Mesotherapy under the eyes preparations

The skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate, so it is more susceptible to aging than other areas of the face. If you want to restore its elasticity, remove crow's feet and simply add charm to your eyes, try mesotherapy. It can be needle or needleless, and is carried out using special cocktails.

Features of mesotherapy in the eye area

Mesotherapy is a cosmetic procedure of injection (more often) or needle-free (less often) introduction of vitamin cocktails into the middle layers of the epidermis. A cosmetologist can use homeopathic or pharmaceutical remedies, hyaluronic acid, and valuable minerals. The cocktails are administered pointwise using small needles; a puncture pattern is drawn up before the start of the procedure.

Mesotherapy is perhaps the most popular procedure for treating acne, post-acne, smoothing wrinkles, rejuvenation, and fighting cellulite.


The therapeutic effect is determined by two factors - the correct and necessarily individual selection of the cocktail, as well as the normal launch of the self-healing processes of the epidermis after microscopic punctures. Regeneration mechanisms are triggered when receptors begin to send nerve impulses from damaged areas. As a result, the growth of new cellular structures is stimulated, and the active production of elastin and collagen fibers begins.

Indications and contraindications

Before starting the procedure, an experienced doctor always conducts an examination to determine individual characteristics, skin sensitivity, and its condition. Based on the results of the inspection, a cocktail will be selected that will optimally cope with the tasks at hand. The injections are minimally painful, but if necessary, anesthesia can be performed using a numbing cream. The meso cocktail is injected into problem areas in microdoses with a very thin needle. The average session duration is from 20 to 30 minutes. The effect of mesotherapy is very lasting and becomes noticeable after the first procedure. Depending on the skin condition, 3-8 sessions may be required (note that with needle-free injections you will have to repeat the procedure more often). The recommended interval between approaches is 7 days.

Indications for mesotherapy in the eye area:

  1. "rays" and "crow's feet";
  2. bags, bruises;
  3. tired, dehydrated skin;
  4. loss of tone, elasticity;
  5. rashes, post-acne, red spots, red blood vessels;
  6. swelling.

The procedure is not suitable for individual intolerance to the active components of the cocktail, the presence of AIDS, malignant tumors, serious blood pathologies, infections. Cholelithiasis and periods of pregnancy and lactation are also contraindications for mesotherapy. Consultation with a doctor before the procedure is required. If everything is done correctly, metabolism will be activated, the skin will be enriched with oxygen, become elastic and smooth, and renewed at the cellular level. To understand exactly how cocktails work, watch this video

There are two types of mesotherapy – electrocorporation and needle mesotherapy. The second option is more effective and popular, but rejuvenation without injections is less traumatic. Non-injection mesotherapy, like needle mesotherapy, allows the delivery of therapeutic drugs to the middle layers of the epidermis, but the integrity of the skin is not compromised.

Injecting cocktails under the skin without a needle can also be effective, but be prepared to do three times as many treatments.

During electrocorporation, an electric current is applied, as a result of which small channels are formed between skin cells - through them, molecules of active substances penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. A mesoscooter can also be used - a small roller with a set of small needles, which rotates when “rolled” over the treatment area. There will be punctures, but they will be minor, so there won’t be any significant marks left. You can use the mesoscooter yourself at home, but this should be done very carefully and strictly along the massage lines so as not to stretch or damage the skin.

Drugs used

Special preparations are used for mesotherapy. They include:

  1. minerals;
  2. vitamins;
  3. amino acids;
  4. hyaluronic acid;
  5. glycolic acid.

It is these components that are responsible for renewal, rejuvenation of the skin, restoration of normal cellular metabolism. The composition of the cocktail should be selected individually, taking into account the patient’s skin condition. For example, minerals and vitamins best combat dark circles, and hyaluronic acid combats loss of turgor.

Mesotherapy for swelling, wrinkles and bags: features of different drugs

Cocktails for the eye area can simply improve the condition of the skin or solve specific problems. In the first case, cocktails with hyaluronic acid are used, and in the second, peptide formulas are used. The choice of product should be made by a cosmetologist taking into account the condition, age of the skin, and the wishes of the patient. For example, with deep wrinkles and age bags, peptides are needed, in other cases you can limit yourself to a regular hyaluron-containing cocktail.

Mesotherapy with peptides

The most popular peptide cocktail is Mesoeye. The main active components are proteins of a special structure that have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the cells of the dermis, remove excess fluid and accelerate renewal processes. Injections also help reduce puffiness and eliminate unsightly circles under the eyes.

Mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid

The most popular drug in this category is Ophthalmos from Dermagenetic. It moisturizes the skin, saturates it with useful substances, and removes expression lines. There are practically no age restrictions; the cocktail is suitable for use for preventive purposes (for example, to maintain skin elasticity and prevent premature aging).

Photos before and after




The main effects noted by girls and women after the procedure:

  1. dark circles become noticeably smaller, as does swelling;
  2. the bags smooth out or disappear altogether;
  3. crow's feet disappear (the effect persists until hyaluronic acid is completely removed from the dermis);
  4. Eyelid ptosis is partially corrected.

Complicated care after the procedure is not needed; it is enough to temporarily avoid visiting baths, saunas, solariums, and be careful with hot baths. Don't forget to wear sunglasses and use a cream with a high SPF factor (however, this is always recommended). If possible, avoid using decorative cosmetics and do not drink alcohol. With the needle-free technique, side effects almost never occur; the rehabilitation period after classical mesotherapy is fraught with the appearance of hematomas, bruises (usually they disappear in a few days), and small papules.

Mesotherapy around the eyes is an effective way to get rid of wrinkles, swelling, dark circles, and bags. It can be injection or needleless (mesoscooter, electric corporation). To achieve optimal results, a course of procedures is required.

The average cost of one mesotherapy procedure is 3 thousand rubles, that is, the full course will cost you 9-20 thousand. These prices are very approximate and depend on the region, the price category of the clinic, and the methodology of the procedure. If you want to save money, you can look for discount coupons on specialized portals; the main thing is to choose a specialist or clinic based on reviews. Remember - thoughtless savings on such procedures are fraught with unpleasant consequences. Be sure to check what medications the cosmetologist uses - because the result of mesotherapy depends on this.

Causes of dark circles under the eyes

Circles under the eyes can age even the most beautiful and well-groomed face and make its expression sad and tired. Due to the sensitivity of the skin around the eyes, it reacts to any influence by disrupting the microcirculation and venous outflow of this area, as well as by thinning the already very thin layer of skin. The problem of bruises is very common, and therefore there are many reasons that cause them:

  1. Wrong lifestyle - frequent lack of sleep, falling asleep late and getting up early.
  2. Bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol.
  3. Stress, constant nervous tension, chronic fatigue.
  4. Prolonged work in front of a computer and bright screens and monitors.
  5. Eating disorders - excessive consumption of salty, sweet, fatty, smoked and fried foods, as well as carbonated drinks.
  6. Lack of fresh air - working in stuffy rooms, not spending enough time in the fresh air.
  7. Insufficient consumption of drinking water.
  8. Diseases of internal organs: pathologies of the liver, kidneys, blood vessels, anemia and bleeding disorders, allergic reactions, parasitosis, diabetes, hypothyroidism and many others.


The effectiveness of mesotherapy in the fight against bruises and other defects around the eyes

“Meso” means average. This is a cosmetological technique of injecting special cocktails and serums into the middle layer of the dermis. It allows you to solve many problems by introducing drugs precisely and selectively into those areas of the skin where correction or treatment is necessary. After administration, the papules slowly dissolve and the effect of the drug gradually increases, which also noticeably increases with each procedure.

Mesococktails are prepared by the cosmetologist himself individually for each patient, taking into account his needs. They usually contain several vitamins, hyaluronic acid, peptides, acids, antioxidants and other active substances.

When using a technique to treat bruises around and under the eyes, the goals are usually to moisturize the area, relieve swelling, strengthen the blood vessels in it and prevent or correct age-related changes - dryness, first wrinkles, crow's feet. Mesotherapy very effectively and quickly solves these problems, accumulating the effect from course to course.

Types of mesotherapy

The first technique that appeared and is widely used by all cosmetologists is classical injection mesotherapy. Mesococktails are injected into the skin using a thin needle.

With the development of hardware cosmetology, it became possible to introduce drugs into the deep layers of the skin without the use of needles and injections - non-injection techniques. Drugs are introduced into the skin using electric current (electroporation), oxygen flow (oxygen mesotherapy) or ultrasound (phonophoresis).

They are convenient and easy to use, painless and optimal for use in delicate areas. They are also used if the patient has contraindications to the classical technique or has a low pain threshold.


What drugs are used

Before the procedure, the doctor carefully interviews the patient to identify contraindications to the procedure and wishes. At the same time, he draws up a list of substances from which he will prepare a meso-cocktail.

The cosmetologist prepares it from a number of substances necessary for the skin around the eyes:

  1. Vitamins C, PP, A and E - moisturize, nourish the skin and protect it from the damaging effects of free radicals, strengthen the vascular wall and improve blood flow.
  2. Minerals - solutions of magnesium and calcium are used for anti-edematous action, which work especially effectively in cases of allergic nature of bruises.
  3. Hyaluronic acid - in tissues attracts many water molecules and creates a layer in the skin that is saturated with moisture and maintains tissue elasticity.
  4. Glycolic acid - helps accelerate the renewal of the epidermis.
  5. Antioxidants - vitamin E and coenzyme Q10 are the prevention and treatment of age-related skin changes.
  6. Plant extracts - ginkgo biloba extract improves blood flow, aloe - moisturizes, caffeine - speeds up metabolism and improves blood flow, and so on.
  7. Amino acids are the building material for new cells, part of their DNA.

Mechanism of action

Each component of the mesocotail has its own effect on cells and tissues. After entering the middle layer of the dermis, the resorption of the papule occurs gradually. Vitamins and active substances improve cellular metabolism and respiration, accelerate the elimination of decay products.

Hyaluronic acid moisturizes the skin and helps increase the amount of collagen and elastin in it. Gradually, blood and lymph flow improves in the injection area, blood vessels are strengthened and the skin becomes denser and more elastic. Outwardly, this is manifested by the smoothing of fine wrinkles, the disappearance of bruises and bags under the eyes. The face takes on a more rested and youthful appearance.


Methodology of the procedure

For the injection procedure, very thin needles 2-6 mm long and about 0.5-1 ml of meso-cocktail are used.

  1. The affected area is treated with an antiseptic.
  2. When working with the area around the eyes, it is advisable to use anesthesia, as the area is very sensitive. If the patient has closely spaced capillaries visible under the skin, the skin is treated with an adrenaline solution before starting injections. It will narrow the blood vessels and reduce the risk of complications such as hematomas.
  3. The actual procedure for introducing the mesococktail takes no more than 20-30 minutes.
  4. Finally, the skin is re-treated with an antiseptic.

With non-injection methods, the serum is applied directly to cleansed, sometimes heated skin. The session also lasts about 30 minutes; no antiseptic treatment is needed.

After the procedure is completed, the cosmetologist evaluates the result and the presence or absence of complications. Gives important recommendations for skin care during the rehabilitation period.

Advantages and disadvantages of mesotherapy

Mesotherapy has many positive qualities compared to other cosmetic methods of treating and restoring the skin around the eyes.

  1. a pronounced effect of the procedures, sometimes noticeable after the first visit to a cosmetologist,
  2. with the non-injection method there is no damage to the skin, which means there is no need to restore it after therapy,
  3. effective for patients of any age and with different skin types,
  4. can be carried out both in cold and warm, sunny seasons,
  5. goes well with many cosmetic procedures,
  6. affordable price per procedure and course of treatment, the average cost of one procedure ranges from 3-5 thousand rubles,
  7. an individual approach to the preparation of a meso-cocktail, taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s body - age, health status, existing problems.



The classical mesotherapy technique is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin and is considered invasive, so before carrying out the procedure it is necessary to take into account the state of health. If there are contraindications, it is better to choose non-injection methods of administering meso-cocktails.

  1. Age under 18 years.
  2. Pregnancy at any stage leads to increased sensitivity of the skin to any influences and unpredictable reactions to them.
  3. Breastfeeding - active substances can, although in small quantities, pass into breast milk. And it can already cause allergic reactions in an infant.
  4. Allergic reactions to meso-cocktails and their individual components.
  5. Exacerbation of skin diseases - eczema, psoriasis, scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus, vasculitis, dermatitis and other systemic autoimmune pathologies.
  6. Oncological diseases, especially affecting the skin.
  7. Diabetes.
  8. Reduced blood clotting - hemophilia, thrombocytopenia and others.
  9. Epilepsy, schizophrenia.
  10. The presence of large moles, papillomas, wounds and suppurations in the affected area.
  11. Liver or kidney failure.
  12. Herpes is in the acute stage.

Complications and side effects

When carrying out mesotherapy, especially classical, the higher the professionalism of the cosmetologist, the lower the likelihood of complications and side effects.

  1. swelling - when a large amount of the drug is injected into one area,
  2. hematomas - with damage to small vessels or their fragility,
  3. post-traumatic lymphostasis - occurs when lymphatic vessels are compressed by intercellular fluid,
  4. an allergic reaction upon initial administration of the serum to previously unknown components,
  5. infectious inflammation in the affected area due to decreased local immunity.

To prevent unwanted effects, it is important to follow all doctor’s recommendations during the rehabilitation period.


Post-procedure care

A few simple rules will help consolidate the effect of mesotherapy and avoid side effects.

  1. Immediately after the procedure, you should not rub, press on the injection sites, or comb them. It's better to avoid touching altogether.
  2. On the first day, wash your face carefully with lukewarm water. And you can't use it hot.
  3. During the first two days after the procedure, you should not use makeup products - foundation, powder, etc.
  4. Avoid sun rays altogether for the first 2 days. From day 3, apply sunscreen to your skin and wear sunglasses.
  5. Do not visit the pool, sauna, bathhouse, or solarium for a week.

How to get rid of swelling after mesotherapy

In this case, you need to find out the reason for this reaction and act according to the situation.

  1. If swelling occurs due to an allergic reaction to any of the administered components, specific antiallergic therapy is required (Suprastin, Diazolin, Claritin, Zodak). If their effect is weak, use Dexamethasone ointment locally for 2-3 days.
  2. If the cause is subcutaneous hemorrhage, you can treat the affected area with Traumeel or Badyaga ointment.
    From general recommendations:
  3. Diet - do not eat a lot of salty and smoked foods, which contribute to body fluid retention.
  4. Sleep on a high pillow and at least 8 hours a day.
  5. Do not drink a lot of fluids, especially before bed.

Bruises under the eyes. Procedures: mesotherapy, filling the nasolacrimal trough (video):

Mesotherapy Cocktail against bruises, swelling and circles under the eyes (video):

Mesotherapy around the eyes for bags and wrinkles under the eyes. How to choose and what to be wary of (video):

The mesotherapy procedure is an excellent choice for correcting dark circles under the eyes. It gives a quick effect that accumulates with each procedure. In addition, the cocktail will contain vitamin and moisturizing components. This means that after a course of procedures, the skin will be beautiful, young and radiant!

The beauty of the eyes is emphasized by the eyelashes and the condition of the skin of the eyelids. It is the skin under the eyes that often reveals a woman’s true age. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of this area with special attention. One of the most effective procedures is mesotherapy around the eyes. This technique allows you to solve many cosmetic problems that spoil your appearance and mood.

Mesotherapy around the eyes, what is it?

First of all, you need to understand mesotherapy around the eyes, what it is, who it is indicated for, and whether it is effective enough.


The skin of the eyelids is not only thinner than on other parts of the face, but also lacks fat. It is for this reason that blood vessels may become visible in this area of ​​the face, making the skin appear darker. Dark circles appear under the eyes due to the fact that blood vessels lose their elasticity with age, and blood stagnates in them. The presence of dark circles under the eyes gives the face an exhausted and sick look.

In addition, the thin skin under the eyes gradually sags and stretches due to loss of elasticity. This leads to the formation of bags under the eyes. High facial activity contributes to the formation of deep wrinkles.

Mesotherapy is used to eliminate all these negative phenomena. This is an injection procedure that allows you to activate regeneration processes, increase the tone of the skin and facial muscles. During the session, the cosmetologist performs subcutaneous injections using specially developed preparations.

In addition to the classical injection method, fractional mesotherapy is widely used. This procedure is carried out using a special attachment with 12 needles of different lengths. When using the nozzle, several punctures are performed at once.


Recently, byzigol mensotherapy has become popular. This is a new technique in which drugs penetrate deep into the skin under the influence of electric current pulses.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of mesotherapy for eyelid skin are as follows:

  1. the formation of crow's feet - wrinkles fanning out from the corners of the eyes;
  2. the formation of bags - that is, swelling on the skin of the lower eyelids;
  3. ptosis, that is, drooping of the upper eyelid;
  4. other age-related changes.


Mesotherapy is used for bruises under the eyes; the procedure is quite effective even if the appearance of bruises is associated with chronic overwork and lack of sleep, and when the formation of darkening is a sign of thinning of the skin due to age-related changes. But if the appearance of bruises is associated with any disease, then mesotherapy will provide a short-term effect. To solve a cosmetic problem, it is necessary to cure the disease or achieve remission.


Contraindications to mesotherapy for the skin around the eyes are as follows:




  1. the entire period of pregnancy and lactation;
  2. diabetes;
  3. diseases that alter normal blood clotting;
  4. allergy to mesococktail components;
  5. acute period of any infectious disease, including ARVI;
  6. oncological pathologies.

It is not recommended to conduct a session during menstruation, as at this time sensitivity to pain increases.

Possible complications

Like any other injection technique, mesotherapy can also give negative results. Possible complications after the procedure:

  1. prolonged redness;
  2. edema;
  3. the appearance of hematomas.



Possible causes of complications are:

  1. Individual reaction of the body. The cocktails for the procedure include many elements, and each of them can cause the development of allergies. Therefore, it is first recommended to make a test injection with the drug that you plan to use to make sure there is no allergic reaction.
  1. Failure to follow the cosmetologist's recommendations. In the period after the procedure, it is necessary to especially carefully follow the instructions given to cosmetologists. If the patient does not adhere to the recommendations, the consequences can be very sad.
  1. Unprofessionalism of the master. Mesotherapy must be carried out by a specialist with a sufficient level of qualifications. Mistakes made by a cosmetologist can be costly for the client.

Drugs used

The drugs used for mesotherapy of the skin around the eyes are varied. The composition of the cocktail depends on the tasks. The components can be divided into two groups:



  1. Base. These are the substances that provide the main effect. As a rule, hyaluronic acid, natural collagen, amino acids and peptides are used as a base.
  1. Auxiliary. This group includes components whose purpose is to enhance the effect of the base ingredients. These can be solutions of vitamins, minerals, plant extracts, etc. The quantity and composition of auxiliary components in different cocktails differ; the drug may contain more than a hundred auxiliary substances.

Cocktails intended for the area around the eyes include peptides - fragments of protein molecules that actively restore the skin. It can be:

  1. Peptides that give an effect similar to Botox. These substances relax muscles and reduce their activity. Small facial wrinkles are smoothed out after the procedure.
  1. Peptides that stimulate regeneration. These substances stimulate the production of collagen in the skin, which leads to natural rejuvenation.
  1. Peptides that whiten skin well.

The listed peptides can be used in combination, that is, included in one cocktail.

How does the procedure work?

First of all, it is important to contact a professional cosmetologist. The result and the risk of complications depend on compliance with the rules of the procedure.

No special preparation is required for the sessions. It is only important to avoid sunbathing and not drink alcohol for a week. The stages of the procedure are as follows:

  1. first of all, you need to remove the remnants of decorative cosmetics and sebum; for this, tonics and lotions that do not contain alcohol are used;
  1. then the skin is treated with antiseptic solutions;
  1. To reduce discomfort, the area of ​​drug administration is treated with an anesthetic gel. After application, wait 7-8 minutes for the drug to take effect;
  1. Now the specialist must designate the lines along which the drugs will be administered. They are injected strictly along the lines of the wrinkles. It is very important that the cosmetologist correctly calculates the depth of needle insertion. An injection that is too deep will injure the skin, and an injection that is not deep enough will not allow you to obtain the desired result;
  1. administration of cocktails is carried out with a syringe with a very thin needle or using a special preparation with a series of needles. When using a non-injection technique. The skin is treated with a cocktail, and then exposed to electric current or ultrasound, depending on the technique used;
  1. After completing the administration of the drugs, the skin is treated with an antiseptic solution, then a mask is applied, which has a calming effect.

Repeated mesotherapy sessions are carried out only after the skin has completely recovered. Typically, recovery takes at least a week.

What effect can you expect

The effectiveness of mesotherapy in getting rid of dark circles, wrinkles and bags under the eyes has been confirmed by clinical trials. After the procedure you can observe:


  1. lightening of the skin under the eyes, that is, the disappearance of bruises;
  2. reduction of ptosis, that is, drooping of the skin of the eyelids;
  3. lightening pigment spots;
  4. elimination of crow's feet and fine lines of wrinkles.

The eyes become more open and bright, the face as a whole looks younger and fresher.

How many sessions are needed?

How many sessions are needed to achieve results? It is definitely difficult to answer this question. It all depends on the condition of the skin, age and other individual characteristics of the body.

In the mildest cases and to prevent the appearance of signs of aging, 1-2 sessions are sufficient. If changes have already appeared, then a series of procedures is required. On average, 7-8 sessions are needed, but sometimes more procedures are required.

Rehabilitation and skin care

Rehabilitation and skin care after the procedure must be carried out correctly, otherwise serious complications may occur. The most common complications are long-term swelling or the formation of dense papules at the puncture sites.


In the most severe cases, there is the development of post-traumatic lymphostasis, the appearance of long-lasting bruises and lumps, and the development of an inflammatory process due to an infection. Fortunately, such complications are extremely rare. But their appearance cannot be ruled out. When the first signs of trouble appear, you must urgently seek medical help.

To reduce the risk of complications, you must follow a number of simple but very important rules. After the sessions it is prohibited:

  1. use decorative cosmetics;
  2. drink alcohol;
  3. sunbathe;
  4. swim in open water or pools;
  5. exercise.

The last recommendation may cause confusion, since sports activities are beneficial for the body. However, after mesotherapy you should refrain from training for several days. The fact is that during physical activity, waste and toxins are removed from the body through the sweat glands. And at the same time, the components of meso-cocktails will be removed along with harmful substances. Therefore, you need to avoid training for several days so that the administered substances have time to take effect.