How to quickly remove tan from face

Not all girls love dark skin.

Therefore, if you spent a decent amount of time in the sun and forgot to use sunscreen, the question “how to whiten your face from tan” should worry you.

Don't worry: there are proven meansthat will return the whiteness to your skin.

Is it possible to?

How to get rid of tan on your face? You can remove tan from your face. However, there are gentle methods that do not harm the skin, but there are also quite tough meanswhich can cause great harm. It is important to be able to choose the right and safe methods. This is exactly what we will share with you below.


What tools can you use? at home?

To remove unnecessary tan from your face, no need to go to a cosmetologist: There are both proven home folk remedies and special cosmetics that can be bought in the store.

So, if you don’t have time for salon procedures, and don’t have money for professional products, choose one from the list below:

Whitening sun creams. Suitable if you don’t like making homemade masks. Whitening products must contain some of these components: phenols, sulfides, essential oils or acids. We do not recommend using products with acids during daylight hours in the summer.

You may damage your skin or dry it out.

These funds are considered the most effective for skin whitening.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Quick whitening recipes

How to remove tan from face quickly? Prepare a bowl for making masks, select one of them and start whitening your skin.

Whitening mask with white clay. Mix one tablespoon of white clay with water until the consistency of thick sour cream. Add a few drops of lemon juice.

Apply the mask to your face and keep it on for 15 minutes. Spray your face with water periodically to prevent the clay from drying out. Then rinse with warm water and use a moisturizer.

Scrub mask with parsley. You will need parsley. Grind it well until it begins to release juice. For two tablespoons of chopped parsley, add a level teaspoon of finely ground sea salt.

Gently rub into skin, massage lightly and leave for five minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Lemon mask. To prepare this whitening mask, mix lemon juice (2 tablespoons) with 4 tablespoons of kefir and 1 liquid honey.

For thickness, add starch or flour to the mask. Leave on face for twenty minutes, then rinse.

These are the most popular and effective folk masks for removing tan from the face.

Homemade mask

How to whiten your face after sunbathing? We have given you three recipes, each of which effectively helps remove tan.

  1. honey: 1 tablespoon;
  2. parsley: 1 bunch;
  3. lemon juice: 1 tablespoon;
  4. essential oil of orange, bergamot, grapefruit, lavender or tangerine (any choice): 3-4 drops;
  5. water: as much as it takes to dilute the mask to the desired consistency;
  6. kaolin (white clay): 1 tablespoon;
  7. salt: half a teaspoon.

Chop the parsley well, and first dissolve the essential oils in honey.

Then mix all ingredients thoroughly. The mask is ready! Apply it to cleansed facial skin and leave 15 minutes.

You can pre-steam the skin for a better effect. After the mask, be sure to use nourishing cream.

How to remove self-tanning?

Unlike natural sun tanning, self-tanning is not as long lasting. That's why worth waiting 5-6 daysuntil it washes off.

But if suddenly it washes off your face unevenly, try to whiten your skin with any of the products that we listed above.

Conclusion: to remove unwanted tan/tan from your face, you need to use masks with one of these ingredients: white clay, kefir, lemon juice, parsley, honey, aloe vera. If you don’t have the time or desire to make homemade masks, buy products with acids, but use them only before bed.

You can learn how to whiten your facial skin from unwanted tanning from the video:

A tan can be beautiful only for a short period of time and provided that solar procedures are carried out correctly. Subsequently, you have to deal with the remnants of summer holidays and restore the natural color of the skin of the face, hands and body. This can be done at home using folk remedies and professional cosmetics.

Read in this article

How to quickly remove tan from face at home

The usual food products from which lotions, masks and scrubs are prepared will help solve the problem.


This plant will help get rid of tanning on the face, reduce the intensity of pigmentation and freckles. You can prepare a mask from parsley: 1 tablespoon of chopped greens of the plant and sour cream or kefir are mixed into a homogeneous mass.

If the skin is extremely dry, then it is better to use fatty cottage cheese to prepare the product - it is ground into a paste with a small addition of milk and mixed with parsley. Apply this mask daily to cleansed skin, the procedure lasts 15-20 minutes.

You can enhance the effect with a decoction of the plant’s greens, which is prepared from 2 tablespoons of raw materials and 300 ml of water (boil for 10 minutes). The prepared and cooled decoction is used as a lotion - wipe the face with it to tone in the mornings and cleanse from dirt/dust in the evenings. Cosmetologists recommend freezing the parsley decoction and wiping the skin with an ice cube in the morning before using decorative cosmetics.

And here is more information about whitening face masks.


It is believed that it is enough to spread circles of fresh cucumbers over the face for 10 - 15 minutes - and you can get rid of not only a tan, but also freckles and age spots. Cosmetologists recommend using homogeneous masks based on this vegetable for this procedure, which will prevent uneven lightening of the skin.

The basis for the lightening mask is a fresh cucumber, grated (the peel is not removed). To this mass add a little flour or a raw egg, starch or mashed cottage cheese. It is important to achieve such a consistency that the mask adheres to the skin and does not run off.

The procedure with cucumber masks is carried out daily and can be used to remove tan from the face and body. Noticeable lightening of the skin is noted immediately, but optimal results can be achieved after 2 to 4 procedures.

Kefir, sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese

Any fermented milk products have a whitening effect on tanned skin. They can be used as an independent remedy or increased their effectiveness with honey, crushed oatmeal, raw eggs, essential cosmetic oils, and aloe juice. In this case, the masks will not only whiten, but also nourish, moisturize, and tighten pores.

An important rule: to prepare masks, you cannot use low-fat fermented milk products, and additional components are added in equal quantities to the main ones.

Any of the masks is applied to a cleansed face, the procedure takes 20 minutes.

Citrus fruit

Lemon, orange and grapefruit juice can be used as bleaching agents. But you need to take into account a few nuances:

  1. Citrus fruits should not be used to get rid of tan if there are existing wounds in the area where the product is intended to be applied. We are talking about small scratches and acne.
  2. Allergies often occur to these products, which will lead to a significant deterioration of the condition - swelling, redness, peeling and itching of the skin will be added to unnecessary tanning. Therefore, you need to either be confident in the safety of the product, or conduct a basic allergy test (apply a small amount of juice/pulp to the skin of the face or body and wait 20 minutes, paying attention to how you feel).
  3. Citrus fruits dry out the skin greatly, and after sunbathing it is characterized by increased sensitivity. You can whiten your face and body with citrus fruits, but any mask is applied to the required areas for a maximum of 10 minutes. If pure juice is used - for 5 minutes.
  4. After washing off the citrus mask, the skin of the face or body must be lubricated with moisturizer.
  5. The procedure schedule is once every 2-3 days, the result will be obtained in a maximum of 2 weeks.

Recipe for a mask against sun pigmentation on the face: mix milk, honey and lemon juice in equal proportions.

A whitening mask is prepared from 1 slice (circle) of citrus fruit, which is crushed in a blender or with a knife. Honey, natural yogurt, sour cream or crushed oatmeal are added to the gruel - one component in the amount of 1 tablespoon.

You can mix lemon juice with clean water in a ratio of 1:3, respectively, and use the lotion in its pure form or make ice cubes from it. This product not only gets rid of tanning, but also tones the skin.

To learn how to prepare a whitening face mask, watch this video:

Ground coffee

This product is used to make a scrub at home. Such mechanical peeling will be acceptable for tanned skin without damage or a tendency to allergies. The procedure is carried out in compliance with the recommendations of cosmetologists:

  1. Before scrubbing, you need to steam the skin of your face or body. This is done either in a bath/sauna, or in a bath with hot water, or under a running shower. 5 - 7 minutes of targeted heat exposure is enough to achieve the desired level of steamed skin.
  2. A small amount of ground coffee beans is applied to the prepared skin. This product can be mixed with a small amount of vegetable or essential cosmetic oil, sugar or fine salt. Proportions 1:1.
  3. Using your fingertips, perform a light massage with the product on areas with pronounced tanning. The procedure lasts 5 minutes, no effort is needed, the composition of the scrub already has a powerful cleansing effect.
  4. After the procedure, the skin is washed and treated with a moisturizing or nourishing cream.
  5. If a person is allergic to coffee, then this product can be replaced with crushed oatmeal and sugar. But in this case, the results of whitening will appear no earlier than in a month.

Salon procedures for whitening the skin of the face, hands, body

By going to a beauty salon, you can conduct several sessions of treatments to get rid of a tan. But if you understand them, then nothing will prevent you from using professional products at home.

Mechanical peeling, professional scrubs

Professional cosmetic products for peeling at home contain acids - lactic, fruit, glycolic. They must be used with great care, no more than once a week and strictly following the rules from the instructions. General recommendations include:

  1. mandatory cleansing of the skin before peeling from decorative cosmetics, dirt and dust;
  2. applying the product first to the nose, then to the forehead, then to the chin and cheeks with cheekbones;
  3. the procedure takes 20 minutes, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions;
  4. rinsing off the product with warm water;
  5. obligatory subsequent moisturizing of the facial skin with cream.


These are products that are also designed to deeply cleanse the skin. But they are made on the basis of fruit acids and act more gently on the epidermis. This fruit peeling will not only get rid of tanning, but will also serve as a nourishing agent and restore the moisture of the dermis.

Gomages should be used very carefully to get rid of tanning to people who have a history of allergies to any fruits and berries. Before starting the procedure, you need to study the composition of the product or conduct an allergy test.

The frequency of peeling with such means is once every 4 days.

Cosmetic clay masks

Clay for cosmetic procedures is available in different colors. When choosing a tanning treatment, you need to know the following:

  1. Red clay is optimal for mature skin. In addition to the whitening effect, the mask will improve skin tone, make it more elastic and get rid of shallow wrinkles.
  2. White clay is an excellent choice for sensitive skin with signs of inflammation and rashes.
  3. Blue, black, green and yellow can be used to remove tan from any skin type.

The selected cosmetic clay is mixed with warm water in such proportions that the result is a mushy, homogeneous mass. It is applied to the necessary areas of the face and body and left for 20 minutes. Before washing off the product, you need to soften it a little - apply any cloth soaked in warm water over the frozen mask for 3 - 5 minutes.

After the procedure, the treated areas of the skin must be lubricated with a rich cream with a moisturizing effect.

Ready-made clay masks from L’Oréal

The frequency of whitening with cosmetic clay is 2 times a week. To enhance the effect, instead of water when preparing the product, you can use lemon consistency (juice with water in a 1:1 ratio), cucumber juice with pulp, kefir or liquid sour cream.

The most effective procedures are photocorrection and laser therapy. They cannot be done at home.

And here is more information about solariums for acne.

Removing tan from the skin of the face, hands and body is quite possible at home and literally with improvised means. Products with whitening properties can be used frequently and for a long time, until the natural color of the skin is completely restored. They are safe and do not cause allergies.

Useful video

To learn how to even out a bad tan on your face and body, watch this video:

You can prepare whitening face masks at home. In this case, efficiency will not be affected. There are recipes for age spots, tanning, freckles, and separately for dry skin. You can do anti-aging and whitening at the same time and achieve quick results.

Removing wrinkles on the forehead at home can be very difficult, especially if they are deep, between the eyebrows. It’s easier with facial expressions; massage can be used here. And yet, before contacting a cosmetologist, it makes sense to try other methods.

There are quite a few ways to remove freckles from your face. This can be done at home or quickly removed at the salon. How can you do this at home?

The skin of the face after tanning does not always sparkle with beauty. Once burned, it peels and peels, so it is necessary to take care of it. How to whiten, brighten, restore and moisturize your skin?

Tanning is beautiful. But its aesthetic value does not last that long. We sunbathed in the summer, showed off for a couple of months in open outfits and that’s it - it’s time to restore the skin and its color. We'll tell you how to do it quickly and at home.

Why remove tan

First of all, you need to understand why you need to remove your tan at all. Most often this is done for the following reasons:

  1. the appearance of peeling, freckles;
  2. red spots on the skin;
  3. uneven tanning;
  4. work that requires white skin: this applies to models, actresses, presenters.

And if you are a business lady, you cannot afford to go to a business meeting like that. What if there’s a date, and your face is in this state.

It is in such situations that the question arises of how to remove tan. Cosmetologists also provide this service, but you can do it at home yourself.

How to remove tan from your face at home

The way a person’s face looks and is perceived is influenced by many factors: hair color, clothing, room lighting. Fatigue and pallor spoil any appearance, but a tan doesn’t make everyone look good. And there are a number of reasons for this:

  1. on the skin of the face, tan residues in the form of spots are more visible;
  2. face looks older with dark skin;
  3. pigment spots and freckles are more noticeable;
  4. a face tanned in spring against the background of a light body does not look very beautiful;
  5. a tan on the face emphasizes facial wrinkles.

Therefore, sometimes there is a need to remove the tan from the face.

Cucumber masks

This product can be used in many ways:

  1. You can simply apply cucumber: cover your entire face with sliced ​​circles. The duration of this procedure is about 15 minutes.
  2. The cucumber is also used in grated form: the pulp from it is applied in the same way as in the first case.
  3. Cucumber mass can be mixed with other ingredients.

If you regularly make cucumber masks, your skin will become bright and clean, and pigmentation will go away. As for tanning, you will notice a significant lightening of the skin after the first procedure; it will completely disappear in 2-4 manipulations.

To prepare a whitening mask, you need to finely grate a fresh cucumber with the skin. To thicken it, add cottage cheese, pureed through a sieve, a small amount of flour and a raw egg. The mixture must be stirred very well: it should be as homogeneous as possible and of such thickness that it sticks to the face and does not run off.

Masks made from fermented milk products

Sour cream, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese will independently whiten your skin from tanning. But to increase their usefulness, you can add other natural ingredients to them. Depending on the additional components, the mask will acquire a moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, nourishing, and soothing effect.

You can add eggs, honey, aloe leaf juice, essential oils and oatmeal to fermented milk base elements. The ingredients must be taken equally.


  1. all products must be fresh and of high quality;
  2. Before applying the mask, cleanse the skin;
  3. leave the mask on the skin for 20 minutes;
  4. the selected fermented milk product must have a high percentage of fat content.


Parsley also has an effect similar to that of cucumber. For our purposes, parsley is used. It is not very convenient to use it on your own, so for the mask you need to mix finely chopped parsley with sour cream, yogurt, kefir or full-fat cottage cheese.

The ingredients are also taken in equal parts - approximately a tablespoon.

The mask should be used daily for 15-20 minutes after the skin cleansing stage.

You can make a tonic from parsley - the product will complement the effect of the mask. It is prepared simply: for a handful of finely chopped greens you need about one and a half glasses of water. Boil for 10 minutes.

The prepared decoction can be used both in liquid form and frozen. Wipe the face with the liquid as a tonic or lotion. Naturally, it must be cooled before this. A pre-frozen decoction in the form of cubes perfectly refreshes the face in the morning, brightening and toning.

Citrus fruit

It is important to remember that acid can act quite aggressively, especially on sensitive facial skin. Therefore, it is not recommended to use citrus juice in its pure form to whiten facial skin.

The basic ingredient of the mask is, of course, citrus juice. First, you need to grind a slice of lemon, orange or grapefruit in a blender (or just finely chop it with a knife), and add one tablespoon of any addition to it: natural yogurt, full-fat sour cream, honey or oatmeal.

To prepare a tonic from citrus juice, you need to add water to the juice: for half a glass of juice - one and a half glasses of water (1 to 3). Use as a tonic after cleansing the skin, wiping it with cotton pads soaked in the solution, or freeze it using ice cubes.

Precautions when using citrus fruits:

  1. Before use, be sure to do an allergy test. To do this, apply a little citrus juice to the skin that you want to use for the mask. Wait 20 minutes. If there are no changes in your health, then you can use it. Manifestations include skin redness, swelling, and peeling.
  2. Due to the presence of citrus acid in juice, they have an irritating effect and the mixture should not be applied to skin with inflammation, scratches and wounds. This also applies to problematic, rash-prone skin.
  3. Citrus fruits remove oily shine well, but for dry shine, especially after sunbathing, this is not entirely ideal; it can dry out. Therefore, such whitening masks are applied to dry skin for no longer than 10 minutes.
  4. Regardless of skin type, after washing off the mask, you need to moisturize it with cream.

The desired effect after using citrus fruits will be achieved no earlier than after 14 days. To do this, you need to carry out the procedure twice a week.

Ground coffee

Coffee is used as a mechanical way to help remove unnecessary tan from the face, using it as a scrub. This procedure, like any scrub, is suitable only for healthy skin: without wounds, acne, inflammation and a tendency to allergies.

Only natural ground coffee is suitable, not instant coffee.

Before carrying out the procedure at home, remember the basic recommendations:

  1. You can replace coffee with oatmeal or sugar. The flakes need to be crushed to a grain state. The effect will be similar to that of coffee, but not as fast: it will take about a month.
  2. To achieve the best result, the skin should be steamed thoroughly before the procedure. A hot bath or shower will help with this.
  3. You can use pure ground coffee powder or add a little essential or simple vegetable oil for convenience.
  4. The procedure itself consists of 5 minutes of light facial massage in areas of heavy tanning. They do this with their fingertips without effort.
  5. After scrubbing, you need to wash your face and apply moisturizer.

Cosmetic clay masks

Another means for lightening is cosmetic clay.

Blue clay is universal and suitable for any skin type

Clay of different colors is sold for different skin types:

  1. Red - for mature skin: whitens, improves tone, adds elasticity and thereby removes fine wrinkles.
  2. White clay – for sensitive skin, relieves inflammation and rashes.
  3. Blue, black, green and yellow are suitable for all skin types.

To bleach, apply clay diluted with water to a homogeneous paste for 20 minutes. on tanned areas. During this time, the clay will dry out and you need to soften it a little to make removal easier: apply a cloth moistened with water to your face.

After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a rich cream to the skin.

The fastest ways to remove tan from your face

The following products are suitable as express help against tanning:

  1. Parsley tonic: wrap a paste of two handfuls of parsley in gauze and squeeze out the juice, rub the tanned areas for 15 minutes, and rinse.
  2. Cucumber mask with turmeric: apply a mixture of 1 teaspoon of turmeric and 0.5 cups of cucumber juice to the skin for 35-45 minutes, rinse with a warm shower.
  3. Curd mask: apply a mixture of 250 g of full-fat cottage cheese and 1 teaspoon of turmeric to the body for 25 minutes, rinse with a warm shower.
  4. Milk mask: mix a glass of milk, a pinch of turmeric, 50 ml of cucumber and 50 ml of lemon juice, apply to clean skin for 35 minutes, take a shower.
  5. Tonic with apple cider vinegar: rub the body with a solution of apple cider vinegar and boiled water (50:50) for 5-7 minutes, be sure to rinse off in the shower.
  6. Mask with yogurt: mixture of 200 ml. yogurt, 50 ml. cucumber and 30 ml. Apply lemon juice to the body for 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  7. Oatmeal mask: mix 200 g of buttermilk and 200 g of steamed oatmeal, apply to the body for 25 minutes, rinse.
  8. Honey-lemon mask: apply a mixture of lemon juice and 6 tablespoons of honey to the body for 30 minutes, take a shower.
  9. Aloe tonic: wipe the skin with a mixture of aloe juice and water (50/50) once a day, take a shower after each wipe.

The most effective ways to lighten your skin

Self-prepared scrubs and masks can be very effective in helping to remove a tan:

  1. Coffee scrub: squeeze out the coffee mass, gently rubbing, apply to face, rinse with lukewarm water.
  2. Citrus scrub: grind the dried peelings of any citrus fruits in a coffee grinder, apply with massaging movements for a couple of minutes. on the skin.
  3. Parsley lotion: pour 100 grams of parsley into 300 ml. hot water, keep in a water bath until boiling, boil for 7 minutes, strain, cool, wipe your face twice a day.
  4. Mask with egg: mix the juice of half a lemon with egg white, apply and wait until completely dry. It is not recommended for those with dry skin as it dries it out greatly.
  5. Mask with tomato juice: apply a mixture of yogurt (or kefir) and tomato juice (1 to one) on the face for 20 minutes, wash with warm water. This mask is also effective against acne.
  6. Milk mask with the addition of saffron: heat half a glass of milk in a water bath, add 1 tsp. lemon juice and four finely chopped saffron stalks, keep everything on the stove for about 1-2 minutes, let cool for 15 minutes. Cover the skin with the mixture and wash.

Salon treatments at home

Beauty salons also offer a wide range of tan removal services. But they can also be done at home.

Let's look at some of them.

Mechanical peeling with professional scrubs

To carry out the procedure, it is enough to purchase the necessary product. But it is necessary to remember that professional peelings and scrubs often contain acids that can have quite an aggressive effect. Therefore, their use must be treated very carefully.

Elenis salt scrub

  1. Before use, read the instructions;
  2. Use no more than once a week;
  3. Peel only on thoroughly cleansed skin;
  4. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 20 minutes (according to the instructions);
  5. Apply the product in this order: nose, forehead, chin, cheeks, cheekbones;
  6. Rinse off with warm water;
  7. After rinsing off the product, apply moisturizer to the skin.


Gomages consist mainly of fruit acids and are capable of deeply cleansing the skin. But thanks to the natural composition, they do it very carefully. In parallel with the whitening agent, they also provide a good nourishing and moisturizing effect.

Chocolate body wash GreenIdeal

It is recommended to use no more than once every four days.

Skin care rules after whitening

After lightening procedures, the skin has become softer and more sensitive, and therefore requires special care. Here are a few points that you should not miss when caring for it in the next few days after whitening:

  1. Use sunscreen when going outside, or regular creams that have SPF;
  2. Use a moisturizing, nourishing or regenerating cream twice a day: apply to lightened skin in the morning and evening;
  3. For some time, forget about using lotions with a drying effect, especially those containing acids;
  4. Do not walk under intense sun rays.

How to prevent improper tanning

To avoid the problem of unnecessary and uncomfortable tanning that needs to be removed, try to follow these recommendations while in the sun:

  1. Sunbathe before eleven in the morning and after four: ultraviolet radiation is not so strong and the risk of burning is much less;
  2. Always apply sunscreen when going outside on a sunny day;
  3. Take care of tanning evenly: do a good facial cleansing in advance using peeling or scrub.