Cuvier's duct

The Cuvier channel (obsolete Cuvier channel, from the French g. L. Cuvier) is a channel in the Lena River delta, flowing into the Lena from the left opposite the mouth of the Lena channel. Tributaries: on the right - Kuty, on the left - Kalan and Erik.

The Cuvier Channel was named after the French naturalist and paleontologist Georges Leopold Cuvier (1769-1832).

The Cuvier channel is one of many meandering channels in the Volga delta. This hydrological formation is only a few meters high and stretches along the western bank of the Antropovka River (within the boundaries of the Sovetsky district).

Large channels, such as the one now called Cuvier, have undergone changes over the past 250 years. In the 30s of the 19th century, at this place there was an entrance to a channel, no more than 10 meters wide and up to one meter deep. During the construction of the Astrakhan Bridge, however, they pierced it here with a 40-meter structure, which turned the Kvevirsky bridge into a small artery. However, over time it ceased to be navigable.

The modern name was given to this formation in 1959: the heroine of the Volga, who was the vixen of the old photographer Churkin, was named in his honor. By the way, the Antropov River itself is no less famous collector of sketches of “grabs” from the Volga: he lived to be a hundred years old, and managed to tell the biography of the Burtas who lived in the territory of the current Volgograd region - these sketches, by the way, are still in the homeland of the man who immortalized Cuiere's duct.