Source of Heart Rhythm

Heart Rate Source is the area of ​​the heart that generates the electrical impulses needed to contract the heart muscles. This is an important component of cardiac activity, which ensures a continuous rhythm of the heart.

The main source of heart rhythm is Center of automatism, which is located in the upper part of the right atrium. This focus is a group of cells that are capable of generating electrical impulses and transmitting them throughout the heart muscle.

During normal heart function, electrical impulses are generated in the area of ​​automatism and are transmitted to the ventricles of the heart through special pathways. These impulses cause the ventricles to contract, causing the arteries to fill with blood and supply oxygen and nutrients to all organs and tissues of the body.

However, if there is a disruption in the functioning of the focus of automaticity or pathways, then electrical impulses may not be transmitted to the ventricles or may be transmitted incorrectly. As a result, the heart may begin to beat irregularly or even stop.

Therefore, it is important to maintain the normal functioning of the focus of automatism and pathways to ensure the correct rhythm of the heart and maintain its health. This can be achieved through proper nutrition, physical activity, avoidance of stressful situations and regular medical examination.