Ligament Suspending the Malleus (L. Suspensorium Mallei, Pna, Bna)

The suspensory ligament is an important structure that supports and stabilizes the joint mechanism in the hands. It is located in the area between the articular cartilage of the wrist and the ulna bone.

The ligament, suspended from the digital side by the pulley, connects the ulna and radial vein into a single structure. As a result of this action, it can perform the following functions:

- Providing stability and reducing stress on the hand and wrist;

- Holds bones in relation to each other and ensures normal function of the limbs.

An important aspect to understanding the functioning of a ligament is its connection to other ligaments and bones. It is connected to eight muscles of the arm, which provides maximum effective movement in the wrist and shoulder girdle. In addition, it connects to the capitate bone of the wrist, ensuring its stability and normal functioning.