Chitosan in facial cosmetology

Nature has endowed all arthropods with an amazing property: they renew their cover several times throughout their lives. The outdated protective chitinous shell is shed, and a new one is formed in its place.

Every woman dreams of maintaining youthful skin for many years. Of course, our skin cells are also gradually renewed, but we cannot completely change our skin, as, for example, crayfish or crabs do.

However, from the chitinous cover of arthropods, modern science has learned to obtain the most important element for many living beings - chitosan, which helps doctors cure many diseases, and cosmetologists - preserve human youth and beauty.

What is chitosan?

So, chitosan is a derivative of chitin. In its natural state, chitin is found in the shells of sea crabs, shrimp, krill, lobsters, crayfish, as well as in the exoskeleton of zooplankton, including corals and jellyfish. Insects such as butterflies and ladybugs contain chitin in their wings. The cell walls of yeast, fungi and a variety of fungi also contain this natural substance.

Chitosan is produced by treating chitin with an alkali solution under special conditions. As a result of this, the carbon compound that gives chitin its hardness, the acyl, is removed. It is impossible to completely remove acyl. The quality of the chitosan composition depends on the percentage of chitosan elements and non-acetylated chitin. The higher the degree of acyl removal, the higher the functional effect of a given product.

In its chemical composition, chitosan resembles cellulose. As a natural polymer, it is absolutely safe for humans.

Cream, dietary supplement and artificial leather

The properties of chitosan are diverse:

stops the aging process of the body and normalizes immune reactions;
heals wounds very effectively, since, being a source of glucosamines (derivatives of connective tissue proteins - collagen and elastin), it promotes the rapid transformation of new collagen fibers into thin skin;
increases blood circulation in microvessels and smallest capillaries;
removes harmful salts of heavy metals, drug residues, radionuclides and other accumulated chemical wastes and poisons from the body;
cleanses blood and lymph, suppresses the development of cancer.
Due to its unique properties, chitosan has a wide range of applications.

Chitosan in medicine:

for the production of artificial skin, with the help of which traumatic skin injuries are treated;
to activate healing without scar formation, which is especially important in the matter of cosmetic correction;
as a suture material, due to its hypoallergenic properties and self-absorbability.
As a dietary supplement, when taken orally, chitosan acts in the gastrointestinal tract as a powerful adsorbent and removes toxic substances from it.

Chitosan is also used in food production, agriculture, and to protect the environment.

But for us, the cosmetic properties of chitosan are of greatest interest.

Chitosan in cosmetology. Double hydration.

One of the main properties of chitosan is the ability to form a protective layer on the surface of our skin. This significantly reduces moisture loss. Therefore, chitosan in cosmetology is used mainly as a moisturizer, which, when applied to the skin, helps restore the natural moisturizing factor.

Chitosan moisturizes our skin in two ways.

Firstly, by contacting skin cells, it forms the thinnest, invisible and imperceptible film, providing an excellent moisture-retaining coating that allows the skin to breathe freely.
And secondly, thanks to its absorbent properties, the protective film extracts moisture from the surrounding air and saturates the upper layers of the epidermis with it.
In addition to moisturizing, chitosan also protects our skin from aggressive environmental factors and increases its resistance to ultraviolet radiation.

Cosmetics with chitosan

Due to its natural origin, chitosan interacts well with living cells and is absorbed by the human body. It is absolutely non-toxic, does not accumulate in the upper layers of the skin and is harmless to particularly sensitive areas of the face and body, which makes it an ideal component of skin care products!

Cosmetics with chitosan have good permeability, which ensures the delivery of active ingredients to the deep layers of the skin.

Chitosan contained in cosmetics activates regeneration processes, promotes skin rejuvenation and has a mild antibacterial effect.

Moisturizing powder with chitosan is perfect for daily moisturizing and protecting facial skin.

For intense hydration and additional nutrition of the skin, you should use an alginate mask with chitosan 1-2 times a week.

Since our skin also needs to be cleansed of cells that have died as a result of adverse effects, chitosan salts are also used in cosmetic skin care products, especially those based on lactic and glycolic acids.

Chitosan is also used in the production of weight loss products. It has been proven that when it enters our body, it begins to attract lipids, binds them, disrupting their absorption, and then removes them, preventing the accumulation of fatty deposits. One of its molecules is capable of attracting fat molecules 4-8 times its own weight.

For example, a special body lotion with chitosan will provide high-quality skin hydration and enhance the effect of anti-cellulite wrap.

Chitosan - precautions

Despite its absolute harmlessness, the use of chitosan is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding, due to the lack of complete clinical data on its effects on the fetus and the possibility of penetration into breast milk. Before use, carefully read the instructions for use of chitosan and preparations containing it.

Xitosan in cosmetology is another confirmation of the fact that the medicinal properties of any substance almost always depend on its cost. In other words, a budget mask or face cream offered at a discount in any pharmacy will have relatively low effectiveness, which is why their purchase is permissible only in case of extreme shortage of funds. A controversial statement, you say? Surely the use of chitosan, the properties of which are truly unique, must necessarily be associated with high costs? Is it possible to buy a facial skin product without spending a lot? Let's try to answer all these questions and understand why cosmetics that contain chitosan, by definition, cannot be cheap.

Main characteristics

The formula of chitosan has a purely graphical representation, since the molecule of this substance consists of beta-(1-4) D-glucosamine units and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine linked randomly. Belongs to the class of aminosaccharides. It is not found in nature, therefore the main source of this substance until recently was chitin, obtained from the shells of crabs or lower fungi, from which acyl was chemically removed. It was first isolated in its pure form in the middle of the 19th century (1859). In recent years, active developments have been underway, sponsored by pharmaceutical companies and aimed at finding technology for the artificial synthesis of chitosan, but they have not yet reached the stage of industrial production.

Chemical properties:

  1. effective binding of hydrogen ions and various metals (including toxic and radioactive);
  2. accumulation of excess positive charge;
  3. binding of organic water-soluble substances, making the use of chitosan especially effective for removing toxins from the body;
  4. complete destruction under the influence of microbial enzymes without harm to the environment;
  5. excellent sorption effect.


A mask or facial cream that contains chitosan has an exceptionally wide spectrum of action. But taking into account the fairly high cost of finished drugs, only fairly wealthy customers will be able to appreciate their healing properties.

Application in cosmetology:

  1. slowing down natural aging processes;
  2. speedy healing of wounds on the skin of the face;
  3. stimulation of collagen and elastin production;
  4. minimizing moisture loss;
  5. formation of the thinnest protective film on the face;
  6. effective skin hydration;
  7. protection from negative environmental factors (including harsh ultraviolet radiation);
  8. acne treatment.

Application in medicine:

  1. improvement of blood microcirculation in vessels and capillaries;
  2. stimulation of the body's immune system;
  3. removal of radionuclides, waste, drug residues and poisons from the body;
  4. natural cleansing of lymph and blood;
  5. normalization of blood pressure by reducing cholesterol levels;
  6. suppression of the growth of malignant cells;
  7. decreased blood glucose levels;
  8. improvement of small intestinal motility;
  9. acceleration of blood clotting.

General indications for use:

  1. treatment of benign and malignant neoplasms;
  2. diabetes;
  3. pathologies of the cardiovascular system: heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis;
  4. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  5. immunodeficiency states;
  6. intoxication of the body;
  7. metabolic disease;
  8. diseases of the female reproductive system (including cervical erosion);
  9. treatment of postoperative wounds;
  10. cirrhosis of the liver;
  11. any violation of the integrity of the skin: burns, injuries, wounds, abrasions;
  12. poisoning of any etiology;
  13. long and constant work at the computer.

What to buy?

As we have already said, the widespread use of chitosan in cosmetology is hampered by fairly high prices. Therefore, we decided to divide the proposed drugs into two large groups. One of them included conditionally inexpensive drugs up to 1,500 rubles. Some of the substances they contain may be harmful, although the likelihood of this is quite low. In the other, there are top-end products: their medicinal properties are maximum, but the cost, alas, is very immodest.

Budget cosmetics:

  1. Night cream with seaweed extract (Belkosmex, 48 ml/370 r.). A good anti-aging product for all skin types, including dry and sensitive. At such a low price, it would be too naive to expect special miracles from the drug, but this cream still copes with its main tasks.
  2. Moisturizing alginate mask with chitosan (Alg & Spa, 25 g/620 rubles). Helps reduce puffiness, narrow pores, effectively moisturize the skin and get rid of expression lines. Contains marine collagen, rice starch and algae extract.
  3. Basis Sensitiv (Lavera, 75 ml/1000 RUR). An effective deodorant spray with 24-hour skin protection. It does not contain fragrances, dyes or synthetic preservatives, and the pH level is as close as possible to natural - from 5 to 5.5.
  4. 4 System R Chitosan Hair Repair (Sim Sensitive, 200 ml/1070 r.). Hair and scalp care product. The texture is liquid, very soft and delicate, but not all of the ingredients included in its composition can be called absolutely safe.

High level cosmetics:

  1. Ultra Facial Cream (Kiehl’s, 50 ml/2000 RUR). An effective facial moisturizer with plant oils and natural antioxidants. Slows down the natural aging of the skin and fights the network of wrinkles.
  2. Hydrationist (Estee Lauder, 50 ml/2900 rub.). The composition of this cream is truly unique: it contains 19 anti-aging ingredients, 14 plant extracts, 11 moisturizing components and many other beneficial substances. Customer reviews are the most favorable, and there is absolutely no harm to the skin.
  3. Intensive Age-Diffusing Serum (Murad, 30 ml/RUR 6,050). The ultimate serum for all skin types, belonging to the luxury segment. Recommended age category: 45+. Its price is awe-inspiring, but if you want quality without any compromises, Murad products are worth a closer look.
  4. Eye serum (Christina, 10 ml/1900 rub.). The product helps get rid of wrinkles and effectively moisturize the skin, and does this in the most convenient form. The only thing that upsets me is the immodest (considering the volume) price.

Review from a cosmetologist

So, chitosan. During the preparation of this material, we discussed with the author several fundamental points, one of which concerned home cosmetics. Can a handmade cream or mask replace a high-quality pharmaceutical drug and how reasonable would such an option be? Surprisingly, it can. True, this doesn’t make much sense. The fact is that chitosan is far from the cheapest ingredient, which, moreover, is very difficult to purchase in its pure form. This means that any mask or cream made by yourself is unlikely to be much cheaper than the most inexpensive pharmaceutical product.

Serum with hyaluronic acid – elixir of youth and beauty

Our readers successfully use Biorecin to eliminate wrinkles. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
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Hyaluronic acid contained in human skin plays a major role in maintaining the youth and beauty of the face. Over the years, the production of this substance in the body slows down, and the skin begins to fade and age. A facial serum with hyaluronic acid will help solve this problem. The drug restores firmness, elasticity and freshness to the skin, slowing down the irreversible aging process.

  1. Features of hyaluronic acid
  2. Types of serums with acid
  3. Methods of using hyaluronic acid
  4. Products with hyaluronic acid: contraindications
  5. Side effects of using the substance
  6. Top manufacturers of hyaluronic acid serums

Anti-aging serum is a concentrate of hyaluronic acid, which is produced from various biological raw materials. The substance is found in animal and plant cells and is characterized by a high content of important active components.

Main properties of the drug:

  1. fills voids under the skin;
  2. normalizes water-salt balance in skin cells;
  3. activates metabolic processes, accelerates the process of division and renewal of epidermal cells;
  4. relieves inflammation and accelerates tissue healing processes;
  5. promotes the production of collagen and elastin;
  6. forms a protective film that serves as a barrier from external irritants;
  7. Helps the skin better absorb nutritional components.

The action of hyaluronic acid covers various processes in the skin. It is part of the nervous, epithelial and connective tissues. Every day this component is transformed in the human body. But, with age, it becomes less and less.

Artificial introduction of hyaluronic acid under the skin allows you to fill the gaps where it is lacking. As a result, the skin framework is restored, the face again acquires toned contours, sagging disappears, wrinkles are smoothed out. This is an excellent remedy for sagging and dull skin.

It also affects moisture retention in the layers of the epidermis. By restoring the structure of connective tissue, hyaluronic acid binds water molecules and retains them in the skin. It also promotes the correct location of elastin and collagen in the cells, maintaining the firmness and elasticity of tissues.

Facial serum with hyaluronic acid is widely used not only in cosmetology, but also in various fields of medicine.

It is a good remedy against wounds and inflammatory processes. By activating the renewal process, acid promotes the rapid formation of new healthy cells. The substance is also used in the treatment of acne. Its anti-inflammatory effect helps eliminate pimples and blackheads in a short time.

The basic properties of all products with hyaluronic acid are the same. But, they may differ in the content and concentration of some active components. It depends on what facial skin they are intended for and what problem they are supposed to solve. Hyaluronic treatment serums for facial skin can be divided into several types:

  1. moisturizing;
  2. with a lifting effect;
  3. nutritious;
  4. restorative;
  5. anti-inflammatory.

Moisturizing serums are designed for skin that is dry and prone to flaking and redness. These remedies are divided into two types: with a quick effect and short-term effect and with a gradual but long-lasting effect. Serums that help quickly moisturize the epidermis and smooth out expression lines in a short period of time act for one evening or day. But products that allow you to cure dry skin and maintain the effect for a long time are used in several sessions in beauty salons.

Hyaluronic acid with a lifting effect contains a fairly large amount of elastin and collagen. It is used for sagging facial skin with the first signs of aging. This product helps restore a beautiful oval shape, lift eyelids, smooth out nasolabial folds and wrinkles in the forehead area.

Nourishing serums are suitable for skin care at any age. They necessarily contain vitamins, microelements and other biologically active substances necessary for beauty and health.

Using a nourishing product based on hyaluronic acid will help maintain youthful skin longer, restore its softness, silkiness, healthy color and radiant appearance.

Regenerating serums have a rejuvenating effect. They are suitable for those whose skin is experiencing the first signs of aging or is already suffering from them. Revitalizing agents affect cell division, activating and accelerating this process. Vitamin D and calcium are often added to their composition. As a result, the epidermis renews itself faster, and the face looks younger, fine wrinkles and minor age-related changes disappear.

Anti-inflammatory serums help get rid of acne, pimples, itching and redness of the skin. These products contain auxiliary tonic substances. Often their role is played by panthenol, chitosan and plant extracts that have wound-healing and soothing properties.

Hyaluronic acid can be used independently at home or in a cosmetologist's office using special procedures. For home care, products with a small concentration of the “magic” substance are produced. Among them:

Any cosmetic product with hyaluronic acid for home care affects the skin only superficially and does not affect internal processes.

The effect of cosmetics based on hyaluronic substance is completely different than that of cosmetic procedures. The acid included in the care products does not penetrate deep into the epidermis, since its molecular weight is too high and is not able to penetrate the upper layers of the skin. Therefore, it is almost impossible to smooth out deep wrinkles and tighten sagging skin with such means. But, with regular use, they give their results, slowing down the aging process, smoothing out fine wrinkles, and evening out the complexion.

The effect of hyaluronic acid on facial skin after salon procedures is completely different. This is due to the fact that the substance is injected directly deep into the epidermis and affects internal processes. To do this, cosmetologists use low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, which can penetrate deep into the dermis.

Salon methods of using hyaluronic acid:

  1. biorevitalization;
  2. contour plastic;
  3. mesotherapy.

Biorevitalization is an effective skin rejuvenation procedure. It is an injection or laser method of introducing hyaluronic acid into the layers of the epidermis, the composition closest to that secreted in the human body. This method is indicated for people over 30-35 years old. Immediately after the biorevitalization session, the result is noticeable. Small wrinkles are smoothed out. After 7-14 days, the long-term effect appears. The production of hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen is activated in the tissues and the face becomes even smoother and more radiant.

Contour plastic surgery is designed to correct sagging areas of the face and eliminate deep folds. Back in the 20th century, it was done using silicone-based preparations. But by the end of the 90s of the last century they were banned in many countries due to serious side effects. And in 1995, a revolution occurred in the field of cosmetology - fillers based on hyaluronic acid were created. Plastic surgery is performed non-surgically by injecting fillers into problem areas with special elastic blunt-ended syringes. In addition to hyaluronic acid, fillers also contain other active substances. The result after the procedure lasts from 6 to 8 months.

Mesotherapy, like biorevitalization, is an injection procedure. But it is very different from the second one. Mesotherapy is intended not only for skin rejuvenation, but also for solving other problems. During this procedure, non-pure hyaluronic acid is injected into the epidermis. The serums intended for this method include vitamins, minerals, and biologically active substances. It all depends on the desired effect. This procedure can be performed from the age of 25. It helps keep your skin youthful longer, get rid of acne, pigmentation, scars, oily or dry skin problems.

By watching the following video, you can learn in detail how the facial skin mesotherapy procedure is carried out, as well as hear professional recommendations on the recovery period:

Products containing hyaluronic acid can have different effects on your overall health. It is better to find out in advance how it affects the individual body by conducting a trial test. Only after this can you resort to using it.

It is important to remember that cosmetic hyaluronic acid is not an absolute analogue of that secreted in the human body! It is extracted from plant and animal kingdoms, and it can cause serious allergic reactions, even death!

Before conducting a rejuvenation session, a competent specialist will definitely test how hyaluronic acid acts on the patient’s facial skin. If there is no negative reaction, he will agree to carry out the procedure. At the same time, he must explain to the client that the use of the substance has a number of contraindications. Among them:

  1. diseases caused by infections;
  2. period of pregnancy and lactation;
  3. diseases associated with hematopoiesis;
  4. autoimmune diseases;
  5. serious inflammatory processes in the facial area;

You should not use products containing hyaluronic acid within 30 days after a chemical peel or resurfacing. The skin is very sensitive during this period and may react with severe irritation.

It is impossible not to note the possible side effects after using the product. They occur extremely rarely, but there is always a risk. Among the most common undesirable consequences are:

  1. redness;
  2. itching;
  3. swelling;
  4. hematomas;
  5. seals;
  6. painful sensations.

Rashes, redness, swelling and itching indicate an allergic reaction of the body. If these symptoms appear, you should seek help from a specialist.

Bruises and small subcutaneous bruises, ruptures of capillaries indicate poor quality work by the cosmetologist, who was unable to correctly determine the location of the vessels and damaged them.

Lumps and pain in the injection area most often occur due to improper administration of the drug. This may be a consequence of the inexperience of the cosmetologist or the use of low-quality serum. Therefore, you should always review the license and specialist diploma, and also find out in detail what drug will be used, its expiration date, where and by whom it was produced.

Taking care of your facial skin at home using a serum based on hyaluronic acid is easy and safe. Cosmetic products contain concentrations that are not hazardous to health. Many manufacturers offer products with this active substance. But there are those whose lines of cosmetics with the “elixir of youth” have been on the market for many years and are very popular. These are brands such as:

The Librederm company offers a low-molecular activator serum with enzymes that provoke the production of its own hyaluronic acid in the skin. The composition also includes soy protein. It is an important nutritional component containing peptides and amino acids. The serum is suitable for aging, dry and combination skin. The best effect is achieved when combining the product with other products from this series.

A youthful product from Guerlain called Super Aqua-Serum Light restores skin health by normalizing the water balance in the layers of the dermis. The serum cleanses, tones and moisturizes the skin. It contains extracts of medicinal plants, and is based on sodium salt of hyaluronic acid. It is recommended to apply the product twice a day to cleansed facial skin with massage movements, avoiding the eyelid area.

The product from Darphin Stimulskin Plus, when used regularly, provides a light lifting effect, eliminates expression lines, nourishes and moisturizes the skin. The serum contains components such as sea emerald algae and commiphora extract. The product has a rich aroma that is recommended to be inhaled. Before use, warm up the serum in your palms and apply with light massage movements.

Hyaluronic acid 100 from the Korean manufacturer Mizon has a special composition. The product contains various plant extracts and extracts that eliminate inflammatory processes, even out the color and texture of the skin. The serum contains a significant amount of hyaluronic acid, which activates metabolic processes. This product is great for those who care about the whiteness of their skin, as it has effective whitening properties.

Serum Almea H.A. Serum is suitable for any skin type. It contains allantoin, which enhances the regenerating effect by eliminating the layer of dead skin cells. The product contains low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, which penetrates deep into the upper layers of the epidermis. The texture of the serum is light, which allows it to be quickly absorbed and does not leave an oily film on the surface of the face. The product is sold in bottles with dispensers.

Our readers successfully use Biorecin to eliminate wrinkles. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
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Hyaluronic acid has made a real revolution in the world of beauty and health. With its correct and timely use, you can preserve the youth of your face for a long time and deceive the fleeting time.