
Corvaldin: an effective sedative of plant origin

Corvaldin is a sedative of plant origin produced in Ukraine by the Farmak company. It consists of a combination of active ingredients including phenobarbital, alpha-bromoisovalerate, peppermint oil and hop oil, which work synergistically to achieve the desired therapeutic effect.

Corvaldin is presented in the form of drops for oral administration, and is intended for the treatment of various conditions associated with the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Among the indications for the use of Corvaldin are angina and pseudoangina conditions, tachycardia, neuroses with increased irritability, insomnia and vasomotor disorders.

Corvaldin should not be used if you are hypersensitive to any of its components. It should also not be used if there is severe impairment of liver or kidney function.

Like any medicine, Corvaldin may cause some side effects. One of them is drowsiness, which can be reduced by reducing the dose.

Corvaldin has no known interactions with other drugs. There is no data on overdose or any special instructions for the use of Corvaldin.

In conclusion, Corvaldin is an effective herbal sedative that can be used to treat various conditions related to the cardiovascular and nervous systems. However, before starting to use Corvaldin, you should consult a specialist to avoid possible side effects and complications.