreen that protects the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays, which are the main cause of early skin aging.
The ointment should be applied in a thin layer to problem areas of the skin before leaving the house. It should be borne in mind that zinc dries the skin very much, so it is better to use it in combination with a moisturizer.

Hydrocortisone ointment.
The drug is an analogue of the famous Botox injections, although it has a completely different principle of action. Hydrocortisone ointment is able to retain moisture in the skin, causing wrinkles to stretch and become less noticeable. The ointment should be applied to the skin in a thin layer 2 times a day.

Relief ointment.
This ointment, like other remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids, has long been used to combat skin aging. The fact is that such preparations contain shark oil, which promotes tissue compaction and cell regeneration. In addition, the ointment instantly eliminates circles and puffiness under the eyes. It is recommended to apply the ointment to the skin morning and evening.

Heparin ointment for wrinkles.
It has anti-edematous properties, so it is widely used to care for the skin under the eyes to eliminate bruises, bags and fine wrinkles. Apply the ointment to clean skin with gentle movements 2 times a day.

Radevit ointment for wrinkles.
The drug contains large doses of vitamins A, E, D2, thanks to which regular use of the ointment can significantly improve the condition of the skin, smooth out wrinkles, and make the complexion more fresh. The ointment should be applied to the face with massaging movements. Use morning and evening.

Solcoseryl ointment.
The drug is able to increase collagen production, restore damaged tissue, and improve blood circulation. Thanks to this, regular use of this ointment gives an excellent rejuvenating effect. Before going to bed, the ointment should be applied in a thin layer to the problem area of ​​the skin. The procedure should be carried out every other day.

Jojoba oil - around the eyes and for fine wrinkles

Vitamins E, A in capsules - to nourish dry lips, for eyelids

Blepharogel 1 (hyaluronic acid) - for bags under the eyes
Attention! Before using ointments, you must carefully read the instructions for use. All ointments are intended for use for a short period of time. ¶