
Each of us has encountered fear at least once in our lives. It can be caused by many reasons: from fear of dogs to fear of heights. However, among all types of fears, there is one that is most poorly understood and frightening. We are talking about cinemaphobia - the fear of going to the cinema.

Cinemaphobia is a mental condition in which a person experiences anxiety while in the cinema or is ready to refuse to attend the cinema altogether. At the same time, the causes of cynophobia may be different, and it may be accompanied by other mental disorders, such as neurosis or agoraphobia. But in any case, cynophobia can have a serious impact on a person’s life.

How does cynophobia arise? In most cases, the cause is a traumatic experience associated with attending a movie. For example, it could be a horror movie that leaves a bad taste in a person's mouth or an unpleasant memory from childhood. As a result, the appearance of such memories creates a fear of watching the film again. This, in turn, leads the person to avoid any possible stressful situations that may remind him of the traumatic experience.

Symptoms of cinemaphobia: - Anxiety before going to the cinema; - Fear that new films may evoke the same emotions that were caused by the traumatic experience; - Breathing problems, sweating, nausea, sleep problems, etc.

The danger of cinemaphobia is that its symptoms can worsen and lead to complete isolation from cinema. A person may not visit cinemas for years, not even