Pterygoid Hymen False

Pterygoid false hymen is a condition in which there is a change in the shape and position of the true hymen, which can lead to impaired respiratory function and other complications.

The pterygoid membrane is a thin membrane that covers the surface of the lungs and protects them from infection and other damage. Normally, the hymen is wing-shaped and covers the opening through which the lungs connect to the external environment. However, under certain conditions, the hymen can change its shape and position, which leads to various diseases.

One such condition is pterygoid hymen false. In this condition, the hymen remains in its normal position, but its shape changes, leading to impaired lung function. This can be caused by various reasons such as injury, infection, tumors and other diseases.

Symptoms of pterygoid hymen may include difficulty breathing, cough, chest pain, shortness of breath and other symptoms. If left untreated, this condition can lead to serious complications such as pneumonia, asthma, and other lung diseases.

To diagnose false pterygoid hymen, chest x-ray is used. Other tests such as a CT scan or magnetic resonance imaging may also be needed.

Treatment of false pterygoid hymen depends on the cause of its occurrence. In some cases, conservative therapy, such as taking antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs, is sufficient. In other cases, surgery may be required to correct the shape of the hymen.

In general, pterygoid hymen is a serious condition that requires timely diagnosis and treatment. If you notice symptoms of this condition, contact your doctor for advice and treatment recommendations.

Pterygoid hymen false

The pterygoid hymen falsely represents a vicious arrangement of the mucous membrane and contains elements of the epidermis. This pathological morphological characteristic is not caused by mechanical damage. Shortening of the vaginal vault often leads to retroposition of the clitoris and disrupts the natural overlap of the external urethral opening - this causes its dome-shaped appearance. The edges of the pseudomusical growth are covered with foamy endocardial nodules. The concentric muscular system consists of the external and internal aponeurosis with tendon fibers forming the decussation muscle of the uterus. False pterygium usually has a longitudinal appearance with a floating edge. It may also look like a wide horizontal fold connecting the cervix and genital area