Peppermint face oil

Healthy and glowing skin is the best decoration for any face. Many negative factors - lack of sleep, poor diet, insufficient care - lead to a worsening of her condition. As a result, a woman may experience areas of inflammation, peeling, irritation and other problems on her skin. Along with many cosmetic products, folk remedies can provide effective help. Among them is mint oil for the face. It can also be used to care for the entire body due to its special properties.

Product introduction

The product is an oily liquid that is colorless or slightly yellowish. It has a menthol aroma.


Mint oil is obtained from the above-ground parts of the plant (leaves, flowers, stems). The process occurs by steam distillation.

The characteristic aroma makes mint one of the most fragrant herbs. Thanks to this, the plant oil has always been particularly popular.

The product contains vitamin C, retinol, folic acid, minerals (magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, potassium and calcium), flavonoids and tannins.

What is the benefit

Peppermint oil for the face has many positive properties. The main thing is versatility. The special properties of mint allow it to be used for all skin types. Its tonic, antiseptic and antioxidant qualities help with the following conditions:

  1. eliminate foci of inflammation and improve blood circulation;
  2. protect the skin from the negative influence of the environment;
  3. tones and refreshes the dermis, removes signs of fatigue;
  4. regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  5. cleanse and tighten pores;
  6. fight acne;
  7. cope with skin rashes, dermatitis and age spots;
  8. reduce wrinkles and smooth out small folds.


Thanks to its positive properties, the product can have a positive effect on the skin.

Rules of application

Peppermint oil for the face is used subject to certain rules:

  1. Before application, the skin must be cleansed. Remove makeup.
  2. It is not recommended to use mint oil in its pure form to avoid burns.
  3. Before using the product, you must perform an allergy test. To do this, apply a small amount of mint oil to the wrist area. If there is no reaction, then you can use the product as directed.
  4. A week is enough to make 2-3 masks with this product.

Avoid applying the product to the area around the eyes.

Correct dosage

Peppermint oil is particularly effective and intense. For safe use, experts do not recommend increasing the permissible doses:

  1. for taking a bath, 5-7 drops of the product are enough;
  2. for a sauna you need 2-4 drops based on an area of ​​15 square meters. m;
  3. mint oil for applications - 5 drops per 5 ml of base;
  4. for a compress, 5-7 drops per 10 g of alcohol are enough;
  5. for adding to masks, creams and lotions, you need to take 2-4 drops per 10 ml of base.

In order not to cause significant harm to the body, it is important to follow the correct dosage of mint oil.

Nourishing mask for dry and sensitive skin

The healing properties of mint oil have found application in cosmetology. The product can eliminate dry skin. To do this, you can prepare a face mask with mint oil and oatmeal:

  1. To do this, you need to prepare the components. 2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal should be poured with boiling water. You can immerse them in cold water and leave them overnight. When the composition increases in volume, add honey and 2 drops of mint oil.
  2. You can also add egg yolk, 1 tbsp. to the prepared oat flakes. a spoonful of peach seed oil, 2-3 drops of mint essential oil.


The face must be cleaned and the resulting composition applied to the skin. After 15-20 minutes it can be removed with warm water or milk. After the procedure, moisturizer is applied to the face. The mask can have a rejuvenating effect.

The following composition can have a nutritional effect. Combine honey and 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream. Add 1 drop each of mint and lavender to the mixture. The mask is applied to the face for 15 minutes. Next, the product is removed with warm water.

For skin rejuvenation

To restore faded dermis, you need to prepare the following mask:

  1. Main components: avocado pulp, 7 drops of mint oil and 5 g of pink clay.
  2. The fruit must be peeled. Turn the pulp into a homogeneous mass.
  3. Then add mint oil and pink clay to the product.
  4. The skin of the face needs to be steamed. Apply the mask to the skin in a thick layer.
  5. After 30 minutes, remove the product from your face with a paper towel.


To enhance the effect, you can apply gel with hyaluronic acid to the skin. It is recommended to use mint oil on the face no more than once a week.

To eliminate cosmetic problems

Acne and rashes on the skin negatively affect a person’s mood. Using peppermint oil on the face can eliminate them, as well as cope with inflammation and acne. Among other things, the mask can cleanse and tighten pores, as well as brighten the complexion.

To prepare a healthy mask, you need:

  1. Prepare 2 drops of mint, 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
  2. All components must be mixed together. The resulting mass can be diluted with water. The consistency of the mask should resemble thick sour cream.
  3. To obtain an additional effect, water can be replaced with a decoction of medicinal herbs. Such as: chamomile, mint or calendula.
  4. Pre-cleanse the facial skin.
  5. The mask is applied to the dermis, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  6. It is recommended to leave the product on your face for 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.
  7. After the procedure, you can apply a small amount of nourishing cream to your face.

If suppuration appears on the face, then add 1 teaspoon of aloe juice to the mask. The product should not dry out during exposure to the skin. To prevent this from happening, you can splash your face with water. Subsequently, the mask must be made less thick.


To fight acne, you need to prepare a mask that contains mint oil, tomatoes and grapes. Thanks to its beneficial composition, the skin becomes healthy and radiant.

To cleanse the skin

Simple recipes using peppermint oil for the face will help you care for your delicate skin.

Steam exposure is one of the most effective ways to care for the dermis. To carry out the procedure, you must do the following:

  1. Pour 500 ml of water into a container and bring it to a boil.
  2. Next, add 1 tbsp to the liquid. a spoonful of dried mint and 5 drops of oil.
  3. You need to lean over the bath. The height should be appropriate so as not to burn your face. To obtain a positive effect, cover the head with a towel.
  4. The procedure takes 5 minutes.

It will give the skin the necessary hydration and soften it.


To prepare ice cubes, you need to do the following:

  1. You can also use honey to cleanse your skin. To obtain cubes, you need to combine 1 teaspoon of molasses and 5 drops of mint oil. The resulting mixture must be distributed into molds. And then place it in the refrigerator. Rub the skin with ice cubes. As a result, the face will become healthy and radiant.
  2. The following composition includes 8 g of dried mint, 5 drops of mint oil, 4 drops of almond oil and 40 ml of water. Grass and water must be combined. Bring the mixture to a boil and strain the broth. Next, essential oils are added to it. The finished product must be poured into molds and placed in the refrigerator.

A toning lotion with mint oil for the face will be an effective helper on a hot summer day. Pour 150 ml of water into a spray bottle and add 4 drops of ether. This product needs to moisturize the skin.

To prepare a refreshing toner with mint essential oil for the face, you will need several ingredients. This is a fairly simple recipe. To obtain a tonic, you need to mix mint ester and grape seed oil. Wipe your face with a small amount of tonic before going to bed.

Women's opinions

Peppermint oil for the face, according to reviews, has positive properties. When women do not have individual intolerance, the experience of using the product is positive.

One group of women got rid of rashes and acne. As a result of using masks with mint, the skin became smooth and radiant.


The second group of women used mint oil to combat wrinkles. The product did not have a radical effect, but the skin became more elastic and toned.

Peppermint oil is a universal remedy that allows it to be used for all skin types. When properly mixed with other esters, you can get truly healing masks. They will help suit dry, oily and normal skin.

This article is about how to use mint essential oil for the skin, its beneficial properties and recipes for preparing masks and other cosmetics containing it.

Peppermint essential oil has a very wide range of uses as an effective remedy for both the soul and the body.

The fresh, strong, bright aroma of menthol is a source of vigor, energy, and inspiration.

In this article, you will read about how you can use peppermint essential oil for your skin to always keep it young, healthy, firm and glowing.

Peppermint essential oil for skin and all its uses

From this article you will learn:


Beneficial cosmetological properties of peppermint oil

When caring for your face, the following properties of this oil are especially appreciated:

  1. remove oily shine
  2. tighten pores
  3. relieve inflammation
  4. cleanse
  5. tone and remove acne

Particularly valuable is its ability to fight the consequences of acne - remove remaining traces, tighten scars, relieve irritation, dry it and improve its color.

In a situation with the problem of oiliness and acne, this is generally an indispensable remedy!

Peppermint essential oil for skin - Application features

For cosmetic purposes, it is not used in its pure form, but only diluted!

Add a few drops to any nourishing or moisturizing product: your face cream, toner, body milk.

You can drop it into a cosmetic vegetable oil of your choice (sesame, almond, coconut, wheat germ, jojoba, avocado, etc.) and use it as a cream.

Application dosage

Basic dosages for using peppermint oil:

  1. For baths: 5-7 drops.
  2. For saunas: 2-4 drops per 15 m2.
  3. For applications: 5 drops per 5 ml of base oil.
  4. For compresses: 5-7 drops per 10 ml of alcohol.
  5. To enrich cosmetics: 2-4 drops per 10 g of base.

Add a few drops of mint to your toner or lotion that you apply to your face after washing your face.

Use it regularly twice a day during your cleansing routine.

This is a wonderful product for cleansing the skin, tightening it, refreshing it and giving it more vital energy.



Cosmetic tonic mint ice

  1. To do this, dilute half a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water, into which first add two drops of mint.
  2. Stir well and pour into ice cube trays.
  3. If you have acne and inflammation on your face, then add mint essential oil to a tablespoon of aloe juice, dilute it in a glass of water and pour it into molds. In this case, honey can also not be excluded, but can be made without it.
  4. Rub your face with this ice twice a day - morning and evening.

Remarkably cleanses the skin, improves its tone, fights acne, inflammation, tightens the oval of the face, giving it a fresh, radiant look.

Refreshing nourishing mask with mint oil

  1. Pour boiling water over two tablespoons of oatmeal (you can use oatmeal).
  2. Let the cereal cool slightly and swell.
  3. Add honey and two drops of mint.
  4. Stir thoroughly and apply warm to cleansed face.
  5. Rest for 20 minutes by lying still, then rinse off the mask and apply your moisturizer.

This type of care will give you fresh, healthy skin, add softness and elasticity, relieve inflammation and peeling, and smooth out wrinkles.


Mint mask for acne

  1. Take three tablespoons of cosmetic clay, add lemon juice - one teaspoon, two drops of peppermint ether, a tablespoon of olive or any other cosmetic oil of your choice.
  2. Dilute everything with warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream.
  3. It will be ideal if you dilute this mask with a decoction of chamomile, calendula or mint.
  4. Clean your face thoroughly, apply a mask, be sure to exclude the area around the eyes.
  5. Rest and relax for 15 minutes and rinse.
  6. Apply cream to your face.

It will be great if before the procedure you steam your face with a steam bath or visit the sauna. In this case, the effect will be much stronger.

This procedure actively fights acne and rashes on the face, dries out existing suppuration and inflammation, tightens enlarged pores, whitens, cleanses pores, and gets rid of “blackheads.”

Important note: Do not allow the mask to dry on your face under any circumstances. If the mask begins to dry out, moisturize your face using a spray bottle, and next time, when preparing the composition, make the consistency a little thinner!

If you have severe rashes, suppuration and pimples, then be sure to add aloe juice to the mask - one teaspoon.


Anti-aging toning mask

In order to preserve youth and beauty for as long as possible, use this very effective procedure:

  1. Make a mask with the following composition: two tablespoons of oatmeal, a spoonful of honey, one chicken yolk, a spoonful of olive (or other) oil, a spoonful of cottage cheese and two drops of mint oil.
  2. Stir the mixture thoroughly.
  3. Then steam your skin with a steam bath or visit a sauna or bathhouse.
  4. While your face is hot and steamy and your pores are open, give your skin a thorough scrub.
  5. Apply the mask to the prepared skin and relax your face, rest for 20 minutes. You should not talk or do anything.

Try this Natural Castile Soap with Peppermint and Shea Butter

Then rinse off the mask thoroughly, wipe your face with a cube of tonic mint ice (see its preparation above) and apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

If this procedure is done regularly (once or twice a week) and completely, without skipping any of its stages, then your skin will delight you for a very long time with its fresh, radiant appearance, absence of wrinkles, excellent tone and elasticity, softness and excellent color!

Video recipe for acne skin mask with mint oil

Precautions for use

Never exceed the dosage of oil! This is one of the most powerful essential oils known, it has the strongest tonic and cooling properties, it is very hot. If you exceed the dosage, you can cause great harm to yourself!

  1. NEVER apply peppermint essential oil undiluted to the face.
  2. Avoid applying oil close to the eye area, avoid contact with eyes.
  3. Don't use peppermint essential oil if you don't like the smell of mint. Application will bring results only if all procedures bring you pleasure!

Use peppermint essential oil for your skin with pleasure and be Beautiful.

You can buy real organic peppermint essential oil here

Peppermint oil is widely used today in the field of cosmetology, in procedures for the care of sensitive and oily facial skin with enlarged pores and a tendency to rashes. Peppermint oil is an excellent natural antiseptic that helps cope with any dermatological problems, increasing the protective properties of the skin.


  1. Cosmetic effect of mint oil on facial skin
  2. Using facial oil
  3. Homemade Recipes with Peppermint Oil
  4. Contraindications and precautions


Cosmetic effect of mint oil on facial skin

  1. Cleanses and tightens pores for oily skin types, helps normalize the production of sebaceous secretions.
  2. It has a drying effect, fights acne and small spots after it.
  3. Peppermint oil eliminates any kind of irritation and inflammation on the surface of the skin.
  4. Improves complexion and reduces the manifestations of rosacea.
  5. This essential oil refreshes and tones aging skin with signs of fatigue.
  6. Maintains water balance in the epidermis, preventing early aging of skin cells.
  7. Increases the protective forces of the skin.
  8. Mint eliminates the effects of sunburn.
  9. Helps in the treatment of herpes on the lips.

Video: Properties of peppermint.

Using facial oil

Peppermint essential oil is used for the face in the same way as any other ether, namely, mixed with base (fatty) oils (2 drops of ether per 1 tablespoon of base) or added (2-3 drops) to any homemade cosmetic products (creams, masks, lotions, etc.). Peppermint oil requires special care during use, especially for sensitive skin; any excess dosage may lead to irritation or burning of the skin.

Mixed with vegetable oil, mint oil can replace a night nourishing cream or become an excellent restorative mask. The mixture can also be used as a method to combat pimples, acne and other skin conditions.

In its pure form, mint oil can be used by owners of oily and problematic facial skin, applying it with pinpoint strokes to pimples and inflammations twice a day for the first three days, then cauterization is performed once a day every 2-4 days. In the same way, you can use essential oil to treat herpes on the lips.

Homemade Recipes with Peppermint Oil

Toning cosmetic ice with mint oil.

Purified cool water – 200 ml.
Liquid village honey – 1 tsp.
Peppermint essential oil – 3 drops.

In a glass bowl, mix water and honey until the latter is completely dissolved. Finally add peppermint oil. Pour this wonderful composition into ice molds and place in the quick-freezing compartment. Wipe your face with prepared cosmetic ice twice a day, after cleansing it first. This procedure improves skin tone, perfectly cleanses it, and gives freshness.

Refreshing mask with mint oil.

Oatmeal – 2 tbsp. l.
Hot milk – 3 tbsp. l.
Peppermint essential oil – 2 drops.

Pour milk over the cereal and simmer over low heat for a couple of minutes, cover with a lid and leave to cool until the porridge reaches a comfortable temperature. Add mint oil to the warm mixture, stir and apply to cleansed face. After 15 minutes, wash with water at room temperature and apply a regular cream suitable for your skin type. Carry out the procedure twice a week. Additionally, the mask smoothes and nourishes the skin, improves complexion.

Cleansing mask with mint oil.

Yellow clay – 1 tbsp. l.
Cold water – 1 tbsp. l.
Peppermint essential oil – 2 drops.
Grapeseed oil – 2 tsp.
Almond oil – 2 tsp.
Lemon oil – 1 drop.

Dilute the clay powder with water to a not too thick mass (like thick sour cream), add cosmetic and essential oils. Apply the mixture to a previously cleansed face and hold for 15 minutes. Rinse off the composition with water at room temperature, then apply a cream with an intense moisturizing effect. The mask improves blood circulation, saturates the skin with oxygen, and dries out acne on the face.

Nourishing mask for dry skin with mint oil.

Olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.
Peppermint essential oil – 2 drops.

Add the essential component to the warm base oil. The product can be wiped over the skin in the morning and evening, or used as a nourishing mask or night cream, applying it to the face for 15 minutes. Residues are removed with paper napkins.

Contraindications and precautions

  1. Allergic reactions and the presence of individual intolerance.
  2. Do not use on the skin around the eyes.
  3. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  4. Children under 7 years old.

Before using peppermint oil, it is important to do a skin sensitivity test by applying a small amount to the back of your wrist. If after 30 minutes there are no signs of burning, redness or irritation, you can safely use mint oil for cosmetic purposes. Otherwise, using this product on the face is out of the question.