Wrinkles under the eyes after biorevitalization

Modern injection methods of rejuvenation, which include biorevitalization, allow you to eliminate various skin defects as quickly and safely as possible:

  1. dryness and flabbiness;
  2. earthy color;
  3. small wrinkles;
  4. irritations and scars.

Can wrinkles appear after biorevitalization? In certain cases, yes, they can. This applies to those individuals who do not follow the recommendations of cosmetologists about what to do after the procedure. The injection rejuvenation procedure is based on the use of hyaluronic acid, which provides internal hydration and nutrition to the skin. Its introduction artificially causes an active reaction on the part of the skin. Therefore, after the biorevitalization procedure, the skin should not be exposed to additional aggressive influences, such as ultraviolet radiation, high temperatures, and mechanical stress.

A correctly performed biorevitalization procedure will not cause the appearance of wrinkles. Cosmetologists specifically recommend this injection rejuvenation as protection from ultraviolet radiation in the summer. Hyaluronic acid allows you to moisturize the skin from the inside; it is specially used to eliminate excessive dryness of the skin and reduce the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Wrinkles cannot appear from the biorevitalization procedure, as it fights them. But failure to comply with the recommendations of cosmetologists can lead to a deterioration in the condition of the face after biorevitalization.

Can wrinkles appear after biorevitalization?

If the procedure is performed correctly, then wrinkles do not appear after biorevitalization, but rather disappear. The very name of such injection rejuvenation means natural skin rejuvenation. For this purpose, preparations containing hyaluronic acid, which is produced by the human body, are used. The procedure itself does not cause negative reactions if everything is done exactly according to the procedure.

Biorevitalization has many advantages:

  1. it allows you to nourish the deep layers of the skin, to which it is impossible to deliver important nutrients if you use only external effects on the skin;
  2. has wide indications;
  3. allows you to quickly eliminate various skin defects;
  4. suitable for people of all ages;
  5. has a minimum of contraindications.

If you carry out biorevitalization in trusted beauty salons, such as OB clinic, you can protect yourself from unpredictable complications in the form of swelling, bruising and redness. The OB clinic salon uses high-quality drugs that are injected under the skin. Experienced cosmetologists will select the correct dose, select injection sites, and ensure painless biorevitalization. All this guarantees high quality of the procedure and skin rejuvenation within a few days.

If wrinkles appear after biorevitalization, what should you do?

Usually, after such a procedure, wrinkles do not appear, but disappear, since this procedure activates the processes of natural renewal. By moisturizing the skin from the inside, hyaluronic acid seems to push out fine wrinkles. The very process of activating natural rejuvenation helps to moisturize the skin from the inside and fill the empty intercellular space. As a result, wrinkles disappear.

If the skin under the eyes is very wrinkled after biorevitalization, it means that hyaluronic acid alone is not enough, or the dose was chosen incorrectly. The OB Clinic salon will help you choose the right drug and where to administer it. Experienced cosmetologists will tell you which rejuvenation technique is best to choose to eliminate temporary changes on the skin of the face and body.

In general, skin restoration with hyaluronic acid preparations is easily tolerated. That is why the procedure has become one of the most popular rejuvenation methods. Side effects and serious complications from it are also extremely rare. But quite severe swelling of the eyes after biorevitalization appears in every second patient, even if it was performed non-injection. Experts told us why this happens and how to deal with this unwanted phenomenon.

What is edema

As a matter of fact, swelling on the face can appear without any anti-aging procedures. At least once in their life, everyone woke up with bags under their eyes and very rounded cheekbones. Usually by the middle of the day everything goes away, and the oval of the face becomes clear again.

Edema is a subcutaneous accumulation of fluid. Or rather, lymph, which performs several important functions in the body. Normally, it flows through its vascular system, supplies certain nutrients to cells, protects tissues from pathogenic microorganisms and takes away metabolic products.

But there are situations when, for some external or internal reasons, more lymph is produced. Or its normal circulation is disrupted. Then subcutaneous swelling appears, which is called edema.

Biorevitalization procedure

The meaning of biorevitalization comes down to “revitalizing” the skin with preparations based on hyaluronic acid. It is even included in the very name of the procedure. But to achieve the desired result, you need to help the molecules overcome the hydrolipid barrier. Because of their size, they cannot do this on their own, which is why masks and creams with hyaluronic acid give such a short-lived effect.

Therefore, specially developed drugs are injected under the skin with a thin needle or “pushed” using hardware procedures (laser, ultrasound or microcurrents).

Once at its destination, the hyaluronic acid begins to attract water molecules, which it subsequently releases little by little to the cells. This achieves the effect of deep and long-lasting skin hydration.

In addition, as a result of the procedure:

  1. improves complexion;
  2. immunity increases;
  3. subcutaneous blood circulation increases;
  4. capillaries are strengthened;
  5. collagen production accelerates;
  6. cell regeneration is activated.

These positive changes lead to the smoothing of fine wrinkles, restoration of soft tissue volume, increased skin turgor, and the disappearance of shallow pigmentation and acne marks.

Causes of edema

Of course, swelling occurs for a reason. And they can be external or internal. And sometimes both work simultaneously, and then the swelling is so strong that the eyes become like narrow slits or large zygomatic swelling appears.

The sooner the causes of such pathological swelling are identified, the easier it is to get rid of it.


There are usually only two external reasons: the unprofessionalism of the cosmetologist or the carelessness of the patient himself, who did not listen to his recommendations. Medical errors include the following:

  1. ignoring existing contraindications - this happens rarely, since no one wants to take risks;
  2. drug overdose - this happens more often, especially if the doctor has little experience or the doctor uses a new drug;
  3. incorrect administration - injections must be done to a certain depth so that the hyaluronic acid reaches the desired areas;
  4. uneven distribution of the drug - happens when the density of injections is not the same.

In case of an overdose, the swelling can be very severe and may not go away for up to two weeks. And then, most likely, you will have to inject a splitting substance - hyaluronidase. It will quickly solve the problem, but the result of the procedure will be almost completely eliminated.


Also, severe swelling under the eyes and not only can be caused after the procedure by the individual characteristics of the body. Most often they are caused by:

  1. tendency to allergies - then they are accompanied by redness, rashes, itching, etc.;
  2. kidney problems - they can make themselves felt after the procedure;
  3. alcohol abuse – if alcohol was taken regularly, it will take more than a day to eliminate it and you will have to stop drinking at least a week before the procedure.

In these cases, dealing with swelling will be especially difficult. But, nevertheless, if you wish, you can still get rid of them in a couple of days.

An experienced doctor can determine in advance the patient’s tendency to swelling, and then he uses gentle biorevitalization methods. For example, linear, in which one puncture is made with a long needle, and then the drug is gradually released as it is withdrawn. This is especially effective in correcting facial wrinkles.

How to get rid

There are several ways to easily remove bags and swelling under the eyes after biorevitalization. But not all of them are harmless, and some have a negative impact on the results of the procedure. Therefore, when choosing a product, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons.


The easiest way is to use pharmaceutical drugs. The most popular method among people is to take a diuretic. And the most useless in this case. Moreover, this option is completely unacceptable, as it provokes dehydration. And the task of hyaluronic acid is diametrically opposite. Therefore, it is better to forget about such tablets. Moreover, they wash calcium out of the body and disrupt the electrolyte balance.

Gels and ointments are safe and effective:

Name Properties
Heparin Inexpensive, but very effective, time-tested remedy. Kills pathogenic microflora, relieves inflammation, relieves swelling and pain. Doesn't irritate the skin at all.
"Dexpanthenol" Especially useful if there is irritation or redness from injections. It quickly removes swelling, but is not suitable for very sensitive skin, which can cause allergies.
"Traumel" A plant-based drug that contains about ten different extracts of medicinal herbs. It gives quick and excellent results, but its significant drawback is the high price.
"Troxevasin" The active ingredient is troxerutin. Strengthens blood vessels and capillaries, restores normal blood flow, and perfectly relieves inflammation. The ointment is hypoallergenic.
"Girundin" A drug created on the basis of an extract from leeches, capable of slightly thinning the blood and accelerating lymph flow. It quickly relieves redness and swelling, but it is better to use it at least on the third day after the injections, so as not to reduce their effectiveness.

Remember that if your face is swollen after biorevitalization, applying warming ointments, especially under the eyes (Finalgon, Nicoflex, Betanicomelon), is strictly prohibited.

Folk remedies

But often patients prefer to use folk remedies. And this is also a good option. Moreover, many of them are simple, effective, and cost mere pennies:

  1. Ice. Just not from running water, which can contain various infections! Tea, decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, eucalyptus, etc.), non-carbonated mineral water or, in extreme cases, boiled water are suitable. You can wipe the swelling with ice cubes up to 5-6 times a day. But you can’t keep it in front of your eyes!
  2. Lotions. The simplest option is tea bags. It can be anything, but natural, without pieces of fruit and any chemical additives. The tea leaves can be used for their intended purpose, and the cooled tea bags can be placed on closed eyelids for 10-15 minutes. The result will please you.
  3. Potato. Or rather, potato juice. But the laziest ones may not prepare it, but simply put two freshly cut potato rounds over their eyes. But if you don’t have time to lie with them, you can squeeze out the juice and wipe your face with it 2-3 times a day.

It is also advisable to monitor your diet. It cannot contain a lot of salt, too spicy dishes, large amounts of meat and fish.

The total volume of liquid consumed is from 1.5 to 2.5 liters. It should not be small, since hyaluronic acid requires water, but not too much, so as not to overload the kidneys.

Massage and treatments


But this method of combating swelling after biorevitalization is categorically not recommended. It will, of course, give results, and quite quickly. But it is not in vain that these types of effects are included in the list of what should not be done after the procedure.

Any stimulation of blood flow (and with it lymph flow) leads to the fact that hyaluronic acid injected under the skin is distributed more quickly throughout the body and is more quickly absorbed. Massage and electrical procedures within two weeks after biorevitalization will shorten their duration from several months to 4-6 weeks. And, given the considerable cost of injections, this is bad news.


Some puffiness and swelling of the face always remains after biorevitalization, even after a non-invasive procedure. This is caused by the fact that hyaluronic acid attracts water and needs time to be evenly distributed under the skin. But normally, such swelling lasts up to two days, and then goes away on its own.

In order not to provoke severe and/or prolonged swelling, you must follow these recommendations:

  1. do not touch your face with your hands unnecessarily after the procedure;
  2. do not use decorative cosmetics;
  3. do not wash your face with hot water or take baths;
  4. do not visit the sauna, swimming pool, solarium;
  5. do not sunbathe or stay in hot places;
  6. do not engage in active sports.

Although theoretically you can drink alcoholic beverages just a few days after the procedure, cosmetologists recommend extending this ban for at least two weeks. Otherwise, swelling that has already disappeared may reappear.

Summing up

According to patient reviews, after injection biorevitalization the face will swell in any case, even if the procedure is performed by a top-class specialist. For examples of moderate and pathological edema, look at photos posted on the Internet to understand when to worry.

If the swelling is small, there is no pain or severe redness, it is not necessary to use ointments. It is quite possible to get by with folk remedies or wait until everything resolves naturally. When swelling cannot be resolved for more than a week, or is accompanied by fever, itching and other unpleasant symptoms, it is better to consult with specialists. It is possible that the wounds are infected and require medical attention.

Biorevitalization is gaining popularity among those who take care of themselves and want to reduce the severity of age-related changes in facial skin. Often this cosmetic procedure is performed to improve the skin in the eyelid area. Hyaluronate is injected - this allows you to maintain youthful skin and improve its appearance.


First of all, biorevitalization is aimed at eliminating not very deep wrinkles and skin imperfections. This occurs by introducing hyaluronic acid into the skin. Typically, such procedures are easily tolerated and give good results, which is what deserves positive customer reviews.


Note! The procedure may have a number of side effects. The most common is swelling under the eyes after biorevitalization.

How is the procedure performed?

To understand the cause of possible side effects, you need to understand the principle of the procedure. When carrying out classical biorevitalization, a series of injections are made with a drug based on hyaluronic acid, so the medicine gets into the deep layers of the dermis. This gives a good visual effect - the skin looks much younger, wrinkles become less pronounced, and the complexion becomes healthier and more even.


If you encounter unpleasant consequences - swelling or bruising under the eyes - you need to determine the reason why this happened. Most often this occurs in such cases.

  1. Lack of attentiveness to the procedure on the part of both the doctor and the patient - it is necessary to carefully collect anamnesis and take into account all individual characteristics, and conduct an examination to identify contraindications.
  2. Errors during the procedure that arose as a result of insufficient competence or due to various other factors.
  3. Use during the procedure of drugs that are not certified or have expired. Drugs must be of high quality and selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.


With increased skin sensitivity and a tendency to have a strong reaction to external influences, the likelihood of consequences occurring is slightly higher. In order to avoid them, you must strictly adhere to all the recommendations given by the doctor, avoid sudden changes in temperature for the specified time after the procedure, and do not drink alcoholic beverages and spicy foods in large quantities.


In what cases is the procedure prescribed?

Standard list of indications for biorevitalization:

  1. presence of bags or darkened circles under the eyes;
  2. the appearance of facial wrinkles;
  3. presence of crow's feet.

Important! The procedure is also prescribed at the client’s request to improve the appearance of facial skin. Some resort to it when they reach a certain age in order to prolong their youth and blooming appearance.


Biorevitalization is a medical procedure, so you need to treat it carefully and take into account the list of possible contraindications:

  1. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. the presence of inflammation in the eyelids or eyes;
  3. chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  4. autoimmune diseases;
  5. tendency to allergic reactions and individual intolerance to the components of the drug;


  1. herpes in the acute stage;
  2. the presence of prerequisites for the formation of keloid scars on the skin;
  3. taking anticoagulants (such as heparin or warfarin);
  4. a history of cardiovascular diseases, hypertensive crises, heart defects, etc.


What side effects might you encounter?

The most common reaction of the body to biorevitalization is the appearance of bags under the eyes after the procedure. This usually happens for the following reasons:

  1. increased amount of fluid in the injection area;
  2. increased skin sensitivity to external influences;
  3. allergic reactions and individual intolerance.


Note! As a rule, complete regeneration of cells damaged during the procedure occurs within about four days, so after this period the swelling should subside.

The skin around the eyes itself is more delicate and sensitive than in other places, so experienced doctors advise caution when performing cosmetic procedures and not touching these areas unnecessarily. If the patient expresses a desire to undergo a course of injections in areas near the eyes, the doctor’s duty is to warn about all the possible consequences.


As a rule, swelling after the biorevitalization procedure does not look very aesthetically pleasing, but does not have negative consequences and does not indicate serious health difficulties - if you carefully follow the doctor’s recommendations after the procedure, they will disappear on their own without consequences.


It often happens that patients notice general swelling of the face for several days after the procedure. There is no need to worry - slight swelling does not go beyond the norm, this is a completely natural response of the body to such a traumatic intervention. An alarming symptom is severe, persistent swelling - this usually indicates an allergy or individual intolerance to the drug. If you are faced with such an unpleasant situation, be sure to contact the doctor who performed the procedure as soon as possible and tell in detail about all the symptoms. The more detailed you describe how you feel, the greater the likelihood of receiving timely and correct help to eliminate the consequences.


Patients who have had to deal with the unpleasant consequences of biorevitalization, such as the appearance of bruises and swelling, swelling or compaction at the injection sites, may wonder how safe and necessary this rejuvenation method is.

If these symptoms are not too severe and go away on their own within three or four days, there is no need to worry. A few days are enough for the complete restoration of destroyed cells and the adaptation of tissues to hyaluronic acid. However, if swelling or bruising does not disappear, discomfort, pain or itching increases, a consultation with your doctor is required.


Why did the swelling occur?

The causes of edema are microtrauma of tissue and the natural property of hyaluronic acid to retain fluid.

Full information about side effects will be available directly from the cosmetologist during the consultation period before the procedure. Typically, the time to eliminate the consequences depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, and even in the most difficult cases it should not exceed a week. In order to shorten the body's adaptation period, you can use cold compresses.


If the side effects are too pronounced, the reasons may be different. Sometimes medical errors are recorded - the drug or its dosage was chosen incorrectly, the technique of administering the drug was incorrect.

Important! With a large amount of hyaluronate in soft tissues, edema almost always occurs. The only question is to select the required composition and consistency of the drug, without disturbing the process technique. Make sure that the cosmetologist has the necessary qualifications.


Another reason for complications is infection of the treated area. This occurs if the prescribed hygiene recommendations are not followed or the product is not properly cleaned. If an infection occurs, the swelling will be painful; if this happens, be sure to consult a doctor.


A qualified doctor will always collect an accurate medical history and properly prepare the patient for the procedure. You should carefully consider the preliminary actions, informing the cosmetologist all the important information about your own health.

Important! If the anti-aging drug contains components that cause an allergic reaction in the patient, swelling is a completely expected result. In rare cases, it happens that the product turns out to be expired or previously opened - be sure to make sure that the drug is in a disposable, hermetically sealed package.


How to deal with swelling?

If you find such unpleasant consequences, you can simply wait until they are eliminated on your own - it will take a few days and they will pass.


The second way is to seek advice from a cosmetologist who performs the procedure. Most likely, he will recommend actions to speed up rehabilitation.

How long does swelling last?

Normally, the period of swelling should not exceed three or four days. However, if there are individual characteristics or the technique of introducing hyaluronic acid is impaired, it can take up to ten days.


Important to pay attentionIt is normal that puffiness in the eye area may persist longer than around the nose or lips, since the skin around the eyes is thinner than on other parts of the face.

How long to wait for recovery?

The complaint of puffiness under the eyes is typical for many patients who resort to the biorevitalization procedure. The skin of the face is sensitive to any external interference, and there is no need to panic if you experience bruising or swelling.

This does not look very aesthetically pleasing, but most often it does not harm health and goes away on its own. Over time, hyaluronic acid spreads more evenly under the skin and begins to act in full force. Over time, excess fluid at the injection site will disappear, and swelling will no longer spoil the appearance of the face.


What can you do yourself?

There is a technique for administering drugs based on hyaluronic acid, which involves reducing the number of skin punctures by changing the direction of the needle - this is a less traumatic method.

To reduce the severity and intensity of swelling after manipulation, you can apply a cold compress based on ice. It is used for 7-10 minutes at the site of swelling and repeated no more than 2-3 times a day, so as not to cause damage to the skin from low temperature.


As soon as the procedure is completed, you will receive from the cosmetologist a list of mandatory actions and recommendations, from which you should not deviate. Failure to follow these rules significantly delays recovery time.

  1. massage, touch with your hands, knead the skin in any way;
  2. use cosmetics;
  3. visit the sauna for seven days;


  1. visit the solarium;
  2. drink alcohol and foods that retain fluid in the body. It is better to limit your salt intake and not drink a lot of water at night.

The more often the procedure is performed, the more pronounced its consequences may be in the form of swelling and bruising. This is due to the fact that the administration of drugs is quite traumatic for the skin of the face. It is best to keep in touch with your doctor and follow his recommendations to manage unwanted effects.


If no method can be used to avoid swelling and it does not go away for a long time, the cosmetologist may prescribe medications that remove hyaluronic acid from the body. Unfortunately, after this biorevitalization will not bring the declared effect, but this is a necessary measure, usually associated with the individual characteristics of the human body.


The doctor prescribes a set of measures for recovery and care after the procedure. Most likely, specialized medical cosmetics will be prescribed to speed up regeneration. Usually, a special medicinal composition is injected into the surface layer of hyaluronic acid without affecting the deeper layers of the skin - this helps relieve swelling.


It is very important to remember that a good result can be guaranteed if the patient is well prepared and has a positive attitude. Before the procedure, full information is provided about the progress of the manipulations, and the names of the drugs are provided. If original and certified products are used, there is a possibility of a significant reduction in negative consequences.


Note! In order for the negative consequences after the intervention to be less pronounced, homeopathy is often used - this is a gentle way of influencing the body, which often gives good results.

The following drugs are usually prescribed.

A drug Description
"Arnica" This is a homeopathic remedy produced in Russia. It contains only natural ingredients - mumiyo, arnica, chestnut extracts, etc. It is produced in the form of a special composition, which is applied to the skin in the injection area twice a day, usually in the morning and evening. It fights well against swelling.
"Lymphomyosot" A natural drug that requires a course of treatment. Three times a day, take 15 drops of the product, diluted in 150 ml of purified water. Course – 10 days. The list of contraindications includes pregnancy, age under 18 years and sensitivity to the components of the drug.


What can be done for prevention?

In order not to encounter such unpleasant consequences of biorevitalization as the appearance of bruises and bags, you need to follow these recommendations.

Pay great attention to the selection of a specialist and a clinic where you will have the procedure. Check whether the staff has sufficient competence, read the reviews, ask the doctor carefully - he should provide all the information about the procedure in as much detail as possible.


Immediately before intervention, read the packaging of the product - it must be hermetically sealed, have no external damage, and the expiration date must correspond. Unfortunately, some clinics are not conscientious about their responsibilities, and you can even find expired drugs - in this case you need to categorically insist on replacing the drug or go to another salon.

Note! You can also find out everything about the drugs on the Internet, for example, on the official websites of the manufacturer. Find out about the dosage of the product, its composition, maximum shelf life, side effects.


Of course, a cosmetologist must have a license that gives him the right to perform declared cosmetic procedures, including biorevitalization. To go to a charlatan means to expose your health and appearance to great danger. You can safely request such a license at your first appointment - any conscientious doctor will provide it to you.

So, you have chosen a clinic and a doctor, you are ready for injections. What else can be done to minimize side effects after the procedure?

  1. Do not sunbathe in direct bright sun. If possible, schedule the procedure in spring or early autumn, when there are no temperature changes and the sun is not so “aggressive”.
  2. Solarium is excluded for at least 14 days.


There are certain guidelines for creating a diet and meal plan.

  1. Avoid alcoholic drinks and energy drinks - they negatively affect the exchange of fluids in the body.
  2. Foods that retain water in the body should also be excluded. Use less salt and spices.
  3. In the evening and at night, you need to drink as little liquid as possible so as not to experience increased swelling the next morning.


Even if you do encounter side effects, it would be a good idea to help yourself by using compresses with ice cubes, as well as frozen herbal teas based on soothing herbs - chamomile, mint, sage or eucalyptus.

By the way. It is important to remember that exposure to cold should be limited in time, otherwise there is a risk of getting the exact opposite effect.


Even despite the risk of complications, biorevitalization is popular among many women who want to rejuvenate. The result is usually visible almost immediately - fine lines and bags under the eyes are significantly reduced, the skin is smoothed and becomes healthier and more elastic.


Be sure to double-check the information about the medical center that you are going to entrust with the procedure - it is better not to skimp on health and beauty. The consequences can be unpredictable, and recovery will take much more money and effort.

If the swelling cannot be eliminated on your own or if it does not go away for a long time, you should immediately contact a cosmetologist. They usually recommend the doctor who performed the procedure, since he knows all its features in your particular case, but if for some reason you do not trust him, you can choose any other specialist.


Note! Typically, therapy consists of prescribing medicinal cosmetics for skin care after the intervention.

Video - Swelling after biorevitalization