Beautiful makeup for a girl





Makeup Typically, teenage girls were prohibited from using decorative cosmetics to go to school. However, if it is done correctly and in moderation, then why not?

In addition, the skin of a young girl also needs careful care. So what should she have in her makeup bag?

  1. Suitable cleanser.
  2. Cream appropriate for age and skin type.
  3. Hygienic lipstick and lip gloss.
  4. Correctors that disguise skin defects, foundation.
  5. A translucent powder that hides shine.

It would be a good idea to purchase hypoallergenic cosmetics for children - they are mostly colorless or pastel colors. We advise girls to apply a little gloss on their lips. A couple of dots of blush on the forehead and chin.

Make-up for teenage girls

If a young lady decides to do makeup, then it should be close to natural. After all, the main thing in it is to emphasize the beauty of fresh, well-groomed skin. You need to choose the right corrector, the appropriate tone. The skin tone should match the skin tone on the neck. To refresh your face, you can lightly apply blush to your cheekbones, chin, and temples. For a disco, you can lightly line your eyes.

General rules for light makeup for girls


If you overdid it with the shadows, you can mute the intensity of the color with powder or white shadows. If you have oily skin, it is better to purchase powder with antiseptic additives that prevent bacteria from spreading. For dry skin, use compact powder - it has fatty additives.

Applying foundation

  1. Do you have a round face and it bothers you? To make it appear narrower, blend the darkish tone of the blush in the direction from the corner of the lips to the hair in the temple area.
  2. To round a square-shaped face, blend the blush from the chin to the cheekbones.

“Making” lips

  1. You should know: long-lasting lipstick can dry out your lips.
  2. It is not recommended for girls to use dark and matte lipstick, especially those who have flaky lips.
  3. Before applying lipstick to your lips, lubricate them with a rich cream - your lips will become more elastic.
  4. Don't forget about moisturizing lipstick.
  5. To make your lipstick last longer, first apply cream powder to your lips and outline with a pencil.
  6. To visually enlarge your lips, use a pencil to make the outline slightly larger than natural.
  7. To visually make your lips smaller, outline their contour along the inner surface.


Eye makeup for girls

  1. Blend a small amount of shadow in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the eyebrow - this will visually open the eyelid.
  2. If you need to lengthen your eyes, mark the upper eyelid. Apply light shadows to the outer edge of the eye and blend.
  3. It is advantageous to highlight facial features with lighter shadows, and darker ones with outer ones. This way you can slightly “space out” your eyes, which are located close to each other.
  4. Makeup for girls should be done exclusively with decorative products that have hygienic quality certificates. There are no absolutely harmless decorative cosmetics. If children's cosmetics are of good quality, then they are certainly hypoallergenic and have natural, attractive colors.

Girls should not be prohibited from using cosmetics. It is better to teach them how to use it correctly. Explain to her that she should not wear bright makeup during school hours. You should only use colorless lipstick, gloss, and foundation. This is quite enough for a teenager.

Daily make-up is quite common for women.


But there are situations when little girls need makeup, and it’s better to be prepared for them. This is what we will talk about today.


Why do girls need makeup?

It's hard to imagine a little girl who wouldn't want to try her mother or sister's cosmetics. This is quite normal for girls to feel in all their glory and become like adults.


But it’s probably not worth doing makeup every day, since it is not at all beneficial for children’s delicate skin and is fraught with consequences, and also has a vulgar appearance.


But sometimes there are times when using makeup is simply necessary and appropriate, for example:


Photography. In this case, makeup is a must to create an ideal image and disguise various skin defects, even the smallest ones.






Festive events. Funny children's makeup is quite acceptable for New Year's parties, birthdays, Christmas parties and many other holidays.






Nowadays face painting and various fantastic designs on the face are very popular.








Demonstration performances. To perform on stage, even a little girl, like any actress, needs bright children's makeup so that the child's face does not look faded among the bright contrast of costumes, and it does not matter whether your child dances, sings, or engages in other types of amateur performances.






In ordinary life, you should not apply decorative cosmetics to children and expose such delicate skin to danger.


Using makeup for photography

Today, not only famous personalities, but also ordinary people can afford photography.


Children are not inferior to adults in this, because childhood is so fleeting and irrevocable, and you want to leave at least some moments for memories.


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Experts in the field of makeup will help you create the right beautiful makeup for girls, or they will provide the necessary consultations. If you have free time and desire, you can experiment with the options yourself, in the form of an exciting game, while at the same time enjoying communication with your child.


For little ladies up to 6-7 years of age, there is no need to prepare for photography, but from 8 years to 12 years, girls need preparation in terms of cosmetic intervention:


Use of tone. A light water-based foundation is suitable for this.


It is applied to a previously cleansed skin surface. Then lightly powder with a brush. The corrector will help hide skin imperfections. A soft pink blush is applied to the cheeks.


Tinting eyelashes. This is not necessary, just fluff them up and form them into a colorless gel. It is enough to comb the eyebrows with a brush.


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Lip coverage. Colorless lip gloss will add some life.


These are all the accents that will highlight the freshness of a cute young face for the upcoming photo shoot.


Girls a little older require a more expanded set of decorative cosmetics with mascara (brown or dark gray), light shades of shadow, and light-textured lipstick.


To hide age-related defects, young girls cannot do without foundation.


Drawings on the face or face art

For the holidays, you can use brighter cosmetics. It differs from the usual one and is called face painting, it is absolutely harmless to the skin, dense in texture and its color range is richer. Easily and completely removed from the skin with warm water.


Face art is used to create catchy masks, as an addition to the image, to create contrasting patterns.


To make children's face painting flawless, it is better to trust the professionals. Such services are quite in demand today.


You can learn how to do face painting yourself, for this you need to have a special kit and learn a little.


Many children like face painting and, with its help, they perfectly transform into various fairy-tale images, for example, little mermaids, cats, sea wolves, etc.


Try to choose high-quality face painting, although it is more expensive, because low-quality, cheap face painting can be harmful to health.


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For New Year's events and other celebrations, a girl's makeup can be decorated with decorative items in the form of rhinestones and sparkles.


Makeup for the stage

The main thing here is to focus on the characteristic features of the appearance in order to make it more expressive and bright.


But we must not forget that makeup is for children and cosmetics must be of excellent quality, hypoallergenic, and not in vulgar shades.


To create a stage make-up, you need to have blush, mascara (black or brown), eye contour (brown), lipstick, light tone (if necessary).


Eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows and lips must be tinted; the color palette is selected to match the outfit and the image as a whole.


Here, perhaps, is a general idea of ​​makeup for girls and its basic principles.


Some options can be seen in the photo of makeup for girls. But whatever you prefer, you shouldn’t make your girl an insensitive barbie or auntie.


Childhood years are so beautiful, but very fleeting.


Makeup for women and teenagers is a completely natural and acceptable phenomenon. This is a sign of grooming, a way of self-expression. This kind of make-up does not cause a storm of emotions and condemnation. Makeup for girls is a special topic, one of the most discussed and controversial.

What is children's make up?

To understand what children's makeup is, you need to take into account its difference from adults and teenagers. This is not a reason to appear older and resemble your mother, older sister, or your idol from the TV screen, as many people mistakenly believe. In fact, this is a one-time appointment that is necessary for a specific case.

Therefore, the argument that it is fashionable and modern for children to wear makeup at the same level as adults is wrong.



Children's makeup is a way to present yourself from the best side. It is not applicable in everyday life, since it is inappropriate: the girl is beautiful by nature and spoiling the natural beauty of the child is unacceptable. This kind of make-up helps out on special occasions; it adds brightness and uniqueness to the image. Such cosmetics are especially relevant for girls 9, 10 and 11 years old: little girls simply don’t need it.

Features and Benefits

Children's cosmetics are different from other analogues. Unlike the intended arsenal of adults and adolescents, these products are not aimed at correcting facial features. Its task is to show the child’s individuality in the right situation.



The peculiarity of children's makeup is the age of the girl. You can’t paint children’s skin and the eyes of babies: their cosmetics are hygiene products. Until the age of six, only face art is allowed.

Some mothers buy children's cosmetics for their daughters almost from kindergarten age. And although, in pursuit of fashion trends, it seems to them that a child wearing makeup looks irresistible, in reality the girl’s appearance resembles a teenager with an undeveloped body.

One of the features that prevents early application of makeup is the structure of the skin: in children it is thinner, therefore less protected and has increased penetration.

For children's makeup, hypoallergenic cosmetics are used on a water and natural basis with a light and gentle effect. It is fundamentally different from other analogues, as it is developed taking into account the increased tendency of the delicate skin of children to be injured.


Children's cosmetics take into account the structure of epidermal cells of each age, therefore they have a neutral pH and do not contain chemical components and preservatives that destroy the structure of the skin.

Due to the composition of cosmetics, children's makeup is characterized by low durability. It can lose its attractiveness very quickly if the child touches his face.

When is it appropriate?

Children's make-up is a way to stand out in a particular case. It can be stage or festive. Depending on the occasion, it is great for:

• performances (ballroom dancing, artistic gymnastics);

• stage image (children's theater);

• elementary school prom.



Overall, this is a godsend for kids to be themselves and be special at the same time. Such cosmetics do not clog pores, have a rich palette of shades and do not irritate the delicate skin of the face.




Children's makeup can be traditional and fantasy (face art), when a unique design is applied to the face. The themes of the second method (face painting) are varied. Popular designs for such make-up are:

• wings of butterflies and birds;

• images of your favorite idols (Monster High, Winx);

• horror stories in the Halloween style;

• stars, sparks, hearts;

• small independent patterns.





The girl’s make-up does not accept the “heavy artillery” of cosmetics. Even face painting (drawing with water-based paints) should be easy. Otherwise, your appearance will lose the charm of age. You shouldn't wear makeup to school: this is not a place to show off children's makeup.

Why is it needed?

Dressing a girl like an adult woman is ugly and tasteless. Even fashion shows of children's clothing collections by famous couturiers avoid aggressive children's makeup. Experienced makeup artists slightly accentuate the eyes, leaving children the right to individuality.

The purpose of children's makeup is to surprise and draw attention. In one case it’s a bright make-up, in the other – skillful facial accents. This is a godsend for those who want to bring a holiday to every occasion.


For a themed party, performances, or dances, colorful colors are allowed, but they are subject to a specific theme. For example, Halloween-style makeup cannot be confused with anything. The same can be said about the makeup of a girl participating in a dance competition.

Makeup for performances is a vibrant topic. In cases where this is necessary, you can highlight the eyes and draw a picture in the same style as the clothes. This way, facial features will be visible from afar: this is the purpose of such makeup. Clothes and makeup should be in the same style and color.

Makeup for photos, 4th grade graduation, birthday - the delicate work of a makeup artist. This is not a simple standard make-up: it is no less important than hairstyle and clothes.




Experienced stylists can decorate not only a teenager and an 8-year-old girl with cosmetics, but also children up to 5-7 years old.

Choice of funds

Choosing beauty products for children's makeup is not an easy task. It must be borne in mind that not all components of women's and teenage cosmetics are acceptable:

there can be no foundation, its use will lead to early aging and sagging skin;

• loose mineral powder is allowed with a light texture that is applied in the thinnest layer;

• in extreme cases, a bactericidal corrector is used to remove dark circles around the eyes;

• the choice of lipstick depends on the occasion: little girls don’t need it (lip balm is enough); fashionistas aged 8 and 9 can pay attention to the transparent version with minimal shine;




• mascara is bought for older girls, its acceptable color is brown, close to the color of eyelashes;

• for photo shoots, choose light shadows that are close to the natural skin tone;

• no eyeliner: this is the prerogative of adults, you shouldn’t age the baby in this way;

• shiny shadows, brown, white pencil and bright black mascara are acceptable only for performances (for photo shoots, birthdays, it is contraindicated).

Face painting is suitable for all children. These paints are harmless and allow you to instantly change a child beyond recognition.


What to look for when purchasing?

Despite the widest selection of cosmetic products for children, in choosing them you can come across a lot of pitfalls. If a drug is labeled “children’s”, this is far from an indicator of a good and harmless product. Bright, colorful packaging is a clever trick by companies to attract children specifically. It is difficult to dissuade a girl from buying this or that cosmetics if the packaging depicts her favorite cartoon character or musical idol.

When purchasing makeup products, there are a few tips to consider:

• cosmetics should not contain hormones of plant and animal origin;

• exotic components are not allowed: they can cause skin irritation and allergies. The effect of cosmetics should be mild;

• if the whole chain is written on the package chemical ingredients, this product cannot be purchased;



any beauty product should be washed off with plain water;

expiration date is an important condition: expired products can seriously injure delicate, unformed skin;

• expensive does not mean the best: the manufacturer himself is important, whose products have a lot of positive reviews;

• it is better to make a purchase in a trusted store (no kiosks or hand sales from representatives of cosmetic companies).

How to apply correctly: execution techniques

Children's makeup, in the understanding of many, means putting on your mother's makeup. In fact, the technique for applying cosmetics depends on the specific case. This is a carefully thought-out style (cat girl, fairy, owl, stage character, Indian flavor, etc.), which will require knowledge of certain nuances of applying makeup.

In addition, a lot depends on the girl’s age: what is appropriate for 11 years old is unacceptable for little 5-year-old fashionistas.


Cosmetics should be applied exclusively to clean skin. Drug intervention should be minimal.

Face art

The technique is performed using face painting (low-grease paints or makeup pencils, for example, water-based Alpino) and painting brushes. The paints can be mixed until the desired tone is obtained; if necessary, they are diluted with water. The drawing can start from any area of ​​the face.

With each new stroke, the tone intensifies and the pattern is drawn, without touching the area of ​​the eyes and mouth. This technique is reminiscent of gouache painting. Thanks to the technique, you can create the image of a clown, a Japanese woman, a dude, an owl, a pirate, a cat girl, or art in the spirit of anime.