Heat Probe

Heaterprobe: An innovative means of controlled heat exposure

In the world of medical technology, new tools and techniques are constantly emerging to help doctors provide more effective and safe care to patients. One such innovative device is the Heat Probe, also known as a Heaterprobe. This device, used during endoscopic procedures, is designed to provide controlled heat to control bleeding from a peptic ulcer.

The Thermal Probe is a thin device that is inserted inside the endoscope. Its main function is to deliver thermal energy to the surface of the peptic ulcer to control and stop bleeding. It is a combination of a thin probe and a heat source that can be activated during the procedure.

The use of the Thermal Probe in the procedure for stopping bleeding from a peptic ulcer has several advantages. Firstly, the thermal effect on the surface of the ulcer promotes blood coagulation, which leads to the formation of a blood clot and stops bleeding. Secondly, the device provides precise and controlled impact on the damaged area, minimizing the possibility of damage to surrounding tissue. This is especially important when working in sensitive areas such as the esophagus or stomach.

One of the key components of the Thermal Probe is a thin probe, also known as a stylet (stilet, stylet, stylus). This is a small wire inserted into the lumen of the catheter to give it the necessary rigidity during the procedure. The stylet helps to integrate the Thermal Probe into the endoscope and ensures precision and maneuverability during its use.

The procedure for using the Thermal Probe is usually performed by an endoscopist or surgeon who specializes in endoscopic procedures. After inserting the endoscope into the cavity of the stomach or esophagus, the Thermal Probe is carefully inserted through the endoscope channel and placed near the peptic ulcer. The heat source is then activated and thermal energy is transferred to the surface of the ulcer, causing blood to coagulate and stop bleeding.

The Heat Probe is a safe and effective tool that significantly improves clinicians' ability to stop peptic ulcer bleeding.Heaterprobe: Innovating Controlled Heat Intervention

In the realm of medical technology, new tools and methods are constantly emerging to assist healthcare professionals in providing more effective and safe care to patients. One such innovative device is the Heaterprobe, also known as a thermal probe. This instrument, used during endoscopic procedures, is designed for controlled heat intervention and the cessation of bleeding from peptic ulcers.

The Heaterprobe is a slender device that is inserted into an endoscope. Its primary function is to deliver thermal energy to the surface of a peptic ulcer, enabling controlled heat intervention and the arrest of bleeding. It combines a fine probe with a heat source that can be activated during the procedure.

The application of the Heaterprobe in the procedure for stopping bleeding from a peptic ulcer offers several advantages. Firstly, the thermal intervention on the ulcer surface promotes blood coagulation, leading to the formation of a clot and the cessation of bleeding. Secondly, the device provides precise and controlled intervention on the damaged area, minimizing the risk of damage to surrounding tissues. This is particularly crucial when working in sensitive areas such as the esophagus or stomach.

One key component of the Heaterprobe is the thin probe, also known as a stilet, stylet, or stylus. It is a small wire or rod that is inserted into the lumen of a catheter to provide the necessary rigidity during the procedure. The stilet helps to introduce the Heaterprobe into the endoscope and ensures accuracy and maneuverability during its use.

The procedure involving the Heaterprobe is typically performed by an endoscopist or a surgeon specializing in endoscopic procedures. After inserting the endoscope into the gastric or esophageal cavity, the Heaterprobe is carefully introduced through the endoscope's working channel and positioned near the peptic ulcer. The heat source is then activated, and thermal energy is delivered to the ulcer surface, resulting in blood coagulation and the cessation of bleeding.

The Heaterprobe is a safe and effective tool that greatly enhances the capabilities of physicians in halting bleeding from peptic ulcers. With its controlled heat intervention, this device offers a valuable solution in the field of gastrointestinal endoscopy, providing improved patient outcomes and contributing to the advancement of medical care.

Зонд теплового воздействия (Heater-Probe) – это инструмент, который используется в эндоскопической хирургии для контроля кровотечения при язвенных поражениях желудка и двенадцатиперстной кишки. Он представляет собой тонкий и гибкий катетер, содержащий нагревательный элемент, который позволяет остановить кровотечение за счет местного повышения температуры слизистой оболочки или желудка

Зонд Thermal (Heater Probe) - это медицинское приспособление, которое используется для контроля кровотечения из пептических язв при гастроскопии или бронхиальной эндоскопии. Зонд включает в себя металлическую спираль внутри металлического цилиндра, что позволяет ввести его внутрь организма через эндоскоп.

When using a Heat Probe, the electrode is placed at the bottom end of the coil and power is applied from the top. When the electrode contacts the ulcer site, voltage is applied between the electrode and the patient's body. Electrical radiation heats the tissue, causing the blood in the ulcer canal to recede and the bleeding to stop. This method is used to treat peptic bleeding of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract, such as gastrointestinal and pulpal mucosal ulcers. In this treatment, a Heat Probe is inserted into the upper part of the stomach where the peptic ulcer is located. Unlike other methods of treating ulcers, the probe does not cause mucosal irritation or pain. The Heat Probe ensures complete medical safety for the patient. The patient gets rid of the pain associated with bleeding, which improves his quality of life. This treatment method is the most effective and has the shortest recovery period. It works on the principle of generating high-frequency electric current, which allows you to heat and warm any tissue, including blood, causing it to clot and stop bleeding.