
Cocaineism, also known as cocaine addiction, is a serious problem that affects many people around the world. Cocaine is a potent stimulant that affects a person's central nervous system, causing feelings of euphoria, increased energy, and increased sensitivity to external stimuli. However, like any other drug, cocaine can have serious consequences for a person's health and well-being.

Addiction to cocaine can start with one use and quickly turn into a chronic addiction. A person suffering from cocaine addiction experiences a strong desire to use this narcotic substance, despite its negative consequences on health and social life. Chronic cocaine use causes fatigue, insomnia, loss of appetite and decreased immunity, which ultimately leads to physical and mental exhaustion.

In addition, cocaine addiction can cause serious mental and social problems. People suffering from this addiction often become aggressive, irritable and nervous. They may begin to avoid social obligations, perform worse, and lose interest in life in general. Cocaine addiction can also lead to financial problems, as drug addiction requires significant costs to purchase drugs.

Treating cocaine addiction can be a long and complex process. It includes both medical treatment and psychological support. People suffering from cocaine addiction should seek professional help and support to overcome their addiction.

In conclusion, cocaine addiction is a serious problem for human health and well-being. It can cause physical and mental exhaustion, mental and social problems, and lead to financial difficulties. Treatment for cocaine addiction requires a comprehensive approach and should include both medical treatment and psychological support. If you or someone you love suffers from cocaine addiction, seek professional help to begin the fight against this addiction.

In modern society, the fight against drug addiction is becoming an increasingly pressing problem. Many people who use drugs face the consequences of their use: physical and mental illness, social isolation and financial crisis. One of the most popular drugs is cocaine. Cocaineism is a condition where a person is dependent on the use of coke.

Cocaine is a drug that has strong physical and psychological effects on a person. Cocaine addiction can lead to physical and mental suffering, as well as negative health consequences. In this article we will look at the effects of cocaine on humans and its consequences.

First and most obvious, cocaine is a drug. Its action is based on the stimulation of dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain, which causes feelings of euphoria, lightness of thoughts, excitability and pleasure. After the first use of cocaine, a person feels in seventh heaven - he has a feeling of great energy, he becomes more sociable, talkative and open. But, unfortunately, this condition quickly passes, and every next

Cocaineism: poisoning the body with a drug

According to WHO, cocaine is the second most popular psychoactive substance after marijuana. In terms of quantity consumed, the potion ranks third among heroin. According to statistics, individuals addicted to cocaine develop a habit of using this chemical product - they cannot do without it a single day of their life. The cocaine addict tries to be controlled. If you communicate with a person who cannot solve basic problems without cocaine, then most likely he has entangled himself in a strong addiction. The reasons for this phenomenon may vary. Mythical information is widespread among the population, which is very far from the truth. So-called “reliable” sources say that regular use of cocaine can strengthen the nervous system. In fact, consumption does not protect the body in any way, but, on the contrary, weakens it and impairs its functioning. Let's consider this statement in more detail. Like any other stimulant, cocaine provokes the release of adrenaline. This substance has a certain effect on the heart and blood vessels. But unlike synthetic stimulants, natural hormones, the cocaine surge is short-lived. After the first effect of the action, a decline in strength occurs. The addict has noticeable fatigue and loss of energy. The feeling of euphoria gradually fades away and is replaced by lethargy and emptiness. Prolonged use of a narcotic substance will certainly lead to physical and moral changes in the body. Cocaine breaks a person’s brain and causes chaos in the functioning of the brain. The speed of neurons slows down, and neurotransmitters (neurotransmitters) lose their functions. The process of processing information is slowed down, nerve endings lose their sensitivity. It completely discourages the “work spirit”. Chemical processes no longer meet the requirements of the nervous system. In particular, this applies to intestinal motility and urination. That is, when “used”, the urges, which are a normal function of our body, are simply lost. At the same time, blood actively begins to circulate in the mucous membrane and skin. It does not stop moving even when a person stops taking the drug. Addicts constantly suffer from itching in the nose, as the mucous membranes become dry due to the excessive “absorbing” activity of the blood plasma. The arms and legs of the cocaine addict are covered with an unhealthy venous network. This is not to mention the frequent occurrence of various allergic reactions. It’s not without reason that they say that in order to take on debt, you need to have a reliable credit history, and in order to use drugs, you need to accumulate wealth under favorable conditions. What advantages does the natural substance have? Actually It has much more beneficial properties than a synthetic product. For example, cocaine molecules easily penetrate any human body and quickly spread through the blood along with it. They easily reach the most distant organ. Many drug addicts have become convinced of the veracity of this theory. The active component can improve brain function several times and speed up the speed of thought processes. It is because of this that people commit crimes and deceive other people. In addition, cocaine cannot be called an inert substance. substance.