Ankle Lateral

Ankle Lateral What is laterality

Lateral (lat. lateralis - side) - a group of mental functions that are responsible for spatial perception and orientation in space. They are used when orienting the body and assessing the location of objects relative to oneself or other people.

In everyday speech, the word “lateral” most often means the term “left/right” - a person’s leading hand, eye or leg. Thanks to it, people learn which limb is dominant when performing actions - the right or left. There are cases when a person is ambidextrous or not completely right/left-handed; he has one leading hand and the other auxiliary. Almost all game rules, laws of physics, most formulas and other science textbooks are based on right/left dominance.

Some Helpful Facts about Lateralization *Laterality refers to how much different actions produce opposing expressions on the left or right side of the body. For example, when you write, this does not mean that while moving your hand it is able to completely copy the movements of the second. This is because the rest of the body makes its own adjustments. Lateroaltiza also deals with these interactions, but it studies them in much more detail. * The hackneyed method of training spatial vision, proposed by the French trainer Gardeli, is based on the fact that you need to lick numbers written on paper. With the help of lateral assessment, a person tries to feel how correct their form is. U