
An embryo is a living organism at an early stage of its development. In humans, the term refers to the organism located in and developing in the uterus during the first eight weeks of pregnancy; During this time, all its main organs are formed.

The embryo is at the earliest stage of development of the human body. At this time, the laying and formation of all major organs and systems occurs. By the end of the 8th week of pregnancy, the embryo turns into a fetus, which continues to grow and develop until birth.

Thus, the embryonic period is the most important stage of development, when the foundations of the structure and functioning of the body are laid. The further formation and health of a person depends on the correct and complete development of the embryo.

An embryo, or embryogenesis, is the process of development of a fetus inside the mother's uterus. This is a stage that occurs before the eighth week of pregnancy, when the main organs and systems of the body are formed.

The embryo is a living organism at an early stage of development, and its cells are constantly dividing and growing to ensure the development of organs and systems. During this period, the embryo goes through several developmental stages such as blastula, morula and blastocyst.

In humans, the embryo usually develops during the first four months of pregnancy, but the process can take up to the eighth month. During the early stages of embryonic development, the formation of major organs such as the heart, lungs, kidneys and liver occurs.

After the eighth week, the embryo becomes a fetus and continues to develop inside the uterus. The fetus continues to grow and develop until it reaches full development and is ready for birth.

Overall, the embryo plays an important role in human development and is an important stage in the life of every person.

Man is a complex creature, and even an embryo has its own internal problems. Problems that affect his development as a person. At the same time, it must be taken into account that there is a small layer of still unknown, subtle things that people cannot think about, because such thinking is too complex.

For example, the role of human DNA is still not fully understood. Therefore, to the end we can only analyze the external form.