Folliculitis Atrophic

Folliculitis Atrophic - (Latin folliculitis atrophicus; follicle - hair, and Greek atrophēō - disappearing)

Follicullites are inflammatory changes in hair follicles, manifested by the appearance of papular elements on the skin of any part of the body. Folliculitis is also called streptoderma. The occurrence of follicular lesions is associated with the presence of a skin microorganism - S. aureus. Normally, before the onset of a painful condition, each person has several pathogenic microbes in the skin. Deviations of normal microflora do not necessarily lead to the appearance of staphylococcal infection. This type of disease includes damage exclusively to the hair follicles. Streptococcus aureus in a healthy body has a specific niche for placement. Weakened immunity promotes the proliferation of pathogens.