Hair Bark

The hair cortex (or cortex) is one of the layers of hair that is located under the cuticle. It consists of keratin and is located under the cortex layer.

The hair cortex performs several functions. Firstly, it protects hair from damage such as chemical exposure or mechanical damage. Secondly, it gives the hair elasticity and elasticity. Thirdly, it is responsible for the color of the hair, since it contains pigments that give the hair color.

One of the features of the hair cortex is its structure. It has a scaly appearance and consists of many thin plates called scales. Each scale has its own unique pattern and color, which gives the hair its unique shade.

In order to maintain healthy hair, it is necessary to monitor its condition. This includes proper hair care, avoiding chemicals and using quality cosmetics. It is also important to eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle to maintain healthy hair.

Hair cortex: Structure and functions

The hair cortex, also known as the pili cortex or hair cortex, is one of the main parts of the hair, playing an important role in its structure and functioning. The hair cortex is the layer located under the cuticle and makes up the majority of the hair's mass.

Structurally, the hair cortex consists of many parallel fibrils called cortical fibers. These fibers consist of durable keratin, which provides hair with strength and elasticity. Each hair cortex fiber is made up of tiny strands called microfibrils, which in turn are made up of protein chains.

The functions of the hair cortex include maintaining the physical strength and structure of the hair. Keratin, contained in the hair cortex, provides hair with resistance to mechanical stress, such as stretching or bending. The hair cortex also plays an important role in determining hair texture, as different levels of density and organization of the cortex fibers affect how curly, wavy, or straight the hair will be.

In addition, the hair cortex contains pigments that determine the color of the hair. Pigments known as melanins are produced by special cells called melanocytes and determine the different shades of hair, such as black, brown, red or blonde. Changes in the amount or type of melanin pigments can lead to changes in hair color, so the hair cortex plays an important role in shaping the appearance and personality of each person.

It should be noted that the condition of the hair cortex can be influenced by external factors such as chemical hair treatments, the use of thermal styling devices, exposure to ultraviolet rays and improper hair care. Damage to the hair cortex can lead to dry, brittle hair and loss of elasticity. Therefore, it is important to take hair care measures that include proper nutrition, use of moisturizers and protectants, and limiting the use of harsh chemical treatments and heat styling.

In conclusion, the hair cortex plays an important role in the structure and function of the hair. It provides hair strength, elasticity and color, and also determines its texture. Proper hair care is essential to maintaining the health and beauty of the hair cortex, and includes regular moisturizing, protection from harmful influences and limiting the use of aggressive treatments. By paying due attention to the hair cortex, you can create a healthy and stylish look that reflects the individuality of each person.