Cosmetic procedures for problem skin

According to experts, it is pointless to fight problematic facial skin using only cosmetics and procedures. This approach will not solve the problem, but will only worsen the rash.

Do you want to solve your skin problems? It is important to take a comprehensive approach to the situation. Do not forget that the treatment should be carried out by a specialist, and in this case the specialists are a cosmetologist and a dermatologist. First, the nature of acne and pimples is clarified. This is possible by passing a minimum of tests. Only after this the treatment tactics are determined: from the inside - with special preparations, from the outside - with cosmetic procedures. This is the only way to achieve success.

As for procedures, this is what beauty salons offer us for problem skin.

Face cleaning

All organs of our body need periodic cleansing: the digestive system from toxins, the blood from excess cholesterol, and the skin from “dirt”, sebum and dead cells. To periodically cleanse the skin, facial cleansing is used in salons.

Periodic deep cleansing of the face is necessary for any skin type, and especially for problem skin with blackheads and acne. Moreover, it is necessary to carry out cleansing approximately once a month. During the procedure, dead particles are exfoliated, acne and blackheads are removed. After cleansing, the skin begins to ventilate better, and this significantly reduces the number of new acne and blackheads.

For this problem, two types of facial cleansing are used - manual (mechanical) and hardware (ultrasonic) cleansing.

At mechanical facial cleansing Skin cleansing is carried out manually without the use of any equipment. First, the skin is prepared using steaming or a special cold gel, and then the specialist cleanses the skin with his fingers. The procedure is somewhat painful, and the skin, even after applying a soothing and tightening mask, remains red for several hours.

Ultrasonic cleaning - This is skin cleansing using an ultrasonic scrubber. The effect of ultrasound not only deeply cleanses the skin of toxins, impurities, sebum and cleanses problem areas, but also provides micro-massage of the skin and smoothes out fine wrinkles.

Contraindications to this procedure are skin diseases - vitiligo, benign skin tumors, hyperpigmentation, and dark skin.

The procedure is carried out in the form of a course of 8-10 daily 15-minute procedures, after 4-6 months the cleaning is repeated.

These two types of facial cleansing can be used either separately or in combination. It should be noted that modern facial cleansing does not bring severe discomfort, because the skin is treated with special preparations that open the pores as much as possible and dissolve sebum. And after that, dead cells and areas of inflammation can be removed from the skin gently and painlessly. After all the procedures performed, special creams or masks are applied to the skin, which are selected individually, depending on its condition. The procedure ends with the application of soothing and drying agents.


The purpose of cosmetic peeling is to improve appearance and prolong youth. By controlling the processes of injury and healing of the skin, cosmetologists achieve amazing results in eliminating skin defects, such as wrinkles, age spots, scars and acne marks, stretch marks, enlarged pores, acne, etc. After just one peeling procedure, you can notice that the skin became smooth, velvety, and acquired an even matte shade.

Peeling methods should be distinguished by the degree of “aggression” (depth of penetration into the skin layers):

  1. surface,
  2. superficial-median
  3. middle, deep.

What type of peeling is suitable is decided by a specialist during a consultation.

Among all peels, glycolic peels should be especially noted, which act very delicately. Moreover, glycolic acid (its molecules) serves as an excellent conductor for anti-inflammatory, whitening components.

Skin peeling based on glycolic acid will give both immediate results (smoothing and improving skin texture, narrowing pores) and delayed results (moisturizing, lifting effect, lightening pigmentation).

This procedure has virtually no age restrictions. At a younger age (starting from 15 years), skin peeling is mainly aimed at treating acne and blackheads. In older people - to influence age-related changes (wrinkles, pigmentation, etc.). The recipe for glycolic peels is compiled individually.

Laser treatment

Today it has become possible to treat acne and other rashes with lasers. This approach allows you to increase the protective properties of the skin, helping to recover from acne. The course of procedures using patented technology is absolutely safe for health.

Improvement in skin condition can be seen after 2-4 therapy sessions. Why is laser acne treatment effective?

In this case, the number of new rashes decreases, skin oiliness normalizes, and the secretion of the sebaceous glands decreases. The laser also allows you to eliminate inflammatory elements and see excellent results.

After the procedure, no long time for rehabilitation is required, which allows the patient not to change his usual schedule.

Remember, the problem is being solved! The main thing is to be patient and trust a specialist who knows exactly what treatment you need!

Procedures by a cosmetologist for problem skin

Today, there is a fairly wide range of modern cosmetic procedures that allow you to quickly, effectively and delicately solve the problem of acne skin. There is no need to sit and wait for the problem to resolve on its own. Come and we will solve your problem together.
Registration and questions by phone: 8 (981) 140-12-59 or on the website.

What treatments are there for problem skin?

Today, cosmetology has stepped far forward. And the solution to the problem of acne is no longer limited only to mechanical facial cleansing, darsonvalization and liquid nitrogen, as it was before. There are many methods that can effectively solve the problem of acne. Of course, mechanical cleansing still occupies one of the leading places in the range of procedures; it allows you to cleanse the skin of deep sebaceous plugs, as well as remove pustular inflammatory elements. In some cases, we cannot do without it. As for darsonval, this is an excellent addition to almost any procedure, it dries perfectly, improves microcirculation and lymphatic drainage, has a good antibacterial effect, BUT on its own it is not able to solve the acne problem.

Today there is such a concept in cosmetology as atraumatic facial cleansing. This is not the name of a specific procedure, but rather a collective concept that unites these types of cleansing, as a result of which there is no violation of the integrity of the skin. Such cleaning does not imply manual removal of comedones or inflammatory elements, after which marks, redness and swelling remain on the skin. In the atraumatic cleaning program, all the work is done by special cosmetics, due to which a delicate but deep cleansing of the skin occurs.

Skin with acne does not always need mechanical cleansing. Moreover, in some cases, “squeezing” inflammatory elements is extremely undesirable. First you need to relieve inflammation, boost the skin’s immunity so that it has the strength for further recovery. And only after this can mechanical cleaning be carried out. Another effective way to work with anke is peeling.

Peels work mostly with the epidermal layer. They even out skin texture by regulating keratinization processes. They regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which is very important for regulating the secretion of sebum, as well as eliminating oily sheen. Dissolve sebaceous plugs (comedones). They increase the skin's immunity, which is important for its further restoration and recovery. They improve microcirculation in tissues, which in turn accelerates the processes of resorption and healing.

Improves complexion by improving blood supply and improving tissue oxygenation. In addition to cleansing and peeling, nutrition and hydration are very important when working with problem skin. Skin with acne cannot be burned continuously. It must be nourished, moisturized, giving it a break between serious procedures. And also saturate it with microelements and vitamins, which are so necessary for it to function properly.

Registration and questions by phone: 8 (981) 140-12-59 or on the website.

Problematic facial skin needs special care. People suffering from acne rarely seek medical help and try to get rid of inflamed acne on their own. And this almost always leads to unwanted complications. One of them is scarring - a defect, the formation of which makes the relief of the skin uneven: lumpy, rough, covered with irregularly shaped scars. It is extremely difficult to eliminate it. Experts are confident that if you seek help from a cosmetologist or dermatologist in time, you can get out of this situation with minimal losses.

How to choose an acne treatment method

Treating acne without identifying the cause of its appearance is a futile exercise. They are a symptomatic manifestation of pathological processes occurring inside the body. Which ones exactly can be suggested by the formations themselves. There are several types of acne (comedones, nodular cystic acne, nodular acne, superficial pustules).

Each variety has its own etiology, its own pathogenesis. Therefore, the means of treatment are different everywhere.

Acne shape Etiology Pathogenesis Features of therapy
Comedones Improper skin care, applying makeup, habit of going to bed without removing makeup from your face They are formed as a result of blockage of the mouth of the hair follicles with sebum. It, mixing with desquamated epidermal cells, dust and dirt, turns into a plug that clogs the sebaceous gland duct. If sebum has an outlet, open comedones (blackheads) are formed. If the pore is closed, sebum accumulates inside the duct Correction of the underlying disease, carrying out cosmetic procedures aimed at normalizing sebum production and desquamation of epidermal cells (fruit peels, microdermabrasion)
Nodulocystic acne Severe form of acne, develops in the absence of treatment of chronic inflammatory process Acne is formed as a result of a rupture of the sebaceous gland duct clogged with thick sebum. Its contents are squeezed out into the surrounding tissues, and inflammation forms. It leads to the development of a purulent process. Therefore, pressing on the affected area causes severe pain Treatment begins with the prescription of systemic antibacterial drugs. They are combined with external use products. Patients are prescribed medications that contain retinoids or benzoyl peroxide. Despite the fact that the main emphasis in therapy is on drug treatment of acne, cosmetology should also actively connect to traditional regimens. After healing, noticeable scars and scars remain on the skin. You can fight them using chemical peels, ozone therapy or laser resurfacing.
Conglobate (clumped acne) Genetic predisposition, hormonal disorders, constant stress, excessive production of sebum, weakening of local immunity A severe form of acne, during which spherical blackheads form. The top of the large element protrudes above the surface of the skin, its base is located in the deepest layers of the dermis. Conglobate acne has an uneven surface and significant infiltration. They love to group. After opening the head, a fistula is formed, from which purulent contents constantly ooze. When it completely pours out, the fistula tightens, heals, and a bridge-shaped scar forms in its place. Treatment is always complex; therapy is used, which includes the use of systemic antibacterial drugs, oral contraceptives, and topical agents. The effectiveness is enhanced if regular injections of vitamins A and E are made. After the purulent-inflammatory reaction has been completely eliminated, physiotherapy procedures (autohemotherapy, electrophoresis with ichthyol or zinc sulfate) are started. Liquid nitrogen or laser skin resurfacing is used to remove scars.
Superficial pustules The formation of superficial pustules is promoted by abnormally large secretion of subcutaneous sebum, hyperkeratosis, uncontrolled use of antibiotics, and improper skin care. At the site where the future pustule appears, redness first appears, and the defect site swells slightly. A purulent core forms inside the infiltrate. The affected area constantly hurts, so it always attracts attention. The accumulation of pus leads to rupture of the head of the abscess, its contents spill out, after which an open ulcer forms. It quickly drags on, the inflammatory process subsides on its own When choosing treatment tactics, preference should be given to salon procedures: ozone therapy, chemical peels, microdermabrasion

The table below clearly shows how important it is to correctly assess the severity of the disease. It is not always possible to fight acne on your own; a cosmetologist cannot always help you cope with the problem. In some cases, only an experienced dermatologist can preserve the beauty and youth of the skin. It is he who, after conducting a series of diagnostic tests, will be able to select the correct method of treating acne and suggest which direction is best to move.

Laser treatment

If you have severe acne, you can treat with pharmaceuticals or choose laser therapy. It will allow you to cope with the described defect in the shortest possible time. And all because laser beams affect the source of the problem - pathogenic bacteria, which caused the development of a purulent-inflammatory reaction. According to reviews from patients of specialized clinics, the difference in skin condition before and after the cosmetic procedure is obvious. Laser exposure has a bactericidal effect, it melts thick sebum that clogs the sebaceous gland duct, stimulates collagen production, eliminates pigmentation, evens out the skin texture, relieving the patient of unsightly scars.

Laser treatment can be used to eliminate old comedones, inflamed papular and pustular acne, and cystic cavities. Treatment of inflamed lesions is carried out with a light beam. The targeted action completely eliminates the causes of acne formation (pathogenic bacteria) and sterilizes the tissue. As a result, local skin immunity and the skin's ability to resist new infectious agents are increased.

Light therapy

Light therapy can be used to treat acne vulgaris. This is a non-invasive method that uses a specific wavelength of light. Its effect on the human body has been studied by scientists for many years. Today they have come to the conclusion that it has a pronounced bactericidal effect, and light of a certain wavelength is most active against those pathogenic microorganisms whose infection leads to the appearance of acne vulgaris.

The procedure is extremely simple:

  1. During their life, bacteria produce special substances, porphyrins.
  2. The short-wavelength light emitted by the hardware corresponds to the photosensitivity of porphyrins.
  3. By absorbing it, the described substances release free intracellular oxygen.
  4. It destroys bacteria.
  5. As a result of their death, the inflammatory process decreases.
  6. After treatment, the wavelength changes from 415 nm to 633 nm. The blue color is converted to red.
  7. Its action has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  8. Several sessions, and the skin heals faster.
  9. The light produced by the installation reduces the production of subcutaneous sebum, as a result of which the functioning of the sebaceous glands returns to normal.

In the process of treating severe acne, special local preparations are applied to the affected areas of the skin before the session to increase the skin's sensitivity to light radiation. This method of treatment is called photodynamic treatment. It is prescribed when it is necessary to achieve complete remission of the severe cystic form of acne vulgaris.

To achieve a therapeutic result, it is necessary to conduct about ten sessions; they are carried out at intervals of two to three days. The duration of one procedure is twenty to thirty minutes. After completing the course of treatment, patients note a clear improvement in their skin condition. She becomes clean and fit.

Ozone therapy

The most popular procedure in the treatment of all forms of acne. Provides a pronounced long-lasting result, and at the same time has an affordable price for everyone, without exception. Its essence is that the affected areas are treated with an ozone-oxygen mixture. It has a bactericidal effect. Therefore, it is possible to quickly relieve the inflammatory process. Injections stimulate blood circulation, this helps improve local immunity and restore the protective functions of the skin.

Ozone therapy normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The injections do not leave marks on the skin, so the treatment takes place without scarring. The course consists of 6-8 procedures, two sessions can be performed per week. There is no recovery period, there are no restrictive regimes. After ozone therapy, the patient is allowed to visit the pool, have a massage, and play sports. The results of treatment last for about a year. To increase the duration of relapse, it is important to exclude the cause of acne. That is why the described procedure is part of complex therapy.

Chemical facial cleansing

The procedure often becomes part of a comprehensive acne treatment. It allows you to achieve a positive result or maintain a therapeutic effect. Its essence is that special compositions containing fruit acids are applied to the skin in the form of masks. They literally burn the top layer of the epidermis and destroy pathogenic bacteria, the activity of which leads to the formation of acne.

The final result largely depends on the correct choice of drug for chemical peeling. There are a huge number of them. And only an experienced cosmetologist is able, taking into account the patient’s skin type, to choose the most suitable composition.

For example, glycolic acid is often used to treat problem skin. The molecule of this substance is very small, so the acid is able to penetrate deep into the skin and have a healing effect, as they say, from the inside.

This peeling cannot be used to treat pustular acne: the procedure will provoke a sharp exacerbation of the disease. To avoid this, it is first necessary to completely stop the inflammatory reaction with a course of systemic antibiotics, and then use glycolic acid, but not in isolation, but as part of more gentle peelings. The average person cannot know about this, so self-medication often leads to disastrous results.

Using mandelic acid has a smaller list of side effects. In its structure, mandelic acid is similar to the antibiotic erythromycin, so it can demonstrate a pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Those with oily skin with comedones need to use the gel form of mandelic acid; if there are a large number of inflammatory elements on the skin, experts recommend choosing aqueous-alcohol solutions. And there are many such nuances. Therefore, it is so important to contact an experienced cosmetologist for dry cleaning.

Microdermabrasion of the face

This procedure is a type of mechanical cleaning. During this process, the epidermis is polished using special microcrystals. The session is carried out in a beauty salon; the skin is not damaged during the procedure, so there is no risk of infection. The effect enhances microcirculation in the upper layers of the skin. This provides intensive nutrition to damaged tissues. Facial resurfacing helps remove dead skin layers of the epidermis, pores narrow, and fine wrinkles smooth out.

Microdermabrasion stimulates the production of collagen and elastin; after several sessions, the tone of the dermis improves and the damaged structure is restored. A similar procedure can be used both during the treatment of acne and after stopping the inflammatory process. With its help, post-acne symptoms are corrected (scars are eliminated, bumpy relief is leveled).

Special equipment is used to perform microdermabrasion. Microcrystals are fed into a special nozzle under pressure, and the cosmetologist uses it to polish the face. The duration of one session is thirty to forty minutes. After its completion, soothing masks are applied to the skin. To achieve a therapeutic effect, up to twelve procedures are necessary. It is important to take a break of ten days between each session. If microdermabrasion was performed correctly, the number of acne rashes is noticeably reduced, skin tone is evened out, it becomes smooth, and a healthy glow appears.

Contraindications to hardware treatment

The cosmetic treatments for acne described above are not suitable for everyone. Hardware treatment has its contraindications. It should not be used during:

  1. pregnancy,
  2. lactation,
  3. menses,
  4. taking medications with a photosensitizing effect.

A fresh tan, a history of diabetes mellitus, the presence of herpes in the acute stage, oncology, eczema, fungal infections, psoriasis are also a direct contraindication to hardware treatment of acne.

Advantages and disadvantages

When choosing hardware treatment for acne, it is important to consider the existing pros and cons of such therapy. Almost all procedures, with the exception of deep chemical peeling, are minimally traumatic. Their implementation ensures a high degree of disinfection of the treated surface, so the risks of infection and the development of unwanted complications are minimal.

Any impact enhances oxygen transport, saturates the skin with moisture, stimulates cellular nutrition and regeneration processes. During laser or mechanical resurfacing, light therapy or ozone therapy, the skin is deeply cleansed, pores are narrowed, comedones, pustules, papules, wen, accumulations of sebum and dirt disappear. After a full cycle, an additional cosmetic effect is formed: skin tone is evened out, age spots, shallow wrinkles, and post-acne symptoms are eliminated. The skin of the face becomes elastic, soft,
velvety and soft to the touch.

There are several disadvantages of hardware treatment for acne:

  1. To achieve the expected results, it is necessary to carry out several sessions of hardware treatment. Between each you need to take a ten-day break. Therapy is delayed, so it cannot provide an immediate therapeutic effect.
  2. The full course of treatment is not cheap.
  3. Only an experienced, highly qualified specialist can provide good results.
  4. Each procedure has its own contraindications. Sometimes, in order to identify their presence, it is necessary to undergo a full range of diagnostic examinations.

Hardware treatment can eliminate the symptoms of acne, so it only provides temporary results. To achieve stable remission, it is important to combine different types of therapy and use drug treatment for acne.