Beautiful gentle makeup for brown eyes

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Brown eyes are an absolute dominant, so there will always be many people with this iris color. This means that there will be a lot of questions about which makeup is most suitable and which shades are best to choose.


Features and Benefits

Brown eyes should be proud of and emphasized, and not hidden under colored lenses. Here are some benefits:

  1. It should be noted that brown eyes are perhaps the most versatile in terms of color selection. Red, yellow, green, blue - any makeup can look great on those with chocolate-colored eyes.
  2. Brown shade always looks great with any hair color. Just imagine a dark-eyed blonde, she is full of charm and mystery. And take the red-haired girl with brown eyes that look like tea tree leaves - a real forest nymph! Brown hair also looks beautiful and very natural against the background of two bottomless dark wells. Imagine how aristocratic a brown-haired woman with dark eyes will look. Her face, like an expensive painting, will be framed by a mop of hair, giving a deep sparkle to her eyes.
  3. It's easy to choose an outfit for brown eyes. Blue jeans are so popular now, and they go so well with brown skin tones and eyes. Or imagine how elegant a blue dress will look on a tanned body, crowned with strong-willed, full of life brown eyes. It is impossible to pass by such a woman; men will at least ask you to take a photo, and at maximum they will offer you their hand and heart.

Now that you no longer doubt that brown eye color is incredibly beautiful, you can move on to specific types of makeup to only slightly emphasize what is already there by nature.





Types of makeup for brown eyes

  1. A casual look means you won't be wearing a million layers of makeup. Makeup for going to work is very natural, subtle, almost invisible. For starters, you can use classic nude shades.

As a rule, in addition to a matte light pink, a slightly darker shimmer shade and white, there is one more color in the palettes. Well, if it is gold, then it will be very easy for you to create a light, but at the same time noticeable make-up for every day.

You can apply a light pink tint to the upper eyelid, and carefully decorate the corner of the eye with a drop of white eyeshadow. Under the eyes you can add a shadow created using the darkest color in the palette. Carefully “drop” strokes of gold onto the place where the eyeball is located. If you line your eye line with a white pencil, it will be impossible to tear yourself away from your eyes.

Moreover, such a fairly soft makeup can be easily converted into an evening one - simply by changing the tone of the lipstick. Make your lips plum or take a classic cool red shade - and you can go on a date or to a reception with the queen, wherever you like best.



  1. If you have dark skin, only two colors will be enough for an expressive look - gold and chocolate brown. Leave the chocolate under the eyes and use a brush to draw a light arrow with shadows, and sprinkle the upper eyelid with gold, like flower pollen. With a tan, this makeup looks amazing, “expensive” and at the same time soft. It doesn't require much skill.
  2. If your skin is quite pale, you can skip eyeshadow altogether. Just use eyeliner to draw a neat wing, coat your eyelashes with mascara, flush your cheeks a little and apply juicy berries or mouth-watering reds to your lips. This look is a timeless and win-win classic. It does not look pretentious and is quite suitable as makeup for every day.
  3. Gold applied under the eyes and combined with a matte pink shade on the upper eyelid can look very gentle. To soften an already nude look, use brown mascara instead of black. If you want to add a little more complexity to your look, use a gray or turquoise gray eyeliner.
  4. Makeup looks very beautiful, where the upper eyelid is painted with a gradient from silver to gold. Stretch the cool shade from the center and top it with gold colors. The main task is to make the transition smooth, without a clear boundary. Add a little mascara and the easy summer look is complete.
  5. The transition from soft pink to smoky gray looks very interesting. If you wish, you can make this makeup a little more strict by adding arrows to the look. They always attract attention.
  6. Sometimes for daytime makeup, a regular eyeshadow base may be enough. If your face has a very even tone and your eyelashes are lightly coated with mascara (black or brown), this look can easily become a business look. Bright lips will make it more interesting, and nude matte shades of lipstick will make it even more strict, depending on the situation.







As you can see, daily makeup can be very diverse, but in our lives there are holidays and going out, so the types of makeup for brown eyes need to be thought out for evening occasions. The following options are worth considering:

  1. Most people with brown eyes, of course, are in eastern countries, so it is not surprising that Arabic makeup with eyes lined with black on all sides continues to be relevant. If the event and mood allow you to plunge into an Arabian fairy tale, go for it. The main secret to an expressive look is to apply a black pencil along the inner line of the eye (both above and below). Additional depth can be added with a long black liner on the upper eyelid and a dark, well-shaded color on the lower eyelid.
  2. For those who are not ready for such aggressive makeup with arrows, we can offer a similar option, but modified in a European way. Of course, this is the classic smoky eye. You can choose black or chocolate shades as a base, which will make your look softer. If you want to add some flair, you can color the waterline of the eye with a colored pencil, such as neon pink or blue. It will look very extravagant, but not tasteless.
  3. If you are already bored with classic colors, try making makeup in cherry tones or deep red. The main thing is not to overdo it with your lips; they should not be dark if your eyes are already outlined with something bright. There should be one emphasis on the face, otherwise the image will turn into a vinaigrette.
  4. For a birthday or friendly party, you can safely choose bright colors - for example, blue, green, yellow, purple, deep blue and so on. To ensure that your holiday make-up really remains vibrant, apply a special base before using eyeshadow. If you don't have a separate eye product on hand, try a regular primer. It will help smooth out fine wrinkles and enhance the pigment contained in the shadows themselves, making the color even and lasting.
  5. Don't be afraid to mix different colors. Try a sophisticated makeup look with purple, yellow and pink shades, or go for an extravaganza with silver, indigo and black. Make a mix of yellow and green, dilute this palette with bronze or silver. There are very, very many variations on this theme, like gold in a fairy tale dragon.
  6. If you can boast of smooth skin with a minimum of imperfections, impress everyone with a dark and mysterious look created with minimal effort. The main task is to make the complexion even, with a cool tint. Apply a matte black color to your eyes, as impenetrable as a southern night. Wrap a bunch of false eyelashes around your eyes for a fluffy look, and apply a very dark wine shade of lipstick on your lips. This way you will get a simple but fatal image that will be remembered for a long time.







As you can see, there are many options available for brown and black eyes. Nude or shimmer, color or monochrome - it's up to you to decide. If you need an example for inspiration, look at the stars and their makeup. Remember the beautiful Sophia Loren to feel the expensive classics, the eccentric Shakira to add a little rock and audacity to your image, the charming Lily Collins if you want to add tenderness to your life. Look at the famous brown-haired women - the Kardashian family. This is someone who had so many images that your life would not be enough to repeat them all.




When the color scheme has been selected and the image has already formed in your head, it’s time to choose the means.

How to choose cosmetics?

We take it as an axiom that you have brown, dark brown or green-brown eyes. When searching for decorative cosmetics, you should no longer start from colors, but from the shape and fit of the eyes. Girls usually have to deal with the following main problems:

  1. Eyes too small.
  2. Deep-set eyes.
  3. Wide-set eyes.
  4. Eyes set too close.

It is worth choosing the right tools based on these four problems. So, it is recommended to consider the following:

  1. To make “bottomless saucers” out of small eyes, you can use a few tricks - for example, experiment with the shape of the eyebrows. You don't even need to buy anything to do this, just free up as much space above the eye as you can afford (depending on the thickness of your hairline).

Another trick is to use a white pencil on the top and bottom of the waterline.

As for the choice of shadows, dark colors will almost certainly be contraindicated. Light soft shades open the eye and make it wider visually. You should also keep in mind that concealer will help open up your eyes a little, so don’t neglect it.



  1. The problem of deep-set eyes can be solved with skillfully applied eye shadow. Be sure to purchase a base that will even out the tone and simplify the application process. If you don't have a base on hand, use powder. As the main tone, you will need the lightest shades, which will need to be shaded along the entire length of the upper eyelid. Use dark colors almost spot-on - for example, adding them to the corner of the eye or lining the lower eyelid with such a cosmetic product.

If you are going to use mascara and eyeliner, remember that the line should be very thin. Bold arrows will turn an oriental look into the eyes of a Chinese, and not the most beautiful one.



  1. If your eyes are set wide, then the main secret lies in the fact that you need to emphasize the inner corner of the eye. Darker shades can be applied to the inside, stretching the color towards the center. You can also use mascara in two layers, and apply eyelashes in movements towards the nose.

Another secret is more emphasis on the eyebrows. Make the eyebrow longer on the inside (using a pencil and brush), and you will see that the visual distance between the eyes will become slightly smaller.

  1. If your eyes are too close to each other, an eyeliner pencil will be your faithful assistant. You will need to draw a thin line along the contour of the eye, gradually thickening towards the edge of the eye. Don't forget to shade the outline, otherwise it will look too clumsy. Decorate the inner and middle part of the eye with light shadows, and save dark palettes for the eyelid area close to the temples.


How to apply it correctly?

Remember these very simple step-by-step instructions and take them into account:

  1. 50% of the success of your makeup will depend on skin preparation. First, cleanse your face. Now the most popular and effective method can be called micellar water, but no one has canceled ordinary water or tonic for washing. Act according to your taste - the main thing is that your face is fresh, free from excess fat and dirt.
  2. Don't forget to moisturize your skin. Apply your favorite cream. Make a mask if time allows, or use patches. You can do almost anything you want as long as your skin is “well-fed”. Allow the beneficial substances to be absorbed - and only then begin to act.
  3. Apply concealer. Maybe you use a colored concealer, apply a primer to smooth out wrinkles... Do all the necessary preparatory steps before it's your turn to foundation.
  4. When applying the base, gently blend it all over your face.. If you use sponges for driving in, then do this also carefully. Be sure to include some of the neck and ears so that the face doesn't look too different from the rest of the skin.
  5. Apply de-shine powder and add blush. For dark skin, you can additionally use bronzers, but for those with light brown hair and fair skin, a light coral blush will suffice.
  6. To achieve the effect of large eyes, the triangular area under the eye can be highlighted using a makeup technique such as baking. To do this you will need white loose powder, as well as a wide flat brush. Apply powder under the eyes using light but confident strokes. Then use a powder highlighter. This will help “highlight” the eye and give it additional visual volume.
  7. The next step is working on the eyebrows. Comb, color and shape. Use pencils, shadows, wax - anything will do to achieve the fashionable effect of thick and very clearly defined eyebrows.
  8. We're reaching the finish line - getting to work on eye makeup. Above you have already received many detailed recommendations for working with shadows and direct tips for action. The only thing that has not yet been said is that after completing the color work, you will need to carefully remove excess shadows if they have crumbled.
  9. The last stage is highlighting the cheekbones and applying lipstick to the lips. If you are skilled with brushes and know very well what contouring is, do not hesitate to put your knowledge into practice. When all the lines are drawn, all that remains is to design your mouth, do not forget that the emphasis should be on one thing. Either on the eyes or on the lips. If your makeup was previously very delicate, a little bright shades of lipstick will bring freshness and life. If the previous colors were saturated, you should not darken all areas of the face.




The only option when dark shadows can be in harmony with dark lipstick is light brown eyes, which will glow with a bright spot, relegating all other makeup to the background.


Proceed step by step, do not jump from the base to the eyebrows and from the eyes to the lips. Step-by-step application exists for a reason. By sticking to the plan, you will protect yourself from possible mistakes.

The question of how to decorate brown eyes with makeup will always be relevant, because this particular iris color is the most common in the world. Eyes of this shade are expressive even without the shadows of mascara and eyeliner, but with the help of cosmetics you can achieve the maximum effect.

How to choose the right shadows?

Brown eyes go well with a variety of shadows, allowing their owners to use any preferred tones. But a certain color of eyeshadow can perfectly suit one brown-eyed girl, but look completely different on the eyelids of another. The secret is simple - it all depends on the shade of brown eyes. Each of them suits certain shadows. Pay attention to the tips in the table.

Eye shade Shadow color
dark (rich) brown light gray, bright green, bright blue, brick, gray-lavender, pink-beige, pink-brown, bright lilac
green-brown (walnut) purple, lilac, brown-pink, coffee, muted pink, brown-lilac, chocolate, blue.
light brown (amber) marsh green, mustard, brown-pink, muted pink, gray-lilac, burgundy, coffee, indigo

When choosing the shade of eye shadow, you should rely on your skin color, as well as the general color type of your appearance. If it is cold (porcelain skin, ashy hair), it is better to give preference to cool tones. For girls with a warm color type (dark skin, hair with a golden tint), shades of warm tones are suitable.

Gentle for brown eyes

In order to create a gentle makeup for brown eyes, you should use shadows in muted pink, coffee and peach tones. Here are instructions for creating it:

Cover the entire upper and lower eyelid with cream or beige-pink eyeshadow.

Apply a snow-white highlighter or pearlescent shadow under the outer edge of the eyebrow.

Frame the crease of the upper eyelid with light brown eyeshadow.

Dip a contour brush into dark brown eyeshadow and line the upper eyelid from the middle to the outer corner and the lower eyelid from the outer corner to the middle.

Blend the dark shadow on the upper eyelid.

Blend the shadows on the lower eyelid.

Color your upper and lower lashes with lengthening mascara.

Makeup options for black and dark brown eyes

Owners of very black-brown eyes are very lucky, because such a dark color can be emphasized with a variety of shades of makeup products. Makeup in muted lilac tones with an arrow is a good way to frame your eyelids before a party or holiday. Please pay attention to the detailed technique:

Color the entire upper eyelid with white eyeshadow.

Frame the lower eyelid, crease and movable upper eyelid from the outer corner to the middle with matte light gray-lilac shadows.

Take a dark gray-lilac or taupe eyeshadow and apply it to one third of the upper eyelid near the outer corner and on the lower eyelid from the outer corner to the middle.

Apply glitter eyeshadow to the middle of your upper eyelid and underneath the eyeshadow line on your lower eyelid.

Line the upper eyelid starting from the inner corner. Make the line thicker and end it with an arrow.

Draw the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid, starting from the inner corner and connecting the line with the previous one.

Line the lower eyelid from the middle to the outer corner. Finish the line with a thin arrow.

Apply two coats of voluminous mascara.

Makeup for dark brown eyes in golden brown colors can be either everyday or weekend if you vary the depth of tone. You can do it this way:

Cover your eyelids with light golden eyeshadow.

Frame the outer corner of the eye with chestnut-colored shadows.

Emphasize the crease and outer corner of the eye with dark brown shadows, without reaching the edges of the chestnut shadows.

Blend the border between dark brown and chestnut shadows.

Apply white shadow under the tip of your eyebrow.

Use a black pencil to highlight the upper lash line.

Line the lower eyelid with a black pencil.

Apply voluminous mascara or false eyelashes.

Makeup for brown eyes and dark hair

It is very easy to make the image of a woman with dark eyes and hair sophisticated - just apply winged makeup. A simple instruction can help with this:

Cover the entire upper eyelid with light beige or snow-white eyeshadow.

Choose any suitable shadow of a darker color and color it on the crease of the upper eyelid and lower eyelid so that the two lines in the outer corner form a triangle.

Emphasize the upper eyelid with a black liner, creating an arrow.

Apply one coat of black mascara.

Another makeup tutorial for brown eyes and dark hair is in the attached video.

How to do beautiful bright makeup for brown eyes?

Makeup in rich colors is a stylish option for a party. A bright makeup lesson for brown eyes is in front of you:

Apply white eyeshadow to the entire upper eyelid.

Color your upper eyelid from the middle to the outer corner with a bright blue eyeshadow.

Apply white eyeshadow to the middle of the eyelid to create a smooth shade transition. Blend it out.

Apply a bright pink-purple eyeshadow just above the blue eyeshadow line from the outer corner to the middle of the eyelid.

Highlight the lower eyelid with a thin line of blue eyeshadow.

Line the upper eyelid with a liner.

Apply a light layer of mascara to your upper lashes. Tinting the lower lashes is an optional step.

The process of creating such a make-up can be studied using this video.

Dark makeup for brown eyes

Attention: the myth that smokey eyes only suit green and blue eyes is not true. Dark shadows go perfectly with brown eyes of different shades. Here is one of the simple correct dark makeup techniques:

Apply charcoal shadow to the upper eyelid, covering the crease.

Subtly line the lower eyelid with jet black shadow.

Frame the lines of black eyeshadow with chestnut eyeshadow.

Line the upper eyelid from the inner corner to the outer corner with a black liner. End the line with an arrow.

Line the inner area of ​​the lower eyelid with a black pencil.

Here is a video tutorial on dark makeup for brown eyes.

VIDEO. Dark makeup for brown eyes


You've probably noticed that brown eyes can be emphasized not only with different colors, but also with all kinds of makeup techniques. Brown-eyed female representatives can only choose the most suitable tones of cosmetics and methods of applying them in order to charm others with their gaze.

Do you know any makeup secrets for brown eyes? Share them in the comments!