Effective anti-wrinkle eye cream

Every person has wrinkles. For some they appear earlier, for others later. The very first ones, around the eyes, can appear after 20 years. The cause of wrinkles around the eyes is not so much age as lifestyle, habits, and the harmful effects of UV rays and cold. Therefore, ladies from a young age are looking for ways to combat the early “rays” of laughter. Some people find the best cream for wrinkles around the eyes from a professional line, others use homemade cosmetics. Cosmetics prepared independently are no less effective than store-bought ones, but achieving results like those from industrial cosmetology is more difficult.

One of the simple and effective methods is cryomassage - rubbing ice cubes from a herbal infusion on the skin around the eyes. Massaging your fingertips around the eyes also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. But professional cosmetics will help you get rid of wrinkles under the eyes and, with constant use, consolidate the results.

Effective creams for wrinkles around the eyes

Effective eye wrinkle creams that provide the right care protect and preserve the beauty of your face. The best way to determine “your” cream for wrinkles around the eyes is to try products with different compositions from different manufacturers. Using the same cream over and over again is not harmless; it becomes addictive. To choose the best cream for wrinkles around the eyes, you need to go through the list of branded products we offer.

A cream for wrinkles under the eyes should have a softened texture and increased hydration. Pay attention to creams from popular brands.

Lumene Vitamin C+

The oily texture of the product is immediately absorbed and acts in all layers of the dermis, nourishing it with minerals and vitamins. Systematic use gives results that are noticeable after 30 days. Bags under the eyes and folds disappear. The skin is moisturized, fresh, smooth.

Cost 30 ml: 170 rubles.

CLINIQUE All About Eyes

The refined, airy aroma of the cream with the most delicate texture rejuvenates immediately after application to the skin. The cream contains components that soothe and moisturize the skin. No oiliness, delicate consistency, instant absorption. Suitable for makeup.

Cost of 15 ml of cream: 1800 rubles.

Olay Total Effects eye

Transforming the skin, creating a matte tone will not only “muff out” imperfections, but also due to the regenerating effect, the cream will smooth out wrinkles. This eye wrinkle cream might just be the best. The mousse texture is easily applied and absorbed, removing circles and signs of fatigue under the eyes, smoothing out wrinkles.

Cost 15 ml: 625 rubles.

Garnier non-stop moisturizing 24 hours

The developers claim to combat “age-old” aging in a short time. Reliable protection with moisturizing for 24 hours is provided. Problem areas are not masked, but are cleansed of toxic deposits, with the penetration of beneficial substances into the skin.

The average price of one 15 ml tube: 220 rubles.

Estee Lauder Time Zone

Cosmetologists say that the most effective cream for wrinkles around the eyes is the one made in the form of a serum. This product produces hyaluronic acid, so the result is visible within two days. Active action in the deep layers of the dermis helps remove crow's feet. The skin is smoothed and evened out.

Cost of a 15 ml tube: 2850 rubles.

Rating of the most famous creams

Among this huge number of anti-wrinkle creams, it is very easy to get confused which one to choose for your skin type. We have prepared a rating of the most famous creams for wrinkles around the eyes, please read and take note!

What should a cream be for wrinkles around the eyes?

The peculiarity of eye creams is their moisturizing composition. It should fill the skin with moisture to the maximum and retain it. Such a cosmetic product should nourish delicate skin, since this is the only area of ​​the face where subcutaneous fat is completely absent. Regular hydration and nutrition help reduce facial wrinkles and prevent new ones from appearing.

The best anti-wrinkle cream around the eyes should also be able to:

  1. hide circles under the eyes;
  2. cope with signs of fatigue;
  3. give a gentle healthy tone;
  4. restore former plasticity and elasticity.

It's up to you to decide which cream for wrinkles around the eyes is best!

How to apply cream

Even the most effective anti-wrinkle cream around the eyes will not be beneficial if it is not applied correctly. Remember, this product should not be rubbed in, such as on the cheeks, forehead, or neck. Squeeze out a minimum of cream onto the “pads” of your fingers and “drive” the product in with delicate tapping movements. Basic techniques for dealing with funny people:

To open the pores, cleanse the skin with a tonic. A match head of cream is enough for each eyelid. Do not press or pull the skin around the eyes under any circumstances. Be sure to apply the product to the upper eyelid. More benefits if used at night, but not earlier than 2 hours before bedtime.

Important to remember! When choosing the best creams for yourself, it is important to take into account all the nuances: price, rating, texture, consistency, composition.

Pay special attention to the recommended age and the tasks assigned to the product. A competent approach when purchasing will help preserve the youth and beauty of your face. But even the “most magnificent” product cannot insure you against allergies due to intolerance to the components. Therefore, ladies often prefer homemade cosmetics.

How to remove wrinkles yourself

Today, many methods are offered that can smooth the skin under the eyes and make it elastic. Home treatments are inexpensive and available to everyone. Almost all refrigerators have all the necessary components. The most common and effective is potatoes.

  1. Grate the tuber on a fine grater, add a drop of jojoba oil, apply to eyes for 20 minutes, then wash. You can cut the potatoes into thin slices, also put your eyes on top for half an hour and wash. Such masks will remove eye fatigue, swelling, black circles, and reduce wrinkles.
  2. Brew green tea and cool. Soak cotton pads in it and apply it to your eyelids. Every evening for 20-30 minutes, and your expression lines will disappear along with fatigue and dark circles.
  3. Cut off an aloe leaf, peel and wipe problem areas. After twenty minutes, wipe your face with a disc soaked in clean water and apply olive oil. You can make a paste of aloe, add milk, yolk, and a few drops of tea tree oil. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes, then wash.
  4. Pour warm milk over oatmeal, add grated apple, whipped egg white, a few drops of olive oil. Apply all over the face, under the eyelids, leave for 15 minutes, rinse.
  5. Each “eye” mask, prepared with your own hands, is suitable for the entire face, neck and décolleté. After them, the face becomes younger, the surface is leveled. The firmness and elasticity of the epidermis increases, wrinkles, even deep ones, are smoothed out. You can add sea buckthorn, avocado, and castor oil to any mask.
  6. Tocopherol (vitamin E) and aevit (vitamin A and E) fight wrinkles no less effectively. Puncture the capsule with a needle, squeeze out the vitamin oil and apply under the eyes. Can be mixed with your favorite eye cream. The main thing is that any procedures should be carried out no earlier than 2 hours before bedtime. Otherwise, the next morning there may be swelling and redness of the eyes.

Everyone must decide for themselves what a good cream for wrinkles around the eyes is - purchased in a store or made with your own hands. The main thing is to get a positive result, without allergic consequences. Wrinkles under the eyes can be smoothed out, but you should forget about laziness, even with professional cosmetics.

- Who are we? - Girls! – What don’t we want? -Grow old! – When do we not want it? - Always! But somehow it doesn’t work out well to joke about this topic, because our body is designed in such a way that after 25 years, slow but steady aging of the skin begins, and with it come various kinds of problems: wrinkles, pigmentation, and so on.

Today we will select the best cream for wrinkles around the eyes, reviews, price and effectiveness - these will be our criteria.


Scheme for applying eye cream

Diversity in the market

What won't cosmetics manufacturers come up with? to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes: creams with hyaluronic acid, lifting, peeling, etc.

Among this huge number of anti-aging skin products, it is very easy to get confused which one to choose for your skin type. We have prepared a rating of the most famous creams, please read and take note!

Name A country pros Minuses Note
Black Pearl Russia Affordable, effective. You need to choose based on your age, but keep in mind that the age in your passport and your skin may be different. Many women have already appreciated its capabilities, and it is worth noting that all the reviews about the anti-wrinkle cream are very laudatory.
Mary Kay France Very effective, it helps eliminate both expression lines and deep wrinkles. Dear, there are a lot of fakes, the skin quickly gets used to it. An ideal cream against expression lines around the eyes, if not addictive.
Estee Lauder (Estee Lauder) France Recommended by dermatologists as a very effective anti-wrinkle cream. The price is a little high, but we spend more on facial lifting and cryomassage. We recommend purchasing this anti-wrinkle cream together with a moisturizing complex.
Clean line Russia Made exclusively from natural materials, does not cause allergies, and helps against the first wrinkles. For older women it may not be effective enough. The price is good, the recipes are based on traditional medicine.
Chanel France What can you say about Chanel that no one knows? Just a wonderful active lifting cream that helps even after 50. Price. Not every girl or woman can afford to buy the original, and there’s no point in talking about copies. It is difficult to find in our homeland; you will have to order it online. This is a very good cream. Many celebrities regularly praise it, but the skin quickly gets used to it, and Chanel anti-wrinkle creams are not used for dry skin.
Loreal France A good replacement for Chanel, in principle no worse, the price is lower, it works just as effectively. Allowed to be used only after 25, not suitable for everyone. L'Oreal is a well-known manufacturer of anti-aging products at affordable prices.
Galenic France Fills wrinkles, smoothes the skin, increases the tone of the dermis. Possible allergies to components and active additives. Contains blue algae extract.
Avon USA The cream is used for both mature and young skin, fights expression lines and pigmentation. Avon cosmetics are addictive. At one time, Olya series creams simply made a splash in the world of beauty, now passions have subsided, but the product is still effective.
Amway USA Also, according to advertising companies, it is made from natural ingredients, the famous “3 minutes” system helps to slightly tighten the skin around the eyes and remove wrinkles on the forehead in just a few minutes. Expensive, it’s not suitable for everyone, there’s not enough cream, so it runs out quickly. There are bonuses when registering with the company; also, if the cream is not suitable, it can be returned without problems within 14 days.
Lierac France A good anti-wrinkle day cream, the intensive complex was specially created to combat deep pits. Dear, it ends quickly. Folic acid, which is included in the composition, helps the skin glow and delight with its appearance.
(Avene) Avene Isteal, Eluage France Anti-wrinkle cream around the eyes and lips, eliminates deep folds on the cheeks. Expensive, does not moisturize the skin, is poorly perceived in the cold. If you are under 45 and live in a warm country, this cream is perfect, otherwise it is better to choose a more nutritious product.
Belita Belarus More than affordable, especially considering that it contains collagen. Not suitable for everyone; individual intolerance is possible. The product is aimed at filling wrinkles, rapid skin restoration, and an anti-aging effect literally from the second use.
Yves Rocher France One of the most effective creams against wrinkles around the eyes. It is quickly absorbed, helps well, the result is visible after just a few days of use. Again the cost, but they don’t skimp on beauty, do they? It is advisable to use together with the entire series of anti-aging skin products.
Bioderma France Very easy to use, improves skin elasticity. It is necessary to select according to skin type and characteristics. A good cream against wrinkles around the eyes after 30.
Botofit with Botox effect France Affordable, reasonable price for such a product, easy to buy (look for it in pharmacies). We recommend using it only after 35, otherwise you may contribute to accelerated skin aging. Contains algae extracts, which create the Botox effect. A worthy replacement for contour plastic surgery.
Clarins (Clarence) France Helps increase the elasticity of the eyelids, eliminates deep wrinkles around the eyes, a good night cream. Expensive. Contains many natural extracts, water is replaced with herbal decoctions.
Vichy (Vichy) France Can be used both after 20 and after 40, easy to buy, perfectly moisturizes the skin. Possible skin addiction, somewhat high cost. Vishi eye wrinkle prevention cream helps not only get rid of wrinkles, but also soothe the skin, reduce dark circles under the eyes, and relieve fatigue.
Garnier France It helps young skin prepare for the aging process and accelerates regeneration. Will not help against deep wrinkles around the eyes. The only product of all presented that can be used from 20 years.
RoC (Rock) France Effective, eliminates puffiness and bags under the eyes. Expensive. Contains hyaluronic acid and jojoba oil.
Clinique France This is an innovation in the field of medical cosmetology, it helps to get rid of age spots and very deep wrinkles. Tightens the dermis even after 50. Expensive, high-quality product is not so easy to get. This company has been producing creams for deep wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes for several years now. Buy the entire line of products - you won’t regret it! It includes: anti-wrinkle mask, lotion, tonic.
Shiseido (Shiseido) Japan Elite light cream against wrinkles around the eyes, helps against bags under the eyes. Very expensive, difficult to buy. Intensive anti-wrinkle cream, suitable for all skin types, recommended for use from 40 years of age.
Guerlain France Works well for wrinkles of dry and sensitive skin, effectively moisturizes and smoothes the dermis. Dear, an allergic reaction is possible. The effect will be noticeable after the first use.

How to use the cream

To effectively eliminate wrinkles around the eyes at home, it is not enough to purchase a quality product; you also need to know how to use it. For example, not everyone has heard that there is a special scheme for applying the cream.

We will lift the curtain on this mystery. Take a small amount of eye cream onto your fingertips and apply it to the skin with a gentle pat, as if driving it into the face. The movements come from the forehead, while performing a light massage, as if smoothing out wrinkles in the eye area.

Before applying anti-wrinkle cream around the eyes with your own hands, we recommend watching a video - anti-aging massage and the rules for using anti-age products. We definitely pay special attention to the eyelids. And the main rule: strictly make sure not to confuse the jars of day and night creams - they have completely different areas of action.

We hope that our list of anti-wrinkle creams helped you decide which one is best to choose. Remember that beauty, like health, is a peak that everyone conquers on their own, so take care of yourself.

Useful reading materials:

Cosmetics for the skin around the eyes can do a lot - they can even get rid of crow’s feet if you choose them correctly and use them correctly. We tell you exactly how in this article, and also give examples of the best products, according to the editors of skin.ru.

  1. Causes of wrinkles
  2. The best remedies for wrinkles around the eyes
  3. Rating of salon procedures
  4. Gymnastics and massage
  5. Prevention of wrinkles
  6. Vitamins for youthful skin

Causes of wrinkles

The area around the eyes is different from the skin on the rest of the face.

It's thinner.

There are fewer sebaceous and sweat glands here.

It contains less collagen and elastin, which are responsible for elasticity.

Subcutaneous fat in this area has a looser structure.

All this makes the skin of the eyelids defenseless against an aggressive environment and age-related changes: the rate of cell regeneration, the synthesis of protein fibers and hyaluronic acid slows down. As a rule, the first wrinkles appear in the area around the eyes.

The skin around the eyes has fewer sebaceous and sweat glands. © iStock

But years are not the only factor responsible for the appearance of crow's feet; there are others.

Every minute we blink about 20 times, using the facial muscles around the eyes. If we violently express our emotions (smile, frown), the load on them increases even more.

People with nearsightedness and farsightedness often squint to see something, which also causes wrinkles to form. Only constant wearing of contact lenses or glasses can save you.

Tension and stress

Lack of sleep, reading in poor lighting, and working at the computer for long periods of time keep your eyes hypertonic—from time to time they need to be given rest.

The lower eyelids are prone to fluid accumulation, which over time stretches the skin and leads to the formation of bags.

Exposure to ultraviolet radiation can age your skin prematurely, so don't neglect sunglasses and SPF creams.

Smoking causes a spasm of the capillaries for about two hours, and if you regularly “refuel” with tobacco, the skin will be in a state of tension and oxygen starvation all day. Excessive alcohol consumption dehydrates cells.

The best remedies for wrinkles around the eyes

The first wrinkles around the eyes may appear at 27–30 years of age. Everything, of course, depends on heredity, lifestyle and other individual characteristics, but experts recommend starting preventative anti-aging care from the age of 25. This is true for both women and men.

Having shared this valuable information, with a clear conscience we present a list of the best products against wrinkles around the eyes, according to the editors of skin.ru.

After 25 years

For young skin, radical adjustments are not needed - only deep hydration, drainage and prevention of photoaging. Light gels, creams, masks that relieve swelling, redness and have an invigorating effect, as well as sunscreens, are suitable.

Moisturizing cream for the skin around the eyes “Youthful glow 25”, Garnier

The complex with caffeine extract stimulates cellular renewal, intensely moisturizes and adds radiance.

Awakening balm for the eye contour Aqualia Thermal, Vichy

A cocktail of hyaluronic acid, aquabioryl, L-carrageenan, glycerin, caffeine and thermal water improves microcirculation and reduces under-eye circles.

After 30 years

At this age, it’s time to start the real fight and choose an effective cream for facial wrinkles, dark circles and swelling.

Eye cream “Revitalift Filler [HA]”, L’Oréal Paris

Cream with hyaluronic acid retains moisture, stimulates cell regeneration and fills wrinkles.

Moisturizing balm for skin care around the eyes Eye Balm, SkinCeuticals

The combination of phytoextracts and amino acids with vitamin E protects against the negative effects of free radicals, collagen breakdown and dry skin.


Svetlana: “The cream has a very pleasant consistency, like whipped cream. At first I applied it once a day, then after 2 weeks - in the morning and in the evening. The skin does not dry out. It seems that small facial wrinkles are smoothed out. But maybe I'm imagining it. It's only been 3 weeks. I think I’ll repeat it again.”

After 40 years

It's time to use the “heavy artillery” - complex products for lifting, moisturizing, nutrition, protection, fighting swelling and dark circles.

Concentrated anti-aging care for the eye contour Redermic [R] Yeux, La Roche-Posay

The duet of retinol and caffeine actively corrects the signs of photoaging and fatigue of the skin around the eyes.


Alexandra Shmatko: “To my great surprise, the cream lightened the dark circles, my face began to look different, and now sometimes I even forget to apply concealer before leaving the house. For me, this cream is just a salvation, I’m incredibly happy with it.”

Anti-aging eye cream Absolue Yeux Premium ßx, Lancôme

Proxilan helps restore skin density, white iris extract stimulates collagen production, and the Bio-Network complex of soybean, kelp, barley and wild yam extracts reduces visible signs of aging.

Rating of salon procedures

If cosmetics are not enough, visiting a professional cosmetologist will help remove wrinkles.

High-frequency radio waves affect the deep layers of the skin and stimulate the production of its own elastin and collagen, activate microcirculation, reduce puffiness and bags under the eyes. The procedure helps get rid of small wrinkles.

Pulsed current of ultra-low amplitude, corresponding to the processes that occur in the human body, affects the soft tissues of the periorbital zone, activates intercellular metabolism processes, fills cells with oxygen, tightens the skin, relieves tension, evens out the relief and improves complexion.

Subcutaneous injections of hyaluronic acid, amino acids and vitamin complexes activate metabolic processes in cells, stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, making the skin healthier, smoother and more elastic.

Filling wrinkles with fillers based on hyaluronic acid, collagen, and calcium hydroxyapatite gives quick and noticeable results for a long time, but does not have a therapeutic effect.

Gymnastics and massage

In order to delay hardware, injection, and especially surgical correction methods, we recommend timely prevention of wrinkles around the eyes. To do this, perform the following exercises daily after applying the cream or oil.

Take a comfortable position, relax. Rub your palms together and place them over your eyes.

Close your eyes and slowly move your gaze left and right, up and down.

Using the pad of your index finger, draw a figure eight along the contour of your eyes, centered on the bridge of your nose.

Place the pads of your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes and then slowly move them without pressing along the lower eyelid to the bridge of your nose.

Remove makeup using special makeup removers. © iStock

Prevention of wrinkles

In addition to massage and gymnastics, adhere to the following simple rules.

Give your eyes a break from reading, working at the computer, hanging out on mobile devices and other activities that require significant stress.

Get plenty of sleep, preferably in a well-ventilated area. The optimal sleeping position is on your back with your head slightly elevated on the pillow. This will help get rid of puffiness under the eyes.

Use a good cream designed specifically for the eye area.

Do not rub the delicate skin of the eyelids, apply creams, serums, masks pointwise, using light tapping movements with your fingers. Remove makeup using special makeup removers.

Use cosmetics specifically designed for the eye area. © iStock

Vitamins for youthful skin

Pay attention to your diet. To keep your skin in good condition, include foods rich in vitamins.

Vitamin A increases the production of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid and reduces the depth of pronounced wrinkles. Contained in liver, fish oil, butter, whole milk, carrots, apricots, pumpkin.

Vitamin E has a powerful antioxidant effect and protects the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight. They are rich in vegetable oils, nuts, herbs, and legumes.

Vitamin F relieves inflammation, promotes hydration and protects against premature aging. Its source is sunflower seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds, nuts, soybeans, egg yolks, tofu.

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More about the ingredients

  1. Natalya March 29, 10:20 pm I didn’t even bother to look at what was next after I saw the Gareniere cream, it almost ate my eyes. It’s terrible.
  1. Editorial April 2, 20:08 Natalya, probably the moisturizing cream for the skin around the eyes “Youth Radiance 25” from Garnier was not suitable for you due to the individual characteristics of your skin. It should be borne in mind that when using absolutely any perfumery and cosmetic products, despite the general safety of the ingredients, cases of individual intolerance are possible, associated either with intolerance to any of the ingredients included in the formula, or the combined effect of any of the ingredients in the composition of the product used. product with components of other products/preparations used externally or internally during the same period. We recommend that you pay attention to other products from our selection - you will definitely find something that suits you.

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