What does a vampire bite look like?

Vampires are the most popular representatives of existing evil spirits. In Russian, these bloodsuckers are called ghouls (from the words “drink”, “revel”), they are also called “nosferatu” (“not dead”).

Immortal but dead

Vampires live forever, provided they have something to eat. It's interesting, but at the same time they retain their intelligence. They are capable of thinking. They are preserved as individuals, unlike, for example, the slow-witted immortal zombies (the living dead). In general, a vampire remains the same as he was during life, but, unlike a living person, he is nocturnal. During the day he "rests" in his coffin or crypt.

As mentioned above, there is a lot of scientific debate on the topic “Do vampires exist”. People have been puzzling over this for centuries, while vampires roam among us. Indeed, the nature of vampirism has not been studied at all. We still cannot answer the question of how to survive against an army of night bloodsuckers (and, believe me, we are not talking about mosquitoes)!

Where do vampires bite?

So, we have found out that the question “Do vampires exist?” is at least of scientific interest, which makes us think about the seriousness of this mystical phenomenon. Now let's find out in what places this bloodsucker can bite us if we meet him.

  1. in most cases, a vampire can bite through your carotid artery, located on your neck, since this is where there is the most blood (this is the most favorite place for a bite);
  2. the veins located on the wrists of our hands are no less “tasty” place;
  3. Take note that some sophisticated vampires manage to suck blood from the heart area (!) and even on the stomach (one centimeter below the navel), but this is already exotic for the bloodsucker himself!

About fangs...

In one of the treatises entitled “Are There Vampires Among Us?” experts are debating about fangs.

A vampire bite is not death

Do you think there are vampires (photos of possible vampires are presented in our article) who do not kill their victims? Of course yes! If anyone doesn’t know, a vampire’s victim will never die from the first meeting with him! Those who think otherwise are simply mistaken. After all, if this were so, then all living people on our planet would have died out long ago, and only hungry and sad vampires would roam the deserted cities and villages! Remember that only those people die towards whom the bloodsuckers have some kind of special, biased attitude. In this case, vampires begin to visit them night after night until the victim dies.

Do real vampires exist?

Everything in nature lives according to its own laws - physical, mathematical, political, and so on. Vampires, like other evil spirits, are an exception to all rules, subject to earthly laws and common logic. And, nevertheless, we cannot say with all certainty that real vampires do not exist! After all, you and I believe in fortune telling, in horoscopes, in mediums and psychics, moreover, many of us have been convinced of this ourselves more than once!

  1. Under no circumstances can a vampire simply break into someone else’s home, sucking the blood of the first person he meets;
  2. he has the right to enter only the house where he has already been during his life or where he has been as a vampire, or to the one where he was called;
  3. to stop it, you just need to close (not even lock!) the door or window glass;
  4. no vampire will dare to enter your house without an invitation, which is why the first victims are his relatives and acquaintances.

Perhaps it's time for us to finish. So what have we learned about vampires? Yes, in fact, we didn’t learn anything about them! As they say, if you're not caught, you're not a vampire. Agree, not a single vampire has ever been detained by a police squad before their identity was clarified. But still, stock up on garlic and don’t forget the crucifix, because you never know what happens...

Blood-sucking humanoids: fact or fiction? We are looking for documentary facts confirming the existence of vampires.

There is perhaps no more famous supernatural creature than the vampire. A huge cultural layer of humanity is devoted directly to this topic.

The most popular vampire is Count Vlad Dracula. A truly legendary vampire from foggy Transylvania. The story received stunning success after the publication of the novel “Dracula” by Bram Stoker in 1897.

The Gothic novel tells the story of the mysterious Count Dracula, who lies lifeless all day, but goes out on a bloody hunt in the dead of night. Many people have heard about this, but not everyone knows that the story is based on a real person. The real Count Vlad Dracula lived 400 years before the novel about him was published.

Historians say that Dracula was not a vampire in the truest sense of the word. But his monstrous cruelty and sadism gained such fame that rumors spread about him as a blood-sucking fiend of hell. We can only guess who he really was.

Qualities and appearance of a vampire

Belongs to the undead class and looks the part. A distinctive feature is immortality, but there are special methods by which you can finally put an end to the bloodsucker.

Since it is not alive, it is not affected by such an important biological mechanism as aging.

Vampires' breath is foul. According to various sources, the complexion can be red or snow-white. The eyes are always bright red. Physical strength and speed far exceed human capabilities.

It is believed that vampires are able to transform into a bat form and then back into a human form. Bats often attack and bite people, so their connection to vampires may be nothing more than a myth based on these attacks. There is information about the ability to transform into almost any animal and even insect.

Bloodsuckers are credited with the ability to send nightmares to people, cause droughts and other natural disasters.

The peculiarity of a vampire's teeth is its elongated fangs, which are designed to pierce the victim's neck.

If vampires exist, then it remains a mystery how they manage to overcome a grave densely covered with earth and not damage it in any way.

An explanation could be the presence of superpowers such as deportation or the ability to pass through walls. At the same time, they are not able to enter the church even through an ordinary open door.

We were unable to find any historical or mythological information about the existence of good vampires.

How do they become vampires?

According to beliefs, an “unclean” dead person could become a vampire, for example, someone who died a violent death, a murderer or a suicide. However, it is clarified that there is not a single guaranteed method of becoming a vampire. Anyone bitten by a vampire can become a ghoul themselves after death.

People who are anathematized (excommunicated from the church), werewolves and occultists are also at risk. However, a restless soul can become stuck on the border of two worlds, not only in the form of a vampire, but also in the form of other entities such as a ghost.

Vampire Protection

We have collected here all the methods for eliminating a vampire, in case you happen to meet him.

Vampires are not able to tolerate strong odors, so a plant such as garlic has become an excellent assistant in the fight against vampires. People covered windows and doors with them so that a vampire could not enter the house and, just in case, hung garlic around their necks. If there was a risk that the deceased could become a vampire, then an incision was made in the liver of the deceased and cloves of garlic were placed there.

A vampire is a dark, evil spirit. This means that all the methods that people used in the fight against the fiends of hell work for him: holy water, the cross and silver.

An aspen stake in the heart is a classic. But to be on the safe side, vampire killers also carried out decapitation followed by complete burning of the body.

In Eastern Europe, the dead were buried with sickles at their necks, which was supposed to cut off the head of the living dead if he even tried to get up.

Witch Hunters and the Inquisition

In the Middle Ages, a real hunt for vampires broke out in Europe. Guided by rather dubious beliefs, the Inquisition killed many innocent souls.

For example, checking with a horse. People believed that a horse with a virgin rider would never cross the grave of a vampire. Yes, a dead person doesn’t care what they do to him. But it got to the point that a living person suspected of vampirism was placed in the grave. And then his fate was decided by the horse.

The Inquisition killed thousands of absolutely innocent people, but perhaps it also saved us from otherworldly evil?

Any failed burial was considered a vampire's lair. After the exhumation of the deceased, the degree of decomposition was assessed. The better preserved he is, the more likely he is to be considered a vampire. Because of this, persecution of the relatives of the deceased could begin.

Mystic stories

I'm sure most people reading this article consider vampires to be nothing more than a relic of medieval witch hunts. However, we do have some chilling and possibly true stories about vampires.

Night guest

In 1725, the peasant Peter Plogojewitz was buried in Serbia. In appearance, he was the most ordinary peasant from a village of which there were countless numbers in those days.

Strange things began a couple of months later, when a dozen peasants died at once for an unknown reason in just one week. Everything would be fine, but in their death throes they claimed that Plogoevitz appeared to all of them at night in a dream and sucked out blood.

The peasant's wife caused additional confusion by telling that her dead husband came to her for new boots that were almost never worn. It ended with her running away (disappearing?!) from her native village.

The peasants turned to the imperial garrison with a demand to understand the situation and save the village. With distrust and reluctance, they nevertheless agreed to carry out the exhumation. We present its results for your consideration.

A complete ritual of destroying the vampire was performed over Peter's body, including piercing the heart with an aspen stake (according to legend, fresh blood gushed out of his mouth) and complete burning.

Today, humanity has reached such a level of development of science and medicine that we can materialistically explain what happened to the body of this unfortunate peasant. However, how to explain the testimony of ten peasants talking about the same thing at once?

Strange estate

This is a story about a soldier guarding a small peasant farm on the Hungarian border. The owners of the estate were not arrogant people and always invited the soldier to dine at the common table.

One day, a man unfamiliar to the soldier sat down at the table with them, which terribly frightened everyone present, but no one dared to drive him away.

It turned out that this man was the father of the owner of the estate. The horror of the situation is that he died 10 years ago. The next day, the owner of the estate himself died.

Upon returning to the garrison, the soldier told this story to the commander, who did not take this situation with skepticism and ordered a thorough investigation of what happened. Having dug up the body, the soldiers discovered that the person buried 10 years ago looked as if he had just been buried. And blood literally: “like that of a living person.” The dead man's head was cut off and burned.

If this story had been passed down simply from mouth to mouth, like some kind of tale, then we would not have any doubts about its fictitiousness. But the circumstances of this case were carefully documented in the report by not the least person, Count Cabrera.

Maybe it was a coma or a lethargic sleep? Or is this a fact of the existence of vampires in real life?

Our days

Do you think that stories about ghouls are a thing of the past? Montague Summers, a Catholic cleric and writer, studied the occult and paranormal phenomena in the 20th century.

Among other things, he recorded information about people practically contemporary to us who had an uncontrollable craving for human blood. Summers documented the story of a young French girl drinking blood from fresh wounds and an Italian mafioso drinking the blood of his victims.

The living American woman does not hide her passion for human blood. She openly states that she needs a glass of fresh blood like oxygen every day.

What's wrong with these people? A genetic disease, a psychiatric disorder, or maybe there were real vampires in their family?

In culture and art

The strange romanticization of the image of ghouls has given rise to countless films and songs on this topic.


  1. An Academy of vampires
  2. Vampire girl (TV series)
  3. Vampire Knight (anime)
  4. Interview with a Vampire
  5. President Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
  6. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV series)
  7. Rosario + Vampire (anime)
  8. Vampire Hickey (trash comedy)
  9. Vampire Family
  10. School of Vampires (cartoon)
  11. Ball of the Vampires (musical)
  12. Twilight
  13. My nanny is a vampire
  14. Little vampire (cartoon)
  15. Vampire's Kiss
  16. The story of a vampire
  17. Dark Shadows
  18. My Boyfriend is a Vampire (TV series)
  19. Night of the Vampires
  20. Van Helsing
  21. From dusk to dawn

Computer games

  1. Legacy Of Kain
  2. Vampire: The Masquerade – Redemption
  3. Nocturne
  4. Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi
  5. Dracula: Resurrection
  6. Prince of Darkness
  7. Skyrim
  8. Sims


  1. Gas Sector - Vampire's Bite
  2. The King and the Fool - Confessions of a Vampire
  3. Nautilus Pompilius - Gentle Vampire
  4. Aria - Vampire
  5. Picnic – Night
  6. Picnic – Only for the Vampire in Love

Documentary about vampires

Mosaic of oddities

Felbert's Freak Collection

This letter came to me in the mail late at night. I was already dozing in front of the monitor and was about to go to bed, but after reading the contents of the letter, the sleep disappeared. With the permission of the author I publish it here. The letter has not been edited, so please ignore any grammatical or spelling errors.

"Good night Albert!"

“I’m a regular reader of your blog and love your posts. You often have posts about mysticism, like there are ghosts, houses of hauntings and all that. I used to treat this purely for fun. I didn’t believe in all this nonsense. Well, it’s interesting to read, of course .until trouble happened to me.

Three days ago I had a birthday and my buddies and I got drunk like pigs. I don’t remember what happened at night. The next day I woke up in terrible pain, couldn’t look at the light, my head was exploding. I barely made it to the water to moisten my throat. he snapped and burped straight onto the floor. Sorry for the inconsistencies, but I can’t live without them.

I look at the sheet, and there is blood. And there’s a warm slimy feeling on my leg. I wiped my leg and saw two wounds. It looked like a bite. My leg is numb, I have no strength to go to the window, the sunlight is oppressive. I'm afraid I was bitten by a vampire. It's so bad to die.

The worst thing is that I can’t even call a doctor. In Maskva, Ukrainians without registration are treated like cattle. I don’t know what to do. Maybe go to church?

I'm attaching a couple of photos to the letter."

Comrades, it really does look like a bite. I can't say that this is a vampire. But the fang marks are quite noticeable and evenly symmetrical. What do we advise, boy?