Oil for dry skin in the pharmacy

Dry skin and oils are literally made for each other. Let's see if there is a logical explanation for this love, what it is based on, and how we can make the most of it. Review of the best cosmetic oils, according to the editors of skin.ru - to boot.

  1. Properties of oils
  2. Facial skin care with natural oils
  3. Nourishing and moisturizing oils
  4. Essential oils for dry skin
  5. Rating of the best oils

Properties of oils

In the wake of the popularity of natural and organic products, once forgotten vegetable oils have again risen to the top of success. Now they are used not only by fans of spa rituals and lovers of folk beauty recipes, but also by the general public.

Vegetable oil is a valuable cosmetic ingredient © iStock

The mass passion for oils, both vegetable and essential, is explained not so much by fashion as by the awareness of the modern consumer. To fall in love with oils deeply and forever, you just need to read the list of skin-beneficial properties that they possess. It is not for nothing that oils occupy the most honorable places in ready-made cosmetic formulas, not only of spa brands, but also of pharmacy, luxury brands, and now also of the mass market.

Why are they so good?

They have a composition similar to that of sebum and help the molecules of active substances penetrate deeper and faster into the epidermis.

Rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9, which intensely nourish, smooth the skin and are powerful antioxidants.

Contains vitamins A, E, B1, B12, C, PP.

Includes microelements (potassium, sodium, zinc, calcium, iron, selenium).

Oil is extracted directly from fruits, seeds or seeds of plants. Its value and quality depend not only on its origin, but also on its production method. First-class oils are obtained by cold pressing, which preserves all the properties of the product. Any subsequent pressing or heat treatment deprives vegetable oils of most of their beneficial qualities.

Oils are loved by fans of natural cosmetics © iStock

Facial skin care with natural oils

It is common knowledge that dry skin lacks moisture. However, this is not its only drawback. “Dry skin lacks not only water, but also lipids,” explains Decléor brand expert Olga Gorokhova. — The sebaceous glands do not produce enough sebum. In addition, microcirculation in such skin is slow. As a result, the cell life cycle is shortened. Essential oils and plant oils can really help solve these problems.”

Add a drop of oil to your cream © iStock

Despite the benefits of vegetable oils, it is not customary to use them as a monoproduct. It is not for nothing that manufacturers of spa cosmetics suggest using essential oil cocktails as a serum, and then applying cream.

Nourishing and moisturizing oils

Dry skin will never refuse a portion of high-quality vegetable oil; it will like almost any oil: olive, shea butter, coconut, avocado, macadamia, almond, rosehip, borage. According to Olga Gorokhova, there are oils that are especially useful for dry skin.

Hazelnut oil famous for its moisturizing properties and high penetrating ability, which allows it to act as a vector for essential oils.

Argan oil - a storehouse of omega-6 and omega-9 acids, vitamins A and E.

Inca inchi oil contains essential fatty acids (particularly omega-6 and omega-3) and has a dry texture. Relieves skin irritation and redness, is a powerful antioxidant.

Jojoba oil It is a liquid wax and is similar in composition to sebum, due to which it quickly penetrates into the deep layers of the skin without leaving stickiness and grease on the surface of the epidermis. Promotes regeneration, increases skin elasticity and firmness, nourishes and moisturizes.

Essential oils for dry skin

For dry skin, there is a whole bouquet of essential oils: lavender, geranium, neroli, sandalwood, rosemary, rose, vetiver, marjoram, chamomile, mint (but in small quantities). Cocktails made using these oils:

help to activate the activity of the sebaceous glands;

enhance cell renewal;

have regenerating properties, which is important for dry skin.

Do not apply pure essential oils directly to the skin - this may cause redness and irritation. Exceptions are tea tree and lavender essential oils, which can be used undiluted. Essential oils are only lipid soluble (and not water soluble), so mix them with a fat-containing substance before use.

For dry skin, essential oils that have a tightening, disinfectant, and hair-constricting effect are not recommended: grapefruit, basil, cypress, laurel, lemon, bergamot.

Rating of the best oils

If the package says “cosmetic oil”, inside there is a ready-to-use product for external use. This is a very broad concept that can cover:

refined vegetable oil;

cocktail of vegetable oils;

When you see a “cosmetic oil” label, we advise you to carefully study its composition and decide whether it is right for you. Consider the following options - the best according to skin.ru editors.

Oils for dry skin.

Oil cocktails for dry skin

Warm two drops in your palms, take a few deep breaths, and apply with light dabbing movements to your face and neck. Apply cream on top.

Neovadiol Magistral Elixir serum with restorative oil concentrate, Vichy

Nourishes the skin, restores its density and radiance, strengthens the oval of the face and gives a feeling of comfort due to shea butter, rice bran and sunflower oil.

This product has several uses. Can be used as a serum; add to your cream to enhance nutrition; Apply as a mask - in a thick layer for 10 minutes, then remove any residue.

Extraordinary facial oil “Luxury Nourishment”, L’Oréal Paris

Dry oil nourishes and moisturizes the skin, gives radiance. Contains: essential oils of lavender, rosemary, geranium, orange, rose, marjoram, lavandin, chamomile, vegetable oils of jojoba and rosehip.

2-3 drops are enough. Can be used as a stand-alone product, or applied before or after cream (for a radiant effect).

Night revitalizing facial concentrate

Midnight Recovery Concentrate, Kiehl's

Night primrose oils, rosehip, rosemary, rose oil, lavender essential oils, geranium restore the skin, intensively moisturize and strengthen it.

Essential oils of marjoram, myrrh and lavender and vegetable oils of argan, cranberry, avocado and babassu intensely nourish, moisturize and soften dry and very dry skin


Hello, dear blog readers. Various oils have been firmly established in our lives for a very long time. Which, however, is not surprising. Has a pimple popped out? Do you have cracks on your lips? Have wrinkles become noticeable? The answer is simple - use cosmetic oils for your face instead of cream. Their effectiveness is explained by their rich chemical composition, high activity of natural components and the absence of harmful synthetic impurities.

Benefits of oils

Why oil, you ask. You can use your usual cream according to your skin type, and not waste time preparing homemade masks. You are right about this.

However, you will have to pay a lot of money for high-quality cosmetics, while oils cost pennies. Any cream works only in the superficial layers of the skin, but a natural product penetrates into deep structures and works at the cellular level.

Cosmetics give a positive effect while you use them, and oils have a long-lasting effect.

In addition, the likelihood of developing an allergy is possible only if there is an individual intolerance to natural components. While the cream includes many chemical additives, the skin reaction is quite difficult to predict.

Although to be fair, if you decide to use oil instead of cream, don't expect quick results. You will be able to enjoy the beauty of your skin only after 2-3 weeks of regular procedures.


Cosmetic oils for face

Jojoba oil

The beneficial properties of jojoba oil are determined by its composition. Vitamin E stops the aging process, accelerates cell regeneration, and smoothes the microrelief. It has a lifting effect, restores lost elasticity, and protects against the negative effects of free radicals.

Other beneficial substances create a protective film on the skin, thereby preventing moisture loss and preventing the appearance of flaking. They give the product softening, moisturizing, nourishing and anti-inflammatory properties.

The oil can be used for any type of skin. It solves especially well the problems of sensitive, dry and aging skin.


Jojoba oil

I want to share with you several recipes for simple but effective procedures. In order not to repeat myself, I will say right away: the duration of action of any mask described in the article is 20 minutes, the frequency of use is once every 3 days, unless other recommendations are indicated.

  1. For deep wrinkles. Mix jojoba oil and avocado oil in equal quantities, spread the mixture over your face, and leave for 20 minutes. A rejuvenation session must be carried out every day. For prevention – 1 time every 3 days, before bedtime;
  2. For nutrition and deep hydration. Combine jojoba and grape seed oil in a 1:1 ratio, add a drop of orange ether;
  3. For inflammation and acne. Add 2 drops of lavender and clove ether to 15 milliliters of base.


Jojoba oil for face

Wheat germ oil

Wheat germ oil is very beneficial for the face. It stimulates metabolic processes in cells and promotes their renewal, protects against photoaging, evens out microrelief and normalizes facial tone. The active components of the product strengthen capillaries, prevent the appearance of rosacea, remove toxic substances and excess fluid.

The product has softening, moisturizing, nourishing, whitening and anti-inflammatory properties. Effectively copes with pigmentation, rashes, irritation, pimples, eliminates dark circles under the eyes, tightens the oval of the face in women after 50 years.

Below I have collected simple recipes for use:

  1. acne: 15 milliliters of base, 2 drops each of lavender, cedar and clove ether;
  2. dark spots: 15 milliliters of base, 1 drop each of lemon, bergamot and juniper ether. Use the product morning and evening, daily;
  3. from wrinkles and sagging: 15 milliliters of base, 1 drop each of mint, orange and sandalwood ester.


Wheat germ oil

Rose ether

Rose ether increases the production of natural collagen and elastin, smoothes wrinkles, tightens the oval of the face, and is effective against jowls and double chins.

It is able to get rid of spider veins and spider veins, stops inflammatory processes, eliminates pimples, acne, pigment spots, and relieves fatigue.

Rose oil is characterized by wound-healing, softening, antioxidant, antitoxic, anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating properties. Perfectly relieves puffiness of the eyelids and eliminates dark circles under the eyes.

You can use the tool like this:

  1. from the double chin: combine 50 milliliters of almond oil, 10 milliliters of wheat germ oil, 5 drops of rose essential oil;
  2. herpes on lips: lubricate the affected area with ether 3-4 times a day;
  3. for acne: Dilute 15 grams of yellow clay with nettle decoction to a creamy consistency. Add 5 drops of rose ether and turmeric on the tip of a knife: rinse with water and lime juice.

A nice bonus is that the ether can be used for massage. Its vapors help you relax, relieve stress and fatigue. Such procedures also help women with frigidity, and men are cured of impotence.


Rose ether

Avocado oil

With regular use, it improves blood circulation, ensures sufficient nutrition of cells and tissues with nutritional components, as well as oxygen, and removes toxic compounds.

Avocado oil is able to penetrate into the deep structures of the skin, stimulating the production of its own collagen and elastin. Accelerates tissue regeneration abilities, eliminates dryness, peeling, irritation and inflammation.

Below are simple recipes for using the oil:

for aging skin: 15 milliliters of base, 2 drops each of sandalwood, chamomile, orange and rose essential oils;

  1. for dry skin: Dilute 15 grams of green clay with a small amount of water. Add 5 grams of honey, 5 drops each of avocado and coconut oil. Keep the mask on your face until completely dry. Repeat the intensive moisturizing procedure every other day;
  2. to improve skin tone: 15 milliliters of sour cream, 5 milliliters of avocado oil, 4 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  3. rejuvenation: Mix avocado and olive oil in a 1:1 ratio. Wash off after 15 minutes.

The product can be used independently to care for the delicate skin around the eyes. It restores the necessary level of moisture, smoothes facial wrinkles, and stimulates the barrier functions of local immunity. Gently protects from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, wind and low temperatures.


Avocado oil

Olive oil

The product is suitable for the care of dry, problematic and sensitive skin. Olive oil

  1. accelerates blood circulation,
  2. regulates cell renewal,
  3. evens out the microrelief and
  4. slows down the natural aging process.

It neutralizes the negative effects of free radicals and protects against the negative effects of direct sunlight and cold air.

The product has a moisturizing, softening, nourishing, regenerating, bactericidal and soothing effect.

Most often, the oil is used as an independent remedy, applying it to the face and lightly patting it with your fingertips.

But there are other uses:

  1. for sensitive skin: grate the cucumber and banana, add 15 milliliters of base;
  2. for aging skin: 15 milliliters of olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  3. intensive hydration: grate the cucumber and zucchini pulp. Separate a teaspoon of each product from the total mass, add 15 milliliters of warm base;
  4. from inflammation: Grind the fresh cabbage leaf using a grater. Separate 2 tablespoons. Add 30 milliliters of warm olive oil.


Olive oil

Peach oil

The product of cold pressing of peach pits frees the skin from toxic compounds, gently removes dead cells, normalizes the functions of the sebaceous glands, and eliminates rashes.

Peach oil improves blood circulation and complexion, promotes rapid healing of skin lesions, and eliminates peeling. Long-term use helps reduce the number and depth of wrinkles, restore the necessary level of moisture in cells, normalize melanin production, and cleanse the face of pimples and blackheads.

The base oil has a softening, antioxidant, moisturizing, tonic, regenerating and soothing effect.

How to use peach product? Check out several effective recipes:

  1. from rashes: 15 milliliters of chamomile decoction, 5 drops each of peach and tea tree oil. Apply the resulting solution with a cotton swab to problem areas. Do not rinse;
  2. from pigment spots: combine an equal amount of base with lemon, grapefruit or orange essential oil. Apply to areas that need lightening. Wash off after 3 hours;
  3. for tired skin: dampen a clean cloth with hot water and squeeze out excess moisture. Soak the cloth with 20 drops of peach oil and place the application on a cleansed face. Remove after a third of an hour.

If your foundation combines well with fatty acids, peach oil can be used as a makeup base. Throughout the day, it will protect the skin from pollution and chemicals of the decorative product, moisturizes and saturates with useful components.


Peach oil

Apricot oil

The extract removes age spots and wrinkles, accelerates cell regeneration, tightens facial contours, and eliminates sagging. Apricot oil eliminates roughness, increases softness, removes toxic compounds, and promotes intensive production of your own collagen and elastin.

The product cleanses the face of pimples, blackheads, acne, comedones and redness, restores the normal complexion, and prevents premature fading of the skin. It regulates the secretion of sebaceous secretions, moisturizes, tones and replenishes the deficiency of nutrients.

The following recipes can be used at home:

  1. for problem skin. Add 2 drops of lemon, lavender or tea tree ether to 15 milliliters of warm base. Wipe areas with inflammation every day;
  2. from wrinkles around the eyes. Dissolve 2 drops of rose or sandalwood ester in 15 milliliters of apricot extract. Apply to the eyelid area, rinse after 20 minutes;
  3. for oily skin. To 15 milliliters of base add 30 milliliters of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 10 milliliters of warm honey. In addition to the fact that the mask restores the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands, it whitens the skin.


Apricot oil

Tea tree essential oil

Tea tree oil reduces the production of secretions by the sebaceous glands, destroys pathogenic microorganisms, heals the skin and stops the natural aging process. The ether normalizes the complexion, eliminating gray and yellowish tones, vascular networks, freckles and age spots, accelerates the healing of microdamages, and evens out the microrelief.

The product has antiseptic, bactericidal, antiviral, antifungal and antioxidant properties. It treats pustular acne well.

Below are the most popular uses:

  1. for acne: squeeze 5 milliliters of juice from an aloe leaf, add 2 drops of ether. Wipe your face daily, before going to bed;
  2. for mattifying the skin: add 30 milliliters of sour cream and 2 drops of ether to 5 grams of white clay. Keep the mask on for 15 minutes;
  3. for wrinkles: Dilute 5 grams of red clay with a small amount of water, add 3 drops of the product.
    Using tea tree ether helps not only get rid of existing acne, but also prevent its reappearance.


Tea tree oil

Castor oil

Course use of castor oil stimulates metabolic processes in cells, inhibits the growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms, eliminates acne and acne. Fights peeling, smoothes wrinkles, removes pigmentation, enhances the production of its own collagen and elastin.

The product is characterized by soothing, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, fungicidal and rejuvenating effects.


Castor oil

Castor oil for the face can be used like this:

  1. for whitening. Combine 10 milliliters of cucumber and orange juice, add 10 grams of strawberry puree and 5 milliliters of castor product. The mask should be washed off after 40 minutes;
  2. for moisturizing, anti-wrinkle. Add heated honey and castor oil to grated potatoes;
  3. from peeling. Add 15 milliliters of milk, yolk and 10 milliliters of castor oil to 30 grams of warm mashed potatoes. Wash off the mask after 30 minutes.

If you ask which oils are best or how to choose the right one, I will advise you to base your skin type and the problem you need to solve.

Each product is unique in its own way and has a lot of useful properties. Therefore, buy several oils at an aroma shop or pharmacy. You can try combining them with each other. Just be sure to perform a sensitivity test before each use.

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Oil for dry skin becomes a true salvation. Even when expensive creams turn out to be powerless, this product can help. An experienced cosmetologist will help you figure out which oils are suitable specifically for each case. There are a large number of them.

Types of funds

Oils are divided into basic and essential. Basic ones include those that can be used in their pure form without any additives. They can solve many problems related to dry skin. They exhibit their best properties as an independent product, although they can be mixed without fear. When purchasing, you need to make sure that it is natural and does not contain any additives. As for essential oils, the situation is more complicated; you need to know which oil goes with which.

Essential ones are very concentrated. They need to be applied, I add drops to the base product. Use in its pure form is dangerous for the skin and can cause burns. Oils for cosmetic purposes allow you to save on expensive creams.

Essential oils for dry skin

Rose oil for dry skin

Basic cosmetic oils cannot always provide a clear effect, so they are advised to be combined with essential oils. The most popular ethers are:

  1. carrot seeds - they remove toxins and increase the protective reaction of the dermis;
  2. roses - thanks to this product the skin becomes velvety and soft;
  3. neroli - this ester is able to retain moisture inside the epidermis, relieve the dermis of irritation, and eliminate age spots.

Due to their strong concentration, essential oils for dry skin are almost never used in their pure form. This can lead to irritation and, in some cases, burns.

Essential oils from the following plants have a soothing effect on dry skin:

  1. chamomile – it has anti-inflammatory and softening effects;
  2. lavender – will relieve irritation;
  3. orange - the ether of this fruit helps to moisturize and soften the irritated dermis, it helps maintain the best balance of moisture in the epidermis;
  4. jasmine - if combined with almond oil, you can get rid of allergic rashes and relieve irritation.

Dry skin can be much longer young and beautiful with the timely and correct use of essential oils. They are much stronger than regular creams and help normalize fat balance.

Almond and coconut products

Cosmetic oils such as almond and coconut are quite suitable for dry skin. The main advantage of almond is its high concentration of vitamin A, which is simply necessary for this type of dermis. It directly affects the speed and quality of restoration processes.

Almond oil stops the withering process. If you use it regularly, you can get rid of wrinkles. Thanks to this product, the surface of the skin is moisturized, and in addition, the water balance of the epidermis gradually returns to normal. This product will help cope with cracks and folds that appear due to dryness.

People who are subject to anxiety and stress, which have a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin, are recommended to apply it at night. By morning, the surface of the dermis will be restored and become rested. The pleasant-smelling oil made from coconut is great for flaky and dry skin. It will remain tender and soft longer.

It contains vitamins: group B, PP, C.

  1. oleic;
  2. lauric;
  3. caprylic;
  4. stearic;
  5. palmitic.

High efficiency and excellent results are due to this rich chemical composition. Regular use of a mask with coconut oil will give the dermis irresistibility and radiance. Dryness will be replaced by hydration, the complexion will become better, rashes and age spots will disappear.

It is advisable to purchase a cold-pressed product to prepare masks. In order for its effect to begin as quickly as possible, it is recommended to warm it up a little in a water bath to a temperature of 40-45°C. Apply the product in the evening for 20-30 minutes on a previously cleansed skin surface. After the time has passed, you need to remove the excess with a paper napkin. Anyone who systematically uses coconut oil will no longer apply any other cosmetic product to moisturize. The fact is that even a small amount is enough to thoroughly moisturize the surface of the face.

Soybean and olive oil

The popularity of the soybean product lies in its composition. It contains a large amount of tocopherol, which provides the skin with the necessary nutrition, and lecithin, which helps restore damaged cells and form new cells.

Cosmetologists recommend soybean oil for the care of dry skin, because the action of the product is aimed at moisturizing and nourishing it. In addition, the use of this product leads to an increase in the ability of the dermis to retain moisture. If you use it regularly, a kind of protective film is formed on the dermis, which protects it from the aggressive effects of the external environment and drying out. The excellent emollient properties of soybean oil help cope with the problems of chapped and rough skin.

Useful masks for aging and dry facial skin often contain olive oil. It promotes excellent nutrition, hydration and softening. Helps retain moisture on the surface for a long time. It contains many:

  1. monounsaturated fats;
  2. vitamins such as K, E, D, B, A;
  3. all kinds of nutrients.

Thanks to this composition, the dermis retains elasticity and youth for a long time. Wrinkles stop appearing, existing ones are smoothed out, and the pores do not become clogged.

  1. various essential oils;
  2. egg yolk;
  3. cottage cheese.

Castor and flaxseed oil

The unique castor product consists of such acids as: oleic, linoleic, ricinoleic.

It also contains vitamins, proteins and antioxidants. The value of castor oil is to moisturize dry dermis. It can soften rough skin and fight flaky skin. Its anti-aging and whitening effects are noted, as well as the ability to eliminate:

Although the components included in its composition have beneficial properties, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test before use, because acids can provoke adverse reactions. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend using it in combination with the following base oils:

  1. peach;
  2. olive;
  3. avocado;
  4. sea ​​buckthorn, etc.

Castor oil makes effective face masks.

Flaxseed oil is considered a healing and highly nutritious natural product. It is obtained from flax seeds after cold pressing. Only the unrefined, unrefined product is characterized by beneficial properties, because if it is purified, these qualities completely disappear. Unrefined contains a large amount of vitamins, the main percentage of which is F, as well as A and E. This product is rich in saturated fatty acids. Its use has a positive effect on the dermis of the face. The skin surface is well moisturized, nourished, and rejuvenated.

This is very important for people with dry or loose, wrinkled skin. Strengthening properties help make the skin more elastic and elastic, and shallow wrinkles are smoothed out well.

It is necessary to remember that flaxseed oil or a product with its component in the composition is stored in an open container for no more than 15-20 days, preferably in the refrigerator. In a sealed form at a temperature not exceeding +10 ° C, no more than 12 months.

Peach and apricot products

Apricot kernel oil

The best oils for dry skin include peach oil, which with constant use:

  1. eliminates cell dehydration;
  2. smoothes out small wrinkles;
  3. moisturizes and nourishes;
  4. eliminates peeling;
  5. makes the cover elastic, soft and elastic.

Long-term use helps strengthen the blood vessels of the dermis, and this has a positive effect on its color and cleanses the pores. Peach is good for people with sensitive dry skin because it relieves inflammation and irritation.

Apricot oil contains large quantities of:

  1. organic acids;
  2. vitamins A, E, B, C;
  3. magnesium;
  4. potassium, etc.

It, unlike other oils, does not remain on the surface of the dermis, but is well absorbed and does not leave a greasy residue. Apricot is ideal for those who are prone to dry skin. To moisturize, it must be applied to a damp surface. It can be used instead of night cream. To do this, just wipe your face with it. It is not necessary to rinse off, since it does not clog the pores, it is perfectly absorbed.

You can replace eye cream with this product. If you apply a few drops to the skin around the eyes and eyelids, after a while it will become smooth, fine wrinkles will become less noticeable, and swelling will disappear. Compresses from it will help eliminate:

  1. expression wrinkles;
  2. peeling;
  3. irritation.

Sesame and jojoba oil

One of the oils that is beneficial for dry skin is sesame oil. It is rich in various vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, organic and unsaturated fatty acids. It contains a balanced amount of linoleic and oleic acids. One of them is heavy, the other is light, thanks to linoleic oil it becomes lighter. It is recommended to be used for peeling, due to the fact that it is well absorbed.

You can use it on its own or include it in nourishing masks. It is quite oily, so it is perfect for dry skin. If you add a few drops to the bath, the skin will become velvety and dryness will disappear. Masks using sesame products are popular. Even if you simply add it to a nourishing cream, the benefits of this product will increase several times.

Oils for dry facial skin against wrinkles include jojoba, which is perfect for any type. It is indicated to be used for:

  1. lack of elasticity;
  2. peeling;
  3. aging.

The reason to purchase a jojoba product should be obvious signs of wilting. Due to its rather thick consistency, it is convenient to apply it in its pure form only to the most problematic areas. Areas where there is peeling are lubricated a couple of times a day.

It can serve instead of cream as a facial care product. To apply to the entire surface, it is advisable to add lighter oils:

  1. olive;
  2. apricot;
  3. peach;
  4. from grape seeds;
  5. rosehip.

The best oil is one that can deeply moisturize the dermis without making it very greasy, and it should also have a light consistency.

Name Composition and action Application
Serum with Neroli essential oil, Decléor Essential oils of neroli, sweet orange and petitgrain plus plant-based hazelnut oil deeply hydrate dehydrated skin. Apply 2-3 drops of concentrate onto your palms and spread over the face and neck with light patting movements, avoiding the area around the eyes.
Nourishing aromatic essence with essential oil of Marjoram, Decléor