Cosmetology threads for face lift reviews

In modern cosmetology, mesothreads have been used for face lifting for more than 40 years. The thread rejuvenation procedure continues to be constantly improved - lifting techniques, types and materials of threads are changing.

Lifting with mesothreads is a real salvation for women whose skin has been subjected to age-related tests. In cases where the signs of wilting are very obvious, the popular Botox injections and biorevitalization procedure may not cope with the situation. All layers of the dermis require significant tension and, as a result, visual rejuvenation of the face. It is for this purpose that special anti-aging threads were created. The developers of the latest generation of mesothreads are considered to be specialists from South Korea. What are these materials? And how does the procedure of implanting threads into the dermis take place?

What is mesothread?

Mesothreads for face lifting are special hypoallergenic devices made from polyoxanone. The latter is considered a self-absorbable suture material, which has been used in medicine for more than 30 years. This material is considered completely safe. The threads are coated with polylactic acid, which provides the skin with a moisturizing effect in the places where the material is implanted. The thickness of the needle and thread does not exceed 0.3 mm. The needle is made of high quality medical steel and is very flexible. This allows the doctor to work in different layers of the dermis.

What are these mysterious mesothreads for a facelift?

Types of threads

To get the maximum effect from the thread lifting procedure, it would be useful for the patient to find out what kind of mesothreads there are for face lifting. After all, for each client the doctor selects a specific type of materials, taking into account her age and skin characteristics. Thus, in cosmetology practice, 3 main types of threads are used:

Linear (smooth) thread type. It is considered the main, basic type of mesothreads. They are used to increase the level of skin elasticity by stimulating collagen production in the space around it. In other words, such threads are considered preventive because they slow down the aging process of the skin. Most often they are used for:

  1. increasing the elasticity of the dermis;
  2. correction of small circumlabial wrinkles;
  3. changes in lip shape;
  4. elimination of double chin;
  5. strengthening some areas of the neck.

Such surgical materials for face lifting are characterized by virtually painless insertion. The length of linear mesothreads is 25-90 mm.

Screw (spiral) threads for face lift. The use of such threads allows you to achieve the best results in tightening your facial skin. This effect is achieved due to the ability of these materials to take their original (spiral) shape after injection. Screw threads are used when necessary:

  1. double chin correction;
  2. raising eyebrows;
  3. elimination of linear wrinkles;
  4. changing facial contours;
  5. correction of deep nasolabial folds.

The average length of the threads varies from 50 to 60 mm. Mesotherapy can be carried out either separately with screw threads or in combination with other types of materials.

Serrated threads for face lift. In another way, these materials are called needle threads with notches. They are considered the most powerful threads that provide the maximum degree of face lift. The peculiarity of such threads is the presence of bidirectional teeth located along the entire length of the material. Since the notches are directed in different directions, this allows the products to reliably fix and strengthen the fabric frame of the face. Such materials are perfect for:

  1. lower and middle face lifts;
  2. stretching the lateral lines of the neck;
  3. contouring not only of the face, but also of the body;
  4. eliminating facial asymmetry.

The introduction of such threads is considered the most effective, but also the most painful. Often, when using these threads, additional anesthesia is used for the treated areas. Many patients claim that mesotherapy with barbed threads takes about half an hour. However, the procedure time is relative and depends on the skill of the cosmetologist, the type of threads used and the individual sensitivity of the client.

Indications and contraindications

The following skin problems are considered indications for the use of mesothreads for face lifting:

  1. Folds in the ear area (often the result of sudden weight loss).
  2. Vertical and horizontal wrinkles on the forehead (when eliminating them, mesothreads act like Botox, only with a longer action).
  3. Deep nasolacrimal grooves.
  4. Pronounced creases in the nasolabial folds.
  5. Ptosis (drooping) of skin tissues - chin and cheeks.
  6. Periorbital wrinkles (“crow’s feet”, folds on the eyelids).
  7. Deep wrinkles on the chin, neck and chest.
  8. Sagging skin on the stomach, arms, buttocks.

At the same time, the procedure for implanting threads has a number of contraindications. Thus, you cannot resort to thread mesotherapy in cases where:

  1. Infectious diseases (chronic and acute).
  2. Skin diseases or inflammatory processes in the treated area.
  3. Oncological diseases.
  4. Problems with blood clotting.
  5. Pathologies associated with problems in the formation of connective tissue (lupus erythematosus, scleroderma).
  6. Pregnancy and breastfeeding period. During this period, the body may react ambiguously to the intervention and bioreinforcement will not bring the expected result.
  7. Excess fat in the problem area. A thread lift in such situations will not eliminate the problem; the collagen frame simply cannot withstand the pressure. Initially, you need to get rid of subcutaneous fat.
  8. Diabetes.
  9. Individual intolerance to anesthesia.

This is interesting. Many women are interested in the question - From what age Can I do a facelift with threads? The aging process of each dermis is individual, but on average, age-related skin changes begin to appear after 25 years. Thus, you can use mesothreads for skin rejuvenation starting from 30-35 years old.

How is the procedure done?

If we talk about the procedure time, the doctor will work on the problem area with threads for an average of 40 minutes - 1.5 hours. The procedure consists of 2 main stages.

Preparatory. Includes consultation with a doctor. The specialist determines problem areas and the required number of threads, and announces the cost of the work. In addition, the master must explain in detail to the patient the course of the procedure and the intricacies of the rehabilitation period.

Important! In the preparatory period, the patient must undergo a series of tests. This will help the doctor determine how the woman tolerates the anesthesia and whether she has any allergic reactions to any materials.

Actually a thread lift. The doctor applies a preliminary “marking” to the patient’s skin - it indicates the direction of movement of the threads. The facial area is treated with an antiseptic, and local anesthesia is administered if necessary.

Next, the master pierces the skin in the temple area with needles and places the thread under the patient’s skin. The material is secured to the bone with extreme care and then tightened.

Useful video about mesothreads:

How many mesothreads do you need on your face?

Considering that the patient will have to pay for each thread used by a cosmetologist, it is useful to find out how many mesothreads are needed for a facelift. Of course, more accurate information on this issue can be obtained from a cosmetologist. After all, the amount of material directly depends on the condition of the skin and the area to be worked on. And, of course, it is necessary to take into account the type of threads used.

  1. for the eyebrow area – 5-10 pcs.;
  2. to eliminate a double chin – about 15;
  3. to tighten the oval face you need at least 20-30 threads;
  4. For each side of the face (cheekbone, cheek lift) it will take about 3-10 threads.

With this they read: Ultra face lifting.

Rehabilitation period

On average, rehabilitation after a facelift takes from 2 weeks to 1 month.

The first time after the procedure, patients are often bothered by subcutaneous depressions and tubercles. This condition is considered normal; usually such problems resolve on their own. The places where the threads were implanted may hurt and lose sensitivity for some time. Skin tightness also often appears during this period.

In order for your face to heal faster, you should take note of some medical advice:

  1. The first days after the procedure, it is permissible to use antibiotics and painkillers.
  2. For about 30 days you should sleep only on your back, placing several pillows under your neck.
  3. For the first few days, do not touch your face unless necessary.
  4. You need to stop eating hot food for a month.
  5. Restrain facial expressions as much as possible.
  6. For the first week, it is helpful to apply cold compresses to painful areas.

How long does the effect last?

Facelift with mesothreads is a procedure that provides a long-term effect compared to biorevitalization and Botox injections. Of course, the time during which the thread lifting effect lasts is purely individual. This indicator depends on the type of threads, the professionalism of the doctor and the characteristics of the client. On average, the action of the threads is enough to provide the face with a young and fresh look for 2 to 5 years. Some patients can boast of a longer effect - about 7 years of continuous “wearing” of threads.

Possible complications and consequences

As with any other effect on the skin, thread lifting does not exclude cosmetic consequences, namely:

  1. hematomas and bruises (usually go away on their own);
  2. facial expression disorders;
  3. introduction of infection;
  4. papules and dents in the places where the needle was removed;
  5. changes in the facial contour.

Price of procedures

How much does such a popular and effective facelift with mesothreads cost? The final price depends on the policy of the beauty salon in which the procedure will be performed and the amount of work performed. On average, you will have to pay from 700 to 1,000 rubles for one smooth thread, and from 2,500 to 5,00 rubles for a needle thread. Thus, a facelift with ordinary threads will cost from 20 to 50,000 rubles. The use of barbed or 3D threads will require a much larger financial investment.

Photos before and after

Of course, in the vast majority of cases, thread lifting has an amazing effect. You can verify this thanks to multiple photos before and after a facelift.

Patient reviews

“About 5 years ago I agreed to hyaluronic acid injections and took them in courses for a long time. After listening to a lot of laudatory reviews, I decided to implant mesothreads under the skin. I was counting on a miraculous effect and the fact that I wouldn’t have to do the procedure often, as is the case with biorevitalizans. The thread lift procedure is quite painful and, in my opinion, not very pleasant. There is an effect, I don’t argue, but in my opinion, after an injection of hyaluronic acid, the result is no worse, only it comes out much cheaper. I hope the threads will last quite a long time.”

“Not so long ago I discovered a network of small wrinkles on my face, I was very upset, because I am only 30 years old. I began to look for ways to prevent age-related skin changes. I turned to a cosmetologist recommended by a friend. He advised plastic surgery, but I am against such radical methods. After some time, I learned about mesothread lifting. Another month was spent weighing all the pros and cons and searching for a competent master. Finally, I made up my mind. After the procedure was completed, there were, of course, some bruises on my face, but they quickly went away. All my friends are sure that I had blepharoplasty, my skin began to look so young. I will definitely continue to have thread lifts again.”

Margarita, 31 years old

“With age, the contour of the face became less clear - the oval began to round and sag in some places. Until recently, I put off solving the problem because I am terribly afraid of any operations. Finally, my cosmetologist persuaded me to have a mesothread lift. I agreed. When all the “side effects” of the procedure disappeared from my face (about a month later), I was shocked - the contour of my face became clear and toned, it was as if I looked 20 years younger. A wonderful technique, I am very pleased with the result.”

“I inserted threads into the area between the eyebrows. Hematomas and tubercles appeared at the puncture sites, but after a while they went away on their own. The effect is very pleasing, the face is significantly fresher and younger. However, I consider myself lucky - I ended up with a competent master. I think a lot depends on the qualifications of the cosmetologist in this matter.”

“I had a lift with mesothreads 5 days ago. There is still a bruise under the right eye, but almost everything is gone on the left side. I can already see the result. I turned to the procedure due to swelling in the cheekbone area. I had 5 threads implanted on each side. Of course, there is an effect, but, to be honest, I expected more. Perhaps the procedure was not suitable for me specifically.”

Lifting with mesothreads is a worthy response to age-related changes in facial skin. With the help of modern cosmetic materials, there is a very high probability of forgetting about skin aging for several years. Of course, the choice of a specialist and compliance with the rules of the rehabilitation period are of great importance. Mesothreads are an excellent procedure for women who do not want to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon.

On the Internet you can find a large number of reviews with before and after photos of thread face lifting after 50 years, which show what an impressive result can be obtained. After the manipulation, women look fresher, at least 10 years younger. The procedure is safe and non-traumatic. After it, no long-term rehabilitation or hospital observation is required. Within a couple of hours after thread lifting, the patient goes home. The field tightening effect lasts for a long time. And if necessary, the procedure can be repeated after a few months.

Before going to a cosmetology clinic, you should find out more about the procedure. This will help you weigh the pros and cons and assess possible risks.

What is thread lifting?

A facelift using threads allows you to restore the oval of the face and prevent further ptosis. Both women 35-40 years old and much older women can resort to thread lifting. The essence of the manipulation is that special threads for face lifting create a frame and do not allow the face to “sink,” which is especially important after 50 years. The effect lasts quite a long time, up to 4 years, depending on the threads used and the initial condition.

The advantages of this type of lifting include:

  1. no scars;
  2. fast recovery;
  3. results that are visible immediately;
  4. due to the implantation of special threads, the own production of collagen and elastin is increased, which makes the effect more durable;
  5. the manipulation is carried out under local anesthesia, which does not have a negative effect on the entire body;
  6. The technique can be combined with other cosmetic procedures.

The threads, once under the skin, provoke the production of biologically active substances. As a result, microcirculation in the skin and tissues improves, and the production of collagen and elastin significantly increases. Which certainly increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin. A kind of collagen capsule is also formed, which “supports” the skin after the thread dissolves.

Skin features at 50 years old

With age, the skin loses elasticity and firmness. This is due to a slowdown in the production of collagen and elastin. After 50 years, the facial contour loses its definition and a double chin appears. The corners of the mouth and eyebrows droop, wrinkles become deeper. The look seems tired and gloomy. Often at this age jowls and bags under the eyes appear.

The usual comprehensive care no longer gives the same results. And women are increasingly resorting to cosmetic procedures. Injections of youth with hyaluronic acid, fillers, Botox give temporary, and often not lasting results. Therefore, many ladies are thinking about more radical facelift methods - thread lifting or plastic surgery.

Experts advise resorting to thread lifting in cases where other manipulations (mesotherapy, RF-lift) do not give a good result.

Indications and contraindications for

You should resort to thread lifting if:

  1. sagging skin is clearly expressed;
  2. swollen facial contour;
  3. drooping corners of the eyes, eyebrows, mouth;
  4. strongly pronounced nasolabial folds;
  5. deep horizontal wrinkles on the forehead;
  6. changed shape of the nose and ears.

Despite the safety and low morbidity, thread lift procedures have contraindications:

  1. allergy to components of the thread composition;
  2. oncological diseases;
  3. diabetes;
  4. blood diseases;
  5. exacerbation of chronic or infectious diseases;
  6. mental and nervous system disorders;
  7. tendency to form scars on the skin.

To reduce bruises after the procedure, cosmetologists recommend that women aged 50 years and older stop taking medications that affect blood clotting (Cardeo-Aspirin and the like) for 10-14 days. And to reduce swelling after manipulation, it is better to give up salty, spicy, and alcohol for 3 days.

How is a thread lift performed?

Thread lifting does not require special preparation or general anesthesia. The operation lasts about an hour, depending on how many areas of the face the threads are inserted. The cosmetologist makes a small puncture in the desired area and inserts a thread, then it is secured. The doctor tightens the threads, forming a new facial contour.

During the lifting process, hyaluronic filler can be injected into deep wrinkles - frontal or nasolabial folds. In some cases, immediately after the introduction of threads, biorevitalization or other hardware procedures are performed.

In patients aged 60 years and older, the threads are fixed to the bones, for example, behind the ear. In such cases, general anesthesia is required. The result of such a lift lasts up to 4 years.

What threads are suitable?

Absorbable and non-absorbable threads are used for face lifting. The first ones completely dissolve over a period of about six months, and in their place their own collagen frame is formed. They are used for the area around the eyes, eyebrows, forehead or cheekbones. They also correct the oval of the face in women 35-45 years old. Older patients may wonder which threads are best for a facelift at 50 years of age and older. Experts recommend using non-absorbable threads to reinforce the face of older women. They allow you to form a clear outline. And the result remains practically unchanged for a long time (up to 5 years).

The structure of the threads can be smooth or with micro-notches. The latter allow you to achieve better results, especially for older women.

Facelift threads are made from various materials.

The very first tendon lifting procedures were done with gold threads. Their base is polyglycol, coated with gold on top. Due to the inertness of the metal, there was no rejection of the threads or allergic reactions to them.

Over time, they were replaced by Aptos threads. They are the ones with micro-notches. Depending on the material from which the threads are made, they may be absorbable or not. Due to the content of lactic acid in the injection area, the production of elastin and collagen is enhanced, and its own supporting frame is formed. Self-dissolving threads are made from caprolactan, the effect of their use lasts up to 3 years. Non-absorbable threads are made of polypropylene. On the Internet you can find a large number of positive reviews about Aptos threads for the face.

Combined Silhouette Lift threads are also widely used in cosmetology. Their base is not absorbable, but micro-incisions made of dissolving material.

Mesothreads have proven themselves well for face lifting. Most often they are made from polyoxanone and are hypoallergenic.

Aptos threads were developed by Russian plastic surgeon Salmanalidze in the late 90s of the 20th century.

Recommended areas for thread lifting

Women aged 50+ require a comprehensive facelift. This is the area around the mouth, eyes and above the eyebrows, forehead. The contour of the face, chin and cheekbones need correction.

  1. An eyelid and eyebrow lift allows you to get rid of drooping corners of the eyes and drooping eyebrows. The look becomes open and youthful.
  2. The corners of the mouth that droop with age are also corrected by thread lifting. After the procedure, the lips acquire a clearer contour and the same shape.
  3. With age, the cheeks sink, the face seems to slide down, and jowls appear. After the tightening, the volume returns. The contours of the face become more youthful and attractive.
  4. The contour of the face is the first to lose definition. By the age of 50, it is quite deformed. Thread lifting allows you to restore the oval of the face and return it to its former clarity.

You can remove a double chin using facial reinforcement. Overweight patients may experience difficulties, so doctors recommend losing a few kilograms before the procedure.

Rehabilitation and care features

Despite the fact that the manipulation is carried out under local anesthesia, after it rehabilitation is required - compliance with certain rules and restrictions.

  1. After a thread lift, you should not use cosmetics for 12-14 hours.
  2. Touching your face, propping your cheeks with your fist, rubbing your forehead, eyelids, or doing massage is prohibited for a period of 7 to 10 days.
  3. You will also have to give up hot drinks, alcohol, scrubs, saunas or baths for 10 days.
  4. Throughout the recovery period it is necessary to monitor facial expressions.
  5. It is necessary to protect your face from ultraviolet radiation, do not sunbathe, and do not visit a solarium.
  6. After thread lifting, you need to sleep only on your back for 10 days.

Important! If there is severe persistent swelling or pain in the area where the threads are inserted, consult a doctor immediately.

Photos before and after thread lift

Photos of patients before and after the procedure perfectly show what results can be achieved. The effect after thread lifting is visible immediately - the skin is firm and elastic. And the facial contour is clear, wrinkles are less pronounced.

Reviews for thread lifting

A procedure such as thread lifting for the face at 50 years old is very popular; a large number of reviews about it can be found on the Internet.

“I heard and read a lot about thread lifting on the Internet. But I was still afraid to try. But I was inspired by a friend. She had her facelift done and became so prettier. I decided to try it myself. I also tightened the contour. About two years have passed, and I’m quite happy with the result.”

Svetlana is 50 years old.

“As I approached 50, I began to think about a full-fledged lift - eyebrows, corners of the mouth, cheekbones. Fillers no longer had a very pronounced effect. A month before the anniversary, I went to the clinic on the advice of a colleague. I'm happy with the result. Rehabilitation took place in 10 days. There were no complications."

“I’ve been eyeing the thread lifting procedure for a long time. I read reviews on the Internet. And when I decided, I didn’t regret it. While the threads were being inserted, I didn’t really feel anything, maybe it was a little unpleasant. It took about two weeks to recover. The swelling was not large, there were a few bruises in the area of ​​the punctures. 3 years have passed since the facelift. The result has become less pronounced, so I will repeat it.”

“After listening to enough advertising, I went to the clinic to have threads inserted. What can I say, I was certainly expecting a wow effect. But it turned out mediocre. I did cheekbones and eyebrows. The result was visible within six months. Then everything returned to its place again. Very disappointed."

“My son gave me a gift for his anniversary - a thread face lift. At first I was afraid, you never know. But the operation was successful. I recovered quickly, there was almost no swelling. Of course, it was difficult to control my facial expressions at first; I am an emotional person. And I wasn’t used to sleeping on my back. But this is temporary, and the result is already 1.5 years old, as they say. »

Ekaterina is 54 years old.

“I was one of the first to do thread lifting. They also gave me gold threads. It took quite a long time to recover, but for some reason the swelling did not go away. But when everything returned to normal, I couldn’t be happier. Looked 10 years younger."

“I inserted the threads twice. First time in 50 years. I did cheekbones and eyebrows. Then, after another 6 years, the entire oval, chin, forehead, again eyebrows and cheekbones, raised the corners of the mouth. Now 4 years have passed since the second operation and I look much better than my peers. I think I’ll repeat the procedure again next year.”

“My sister talked me into getting a lift. She is doing well and has rejuvenated herself very well. I also decided. But firstly, everything hurt for a long time, and the swelling did not go away. Then for 9 months she looked like a girl. And then that’s it, my face swam again. I'm disappointed to be honest. »

“Until the age of 58, I made do with Botox and other injections of youth, as people say. But I began to notice that the effect was no longer the same and was quickly disappearing. I decided to try threads. I did it at the clinic through an acquaintance, as they say. Everything went well. There was swelling for about 10 days, then it went away. She began to look noticeably younger. And the result has lasted for 2 years.”

Alexandra 53 years old

“I didn’t like thread lifting. You lie there and really feel how these threads are being inserted, it’s not that it hurts, it’s just disgusting. Then for about 10 days I can’t wash my face normally, God forbid I touch my face. And on top of that, you sleep like a log on your back. But in the end, after 8 months, my results disappeared. Although the doctor promised two years. I don’t recommend it to anyone.”

Modern cosmetology centers offer many different techniques for rejuvenating and maintaining the beauty of the skin at any age. Recently, one of the most widely advertised facelift methods is thread lifting.

The essence of a facelift with mesothreads

Rejuvenation with mesothreads - a non-surgical method of facelift, which is successfully used by women from different countries. The essence of thread lifting is as follows: special organic threads are introduced under the skin. After a certain period of time, a frame is formed at the site of insertion of the threads. It consists of collagen and elastin fibers, which subsequently serve as a natural protective film against age-related ptosis.

A facelift with mesothreads, in comparison with other anti-aging procedures, is practically bloodless.

Unlike mesotherapy, biorevitalization and fillers, collagen and elastin fibers are gradually moved and fixed in the right place using notches on the threads. And due to the different directions of the notches, the tissues do not move and remain in a taut position much longer.

There are several types of threads; they differ in design and some chemical properties. When choosing mesothreads, the specialist must take into account the patient’s age category, the severity of the folds and other individual characteristics.

Types of mesothreads

For cosmetic purposes, a large number of threads are used. Based on their composition, they are divided into absorbable and non-absorbable. Threads vary depending on the materials used:

  1. Synthetic (based on nylon or propylene);
  2. Biopolymer (based on bioplast);
  3. Metal (gold-based or platinum).

Also, threads come in different shapes: smooth, jagged, spiral or cone-shaped. As noted earlier, what type of threads to use depends on the age and general condition of the patient's skin. For example, after 40 it is recommended to use absorbable threads, after 50 - non-absorbable with jagged ones.

Mesothreads are considered the thinnest and most quickly dissolving devices for rejuvenation, the method of insertion of which is the least traumatic.

This type of thread is introduced through a blunt-ended cannula, which does not pierce through the tissue, but pushes it apart. However, this method of rejuvenation requires precision movements and special professionalism from the doctor. Uncertain movements can lead to skin tightening, resulting in deformed facial features.

A facelift with mesothreads is best used at the first signs of aging.

Also, patients over 40 can use this rejuvenation method as a preventive measure. The effect of the procedure lasts for 6-12 months. A facelift with threads is not suitable for colossal age-related changes; the results from their use will be insignificant.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Like all cosmetic procedures, facelift with mesothreads has its own list of indications and contraindications.

The main indications for thread lifting include:

  1. The presence of pronounced wrinkles and nasolabial folds;
  2. Ptosis of soft tissues in the chin and cheekbones;
  3. Drooping corners of the eyebrows.

Also, before the procedure, you should definitely notify the cosmetologist about previously performed beauty manipulations. This will help the doctor get a complete picture of the patient’s health and skin condition.

To prevent side effects, do not forget about contraindications and Avoid a facelift using mesothreads in the following cases:

  1. Infectious pathologies;
  2. Pregnancy and lactation period;
  3. Disturbances in the process of blood clotting;
  4. If there are severe rashes and inflammations on the face;
  5. Oncology;
  6. Diabetes;
  7. Individual intolerance to the components used (anesthesia, threads);
  8. Presence of extra pounds;
  9. Age over 60 years.

In order to avoid complications such as blood loss, 7 days before the procedure it is necessary to stop taking antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants that thin the blood.

How is a facelift performed using mesothreads?

Since a facelift with mesothreads can be very painful, the procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Each stage of the procedure is extremely important. It includes:

  1. Stage 1: preparation. The desired areas of the skin are treated with icecaine or ultracaine. Then the doctor makes marks on the face. To achieve the desired result, it is important to correctly determine the location of the threads.
  2. Stage 2: insertion of threads. After markings are made with a white pencil, punctures are made in these areas with a special needle and threads are inserted under the skin. As a rule, the location of the punctures is hidden in inconspicuous places: behind the ears or under the hair in the temporal part of the face. Using cosmetic forceps, the threads are carefully pulled up and the ends are cut off.
  3. Stage 3: disinfection. When all the mesothreads have been inserted, the puncture sites are disinfected. Treatment of a separate part of the face takes from 10 to 30 minutes, thread lifting in several areas at once will take one and a half to two hours.

Mesothreads should not be placed in areas of active facial expression.

This is followed by a rehabilitation period, during which the face requires careful care. Basically, recommendations for restoration are given by the cosmetologist performing the procedure.

Effect after the procedure

In the first hours after a facelift with threads, the patient will feel tension in the skin and pain at the puncture sites. The doctor should prescribe painkillers.

Thread facelift has the following effects:

  1. Clear facial contouring;
  2. Double chin removal;
  3. Lifting sagging cheeks and forehead skin;
  4. Smoothing out small wrinkles;
  5. Bruises and dark circles under the eyes disappear;
  6. The skin of the face takes on a fresher color and generally looks younger;
  7. The skin returns to its natural tone.

Recovery after surgery

After the introduction of mesothreads, the patient needs a full recovery period. The duration of rehabilitation is from 2 to 4 weeks, but does not require bed rest. For the first 7 days, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, and then physiotherapeutic procedures.

With proper recovery, swelling, bruises and puncture marks will disappear after 2 weeks.

Recovery after surgery involves following the following recommendations:

  1. Refusal of water treatments, especially visiting baths, swimming pools and saunas;
  2. Avoid using peels and scrubs on your face;
  3. Avoid any physical activity (running, fitness, dancing, etc.);
  4. Don't touch your face with your hands;
  5. Try to talk less and restrain your facial expressions;
  6. Do not use decorative cosmetics;
  7. You need to eat and sleep carefully;
  8. Give up alcohol and cigarettes. Their use leads to improper connection of tissues;
  9. Wear a compression bandage;
  10. Three times a day, treat the puncture site with ointment prescribed by the doctor (for example, Miramistin).

There are a lot of recommendations regarding the rehabilitation period, but these are simple rules that will help you recover faster and will not lead to the development of any complications.

Possible complications and consequences

No facelift procedure can go without leaving a trace. To avoid any complications or consequences, it is necessary to ensure that the healing process proceeds normally.

The body's normal reaction is:

  1. Redness, hyperemia;
  2. Mild swelling and bruising;
  3. Pain after the anesthetic wears off;
  4. Discomfort at puncture sites (itching, burning).

Often complications and side effects are caused by infection. The culprit may be either a doctor who violated the technology of the process or a patient who neglected the recommendations regarding the recovery period.

The main complications and consequences include:

  1. Excessive swelling and bruising, the occurrence of large hematomas. Small bruises and abrasions are considered normal. But still, you shouldn’t be too scared; perhaps this reaction is the body’s response to surgery. Most likely this is due to the individual characteristics of your body and the condition of your skin. Contact your healthcare provider. If you follow the recommendations, even the largest swelling, bruises and hematomas should disappear after 5-7 days;
  2. The asymmetry of facial features is disrupted. It is a well-known fact that a person’s face is not perfectly proportional. And mesothreads are introduced under the skin at the same level. As a result, distortion of facial features may occur. This usually occurs if the recommendations were not followed during the rehabilitation process. For example, they did not wear a special bandage, did not restrain their facial expressions, played sports, etc.;
  3. Broken thread. It is one of the most dangerous side effects. The facial skin becomes inflamed and surgery is required, resulting in a scar on the patient's face due to deep cuts.

To avoid any complications, it is best to entrust the procedure to an experienced doctor. Before you decide on a thread lift, study in detail the reviews of real patients regarding this specialist.

Pros and cons of a facelift with mesothreads

Before you decide to have a thread facelift, you need to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure. This will help you make your final decision.

Benefits of thread lifting:

  1. Clearer facial contouring;
  2. The quality of the skin will improve, it will become denser and more elastic to the touch;
  3. The double chin will disappear;
  4. The skin of the face will smooth out, small folds will disappear;
  5. The skin will regain its natural tone, the overall appearance will become fresher and more youthful;
  6. Rejuvenation with mesothreads does not require lengthy preparation and medical examination;
  7. Compared to other methods, face lift with threads has a shorter recovery period;
  8. Minimal tissue trauma;
  9. Rejuvenation with mesothreads has a cumulative effect. The result is noticeable immediately after the procedure, but gets stronger every day.

Along with this, one should also study disadvantages of the procedure:

  1. Thread lifting has age restrictions. Also, the procedure should not be performed on patients who are overweight. That is, due to the characteristics of the body or age, not everyone can use this method of rejuvenation;
  2. If the procedure is not carried out professionally or recommendations regarding the recovery period are not followed, serious complications may arise that require medical intervention;
  3. The cost is set depending on the number of threads introduced. As a rule, these are 3-4 pieces on each side, as well as on the forehead and chin area. The price is quite high, considering that you cannot do one side first and then the other after some time. Many patients complain about the lack of a fixed amount.

Reviews of the application with photos

According to many clinics, the procedure can be a complete replacement for plastic surgery. At the same time, thread lifting does not take much time, and also does not require a long rehabilitation period, that is, the usual rhythm will not be greatly disturbed. After only 2-3 weeks, the patient’s appearance noticeably changes, as evidenced by real photographs and reviews from the “before and after” series.

Svetlana, 30 years old:

For six months I couldn’t decide whether to do thread lifting or not. I don’t have pronounced folds, but I was embarrassed by the general tone of my skin, it began to look flabby, and I also wanted to slightly correct the contour of my face, to make it clearer. My cosmetologist advised me to try the action of absorbable mesothreads. They injected threads into my cheekbones and chin. The first few days I thought that I had allowed myself to be disfigured for my own money - my face was swollen and painful. But I tried not to panic, and indeed, after a couple of weeks, as the doctor said, the swelling subsided. The skin has become denser and tighter. I am satisfied with the effect, I hope it will not be short-term.

Irina, 28 years old:

Finally, I decided to have a thread facelift. It was very scary, because I had read on the forums that the procedure was painful and my face was swollen for a week and a half. In fact, the pain is tolerable, the face is swollen, but not as critical as they wrote about it. So far the effect is not what I hoped for, but only 2 weeks have passed since the procedure, the doctor assures that it will get better every day. While the contour of the face has improved significantly, I would like the small expression wrinkles to be smoothed out as well.

Margarita, 42 years old, Krasnodar:

One of the best facelift methods! I was very lucky, although this may be due to the individual characteristics of my body or the condition of my skin, but after the procedure there was practically no swelling. For several days, only small bruises were noticeable at the puncture sites. I also didn’t feel any particular pain during the procedure and went back to work the very next day. Side effects are really very individual. As for the result, as they say, the result is obvious. Wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin looks tightened and elastic. The contour of the face is more pronounced. Already now I am very pleased with the result, but perhaps every day the effect will be more noticeable.

Galina, 49 years old:

A very painful procedure, even local anesthesia did not help me. Okay, I endured it, thought about the result, but then another test awaited me - my face was swollen as if it had been bitten by a swarm of bees. I went to work 5 days later, although I wore dark glasses the whole time and covered myself with a scarf. When the swelling subsided, the bruises disappeared and the face was noticeably transformed: the skin tightened, the nasolabial folds and jowls were no longer so pronounced. This is a very good result. Will I decide to undergo this procedure again? To be honest, I'm not sure. The effect is excellent, we'll see how long it lasts, but the procedure itself and the recovery period are very painful.

Yulia, 36 years old:

For the past 4 years I have been regularly receiving hyaluronic acid injections, as nasolabial folds began to form early. But I decided to resort to more radical measures - mesothreads. It was quite painful, the swelling lasted for 2 days, then it began to subside, but there were practically no bruises. Now 2 months have passed since the procedure, my nasolabial lips have smoothed out well, I am satisfied with the effect. I have not yet decided what I will do next time - injections with hyaluronic acid or mesothread, but at the moment I am more inclined to thread lifting.