Treatment of organ damage and cutting off rotten meat

When any organ has deteriorated due to bad nature, with the release of matter or without matter, and an incision or anointing with the appropriate remedies mentioned in the Book of Frequent Diseases does not help, then the decaying meat lying on this organ must inevitably be taken away. It is best, if possible, not to do this with “iron”, because “iron” often touches sections of muscles, nerves and beating blood vessels in a destructive way. If this does not help and the damage again spreads to the meat, then it inevitably has to be cut off and the cut site burned with boiling oil: this gets rid of the bad consequences of the misfortune and stops the bleeding.

At the site of the cut, an unusual, unsuitable skin grows, most similar to meat due to its hardness.

When you want to cut, you should insert a probe into the wound and move it around the bone. Where you find the proper connection, and in such a place when inserting the probe you feel severe pain, the border of health passes, and where you find looseness of the bone and a weak connection, there is one of those places that needs to be cut out. Sometimes they drill around the bone they want to cut out until the drilled holes go all the way around the bone and it breaks and shatters, and sometimes it is sawed off.

When they want to do this, they put a barrier between the meat and the place where they cut and drill, so that the meat does not hurt.

If the bone that has to be cut is crumbling, loose and does not fit into place, so that there is no hope of fixing it and there is fear that it will rot and rot what is attached to it, we remove the meat from it, either by cutting, tying and pulling in the opposite direction, or by other tricks that are dictated by the situation of reality, and we arrange a barrier of rags between the operated site and the noble organ, if there is one there, moving the organ away from the site of the operation, and then we cut it.

If the bone is similar to the thigh bone, large in size and located close to nerves, arteries and veins, and if its damage is significant, then the doctor can only run.