Cream against dry skin

Taking care of dry skin goes beyond moisturizing. Her needs depend on the season and time of day. We'll tell you exactly what it needs, how often and in what quantities - in our article, and also name the 14 best products for dry skin care, according to the editors of

  1. Causes of dry skin
  2. Rules for caring for dry skin
  3. Preventing dry skin
  4. Features of the composition of the funds
  5. 14 best remedies

Causes of dry skin

The first thing you should know about dry skin is how it differs from dehydrated skin.

A specific condition, most often caused by genetics, less often by temporary circumstances, such as the use of cosmetics with retinoids or acids. Dryness is caused by a violation of the integrity of the hydrolipid mantle and a lack of secretion from the sebaceous glands - sebum. This substance supports the barrier functions of the skin, protects the epidermis and retains moisture in the cells.

A temporary skin condition that can be completely corrected. In this case, the skin feels a lack of water, not fat. And the cause of dehydration can be both improper care and banal dry air in the apartment.

Dry skin is often confused with dehydrated skin © iStock

On almost dry skin there is no inflammation. Acne and comedones are signs of oily, dehydrated skin.

On dry skin pores are almost invisible, whereas on dehydrated skin they can also be expanded if the skin is oily or combination.

Dry skin all day long feels a feeling of tightness. Dehydrated - does not respond well to cleansing with water, and also suffers during periods of cold, dry weather or when using drying cosmetics.

Dry skin is prone to premature aging © iStock

Rules for caring for dry skin

The basic requirements are quite simple.

To cleanse, use soft, delicate textures such as milk so as not to damage the hydrolipid mantle.

Don’t forget about the tonic: it will normalize the pH level, and at the same time additionally moisturize the skin, and also prepare it for applying masks, creams, and serums.

Make moisturizing creams and masks the basis of your care.

To strengthen the skin's protective barrier and maintain optimal moisture levels in cells, use a good nourishing cream.

To combat skin dullness and prevent early wrinkles, use exfoliating products.

After cleansing dry skin, be sure to apply toner © iStock

Preventing dry skin

Even minimal, but regular care is necessary: ​​dry skin is prone to premature aging, and after 30 years the first “adult” wrinkles appear on it.

Moisturizing components of creams for dry skin - aloe vera, hyaluronic acid, glycerin © iStock

Features of the composition of the funds

If your skin is prone to dryness and you want to provide it with a comfortable life, carefully read the ingredients on cosmetics labels. Look for the substances listed below.

Hygroscopic agents (glycerin, hyaluronic acid, panthenol) attract and retain water molecules in skin cells to maintain an adequate level of hydration.

Oils strengthen the protective barrier, allow you to retain moisture in the cells, which means the density and elasticity of the skin.

AHA acids (lactic, glycolic) and plant enzymes in tonics, masks and peelings dissolve the intercellular glue of the epidermis, helping to exfoliate dead skin particles. This improves skin tone and texture and smoothes out fine wrinkles.

Antioxidants resist the oxidative process in skin cells and neutralize the negative effects of free radicals - the main cause of aging.

The best products for dry skin

14 good products for dry skin at once, according to the editors of, are reviewed below. We have chosen them so that it is easy for you to create a complete care program for yourself, from cleansing and toning to applying day cream.

Cleansing and exfoliation

Cleansing dry skin should be thorough, but very gentle:

Oil-based products are suitable for makeup remover

for washing - delicate foams

for exfoliation - scrubs with non-aggressive abrasives and creamy texture.

Washing and makeup removal

Product name Mode of application Active Ingredients
Micellar water with oils Skin Naturals, Garnier Shake the bottle to mix the oil and water base. Dampen a cotton pad and cleanse your face, eyes and lips. Rinse off the product with water. argan oil
Milk for removing makeup from the face and eyes “Basic care” for dry and sensitive skin, Garnier Apply to dry skin using a cotton pad or fingers. If desired, you can wash off the residue with water. rose extract
Cleansing cream-gel for problem skin that is dry as a result of drug treatment, Effaclar H, La Roche-Posay Lather the product into your palms, then apply using smoothing movements to damp skin. Rinse it off. niacinamide, zinc gluconate
Softening exfoliating cream Exfoliance Confort, Lancôme Apply the product to damp skin. Spread with your fingertips, moving from top to bottom in a “spiral” motion. Rinse with water. extracts of almonds, yeast, honey


Masks for moisturizing the skin can be cream or fabric - include both in your care ritual. Fabric ones can be carried with you and used as soon as the skin requires, for example, in an air-conditioned office or after a long flight.

Fabric and cream

Apply for 15–20 minutes, after which distribute the remaining product over the skin with massaging movements. The mask is disposable - do not reuse.

Soothing moisturizing mask Calendula Aloe, Kiehl’s

shea butter, hyaluronic acid, waxes


The best products for toning dry skin are tonics and lotions based on vitamins, oils and moisturizers like aloe juice. Use twice daily.

Moisturize and soothe

Product name Mode of application Active Ingredients
Sheet mask for dry sensitive skin “Hydration + Comfort”, Garnier hyaluronic acid, chamomile extract
Night cream-mask “Extraordinary oil. Luxury food”, L’Oréal Paris Apply to face, pat skin dry with a napkin, and leave until morning wash. muscat rose and argan oils
Apply to cleansed, damp skin, pat dry and leave overnight. aloe and calendula extracts
Intensely moisturizing mask Hydraphase Intense, La Roche-Posay Apply to cleansed skin for 10–15 minutes, remove excess with a cotton pad or napkin.

antarcticine, squalane, avocado and apricot kernel oils, vitamin E


Since the main task of those with dry skin is to moisturize it, then creams should be chosen with this labeling. The textures can be anything: light ones are useful during the day, denser ones are useful for night care.

Hydration and nutrition

Product name Mode of application Active Ingredients
Skin Naturals Toner with Rose Extract for Dry Skin, Garnier Apply daily to cleansed skin before serum and cream. rose extract, provitamin B5
Moisturizing toner Ultra Facial Toner, Kiehl’s Apply morning and evening after cleansing.

Apply to pre-cleansed skin, avoiding the eye area. Use morning and evening.

Royal jelly, vitamin C, hazelnut extract


Any modern woman wants to be beautiful, well-groomed and eye-catching. This largely depends on the condition of the skin of the face, which daily takes on the invisible blow of external and internal factors: poor environment, stress, overwork, poor diet containing excess fats and preservatives, etc. Dry and sensitive skin types especially suffer. To protect it and maintain youth, comprehensive care is required: deep cleansing, restoration of damaged areas, intensive nutrition and moisturizing of the deepest layers of the dermis.

To solve these problems, cosmetologists offer a huge range of different products, including face cream, designed specifically to solve a whole range of problems characteristic of a given skin type.


Features of the skin

Cosmetologists and dermatologists divide the skin into several types and subtypes. One of the most in need of care and protection is dry sensitive skin, which reacts sharply to external irritants (water with impurities, cold air, snow and wind) and to internal changes (stress, poor-quality food, hormonal surge, etc.). This occurs due to disrupted hydrobalance in all layers of the skin, as a result of which the cells lose a large amount of moisture and cease to function normally. Also, such skin has improper functioning of the sebaceous glands, which is why the natural protective barrier is destroyed. The consequences can be the most unpredictable: from excessive dryness and flaky epidermis to incessant itching.


Thin sensitive skin, prone to redness, irritation, swelling and excessive dryness, is usually found in women of a winter color type with a fair complexion and requires increased attention in the form of nourishing and moisturizing creams and masks.

Also, dermatologists and cosmetologists recommend adhering to a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and spending more time in the fresh air.



Causes of dryness

Sensitive skin can become a result of one or a symbiosis of factors. Let's look at the most common ones:

  1. aggressive weather conditions (excessive dryness or humidity, low and high temperatures, wind, snow)
  2. insufficient water intake
  3. negative effects of UV rays
  4. side effects of taking medications
  5. use of low-quality cosmetics
  6. state of vitamin deficiency - a lack of vitamins is typical for many regions of our country
  7. cosmetic procedures that are not gentle on the skin (cryoprocedures, peeling, scrub, etc.)
  8. allergic reactions
  9. vegetative-vascular dystonia
  10. “unhealthy” food in the form of processed foods and fast food
  11. hormonal age-related or periodic changes in the body.

Due to these reasons, inflammatory reactions begin in the skin in the form of redness, rash, itching or swelling. The skin capillaries increase along with the thinning of the walls, so the network of subcutaneous vessels (rosacea) becomes visible. The natural protective barrier ceases to function normally, so the skin becomes more vulnerable to external irritants. Transepidermal water loss increases, as a result of which all layers of the integument become withered, dry and prematurely mature.


What should be included in the funds

Shop windows and pharmacies are replete with offerings of various cosmetics, including creams from world-famous and not-so-famous brands. To choose the best cream for dry and sensitive skin, you need to carefully read the composition. A product designed to solve cosmetic problems will contain the following ingredients:

  1. hyaluronic acid – this substance is famous for its moisturizing, rejuvenating and tightening properties
  2. collagen – a component for actively combating the processes of withering and aging: activates metabolic processes, has antioxidant properties, improves blood circulation
  3. glycerol – famous for its moisturizing effect. Our grandmothers have long used this substance to combat dry skin
  4. panthenol – restores, soothes, heals, relieves inflammation and protects against excessive evaporation
  5. various extracts and extracts of beneficial plants, which penetrate into the deepest layers of the epidermis, saturate the cells with various acids and nutrients, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, make the skin soft, but elastic, elastic and velvety.
  6. vitamins – necessary for activating the local immune system and intensive nutrition.








Cream for dry skin should not contain overly aggressive chemicals that can aggravate the negative effects of irritating factors:

  1. alcohol
  2. salicylic acid
  3. silicone
  4. matting agents, etc.

How to choose cosmetics

Those with dry and sensitive skin need to follow some recommendations when choosing cosmetics.

  1. Follow the golden rule regarding shelf life: “the shorter the better.” Products with a large amount of natural substances cannot be stored for long periods of time, but are optimal for dehydrated skin.
  2. If possible, use testers. This is a good way to test the body for an allergic reaction and compatibility with this cream.
  3. Do not purchase a cream that contains beeswax, as it can cause an allergic reaction on sensitive skin in the form of many unpleasant symptoms.
  4. It is better to choose a hypoallergenic cream from a popular brand that has been tested by time, experience and has many positive reviews.
  5. When choosing, you must read the instructions or directions on the packaging, which indicate the specific skin type for which this cosmetic product is intended.
  6. It would be optimal to purchase a cream for hypersensitive skin at a pharmacy kiosk, where the products undergo dermatological control.
  7. The texture of the day cream applied under makeup should be quickly absorbed and not leave a greasy sheen or a sticky feeling.
  8. A nourishing night cream with a denser oily structure should contain various nourishing, caring and restorative substances.
  9. Excessive amounts of fragrances can cause an allergic reaction, so preference should be given to products that have a delicate, subtle aroma.
  10. During periods of excessive sun activity (spring and summer), it is necessary to choose a cream with high protection against UV rays (SPF factor must be at least 8).



Rating of the best brands

As a result of extensive monitoring of reviews from grateful users and recommendations from dermatologists and cosmetologists, a rating of the best brands of creams for sensitive and dry skin was compiled. Let's take a closer look at some of the tools.


Aqualan is a line of Finnish-made creams developed by scientists for sensitive, dry skin suffering from psoriasis and dermatitis. These creams are very popular among the population all over the world and are suitable for consumers of any age, including newborn children. Sold exclusively in pharmacies.


The composition of these products does not contain fragrances, flavors or dyes, but is rich in moisturizing components. The cream is easily absorbed and does not leave greasy marks or sticky film on the surface of the skin. Depending on your skin type (oily, sensitive or dry), the manufacturer recommends different compositions of this cream.

  1. "Aqualan plus" Designed for dry and very dry skin, it is instantly absorbed, actively moisturizing the deepest layers of the dermis, restoring after phototherapy procedures for those suffering from psoriasis and protecting the epidermis from UV rays.
  2. "Aqualan L" Recommended for dry and sensitive skin, contains up to 65% water. Natural components nourish, restore and normalize intercellular metabolism and hydrobalance in all layers of the skin.



Natura Siberica

Products of the domestic brand Natura Siberica quickly gained the trust of Russian users and continue to gain popularity in the consumer market of the CIS countries and Europe. The creams of this company are developed using trendy and latest technologies using components of natural herbs growing in Siberia.

Cream for application to dry skin during the day “Nutrition and Moisturizing” contains Manchurian Aralia extract and does not include harmful parabens, silicones, fragrances and mineral oils.

Hyaluronic acid and vitamin E moisturize, nourish and fight signs of premature aging of the skin, making it elastic and firm. SPF factor 20 creates an effective barrier against solar radiation. Plant ingredients retain moisture, normalizing metabolic processes.



Physiogel cosmetic products contain a “smart” formula that restores the protective barrier with the help of a lipid layer on the skin, retaining moisture inside and activating the process of self-hydration in cells. The composition contains ceramide3, squalene, glycerin, shea butter and other beneficial substances.

The light consistency is quickly absorbed without clogging pores and moisturizes for a long time, giving a charge of vigor and good mood.



Cream-gel "Aisida" from a Russian company specializing in the production of cosmetics for problem skin, effectively affects dry and sensitive skin types, and helps get rid of many obsessive problems of the epidermis. The non-hormonal product consists of natural ingredients and has an anti-allergic, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. It also helps to increase metabolic processes, rejuvenates and has antioxidant and antiseptic effects.

Recommended for dry skin prone to allergic reactions, itching, redness and irritation after cosmetic procedures or hormonal therapy sessions.


"Nutritic Intense"

Nourishing cream "Nutritic Intense" contains La Roche-Posay Thermal Waters and lipids that have a beneficial effect, moisturize and restore even the driest and most sensitive skin. The product combats the unpleasant sensations of tightness, burning, itching and the feeling of a “dry shell”. Works perfectly as a daily makeup product.



"Losterin" is a non-irritating cream that fights skin diseases and improves the condition of the epidermis. Does not contain hormonal substances, fragrances or dyes, therefore suitable for the most sensitive skin. Natural ingredients moisturize, nourish, restore and improve complexion.

After just one use, you can notice positive changes: the skin becomes smoother, tighter, radiant with health and vitality.


For a review of creams for very dry skin, see the following video.

Home Recipes

Currently, various products that care for dry and sensitive skin, made independently at home, are considered trendy. Let's get acquainted with the most popular recipes for homemade creams.


It is necessary to pour boiling water (a spoon into half a glass) over dried chamomile flowers and leave for an hour. Combine the strained infusion with a spoonful of glycerin, melted butter, castor oil and a few drops of orange or geranium ether.

This product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days. Leaves skin incredibly soft and radiant from within.





Mix a spoonful of butter with a small amount of grated apple and a teaspoon of honey heated in a water bath. It is stored for only a few days, but it has an amazing effect: the face becomes moisturized and velvety. The product is applied to cleansed facial skin for 30 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.


A cream for dry skin of the face and body must be selected based on the characteristics of this type. Regular use will transform your face and body by nourishing the dry epithelium with moisture and nutrients, restoring the vital functions of the skin.

Why does skin become dry?

Dryness can be congenital or acquired. In the first case, the fact becomes noticeable in the first year of life. You can “acquire” dryness for the following reasons:

  1. improper skin care
  2. lack of vitamins A, C, E, especially in the winter-spring period
  3. diseases, for example, problems with the gastrointestinal tract
  4. long stay in open sunlight
  5. age-related changes
  6. frequent cleaning, exfoliation
  7. poor nutrition, insufficient water intake.

Before choosing a particular skin care product, you need to determine its type so as not to harm it even more.

Features of dry skin type


Two concepts are often substituted: dry skin and dehydrated. Dehydration is a temporary condition in which there is not enough water. The reason may be improper care or dry air in the room. Oily skin can also become dehydrated.

Signs of dry skin type:

  1. inflammation in the form of acne is extremely rare or not observed at all
  2. pores are almost invisible
  3. constant feeling of tightness.

Composition of the cream against dry skin


A remedy for dryness and flaking of the skin of the face and the whole body should include components that will maximally moisturize the skin and fill it with nutrients.

  1. Hyaluronic acid is a synthetic analogue of hyaluronate in the human body, a powerful moisturizer.
  2. Collagen, elastin - until the age of 30, these substances are produced by the body itself, and after 30 they are supplied by creams and other cosmetics.
  3. Glycerin is a common humectant in many creams and should be used sparingly. Helps cells absorb moisture from the external environment.
  4. Panthenol - restores damaged epithelium, relieves irritation, and prevents moisture from evaporating.
  5. Natural oils are a source of vitamins and nutrients.
  6. Vitamin complexes are an essential component of all creams they enhance the immunity of cells, strengthen them, and give vital energy.

Cream for dry skin of the body and face should not contain: alcohol, salicylic acid, silicone, matting substances.

Remedies for dry skin

If your skin is dry, then you need to arm yourself with the following products:

  1. cleansing milk for the face, you can use cream or gel for dry skin types, cleanse the skin morning and evening, no more often
  2. morning moisturizer
  3. nourishing cream for the evening
  4. The tonic must be applied under the cream.

Review of face creams for dry skin types

Clean line


Anti-dryness cream “Lungwort and linden blossom” perfectly fills the dermal cells with moisture, protects against its loss, nourishes and softens. Fine wrinkles are smoothed out, inflammation and redness are eliminated. In reviews, consumers note the delicate structure of the cream, optimal thickness, impeccable absorption and high effectiveness of the cream at a very modest price.

Price 86 rubles for 45 ml.

Chanel Hydra Beauty Creme Hydration Protection Radiance

The cream provides intense hydration and absolute comfort, filling the skin with moisture even in the deep layers. The composition includes natural ingredients: camellia extracts, blue ginger, shea butter and canola. The effect is not long in coming: the skin becomes radiant, velvety, rested, and rejuvenated. Enthusiastic reviews from customers confirm the incredible effectiveness of the cream, long-lasting effects, and economical consumption.

Price 4000 rubles for 50 ml.

Moisture Surge Intense Skin Fortifying Hydrator

Intensive hydration for 24 hours. Instantly fills the skin with moisture, and over time, with regular use, restores the hydrolipid barrier of tissues. Relieves flaking and dryness. This is the best cream for winter. The texture is non-greasy and contains no oils. Price 1500 rubles for 30 ml.

Nivea Soft

Moisturizing cream actively fills with moisture, eliminates inflammation, and is suitable for any period of the year. The product contains glycerin, jojoba oil, vitamin E. The universal cream is suitable for the face, hands, nails and body. It can be used by adults and children. Price at the pharmacy is 250 rubles per 200 ml.

Review of body creams for dry skin

Lipikar baume AP+


Lipikar baume AP+

The best lipid-restoring body balm. The cream begins to act instantly, immediately after the first application. After a couple of days, the skin is unrecognizable - it becomes smooth, cracks and redness disappear. Soothes itching and irritation, eliminates dryness and flaking. The effect of skin hydration lasts 24 hours. Ideal for very dry skin on hands and body, especially in winter and spring. The cream is suitable for children of all ages. Price at the pharmacy is 1150 rubles per 200 ml.

Vichy Nutri-Extra

The extra-nutrient product has a hypoallergenic composition, it includes macadamia and shea butter, glycerin. In addition to nutrition, the cream provides super-hydration, instantly eliminating dryness and flaking. After a week, the problem of excessively dry skin is solved. It is enough to apply to the skin once every two days, as recommended by consumers. Great for hands and also nourishes nails. The cream is somewhat greasy, so you need to apply it in a small amount and wait until it is absorbed. Price 900 rubles for 400 ml.

The Saem Care Plus Avocado Body Cream


Nourishing body cream from a Korean manufacturer. The composition includes algae, avocado extract and honey. Nourishes, softens, eliminates flaking. Suitable for aging skin. Easy to apply, quickly absorbed. Many consider it the best in price and quality. Price 500 rubles per 300 ml.

Dry skin requires constant attention and care, because... Lack of hydration and nutrition lead to premature manifestations of aging. Any contact with water should end with the application of cream. For very dry skin of the face, body, and hands, it is better to choose high-quality products. Moreover, the large volume, easy application, and long exposure period can compensate for the high price.

Product name Mode of application Active Ingredients
Ultra Facial Moisturizer, Kiehl’s arctic rose extract, squalane, glycerin, vitamin E, cocoa nibs butter
Day cream for sensitive skin “Moisturizing Expert”, L’Oréal Paris Apply to previously cleansed skin, except the area around the eyes. glycerin, rice bran oil
Intensive restoring cream for dry skin types Nutrix Royal, Lancôme Apply morning and evening to skin after cleansing, avoiding the eye area.