
Keratoscleritis is an inflammatory disease that affects the cornea and sclera of the eye. Keratoscleritis is one of the most common eye diseases that can lead to serious complications such as vision loss.

Keratoscleritis manifests itself as pain, redness, swelling and blurred vision. It usually occurs as a result of infection, allergies, or other causes. Treatment of keratoscleritis should be started as soon as possible to prevent the development of complications.

One of the main methods of treating keratosclera is the use of local and systemic antibiotics. Anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroids may also be used. In severe cases, surgery may be required.

It is important to note that keratoscleritis can be caused by various factors, such as viral infections, allergies, eye injuries and other diseases. Therefore, if you have any symptoms of keratosclerosis, it is necessary to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

In general, keratoscleritis is a serious eye disease that requires timely treatment. If you notice any symptoms of this disease, do not delay visiting your doctor.