Localization of the Pathological Process

Localization of a pathological process is the determination of the anatomical substrate (organ, tissue or cell) in which pathological changes arise and develop.

Localization is one of the most important characteristics of any disease. It allows you to establish the topography of the lesion, which is of great importance for the correct diagnosis and choice of treatment methods.

There are several types of localization:

  1. Primary localization is the site of initial occurrence of the pathological process.

  2. Secondary localization is the spread of the process beyond the primary focus (tumor metastasis, generalization of infection).

  3. Focal localization - damage to a limited area of ​​tissue or organ.

  4. Diffuse localization is the spread of the process throughout the entire organ or system.

Thus, localization gives an idea of ​​where the disease begins, where it spreads, and how extensive the lesion is. This information is extremely important for understanding the mechanisms of development of the pathological process and choosing the optimal treatment tactics.

Localization of pathological processes is a complex and multifaceted process that has not been fully studied by modern science. However, thanks to fundamental research in the fields of anatomy, biology, and medicine, we can get a little closer to understanding this problem. In this article we will consider the main aspects of the localization of pathological processes, and also analyze their significance for our lives.

The concept of localization of a pathological process implies the concept of localization of tumor cells - this means that tumor cells are localized around the primary tumor site, or on the periphery of the body, forming distant metastases. Locales