What does it mean at your fingertips?


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In what sense is the adjective used? separate in the excerpt:

Yes, miraculously preserved separate fragments, which were placed in the church archives.

Synonyms for “fingertips”:

Sentences containing "fingertips":

  1. The desire to see the sparkle of his eyes, which made her heart skip a beat, suddenly pierced her from head to fingertips legs
  2. His fists clenched and fingertips stabbed.
  3. She picked off a fatty piece with her claw and examined it fingertip.
  4. (all offers)

What are the “fingertips”?

Concepts associated with the phrase “fingertips”

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Sentences containing "fingertips":

The desire to see the sparkle of his eyes, which made her heart skip a beat, suddenly pierced her from head to fingertips legs

His fists clenched and fingertips stabbed.

She picked off a fatty piece with her claw and examined it fingertip.

Synonyms for "fingertips"

What are the “fingertips”?

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What is the significance of expressing knowledge at the fingertips?


Knowledge at the fingertips is touch. After all, no matter how much you talk about this or that thing, object, until you touch it and take it in your hands, you will never understand what it is. The fingertips have sufficient sensitivity for the brain to form an idea of ​​the hand, the object, the material. Human sensations are transmitted to the brain through the fingers in the form of signals.


This expression tells us that this or that object literally means for a person and in general what we feel during kinesthetic contact with it, that is, what we feel when we touch it. In general, it turns out that the point is that if you want to better understand this or that object and all the phenomena that are associated with it in this world, then you just need to touch it.

Of course, this expression has a lot of truth in itself, but definitely only for that part of the population of this planet whom psychologists classify as kinesthetic, that is, those people who, based on their mental makeup, feel this world better when they touch it.

Kursk At death's door. BotSan, 103. .

Sib. Same thing in the end. SRNG 14, 254; FSS, 95. .

Jarg. they say Joking-iron. About a short man. Maksimov, 196. .

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