Excess meat, excessive clitoral length

Sometimes excess meat grows at the mouth of the uterus, and sometimes a woman develops something like a male penis, which prevents copulation, and in some cases the woman manages to carry out some semblance of copulation with other women. Often this disadvantage is a huge clitoris. And curkus is meat that grows in the uterus, which sometimes shortens and sometimes lengthens. It lengthens only in summer, and shortens in winter, and this was attested by many doctors, for example, Archigenes and Galen, while the doctor Empedocles denies it.

Treatment. As for the similarity of the male penis and the large clitoris, this is treated by cutting off. The woman is first placed on her back, the clitoris is grabbed and cut off in depth and from the very root so that bleeding does not occur. And other meat can sometimes be removed with the help of meat-corrosive medicines, which are used in appropriate cases, but sometimes it is not possible to avoid cutting off; in this case, they act in the same way as when cutting off cones. Kurkus is sometimes tightly tied with thread for two to three days and then cut off; some advise leaving it there until it rots and then cutting it off to reduce bleeding.