Wrinkles on the forehead at 25 years old - what to do

Not every girl develops wrinkles at an early age. They often say that their owner should reconsider her skin care and start using products that slow down the aging process. But improper care is not always the cause of wrinkles.

Below we will look at what reasons can trigger the aging process of the skin, and also learn how to deal with hated wrinkles in the most effective way to prevent their appearance in the future.


The main reasons include the following:

  1. Smoking and other bad habits.
  2. Tension of the muscles that are responsible for facial expressions.
  3. Poor environment (dry air, large amounts of dust, frequent exposure to the sun).
  4. Unbalanced diet (consumption of meat products and sweet foods in large quantities, little water consumption, frequent habits of eating unhealthy and too fatty foods).
  5. Features of the female body (oily and dry skin, insufficient elasticity).
  6. Incorrect skin care (use of incorrectly selected cosmetics).
  7. Presence of diseases (furunculosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system, hormonal disorders, ichthyosis).

Early facial changes

The reason for the early appearance of facial wrinkles may be the structure of the skin. It is distinguished by its subtlety and weakness, which means it is not so easy for it to withstand external influences. Insufficient sebum can lead to sensitivity and excessive dryness of the epidermis.

Collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin, contains rare and thin fibers that deprive the skin of protection.

What to do with them?

In order to get rid of them at an early age, you can resort to the following methods:

  1. Botox injections. This drug blocks nerve endings, restoring smoothness and youth to the skin.
  2. Mesotherapy. It is a real vitamin cocktail. Collagen can renew and tighten the skin around the eyes, nose and forehead.
  3. Plasmolifting. It's very effective. This involves taking blood from the patient and mixing it with nutrients. Afterwards, this medicine is injected into the places where wrinkles need to be smoothed out.
  4. Filling with biogel. A cosmetologist can offer several ways to restore youth, but at an early age it is better to opt for a non-injection method.

Manifestations on the face at 23-27 years old

The appearance of the first wrinkles is a signal that the human body is beginning to age and need help. They appear unexpectedly, so many young individuals panic. Not everyone knows that choosing comprehensive and proper care can delay skin aging.

The appearance of the first wrinkles can be noticed at the age of 23-27 years, although there are also those lucky women in whom they begin to appear after 30 years. All this depends on many factors, especially lifestyle, nutrition and the presence of diseases.

Recommendations for caring for the skin around the eyes

If you notice the appearance of tumors early enough, pay attention to the fact that It is strictly not recommended to do:

  1. Use soap to cleanse your eyelids.
  2. Specifically stretch the skin.
  3. Smoking and squinting often.
  4. Leave a rich cream around the eyes at night.
  5. Powder the skin around the eyes, as this leads to dryness.

You should do the following procedures:

  1. Lubricate it with gel or cream, which contains vitamins A and E, collagen and fatty acids.
  2. Remove makeup before going to bed, no matter where you are.
  3. Apply cosmetics only in circular movements, making a light massage.
  4. Don't neglect sunglasses.
  5. Use suitable cosmetics to remove mascara and eye shadow.
  6. Rub problem areas with ice cubes every morning.

Using good creams

Remember that it is much easier to preserve the beauty of your face than to start the restoration process. Around the age of 23-25, choose a good night face cream that will restore the skin and promote cell regeneration.

You should not think that if you start using the cream at an early age, your skin will get used to it and will not age. In this case, she will get used to proper care and hydration, and in order for the result to bring pleasure longer, it is important to reconsider your lifestyle, nutrition and habits that can have a detrimental effect on health and beauty.

When going for cream, pay attention to the following products:

Using masks

Comprehensive facial care will relieve you of visible wrinkles for a long time. The following guide will help you understand how to apply these masks:

  1. The active ingredients in masks lose their valuable qualities quite quickly.
  2. It is important to cleanse the skin with a soft gel.
  3. The mask should remain on the face for 30 minutes, then it should be washed off with water.
  4. To ensure that it is always effective, allow time for the beneficial substances to be absorbed into the skin. You need to make masks before going to bed.
  5. Don't get carried away with the frequency. It is enough to make 2 masks per week.
  6. Experiment, as the skin quickly gets used to the same components.

If you are looking for a mask that will help restore youth and hide the first signs of wrinkles, pay attention to the following:

Cucumber mask.
  1. The cucumber is grated and then mixed with almond oil and yolk.
  2. Whisk the mixture and apply to the face for 40 minutes.
  3. Afterwards it is washed off and cream is applied to the face.
Beeswax based product. In order to create it, you need:
  1. Take beeswax, a spoonful of honey and an onion.
  2. All ingredients are mixed and applied to the face for 10 minutes.
  3. You can remove the residue with a damp cloth.
Gelatin mixture.
  1. It is necessary to pour two large spoons of the gelatin mixture, and then let it swell.
  2. Apply to face with gentle movements and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Next, wash off all this and moisturize the skin.

Useful video

Watch the video on the topic:


In conclusion, it is worth noting that the presence of wrinkles at an early age is not a cause for concern. But under no circumstances should the situation be left to chance. You need to try to find an approach to your health by using masks, creams, and also adhering to a healthy lifestyle. This is the only way you can maintain youth and beauty for many years.

I “inherited” not the best skin. She is flabby, problematic, fat, and at the same time, at the age of 25, there are strong wrinkles around the nose and on the forehead. Please suggest masks that will help at least slightly remove these flaws.

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Maybe you should contact a good cosmetologist and not engage in amateur activities?!

I’m 21, I have a couple of wrinkles on my forehead, these are facial wrinkles - I frown a lot.
It’s too early now, but by the time I’m 25, I just want to get injections and that’s all, so that I don’t get on my nerves when I look in the mirror.

Maybe you should contact a good cosmetologist and not engage in amateur activities?!

I already went once, and not to the left desk, I still remember with horror

At 25 years old these are expression wrinkles. Try not to wince.

Go to a doctor/cosmetologist. My husband’s mother also has severe wrinkles, and my husband’s, by the way, are already quite noticeable. It’s hereditary for them, and it’s hereditary for you too. Masks or creams will not help you, you cannot do without heavy artillery

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Tretinoin cream helped me. I got rid of acne, comedones and enlarged pores. Try it, maybe it will work for you. Cons: you need to apply spf cream in the summer, peeling in the first week.

The wrinkle on my forehead went away from him, but it was not deep. From deep botox. There is no other way yet. And by the way, correctly done Botox does not turn the face into a mask, these are fairy tales.

The wrinkle on my forehead went away from him, but it was not deep. From deep botox. There is no other way yet. And by the way, correctly done Botox does not turn the face into a mask, these are fairy tales.

I “inherited” not the best skin. She is flabby, problematic, fat, and at the same time, at the age of 25, there are strong wrinkles around the nose and on the forehead. Please suggest masks that will help at least slightly remove these flaws.

I also have a young face and three wrinkles on my forehead, inject Botox, you say.

It’s time to see a dermatocosmetologist, masks can’t solve anything here, I know from myself, the first wrinkles appeared on 24. I quickly solved my problems with Botox and hyaluronic acid.

And last week I did biorevitalization with pure hyaluronic acid (Mezalis). I’m 30, I already have noticeable wrinkles around my eyes, a couple on my forehead (also inherited). All this with terrible oily porous skin. I had it done by a dermatologist whom I have been going to for a long time and whom I trust. I was hoping for a 100% result, but it turned out to be almost zero. I walked like a toad for 3-4 days, but even when everything resolved, there was no result. I paid 8.5 thousand. It would be better if I injected Botox. But I don't know if they prick him around the eyes

LUMINESCE system for all ages. filling wrinkles, filling, facial radiance + problems of acne, scars, burns, aging
without potent components, chemical products, hormones, biologically active additives - placental
our tissues do not get used to it
there is no withdrawal syndrome: when canceling, everything remains at the same level of achieving the effect;
the effect of use lasts forever
the products can be used from 12-13 years of age (treatment of acne, pimples) until advanced age without restrictions

I also have oily skin and large pores. Laser nanoperforation helped me, and of course it’s better to remove facial wrinkles with Botox, and around the eyes you can also use Botox

I also suffer from this problem, I bought myself Veld’s Xim Up cream (http://www.dunaboutique.ru/shop/all/26960/) there are a lot of positive reviews about it on the Internet, so I hope it helps. In general, it has a deep effect and, by the way, is suitable for our age.

And the Ageless serum helped me with wrinkles and age spots, I am very pleased with the result. My complexion has improved, my skin has become smooth, I’ve been using it for a little over a month, I’ve thrown all my creams and masks into the trash. I only use it, and I already bought it for my mother, she’s also happy. If you are interested, here is the link. If you have questions, write to [email protected]

Author at irecommend ru
read about red clay and tar soap,
They tightened my skin very well
and threw out all the washbasins,
also read about the skin king cream there,
Well, nutrition - less meat and better vegetarianism.
I also practice vegetarianism for the purpose of rejuvenation,
I read that apricots, halva and hummus especially rejuvenate the skin.

Author at irecommend ru
read about red clay and tar soap,
They tightened my skin very well
and threw out all the washbasins,
also read about the skin king cream there,
Well, nutrition - less meat and better vegetarianism.
I also practice vegetarianism for the purpose of rejuvenation,
I read that apricots, halva and hummus especially rejuvenate the skin.

Hello. Skin masks are useful with natural ingredients, but such methods are more likely to work for young skin up to twenty. Wrinkles, especially deep ones on the forehead, are very difficult to remove with masks, and often even impossible. I’m not imposing anything on you, I’ll just tell you about my experience - Botox injections helped me very well for facial wrinkles. I injected them in real clinics on Frunzenskaya, it helped just super, the wrinkles smoothed out. But I’m older than you, I’m over thirty, that’s why I turned to Botox, for this age it’s one of the few remedies that help. And maybe creams will help you.

About ubtan, white clay and thermage on irecommend ru, read very good reviews about them. read on irecommend ru!
Thermage I did 5 treatments and it helped a lot!
And the main thing is good skin, and it will only become good from handmade soap + top quality essential oil. Using avocado oil, I COMPLETELY got rid of wrinkles on my forehead, buy avocado oil + orange essential oil. I always order them here - follow the link and get a 5% discount on your first order!!)))

LUMINESCE system for all ages. filling of wrinkles, filling, radiance of the face + problems of acne, scars, burns, aging of potent components, chemical products, hormones, biologically active additives - placental there is no addiction to it on the part of our tissues, no withdrawal syndrome: when canceling, everything remains at the same level of achieving the effect; the effect of use lasts forever; the product can be used from 12-13 years of age (treatment of acne, pimples) until a very advanced age without restrictions

You will not achieve the desired result with masks. Go to Putilova! She, as a cosmetology specialist, will recommend the most gentle method for you. There are many of them. She can do a lot, and most importantly, the effect of all procedures is amazing! The consultation is free, so you have nothing to lose.

You will not achieve the desired result with masks. Go to Putilova! She, as a cosmetology specialist, will recommend the most gentle method for you. There are many of them. She can do a lot, and most importantly, the effect of all procedures is amazing! The consultation is free, so you have nothing to lose.


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Wrinkles on the forehead, especially vertical ones, give the impression that a person is sullen and angry, even when he smiles. Moreover, they look out of place on a young girl’s face. But wrinkles in this area can make themselves felt at a very young age. Why does this happen and how to fight against these deep furrows?

Causes of forehead wrinkles

It is generally accepted that wrinkles are a sign of aging. The skin fades, loses moisture and elasticity. This is true. Human skin at a young age can be compared to a green leaf. It is full of life, shines, quickly restores its shape, even if it wrinkles.

Age reasons

Now imagine the same leaf, but withered or dry. What happens if you crumple it? That's right, it won't fully regain its shape. Marks of varying depths will appear on its surface, and if it is too dry, even cracks.

The same thing happens with aging skin, which actively loses moisture. Those facial movements that left no traces at 15 years old provoke deep folds in the skin at 40.

However, aging is not the only reason. Wrinkles can appear on the forehead at the age of 20 and even in teenagers due to facial expressions. The habit of constantly wincing and frowning can lead to the fact that already at a young age one or even two deep vertical wrinkles appear between the eyebrows.

Other factors

In addition to facial expressions and aging, there are also other causes of transverse and longitudinal folds in the skin:

  1. Genetic predisposition provokes wrinkles on the forehead at 25 years of age and at a younger age. If parents had early signs of aging, then they are also observed in children.
  2. Bad habits, especially smoking.
  3. Stressful state.
  4. Lack of vitamins and microelements.
  5. Dehydration.
  6. Abuse of sunbathing.
  7. Negative environmental influences: heavily polluted air, aggressive conditions (constant winds, too high or low temperature).

Prevention of forehead wrinkles

Although there are many reasons, and anyone can develop wrinkles, even one wrinkle on the forehead can spoil the appearance, adding several years. For this reason, it is worth doing everything possible to avoid this.

To do this you need:

  1. Watch your facial expressions and frown less. In summer, wear sunglasses that will protect you from the habit of wincing. This way you will also avoid wrinkles around the eyes.
  2. Do not overuse tanning in a solarium or under the sun. Use cosmetics with an ultraviolet filter.
  3. Stop smoking.
  4. Drink more clean water. Few people know that wrinkles on the forehead and not only can form due to a simple lack of fluid in the body.
  5. Eat so that the body receives all the vitamins and microelements it needs.
  6. Don't sit indoors all day. Be outdoors more often.
  7. Early wrinkles on the forehead will not appear if you lightly massage the skin using any vegetable oil, such as olive oil.
  8. Use moisturizer.
  9. After 25 years, it’s good to start making a mask at least once a week that will replenish moisture loss.
  10. Do gymnastics for the facial muscles to maintain their tone.

The list seems long, but it's not all that difficult to accomplish. You must remember that if you adhere to these rules, then deep wrinkles on your forehead will not appear soon. Isn't that the best incentive?

Rejuvenating yoga for the face. Memo

How to remove wrinkles from forehead

Vertical folds on the forehead near the bridge of the nose also appear due to facial expressions. According to experts, they are difficult to deal with, and if such a wrinkle or two has already appeared, then usually they are deep and all that can be done with them is to resort to such radical methods as Botox injections or the introduction of fillers, which will temporarily smooth out these folds.

Another difficulty lies in the fact that wrinkles here are associated with “kink” of the muscles, which are constantly in a tense state. A person can frown even in his sleep. You can also correct vertical wrinkles on the forehead with the help of hard cosmetic stickers that fix the skin and prevent the muscles from pulling it into a fold during sleep.

Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead are much easier to soften as long as they are not too deep. Here you can resort to home methods and achieve excellent results if you do everything regularly.

Act comprehensively and after a few weeks the skin will straighten out, and you will “shed” several years. Here is a list of procedures that will help you:

  1. Do self-massage several times a week using vegetable oil or fat-soluble vitamin E and the wrinkles on your forehead will quickly disappear. Move your fingertips along the massage lines that go from the center to the temples. Do not stretch the skin. After a few minutes, you will feel the blood rush to the surface. This is a good sign that you are doing everything right.
  2. Use an exfoliating scrub once or twice a week and a moisturizer daily.
  3. Even a deep wrinkle on the forehead will become less noticeable if you do facial exercises. The simplest exercise is to frown, lowering your eyebrows, and then raise them, spreading them apart as wide as possible. Repeat this a few times every day and you will soon feel the difference.
  4. Make toning and firming masks, recipes for which can be found on our website. Two or three treatments every week will saturate tired skin and restore its youth.

Our video. Anti-aging face masks

If the first wrinkles appear on your forehead, you don’t need to immediately run for impact cosmetic creams. They are suitable for mature skin. Even if you decide to take Botox injections, which work best with wrinkles in this area, you must understand that they need to be done constantly, every year and a half.

Shallow transverse wrinkles on the forehead can be corrected quite well at home. The main thing is patience and a systematic approach.

I am engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of acne, I am fluent in the methods of therapeutic and hardware cosmetology to reduce the severity and eliminate age-related changes in the skin of the face and body. I have extensive theoretical knowledge and experience acquired during training and internships in leading cosmetology clinics in Europe.