Cosmetic procedures for lips

8th place. Surgical method

There are a number of defects that can only be corrected with plastic surgery. This is asymmetry, the consequences of a lip injury, a drooping lower lip. Of all the methods we have chosen, this is the most dangerous. Despite this, they use it not only for medical reasons; they also lie on the surgical table in order to simply make their lips bigger. There are several methods.

  1. Bullhorn. The essence of the operation is to reduce the distance from the upper lip to the base of the nose. To do this, a small piece of skin is excised, the edges of the incision are stitched, the upper lip is turned out a little, becoming wider and more seductive. An incision is made either along the edge of the lip or under the nose.
  2. Y-V technique. The surgeon removes several V-shaped sections of skin under the upper lip, which are then stitched together in a Y shape. As a result, the lip is pushed forward - the volume is visually increased.
  3. Parisian technology. This is an advanced Y-V technique. The surgeon makes not only horizontal, but also vertical incisions in the lip cavity. After the operation, the lips become expressive, but remain natural.

It is worth emphasizing that all of the above operations require specialist consultation. They are done under both local and general anesthesia. After surgery, rehabilitation takes from seven days to two months.

Price: from 50 to 100 thousand rubles

7th place. Injections using gels

This is perhaps the most common technique, which is classified as contour plastic surgery. A little manipulation - and you are the owner of plump lips. It's safer than going under a plastic surgeon's knife.

There are two types of gels: biopolymer and biodegradable. The first (permanent) ones are not excreted from the body. After a few years, particles of the material begin to wander around the lips, distorting their shape. The only way to get rid of such a gel is through surgery, but this is not always possible. Lumpy dumpling lips are the result of this particular procedure.

The second type of gels is temporary. They contain hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes the lips from the inside, the skin becomes elastic, and wrinkles are smoothed out. Using a biodegradable gel, you can increase the volume and adjust the shape. The result lasts from six months to a year.

Price: from 5 to 15 thousand rubles

6th place. Tattoo

Tattooing helps to visually enlarge lips: a colored pigment is injected under the skin. You can make a contour with or without shading, or use the “permanent lipstick” technique. They wear this “makeup” for about three years, but it can last longer. How quickly the pigment is washed out depends on metabolism. Then the procedure can be repeated. Lips filled with color look younger and more attractive.

Price: from 3500 to 7000 rubles

5th place. Lipofilling

You can make your lips plumper without using foreign materials at all. Sometimes the filler is the client's fat tissue, which is taken from the thighs or abdomen. Fat is injected into the lips under anesthesia. Patients of cosmetologists who have become prettier are more often satisfied with the result of the procedure. Lipolifting has undoubted advantages: the lips look natural and harmonious, and the material will definitely not cause allergies or be rejected.

Price: from 15 to 40 thousand rubles

4th place. Hyaluronic acid injections

Increases volume, rejuvenates, moisturizes - hyaluronic acid does all this for lips. It is a natural substance for the body and therefore relatively safe. The result after injections is noticeable for about six months (everything again depends on the metabolism of the individual person). The elimination process is accelerated by intense sports, baths and saunas, and diuretics. The procedure takes from 15 to 30 minutes. The downside is its pain.

Price: from 3500 to 15000 rubles

3rd place. Electroporation

This procedure is physiotherapeutic. First, the client undergoes lip peeling, and then, under the influence of a special device, hyaluronic acid and vitamins are injected. The manipulations are painless, there is no need to make injections, incisions, or undergo anesthesia, the result is noticeable immediately.

Price: from 6,000 to 10,000 rubles

2nd place. Massage and gymnastics

Less quick ways to enlarge lips than going to a cosmetologist or plastic surgery are massage and lip gymnastics. You will have to wait longer for the results, but it definitely won’t harm the body, and most importantly, it’s completely free!

1st place. Makeup

There is another available method - makeup. Here you need to choose certain colors, textures and application methods. To visually enlarge your lips, it is better to give preference to lipsticks and glosses in pink, peach, beige colors, and avoid bright and dark shades. Those with thin lips should avoid using lipsticks with matte and velvet textures. Highlight the area above the upper lip with highlighter. This will visually enlarge your lips. Don't forget about the plumpers. Glosses with pepper and menthol, collagen or hyaluronic acid make lips attractive - even if only for a few hours.

Plump, juicy, tender lips have become a real cult in our time. Almost every girl and woman strives to increase them with the help of makeup, tattooing, cosmetology services or plastic surgery. Contour plasty is a minimally invasive procedure that is an ideal solution for voluminous lip modeling. It helps to give them the most natural plumpness, outline the contour, eliminate asymmetry and “vagueness”.

For advice and comments, we turn to the cosmetologists of the Moscow clinic “Arbat Aesthetic”.

For injection correction of the shape and size of the lips, dermal fillers are used - fillers based on hyaluronic acid. They have a certain density, viscosity and physical and chemical formula, suitable specifically for filling thin and sensitive skin in the labial area of ​​the face.

The main goal of lip contouring is to increase their volume. With the help of the procedure, you can radically change the shape of your mouth and achieve almost any desired result.

Despite this, specialists at the Arbat Aesthetic clinic strongly recommend that their patients not get carried away with the quantities of the drug administered and the frequency of procedures. Remember that the notorious “duck sponges” are bad manners that have become a living joke, unfortunately, not without reason.

Objective indications for lip contouring are:

  1. Low fullness and narrowness of the upper and/or lower lip;
  2. Pronounced asymmetry;
  3. Lack of contour clarity;
  4. “Looseness”, dryness, compression and roughness of the red border;
  5. Subjective dissatisfaction with actual defects of the labial zone;
  6. Unattractive mouth shape;
  7. Deformations after injuries, surgical interventions, diseases, as well as congenital anomalies;
  8. Drooping corners of the mouth (the effect of a gloomy and tired face).

Making a final decision about contouring should follow a face-to-face consultation with a competent specialist. Sometimes it is more profitable for the patient to undergo cheiloplasty, which he is warned about at the appointment. By the way, injection lip augmentation can be an excellent “rehearsal” before full-fledged plastic surgery. Women who decide to undergo surgery often turn to this procedure to “try on” the planned shape of their lips for the future.

Almost all preparations used in lip contouring are made on the basis of hyaluronic acid. This native polysaccharide is designed to retain moisture in the intercellular space of the dermis. When injected, it provides deep hydration and volume filling to the treated area of ​​the face.

The ideal fillers for correcting the shape and size of the lips are:

  1. "Juvederm" (Ultra, Ultra Smile, Voluma, Volbella);
  2. "Restylane" (Lipp, Fresh Lip, Volume Lip);
  3. "Perlane"
  4. "Teosyal" (Kiss);
  5. "Repleri";
  6. "Glytone";
  7. "Yvoire."

In some salons and offices, women are still offered the introduction of biopolymer gels into their lips. The scheme is presented with promises to “enlarge lips quickly, painlessly and forever.” The specialists of the Arbat Aesthetic clinic strongly recommend that you refrain from such adventures.

A synthetic biopolymer is a migrating and non-absorbable substance. Over time, it will begin to move, become encapsulated (overgrown with fibrous tissue), and expose neighboring tissues to inflammation. There will be a sharp asymmetry and significant deformation. The gel itself can move to a different position. And most importantly, you cannot remove the biopolymer from your lips without surgery.

The process of lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid filler is quick, easy and painless. It will take you from 45 minutes to 1 hour.

The working surface is disinfected and markings are applied to it. The specialist opens the selected drug (necessarily in your presence!) and draws it into a syringe (microcannula). Acting according to the given markings, the specialist fills the skin of the lips with gel. After this, a gentle manual massage is performed to improve the distribution of the filler.

You can leave the clinic immediately after the procedure. You will not expect any special restrictions during the rehabilitation period, but a specialist will definitely advise you on some precautions.

The result obtained after contouring lasts for 8-16 months (on average). The duration of action depends on the characteristics of the chosen filler.

Lip contouring is a painless and safe procedure, provided it is performed by a qualified and competent specialist. Some patented drugs contain an anesthetic in their composition. Additionally, topical local anesthesia is available.

Complications from lip augmentation are few and far between. But if you resort to the procedure at home, or use an incompetent cosmetologist, they will not keep you waiting. Among the side effects, allergic reactions, granulomas, fibrous capsules, infectious processes, embolism and vascular ischemia (which provokes necrosis) deserve special attention.

Cosmetic lip augmentation will be a blessing for you and a dream come true if you approach the choice of a clinic and specialist with the utmost responsibility.

Women, with the help of cosmetic procedures, correct not only the shortcomings of their appearance, but also try to increase what, in their opinion, mother nature did not give them.

Modern cosmetology, taking into account the wishes of clients, is constantly introducing new innovative methods aimed at increasing lip volume, so before you decide to pump up, read our article and decide which method is less traumatic, has a short rehabilitation period, gives a minimum of complications and is suitable for you all other indicators. The method has been chosen, the next step is choosing a clinic and a cosmetologist.

So, let's talk about how you can increase them?

The most relevant methods

Cosmetological procedures aimed at enlargement are performed using various methods and technologies.

We list the main ways to increase:

  1. using gels;
  2. lipofilling;
  3. contour and surgical cheiloplasty;
  4. electroporation;

How to enlarge your lips and remain just as attractive, and in most cases even more beautiful, our story about the main techniques that involve enlargement will help.

Correction using gels

Lip augmentation with gel is the most common and popular method in cosmetology. The effect of the procedure is noticeable quite quickly, the shape and size are the same as you dreamed of. The only thing you need is to choose which gel you will apply, permanent (biopolymer) or temporary (biodegradable) action, you will pump.

The following lip augmentation products are used as permanent products: biopolymer gels, such as Matridex, Matridur, Dermalife. The listed types of gels stay in the body for about 5 years.

Disadvantages of permanent gels:

  1. The gel spreads, after several years, from the injection area in opposite directions, distorting facial features, and often leads to inflammatory processes in this area.
  1. It is quite difficult to remove the gel from skin tissue; even with a favorable outcome of the operation, small scars will remain that will not add beauty to its owner.

As temporary ones, biodegradable gels (Restylane, Perlane, Juvederm) are used, containing hyaluronic acid, which is able to retain moisture and keep the skin elastic and firm.

It is used in fillers to smooth out wrinkles and to plump and shape wrinkles. The chosen method is the safest and most convenient. The duration of the effect is from 6 months to 1 year.

Advantages of temporary gels:

  1. the procedure takes a little time;
  2. the gel does not migrate to other parts of the face;
  3. does not cause allergies or complications.

Anesthesia is carried out using Emla cream, used for such cosmetic procedures, as well as 2% lidocaine or Ultracaine D-S conduction anesthesia.

Upper lip augmentation

The shape of the mouth is often not proportional. The lower lip is plump, while the upper lip is much thinner. In this case, it is better to increase the shape of the top. We will use fillers with hyaluronic acid, it will help make them equally plump and give them the necessary volume.

With gel, you can correct the existing asymmetry of the upper lip. After 6 months, the gel will gradually dissolve without leaving any traces; if desired, the injection can be repeated.

If the shape of the lip really has a visible defect, then the surgical method of augmentation should be chosen. But if the form itself leaves much to be desired, surgical intervention cannot be avoided.

When increasing the upper or correcting the volume of both, a sense of proportion is of no small importance. If instead of lips you get pancakes on half of your face, this is an unsuccessful lip augmentation.

To enlarge your lips, you should not abuse drugs and injections, even if they are temporary, and before pumping them up with drugs with a non-absorbable effect, weigh the possible consequences of such a surgical intervention. The end result of the operation should be natural and attractive lips.

Lip augmentation before and after

Contraindications to the procedure:

  1. pregnancy and lactation;
  2. any infectious disease;
  3. presence of herpes;
  4. poor blood clotting, prolonged bleeding.


Fat grafting is a way to enlarge lips using the client's fat tissue. This method is recommended for those patients who want to pump up their volume very significantly.

The essence of the operation is this: a fat filler is taken from areas of the client’s skin tissue and injected into the lips. The operation lasts approximately 1 hour and is performed only under general anesthesia, since local anesthetics do not allow the cells of the injected tissue to take root.

  1. high price;
  2. it is difficult to predict the effect of the operation;
  3. duration of swelling on the face.
  1. there are no allergic reactions;
  2. duration of the operation result;
  3. there is practically no process of filler rejection;
  4. minimal risk of scar formation.


Cheiloplasty is a professional correction of the shape and size of the lips.

In modern cosmetology, the two most popular augmentation technologies are contour and surgical.

Contour cheiloplasty

When a patient has minor defects (wrinkles, age-related changes regarding flattening), then specialists will advise him to use this type of plastic surgery. It is carried out using injections of special drugs and implants.

Indications for use:

  1. presence of thin lips;
  2. not satisfied with the form;
  3. asymmetry;
  4. age-related and genetic defects;
  5. there are neoplasms in the tissues.

Often correction is carried out not for medical reasons, but at the request of the client himself, who wants to pump up the volume.

  1. diseases affecting the rate of blood clotting;
  2. herpes in the acute stage;
  3. recent injuries, scars, scars in the lip area;
  4. epileptic seizures;
  5. oncological diseases;
  6. somatic diseases in the acute stage;
  7. period of pregnancy and lactation;
  8. allergic reactions to drugs.

Surgical cheiloplasty

There are two types of surgical cheiloplasty:

Aesthetic cheiloplasty — eliminates specific shortcomings that do not satisfy you. This type of plastic surgery helps to get rid of birth defects and traumatic consequences.

Implantation. Implants are inserted under the skin through small incisions made in the corners of the mouth. Natural and artificial materials are also used for this operation.

  1. safe in terms of rejection or allergies;
  2. implantation of own adipose tissue.
  1. herpes rash;
  2. chronic diseases;
  3. problems related to blood clotting;
  4. any infections.

The most effective operation for changing and correcting volume is cheiloplasty using one’s own tissues. This technology involves small incisions along the contour of the upper and lower lips, after which excess skin is removed and the edges of the incisions are secured with sutures. With this operation, a new shape is better created.

Other types of incisions are made to correct more complex defects. The operation is performed in a hospital, anesthesia is selected depending on the complexity of the operation and can be done under either local or general anesthesia and, most importantly, there are no traces left after it.


Lip electroporation is a local injection of hyaluronic acid using a special device. After completing a course of augmentation using this method, your lips will again become spectacular and sensual. Moreover, the result of this method can last for a year.

The procedure is carried out using a special device, is completely painless, and has no complications.

Lip augmentation before and after

To get the desired effect, you should definitely take a course of 6-12 sessions, 2 times a week, until the course is completely completed.

There are contraindications that should be checked with a cosmetologist.

Ways to enlarge at home

How to enlarge lips at home? There are several universal ways to do this:

Exercises to increase

There is a certain set of exercises for lip augmentation, which in itself is very convenient and beneficial, because you do not need to resort to the services of cosmetologists and spend a lot of money on it.

Cosmetic makeup

With the right makeup, you can achieve a visual increase in volume.


Massage with natural ingredients, as well as the contrast of warm and cold, creates the appearance of plump lips.

How much does the increase cost?

The price of a procedure aimed at lip augmentation depends on the amount of filler injected, the qualifications of the cosmetologist and the complexity of the operation. Now prices for increases vary from 10-25 thousand rubles. The exact cost of the procedure can be obtained from the administrator of the beauty salon.

As you can see from the article, there are different methods of lip augmentation, starting with gels, with a temporary effect, to surgical plastic surgery, it’s up to you to choose, so whatever option you choose, we hope that the end result will inspire you and make you love your new look.