
Laparoscopy is a method of diagnosing and treating diseases of the abdominal cavity, which is carried out using a special instrument - a laparoscope. It is a thin, flexible tube equipped with a camera and a light source that is inserted through a small incision in the abdominal wall.

The laparoscope allows the doctor to obtain a clear image of the internal organs and tissues of the abdominal cavity. This allows you to diagnose various diseases such as cysts, tumors, adhesions, appendicitis and others.

In addition, laparoscopy can be used to perform abdominal surgery. It allows operations to be performed with minimal tissue damage and rapid recovery after surgery.

One of the advantages of laparoscopy is that it allows manipulation of the abdominal organs without the need for large incisions or abdominal surgery. This reduces the risk of complications and speeds up recovery after surgery.

A laparoscope is an optical instrument used in medicine to examine the abdominal cavity through small punctures. The device is used by gynecological surgeons to diagnose and treat diseases of the pelvic organs, as well as in operations to remove cysts, tumors, appendicitis, etc. In ophthalmology, the laparoscope is used in the diagnosis of retinal diseases