Highlighter loreal alliance perfect reviews

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Ingredients: cosmetic base, water

Loreal Alliance Perfect liquid highlighter gives the skin a noble glow and emphasizes the volume and expressiveness of facial features. A translucent product with a soft gel texture suitable for any skin type. The radiant shade 301 Pearl has a cool silver-pink undertone, making it a universal solution for fair-skinned blondes and brunettes. By varying the density of application, you can create both a delicate light glow effect and a rich glow for a fantasy makeup look. Directions for use: The multifunctional product can be used in three different ways: 1) as a base for foundation; 2) mixed in a suitable proportion with foundation; 3) to create strobing - apply as a highlighter on the cheekbones and bridge of the nose.

The product cannot be returned Goods of good quality that cannot be exchanged (returned) are listed in the List approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 19, 1998. No. 55. More details


One of the biggest trends in the world of makeup is natural glowing skin. Strobing is a technique of applying a special product with shining microparticles to the protruding parts of the face. Due to light reflection, volume is emphasized, and the skin acquires an even, smooth surface. Light falling on areas of the skin with highlighter does not cast a shadow in the wrinkles and folds of the skin, but is reflected. The entire face receives an unrivaled glow. One of the very popular products nowadays is highlighter. L'Oreal "Alliance Perfect".



Proper use of this product will help you visually lose 5-10 years. Strobing is the secret of makeup artists when they present lifting makeup to the public.

Using a low-quality highlighter often causes bad makeup, a negative mood, and for some, a damaged reputation. Since highlighters contain shimmer particles, a high-quality product and careful blending are required when used on the skin.

Due to the high cost of highlighters (since they were presented in luxury brands), not everyone could afford to use them, especially on a daily basis. But with the advent L'Oreal "Alliance Perfect" the situation has changed radically. Highlighter Available in two forms - liquid and powder. Not everyone immediately understands where to choose.


The composition of the highlighter in question is based on water and glycerin, thanks to which it is perfectly shaded and does not clump. The main thing is to rub it quickly after application so that it does not have time to dry out. Thanks to its texture, this product lasts a long time on the skin. Shimmering microparticles that are included in the composition give the skin a healthy glow. All these nuances make this product unsurpassed.

In Russia it is presented in one shade - “Shining Pearl”. In Europe, shades 101 “W Golden Glow” and 201 “N Neutre Rose Glow” are available. The volume of the product is 30 ml. It will last a long time even with daily application. The pleasant shade of the tube itself (powdery pink) puts you in a positive mood.



Application options

Using liquid highlighter. Makeup artists at L’Oreal Paris offer several options for applying this liquid product, depending on your skin type and the desired result:

  1. Under foundation, as a base. This option is suitable if you have normal skin that is not prone to rashes and flaking. Otherwise, the highlighter will highlight skin imperfections. If you have clear skin, this product will become one of your favorites. One minute - and you are fresh, rested, with expressive cheekbones and bright eyes.
  2. Apply to prominent parts of the face: under the eyebrows, on the bridge of the nose, on the cheekbones, above the upper lip, in the center of the forehead. If you have any imperfections on your forehead, you may not apply it to this area at all. On the packaging you can see a detailed diagram. It clearly shows exactly how to apply highlighter.


This type of use requires careful shading. It is suitable for any skin type. However, it is worth considering that the time spent on makeup increases. It is the use of highlighter in a certain pattern that scares girls away. There is nothing complicated if you understand the essence of this method. And this has already been discussed - in additional highlighting of the protruding parts of the face. You can use highlighter even in the décolleté area.

  1. Mix foundation and liquid highlighter before applying to skin. This method produces a natural glow. The skin becomes a little more radiant and smooth. Even with such minimal use, your skin will be happy. The main thing is not to overdo it, take literally two drops of highlighter. Any skin type, as well as foundation. Although manufacturers often recommend using products from the same line so that the products are better combined. This method will appeal to those who do not want to increase the time spent on makeup or delve into the nuances of applying the product according to the scheme.



Liquid highlighter L’Oreal “Alliance Perfect” quickly gained popularity. The fair sex is pleased with the perfect balance of quality and price. The result of using the product is healthy, radiant, most natural skin at an affordable price. It is often found in the cosmetic bags of professional makeup artists and ordinary girls who are inspired by this trend. Many people note in the reviews the versatility of the shade, which is suitable for both cold and warm types of appearance. Ease of use allows such cosmetics to be used by a person who has not previously used highlighters.


Powdery L’Oreal “Alliance Perfect” is blush and highlighter in one package. This product is designed to give your skin the most natural glow.

This highlighter comes in three palettes. You can highlight gold, pink and pearl shades. The golden shade is suitable for dark skin, and pearl and pink for fair skin. The packaging consists of two parts: the product itself and a mirror with a brush. This is very convenient, since such a product can fully replace powder in a cosmetic bag. The texture is very light, pleasant, with the addition of shimmer.


Using powder highlighter:

  1. Take the lightest shade with a brush and apply the product to the top of the cheekbones, the bridge of the nose, under the eyebrows, and in the center of the forehead. - on all protruding parts of the face, which receive more sunlight. On the back of the package there is also a detailed diagram of how to apply the product to achieve a natural glow.
  2. To maximize the shine, after a light shade, blend a powdery, more saturated one.
  3. If you apply highlighter to the inner corner of the eye and the center of the eyelid, you can get a slight tightening effect. This is exactly the lifting makeup that professional makeup artists achieve.
  4. Using the product in the recess above the upper lip will help make them more voluminous and seductive. The technique of highlighting this part of the lips has been used for a long time, with the advent of highlighters it has become even easier.
  5. The use of transparent powder will allow you to secure the strobing effect.


Result of use and reviews

The skin is radiant, rested and well-groomed. Thanks to the powder highlighter, the face becomes more defined, and the skin becomes even, smooth and as if moisturized. At the same time, the product does not leave a greasy sheen. Its stability is good, but still less than that of liquid. If this is important to you, then make your choice in favor of a liquid product.




For those new to strobing, a powder highlighter is more suitable. It is easier to apply it exactly to those areas that need highlighting and do not require such careful shading, which is necessary with a liquid highlighter.


If you spend a lot of time on your make-up, then you will be interested in both products. They can be used simultaneously. After applying a liquid highlighter, a powder highlighter is used as the final chord in the makeup. The nuances of choosing the right product lie in the very texture of these products. Liquid highlighter is suitable for girls with skin that is more even and without obvious imperfections. Its texture still tends to highlight imperfections rather than hide them.

A powder highlighter is best suited for girls with problems, perhaps with oily skin and the T-zone. The skin will get the glow it needs without any greasy shine. In addition, the application technique requires more experience with liquid highlighter.


If you are just trying your hand at the art of strobing, it makes sense to opt for the powdery option. Even application according to the scheme is quite easy.


Now you know which highlighter is best, and you can confidently make your choice. You can learn various techniques for using these tools. This trend will remain relevant for a long time. Maximum naturalness of the result and ease of use - this is what liquid and powder highlighters have in common L'Oreal "Alliance Perfect". Having opted for such cosmetics, you will definitely not be disappointed in the decision you made. The result will be simply wonderful.


Have a nice and warm October day, BeautyPatrols!


One of the most long-awaited new products was L’Oreal Paris “Alliance Perfect” Highlighting Powder. OZON.ru even offered to place a reserve for it back in the summer when it went on sale to them. And now, September 2016, the product in Russia, on ozone it cost 806 rubles, on pudra.ru – 980 rubles, on lamoda.ru – 870 rubles, and in L’etoile – about 500 rubles. Guess where I bought it? And not one shade, but two (the second is ashy).

Classic packaging for L’Oreal Paris powders:


It has 2 compartments: where the product itself and the puff (powder) or brush (highlighter).

On the reverse side there are instructions on how and where to apply.


Made in Italy.

I don’t use the brush itself that comes with the highlighter, but I can’t say that it’s uncomfortable.



The powder contains 3 shades, different in color and saturation:




Hand swatches of all three:



As you can see in the photo above, the shade that has the most amount of glitter (in terms of volume) has the least amount of glitter, while the rest contain too much shimmer.

If you pick up three shades at once with a brush and apply them to your cheekbones, it will look like this:



And I just brushed it lightly!

Most likely I will use only one of the three shades so as not to get the Christmas tree effect.

Will I buy again? 30 out of 100%

PS My reviews about highlighters from other brands:

interesting 3 shades to choose from (three powders) for different color types
All the Earth's shimmer reserves are collected in this highlighter


good durability