Lamellar seam

Lamellar Suture: A powerful tool for preventing the eruption of wounds

The Lamellar Suture is an interrupted suture that is incredibly useful when applying threads over metal plates, buttons and gauze rolls. It is widely used in medicine and surgery to prevent the cutting of threads when there is significant tension on the edges of the wound. This suturing method is an effective tool in the hands of experienced surgeons and helps restore tissue integrity and speed up the healing process.

The procedure for applying a lamellar suture includes several main steps. First, the surgeon places metal strips, buttons, or gauze rolls on the edges of the wound. The threads are then carefully tied over these elements, forming a secure structure that prevents the threads from breaking even under high stress on the wound edges. This method is especially useful in the treatment of deep or wide wounds, as well as in operations that require strong tissue tension.

One of the main advantages of the Plate seam is its high strength. Thanks to the presence of metal plates or buttons, the suture provides additional support and stabilization of the wound edges, which promotes better healing. In addition, the use of gauze pads creates an additional barrier to prevent infection and ensures more reliable wound healing.

Another advantage of the Plate seam is its versatility. It can be applied to various areas of the body including the face, neck, limbs and torso. In addition, this method can be used both in surgery and in other areas of medicine, such as dentistry or plastic surgery.

Lamellar suture requires a certain level of skill and experience on the part of the surgeon. Correct thread tension, aseptic conditions and precision during suture placement play an important role in achieving good results. Therefore, it is important that the procedure is performed by a qualified specialist with relevant experience.

In conclusion, the Lamellar suture is an effective suturing method that is used to prevent thread cutting when there is significant tension on the wound edges. Its use promotes faster healing, provides high strength and versatility in use. However, to achieve the best results, it is necessary to contact an experienced specialist who has the necessary skills and experience in performing this procedure.

Lamellar seam. The seam is platinum. An interrupted seam, when applied, the threads are tied over spaced brass plates or buttons. It is used to prevent the breaking of threads that erupt with significant straining of the edges of the wound (for example, subcutaneous edges of finger wounds from piercing and chopping instruments, wounds of the urinary abdomen).