Spider hemangioma

Hemangioma refers to foci of proliferation of benign vascular tissue. This is a special tumor, although benign, but still a tumor - hyperplasia of the vessel wall, which led to the formation of a tumor. By analogy with the radionuclide diagnostic technique PET/CT, which some call a pseudo-combination of the capabilities of functional and radiocontrast imaging and PET/CT diagnostics, hemangiima is called a set of properties and signs of both a tumor and a hematoma. Hemangiomas are usually classified as simple or true, associated with other benign tumors, pigment spots, scars and cellular abnormalities.

Hemangiomas are generally benign vascular formations that can appear in different forms and locations. One of the most common types of hemangiomas is arachnid hemangioma, also known as stellate hemangioma. Stellate hemangioma is a very common skin tumor. It usually occurs on the face and is characterized by rounded shapes resembling stars or cobwebs. As a rule, it appears in the form of small hemorrhages under the skin that are dark red in color. Star hemangioma can vary in size and location, and in some cases it can grow and cause changes in the skin.

Treatment of arachnid hemangionma must begin as early as possible to prevent its growth and complications. Various treatment methods are used for this:

- Surgical method - Cryotherapy - Laser therapy - Electrocoagulation

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. In some cases, a combination of methods may be required to achieve the best result. It is important to note that treatment of arachnid hemancioma should only be carried out by an experienced specialist who can choose the most appropriate method for a particular case and monitor the results of treatment. However, in addition to medical therapy, it is important not to forget about the prevention of hemangionmas. You should avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and use sunscreen if necessary, as well as monitor your skin condition and promptly treat any skin diseases. In general, hemanginma stellate is a fairly common and unpleasant formation that can manifest itself in different ways and, under certain conditions, have unpleasant consequences. However, with timely detection and proper treatment, it is possible to prevent the development of complications and maintain the beauty and health of the skin for a long time.

Hemangiomas belong to a large group of congenital vascular benign tumors that occur predominantly in children and young adults. In these benign lesions, the enlarged superficial papillary dermis contains numerous tiny blood vessels filled with blood. Spider-like hemangiomas are shaped like a spider, they spread from the edge of the bottom of the cleft, are up to ten centimeters in diameter and form by the first two years of a child’s life. The progression of the disease is associated with the accumulation or change in direction of red punctuation bodies and vasodilation, which leads to the formation of deeply ingrown spider-like hemangiomas. The treatment for hemangiomas is surgical removal.